How to refresh fragment by clicking on button - kotlin

I want to refresh my fragment by clicking on its button. How to do it?
I try to do it like this but old version of fragment appears on the top of the screen (picture is attached):
binding.checkAnswersButton.setOnClickListener {
requireFragmentManager().beginTransaction().apply {
replace(, QuizFragment())

This will refresh the fragment :
val ft = parentFragmentManager.beginTransaction()


Navigating from fragment A to fragment B and back to fragment A when i click back button in Kotlin

Hey guys i'll just get straight to the point. Here's my problem :
adapterProduk.onItemClick = {
val fragment = FragmentKeteranganProduk()
val transaction = fragmentManager?.beginTransaction()
This code is already working perfectly and no error can be found, but what i want to know that if there's any solution to go back into starting point after the fragment is already changed when i click the back button? It's like intent finish() method but i don't want to "finish()" it yet. Any solution will be appreciated, thanks!

How to reference a button from different view in Fragment. Kotlin

I want to achieve a simple task. I have an invisible button in one layout and a have a Fragment. When this function is executed I want the button in the other layout to become visible. However this layout with the button is not in the Fragment layout, which means I have to reference that button in the Fragment, but I don't know how to go about that.
This is what Fragment will look like to first time users. The images you see are in a recyclerview which inflates a layout. That layout has the invisible button.
Fragment class
//item subscribed
if (subscribeValueFromPref) {
subscribeAbstract.visibility = View.GONE
// abstractDownload.visibility = View.VISIBLE
} else {
subscribeAbstract.visibility = View.VISIBLE
// abstractDownload.visibility = View.VISIBLE
When this line of code executed the button in the fragment is gone and the button from the other layout becomes visible. As you can see I put two strokes in front of that code. Once the code has been executed the layout should look like this.
I want to reference a button in another layout from a fragment class.
Do you even need to communicate between fragments? Your example looks like a single fragment with a subscribe button, and a RecyclerView that contains items which have a button that can be displayed or hidden. You can just make that part of your Adapter's state, like this:
class MyAdapter : RecyclerView.Adapter<ViewHolder>() {
var showDownloadButtons = false
set(value) {
field = value
// call this to update the display (calls onBindViewHolder for items)
override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: ViewHolder, position.Int) {
// when displaying an item, show or hide the download button as appropriate
viewHolder.downloadButton.visibility = if (showDownloadButtons) VISIBLE else INVISIBLE
Then in your fragment, when you work out your UI state based on that subscription value, you can just handle your main button and tell the adapter what to display:
if (subscribeValueFromPref) {
subscribeAbstract.visibility = View.GONE
adapter.showDownloadButtons = true
} else {
subscribeAbstract.visibility = View.VISIBLE
adapter.showDownloadButtons = false

How to replace the fragment from an activity

I created a project in AS with bottom navigation, then added a recycler view to display some movies from TMDB API, now I want to change the fragment when I click on item.
I've implemented the method onClickItem, tried to change the fragment but the new fragment is added on top of the current fragment
before I click an item :
and after I click on one of the items:
Notice that on top of the Spider-Movie appears the text from the new fragment
This is how I "replace" the fragment (this function is inside HomeFragment:
popularMoviesAdapter.onItemClick = { movie ->
Log.d("onItemClick", movie.title)
?.replace(, MovieFragment())?.commit()
This is my fragments component tree:
and I've changed the above .onClickItem with this:
var navController = view?.findNavController()
popularMoviesAdapter.onItemClick = { movie ->
var opt = HomeFragmentDirections.actionNavigationHomeToNavigationMovie()

How Should I implement onbackpressed() in fragment kotlin [duplicate]

