Can you retry a Zig function call when it returns an error? - error-handling

Zig's documentation shows different methods of error handling including bubbling the error value up the call stack, catching the error and using a default value, panicking, etc.
I'm trying to figure out how to retry functions which provide error values.
For example, in the below snippet from ziglearn, is there a way to retry the nextLine function in the event that a user enters greater than 100 characters?
fn nextLine(reader: anytype, buffer: []u8) !?[]const u8 {
var line = (try reader.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(
)) orelse return null;
// trim annoying windows-only carriage return character
if (#import("builtin").os.tag == .windows) {
return std.mem.trimRight(u8, line, "\r");
} else {
return line;
test "read until next line" {
const stdout =;
const stdin =;
try stdout.writeAll(
\\ Enter your name:
var buffer: [100]u8 = undefined;
const input = (try nextLine(stdin.reader(), &buffer)).?;
try stdout.writer().print(
"Your name is: \"{s}\"\n",

This should do what you want.
const input = while (true) {
const x = nextLine(stdin.reader(), &buffer) catch continue;
break x;
} else unreachable; // (see comment) fallback value could be an empty string maybe?
To break it down:
instead of try, you can use catch to do something in the case of an error, and we're restarting the loop in this case.
while loops can also be used as expressions and you can break from them with a value. they also need an else branch, in case the loop ends without breaking away from it. in our case this is impossible since we're going to loop forever until nextLine suceeds, but if we had another exit condition (like a limit on the number of retries), then we would need to provide a "fallback" value, instead of unreachable.
You can also make it a one-liner:
const input = while (true) break nextLine(stdin.reader(), &buffer) catch continue else unreachable;
Hopefully the new self-hosted compiler will be able to pick up on the fact that the else branch is not necessary, since we're going to either break with a value loop forever.


variable scope in the context of a match pattern

I have a file in which each line is of the form :
key$password (key + separator + password)
so that I can do
let (key , password) = line.split_once("$").unwrap() ;** // to get key and password
the first line is special (id, secret_key) and I need this secret key to decode the passwords
in a function where I have declared :
let mount count = 0;
let user_password = String::new();**
Then I run a loop
for line in reader.lines() {
count += 1;
match line {
match count {
1 => { here I split_once and get a value of user_password )
_ => now I want to parse the following lines using user_password obtained from the 1 arm of the match
... etc
my problem is that although user_password is valid in arm 1 (or an if then clause), but is not set in the context of arm 2
There is something that I cannot understand : I declare usr_password in the whole context of the function, in the match arm 1 I set the variable to a value ,but when I am in arm 2 (that is for line 2 .. end this variable is not set
any help would be terribly appreciated (I'm a beginner, sorry)
fn logic(file_contents: &str) {
// this is an iterator, it has its own state and you can call
// .next to get one line
let mut lines = file_contents.lines();
// so called `let-else` statement, if `` if `None`
// the else block is executed
let Some(header) = else {
// `todo!` will terminate your program if reached
// the advantage is that compiler is happy and you
// can debug happy path
todo!("handle missing header");
// same as above
let Some((key, password)) = header.split_once("$") else {
todo!("handle invalid header")
// now that we taken first line and processed it, you can consume
// the remaining lines by a loop
for line in lines {
// its always good to separate the concerns of your program
let Some(res) = decode(line, key, password) else {
continue; // or handle the error
// use `res`
// TODO: choose appropriate return type, `()` is placeholder for now
// `Option<T>` signifies function can fail and return nothing
fn decode(line: &str, key: &str, password: &str) -> Option<()> {
todo!("implement decode");

Kotlin how do I stop the program with the response output on the screen?