I am using The new Navigation Architecture Component in android and I am stuck in clearing the navigation stack after moving to a new fragment.
I am in the loginFragment and I want this fragment to be cleared from the stack when I navigate to the home fragment so that the user will not be returned back to the loginFragment when he presses the back button.
I am using a simple NavHostFragment.findNavController(Fragment).navigate( to navigate.
Current Code :
.addOnCompleteListener(getActivity(), new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
public void onComplete(#NonNull Task<AuthResult> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "signInWithCredential:failure", task.getException());
I tried using the NavOptions in the navigate(), but the back button is still sending me back to the loginFragment
NavOptions.Builder navBuilder = new NavOptions.Builder();
NavOptions navOptions = navBuilder.setPopUpTo(, false).build();
NavHostFragment.findNavController(LoginFragment.this).navigate(, null, navOptions);
First, add attributes app:popUpTo='your_nav_graph_id' and app:popUpToInclusive="true" to the action tag.
tools:layout="#layout/fragment_sign_in" >
app:popUpToInclusive="true" />
Second, navigate to the destination, using above action as parameter.
See the docs for more information.
NOTE: If you navigate using method navigate(#IdRes int resId), you won't get the desired result. Hence, I used method navigate(#NonNull NavDirections directions).
I think your question specifically pertains on how to use the Pop Behavior / Pop To / app:popUpTo (in xml)
In documentation,
Pop up to a given destination before navigating. This pops all non-matching destinations from the back stack until this destination is found.
Example (Simple Job hunting app)
my start_screen_nav graph is like this:
startScreenFragment (start) -> loginFragment -> EmployerMainFragment
-> loginFragment -> JobSeekerMainFragment
if I want to navigate to EmployerMainFragment and pop all including startScreenFragment then the code will be:
app:popUpToInclusive="true" />
if I want to navigate to EmployerMainFragment and pop all excluding startScreenFragment then the code will be:
if I want to navigate to EmployerMainFragment and pop loginFragment but not startScreenFragment then the code will be:
In my case i needed to remove everything in the back Stack before i open a new fragment so i used this code
navController.popBackStack(, true);
the first line removes the back Stack till it reaches the fragment specified in my case it's the home fragment so it's removes all the back stack completely , and when the user clicks back in the fragment_company he closes the app.
Going to add another answer here as none of the above worked for me ... we have multiple nav graphs.
findNavController().navigate(,null,NavOptions.Builder().setPopUpTo(findNavController().graph.startDestination, true).build())
This was the only way that I could successfully clear the full back stack. Google really need to make this simpler.
NOTE: Clear task is deprecated, official description is
This method is deprecated. Use setPopUpTo(int, boolean) with the id of the NavController's graph and set inclusive to true.
Old Answer
If you don't wanna go through all that fuzz in code, you can simply check Clear Task in Launch Options in properties of the action.
Edit: As of Android Studio 3.2 Beta 5, Clear Task is no longer visible in Launch Options window, but you can still use it in navigation's XML code, in action tag, by adding
NavController navController
=Navigation.findNavController(requireActivity(),;// initialize navcontroller
if (navController.getCurrentDestination().getId() == //for avoid crash
NavDirections action =
//for clear current fragment from stack
NavOptions options = new
NavOptions.Builder().setPopUpTo(, true).build();
navController.navigate(action, options);
I finally figure it out thanks to How to disable UP in Navigation for some fragment with the new Navigation Architecture Component?
I had to specify .setClearTask(true) as a NavOption.
.addOnCompleteListener(getActivity(), new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
public void onComplete(#NonNull Task<AuthResult> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
Log.d(TAG, "signInWithCredential:success");
NavOptions.Builder navBuilder = new NavOptions.Builder();
NavOptions navOptions = navBuilder.setClearTask(true).build();
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "signInWithCredential:failure", task.getException());
use this code
then call new Fragment
android version 4.1.2
Here is how I am getting it done.
//here the refer to the fragment one wants to pop back once pressed back from the newly navigated fragment
val navOption = NavOptions.Builder().setPopUpTo(, false).build()
//now how to navigate to new fragment
.navigate(, null, navOption)
// Navigation library
def nav_version = "2.3.5"
implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:$nav_version"
implementation "androidx.navigation:navigation-ui-ktx:$nav_version"
This solution work for me
findNavController().popBackStack(<Current Fragment Id In NavGraph>, true)
findNavController().navigate(< Your Destination Fragment in NavGraph>)
In my case where I used Navigation component with NavigationView (menu drawer):
mNavController.popBackStack(, true)
.setPopUpTo(, true)
I wanted to clear the stack after clicking on logout on side menu drawer!
Hope that helped someone!
You can override the back pressed of the base activity like this :
override fun onBackPressed() {
val navigationController = nav_host_fragment.findNavController()
if (navigationController.currentDestination?.id == {
} else if (navigationController.currentDestination?.id == {
// do nothing
} else {
Non of the solutions above works for me.
After spending hours on it, here is my solution:
Note: I have multiple nav_graphs and switching between fragments in different nav_graphs.
Define your action as below in xml:
app:popUpToInclusive="true" />
Navigate using action above from your Java/Kotlin code:
findNavController( {
For Jetpack Compose ❤️
navHostController.navigate(Routes.HOME) {
this.popUpTo(Routes.ONBOARDING) {
this.inclusive = true
I struggled for a while to prevent the back button from going back to my start fragment, which in my case was an intro message that should only appear once.
The easy solution was to create a global action pointing to the destination that the user should stay on. You have to set app:popUpTo="..." correctly - set it to the destination you want to get popped off. In my case it was my intro message. Also set app:popUpToInclusive="true"
In my case, I am using 2 different activities that have their own respective navigation graphs. My first activity is the host for "nav_graph" and has fragments that deal with authentification and the second is the host for "nav_graph_home". Here you can see the settings I have done for nav_graph.
nav_graph example
Then back in my code for the login fragment, I have this written :
After the user logs in and they hit the back button the app will close. Remember to set the pop behavior so it pops till your current navigation graph that contains your login fragment without including it.
After this, the up button still appears in the top bar. To avoid this behavior we need to tell the first activity which fragments are considered top level. To do this simply add in the params list of the "setupActionBarWithNavController()" method in addition to the nav host fragment an App bar configuration that contains a set of the home fragment of your first navigation graph and your second. Your code should look something like this:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(R.layout.activity_main) {
private lateinit var navController: NavController
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Retrieve NavController from the NavHostFragment
val navHostFragment = supportFragmentManager
.findFragmentById( as NavHostFragment
navController = navHostFragment.navController
// Set up the action bar for use with the NavController
setupActionBarWithNavController(navController, AppBarConfiguration(setOf(,
* Handle navigation when the user chooses Up from the action bar.
override fun onSupportNavigateUp(): Boolean {
return navController.navigateUp() || super.onSupportNavigateUp()
This is my first ever contribution, hope this helps.
For androidx.compose version 1.2.0+
I had a few issues with lower versions but 1.2 plus (beta at the time of writing this), works perfectly.
Better syntax for the navGraph in Compose:
navController.navigate( {
navController.graph.startDestinationRoute?.let { route ->
// use saveState = false to NOT save the state for the popped route
popUpTo(route) { saveState = true }
launchSingleTop = true
restoreState = true
I am using button to navigate to other fragments so on each button click I am doing this.
val navOptions = NavOptions.Builder().setLaunchSingleTop(true).setPopUpTo(, false).build()
findNavController(, null, navOptions)
You can do as simple as:
If you want to check the count you can do as:

talkback not focusing by default on any view on start of inner fragment

I am using accessibility talkback functionality and I am facing one problem I have one bottom navigation in the parent activity and from the setting tab I am opening another fragment(inner fragment) using .add but the inner fragment view not getting focus by default
I also tried with . replace but it's not focusing by default on fragment creation.
open fragment code
val details = DetailsFragment.newInstance();
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(, details).commit()
and I used this extension function to not get focus on the previous fragment from this source
fun FragmentManager.setupForAccessibility() {
addOnBackStackChangedListener {
val lastFragmentWithView = fragments.lastOrNull { it.view != null }
for (fragment in fragments) {
if (fragment == lastFragmentWithView) {
fragment.view?.importantForAccessibility =
} else {
fragment.view?.importantForAccessibility =
in normal I show that at the start of the first fragment it's focusing top first Textview and speaking automatic but in the inner fragment it's not focusing by default so what should I do to get focus by default on the first view by default
I already try
and request focus but it's not working
Please suggest me any help would be highly appriciated
I've had the best luck using
on the view you want to focus, or maybe
}, someDelayMillis)
to let the system do whatever it does, and then jump in after a moment and force a focus change.
But this might be considered bad accessibility, if it's interfering with the usual navigation, and that might be why it's so hard to get focus working consistently! It might be better to just announce the new fragment (with something like view.announceForAccessibility("new fragment")) and let the user start navigating from the top. It depends on your app, it's your call
Also you probably want to use replace for your fragment instead of add, if you add a fragment on top of an old one, TalkBack can get stuck looking at the "invisible" views on the old fragment
this is my improved code that extends from #cactustictacs
//target to specific a view
binding.getRoot().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 300);