I have an endless cycle going on. How do I stop the program to output the answer? The meaning of my program: reads all characters (including enter) and outputs the sum of only numbers.
fun main() {
fun StrToSum(str: String): Long {
var sum : Long = 0
var next = ""
for (symbol in str + " ") {
if (symbol == '-') {
if ((next != "-") && (next != "")) {
sum += next!!.toLong()
next = symbol.toString()
} else if (symbol.isDigit()) {
next += symbol
} else if (next != "") {
if (next != "-") {
sum += next!!.toLong()
next = ""
return sum
var string: String = ""
while (1<2) { //How stop it ?
var str = readLine()!!.toString()
string += " " + str
println (StrToSum(string)) //answer
maybe there is some kind of keyboard shortcut ? I work for IntelliJ from Jetbrains
You can terminate the currently running program, but that will kill it - it won't be able to output the answer. You need to code that handling as part of your design, so you enable the user to finish and print your result.
The usual way people do this is to have some kind of cancel input, like entering an x or something:
// while (true) is a typical way to create an infinite loop
while (true) {
var str = readLine()!!.toString()
// look for the cancel token, break out of the loop if you see it
if (str.lowercase() == "x") break
string += " " + str
If you don't want to do that (remember you can make the cancel token anything, like the word "cancel" if you like, and put a prompt on the screen telling the user to type it to finish) then you'd have to do something like detecting other keycodes like Ctrl+Z or whatever - and I'm not sure how you'd do that from a basic command-line program reading from standard input. Maybe someone knows some tricks you could use! It's not something I've ever had to do, so I can't help you there
edit If you're happy to just look for control characters like ^D in the lines of standard input, you could do this kind of thing
if (str.firstOrNull().code == 4) break // char value for ^D
But that still requires the user to press Enter after the Ctrl+D, so the line including that character can be sent from the terminal to standard input. That's just how it works, outside of the solutions in the discussion I linked which involve OS-level interaction or building a GUI so you have access to the raw keypresses.

How to "Catch" both a non-numeric and Incomplete ArrayList capacity

I created an ArrayList that has a capacity of 5 Ints. I can get the if statement to run if its less than 5 but I can't seem to get the else statement to "Catch" Non-Numerics. For example if I enter 1,2,3,Hello; it will print "Wrong number of sales provided."
fun main(){
val stats = ArrayList<Int>(5)
println("Enter your numbers: ")
try {
while (stats.size < 5) {
}catch (e: NumberFormatException){
if (stats.size != 5){
println("The wrong number of sales provided.")
println("All inputs should be numeric.")
exitProcess(status = 1)
fun calStats(sales: Collection<Int>){
val min = sales.minOrNull()
val max = sales.maxOrNull()
println("Min: $min\nMax: $max\nRange: ${(max!! - min!!)}\nAverage: ${(BigDecimal(sales.average()).setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR))} ")
The problem is how you are handling your exception, in fact since you are checking the size of your array first, if you enter 1,2,3,'Hello' and there are 4 elements in this list it will output the wrong message.
You should nest your try ... catch block inside the while loop.
Actually the if (stats.size != 5) control is reduntant since the while loop will execute until stats has a size of 5, unless the NumberFormatException is thrown.
Try to edit your code like this:
fun main() {
val stats = ArrayList<Int>(5)
println("Enter your numbers: ")
while (stats.size < 5) {
try {
} catch (e: NumberFormatException) {
println("All inputs should be numeric.")
exitProcess(status = 1)
Your logic loops through, reading lines and adding them until you've collected 5 values. As soon as it fails at parsing one of those lines as an Int, it throws a NumberFormatException and you hit the catch block.
The first thing the catch block does is check how many values you've successfully added to the stats list. If it's not exactly 5, it prints the "wrong number" error instead of the "inputs need to be numeric" one.
But if you think about it, the size is never going to be 5 when you hit the catch block - if you've added 5 items successfully, the while loop ends and there's no way it's going to throw. If you have 4 items and the 5th one fails, it doesn't get added, so you have 4 items when you hit the catch block.
If you need to do it this way, you probably want to keep a counter of how many lines you've read and refer to that. But you'll still throw once you hit the first non-numeric value (even if there's 5 of them to be read in total) and the counter will show how far you've got, not how many there are.
Probably the easiest way is to read in 5 lines to a list, and then transform them to Ints and add those to your collection. That way you can check if you have less than 5 before you start, and handle that case separately.
Something like
// create a list by calling readline() 5 times - produces null at EOF
val lines = List(5) { readLine() }
if (lines.contains(null)) { // handle your "not enough items" here }
// parse all lines as Ints - any that fail will be null
val stats = { it.toIntOrNull() } // or map(String::toIntOrNull)
if (stats.contains(null)) { // handle bad values here }
Kotlin's style tries to avoid exceptions, which is why you have functions like toIntOrNull alongside toInt - it lets you use nulls as a "failure value" that you can handle in normal code. But you can always throw an exception if you want (e.g. when you get a null line) and handle it in your catch block.

Is it valid to rebind a variable in a while loop?

Is it valid to rebind a mutable variable in a while loop? I am having trouble getting the following trivial parser code to work. My intention is to replace the newslice binding with a progressively shorter slice as I copy characters out of the front of the array.
/// Test if a char is an ASCII digit
fn is_digit(c:u8) -> bool {
match c {
30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39 => true,
_ => false
/// Parse an integer from the front of an ascii string,
/// and return it along with the remainder of the string
fn parse_int(s:&[u8]) -> (u32, &[u8]) {
use std::str;
let mut newslice = s; // bytecopy of the fat pointer?
let mut n:Vec<u8> = vec![];
// Pull the leading digits into a separate array
while newslice.len()>0 && is_digit(newslice[0])
newslice = newslice.slice(1,newslice.len()-1);
//newslice = newslice[1..];
match from_str::<u32>(str::from_utf8(newslice).unwrap()) {
Some(i) => (i,newslice),
None => panic!("Could not convert string to int. Corrupted pgm file?"),
fn main(){
let s:&[u8] = b"12345";
let (i,newslice) = parse_int(s);
println!("length of returned slice: {}",newslice.len());
parse_int is failing to return a slice that is smaller than the one I passed in:
length of returned slice: 5
task '<main>' panicked at 'assertion failed: newslice.len() == 0', <anon>:37
playpen: application terminated with error code 101
Run this code in the rust playpen
As Chris Morgan mentioned, your call to slice passes the wrong value for the end parameter. newslice.slice_from(1) yields the correct slice.
is_digit tests for the wrong byte values. You meant to write 0x30, etc. instead of 30.
You call str::from_utf8 on the wrong value. You meant to call it on n.as_slice() rather than newslice.
Rebinding variables like that is perfectly fine. The general rule is simple: if the compiler doesn’t complain, it’s OK.
It’s a very simple error that you’ve made: your slice end point is incorrect.
slice produces the interval [start, end)—a half-open range, not closed. Therefore when you wish to just remove the first character, you should be writing newslice.slice(1, newslice.len()), not newslice.slice(1, newslice.len() - 1). You could also write newslice.slice_from(1).

How to test a function's output (stdout/stderr) in unit tests

I have a simple function I want to test:
func (t *Thing) print(min_verbosity int, message string) {
if t.verbosity >= minv {
But how can I test what the function actually sends to standard output? Test::Output does what I want in Perl. I know I could write all my own boilerplate to do the same in Go (as described here):
orig = os.Stdout
r,w,_ = os.Pipe()
thing.print("Some message")
var buf bytes.Buffer
io.Copy(&buf, r)
os.Stdout = orig
if(buf.String() != "Some message") {
But that's a lot of extra work for every single test. I'm hoping there's a more standard way, or perhaps an abstraction library to handle this.
One thing to also remember, there's nothing stopping you from writing functions to avoid the boilerplate.
For example I have a command line app that uses log and I wrote this function:
func captureOutput(f func()) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
return buf.String()
Then used it like this:
output := captureOutput(func() {
assert.Equal(t, "removed certificate\n", output)
Using this assert library:
You can do one of three things. The first is to use Examples.
The package also runs and verifies example code. Example functions may include a concluding line comment that begins with "Output:" and is compared with the standard output of the function when the tests are run. (The comparison ignores leading and trailing space.) These are examples of an example:
func ExampleHello() {
// Output: hello
The second (and more appropriate, IMO) is to use fake functions for your IO. In your code you do:
var myPrint = fmt.Print
func (t *Thing) print(min_verbosity int, message string) {
if t.verbosity >= minv {
myPrint(message) // N.B.
And in your tests:
func init() {
myPrint = fakePrint // fakePrint records everything it's supposed to print.
func Test...
The third is to use fmt.Fprintf with an io.Writer that is os.Stdout in production code, but bytes.Buffer in tests.
You could consider adding a return statement to your function to return the string that is actually printed out.
func (t *Thing) print(min_verbosity int, message string) string {
if t.verbosity >= minv {
return message
return ""
Now, your test could just check the returned string against an expected string (rather than the print out). Maybe a bit more in-line with Test Driven Development (TDD).
And, in your production code, nothing would need to change, since you don't have to assign the return value of a function if you don't need it.