Use Sitemap generated at Back End in Nuxt (Vue) application - vue.js

I am using Nuxt Robots for the dynamic creation of robots.txt file for different environments.
This is my robots config:
robots: {
UserAgent: '*',
Allow: '/',
Sitemap: `${process.env.SITE_URL}sitemap.xml`
But, Sitemap is generated by Back End, and I need to refer to it.
Code: ${process.env.SITE_URL}sitemap.xml
Example of link to Sitemap file for staging environment:
And I need to refer to it, and make this functionality work, because now when I am opening in my browser, the browser thinks that this is the route of my application, and my app shows 404 page (because there are no such page)
How could I fix it, and see Sitemap generated by Back End, when I am opening


VueJS real SEO friendly 404 page for search engines like Google / MSN

I am not VueJS programmer, but I work with in a company where we developing a VueJS website.
The website have articles. The URL is something like this:
However if you type:
You should go to 404 page.
I inspected several websites and stackoverflow questions, they explain how you should do catch-all router etc, so finally you get a page with "404 Not Found" text on it.
However, in ALL cases, the HTTP code send to the client is not 404, but 200.
With my team, I elaborated this:
When you go to any article, you get something like this:
<div id="app">
<app />
<script src="/js/client.js"></script>
Of course, if you click on a link, this page remains and everything is loaded via JS dynamically.
Then lets suppose article is not found.
VueJS will be able to show "404 Not Found" as text, but because HTTP headers are already send (HTML page is already loaded), it will not be able to send 404 code to the client.
For the same reason, VueJS can not send 301 code redirect to the client.
VueJS can incorrectly change the URL in the browser to "" - this is NOT a correct solution for search engines, since this is purely client-side (in-browser) "trick".
The other think it can do is to execute fancy redirect, as shown here Vue-router redirect on page not found (404) :
Vue.component("page-not-found", {
template: "",
created: function() {
// Redirect outside the app using plain old javascript
window.location.href = "/404.htm";
This will make the browser to reload the /404.htm page from the server and if the server (Apache / Nginx) is configured correctly, it will send "correct" 404 code to the client.
However I don't think Google and MSN will recognize that is a 404 page.
Am I missing anything?
Is there another way VueJS might handle this situation?
How VueJS websites gets indexed from search engines like Google and MSN?
Off topic bonus question - can VueJS generate visible HTML code that contains the article?
If that's a single page application, you can set up dynamic route matching with parameters with vue-router. And dynamically update your meta tags with javascript. I am using quasar vue framework, which handles all of this SEO feature.
I added slug data to the article saved in the database and use it as a route parameter.
You can use quasar vue framework, develop vue app in SSR mode and deploy it to the server.

How would I make Vue Router work with GitHub Pages?

I just deployed my Vue app to my website using GitHub Pages.
The website is successfully hosted at
Here's the problem; When you click the "links" button at the top of the page, it successfully nagivates you to, but when you try visiting the URL itself (typing in into your browser, it returns a 404.
There are other links that have the same error, such as /discord, /github, etc.
I tried the solution at Vue Router, GitHub Pages, and Custom Domain Not Working With Routed Links, but it failed as well.
What would be the solution for this?
As stated in this section of the HTML5 mode
Here comes a problem, though: Since our app is a single page client side app, without a proper server configuration, the users will get a 404 error if they access directly in their browser. Now that's ugly.
Not to worry: To fix the issue, all you need to do is add a simple catch-all fallback route to your server. If the URL doesn't match any static assets, it should serve the same index.html page that your app lives in. Beautiful, again!
So, the solution would be to use something like that
const routes = [
// will match everything and put it under `$route.params.pathMatch`
{ path: '/:pathMatch(.*)*', name: 'NotFound', component: NotFound },
On Netlify, you also need to add the following for it to work
/* /index.html 200
So I'm not sure about Github Pages but you should have something similar there, some way of catching all routes and sending them to the index.html of your initial SPA page load.
Otherwise maybe just give a try to Netlify with the _redirects configuration.
Maybe this article could help regarding Github pages.
The hack in your given link seems to be the only viable solution but it's still bad for SEO so yeah, depends if you want any (I guess so).
In that case, you could try Nuxt.js, Gridsome or Vitesse if you want to have some statically generated pages (best approach regarding SEO).

Error 404 on a page that exists and that works fine through internal link

I created a website with several pages on Vue.js.
Everything is working fine locally, but when I deploy to Heroku, all pages are only working when I click on an internal link in my menu that redirects to the corresponding page (using router push).
When I try to access directly /any-page from the browser I get a 404 with a message saying "Cannot GET /any-page" whereas the same page is displayed correctly via a click on a link.
As I mentioned when I locally serve my app I don't have this problem.
I really can't see where this can come from, thanks in advance for your help.
There's a deployment guide specifically for Heroku in the official Vue CLI documentation.
You'll quickly notice the relevant information:
"root": "dist",
"clean_urls": true,
"routes": {
"/**": "index.html"
For SPA's (Single Page Applications), you'll want to point every route to the index. Vue router will take care of navigating to the proper page.
Heroku is serving the contents of your Vue build folder. Since Vue builds the app as a single index.html file, only the main route works.
Vue doesn't actually navigate to the route, it rather rewrites the the browser url using the history API and handles the loading of the new route.
You could use one of these options:
You could use mode: "hash" to fix routes when reloading the page. However this will add a # before every route.
const router = new VueRouter({
mode: "hash",
routes: [...]
Write an Node.JS (eg Express) app that routes every request to your index.html file. This is called a middleware

NuxtJs generate for dynamic websites?

I'm creating a simple demo app with NuxtJs. The homepage shows static content that is not changed very often. There is another route for showing a list of users: /users. And one for showing user's details: /user/id.
Now my question is what's the difference between nuxt generate and nuxt build? which one should I use?
I think nuxt generate page will not render dynamic routes like users and user/id, Am I right? If I am right, then generate command will generate a pre-rendered HTML for homepage only. So using generate is always better than using build right ?
In universal mode, nuxt generate is for static site generation. nuxt build is for SSR site.
In 2.13.0, Nuxt introduced a target: static feature, make sure to
check it.
A static site has the best performance, and it is easy to deploy on nginx or other services, like Netlify.
By default, nuxt generate only render your static home page and /users page, not the dynamic /user/:id route.
But you can config nuxt to help you generate the dynamic routes.
If you have a fixed set of users, you can use functions to generate the routes.
If the users data is constantly in change, you can config nuxt to fallback to SPA on the dynamic routes. But you can't get any benefit for SEO on the dynamic routes.
For SPA fallback, in the generate config, define a custom page for SPA fallback:
export default {
generate: {
fallback: "custom_sap_fallbackpage.html"
Config the fallback page for unknow route in your deployment, for example, in Nginx:
location / {
try_files $uri /custom_sap_fallbackpage.html;
nuxt build will build you a SSR site. The html is rendered on the server and sent to the client. It add some work load on the server and maybe is not that easy to deploy, but the main gain is the SEO. And to some users with low end devices or slow internet connection, maybe your site will perform better than depolying in SPA mode.
Basically, you need to consider:
The website's content is static or constantly changing?
nuxt generate for static. nuxt generate or nuxt build or spa mode for sites with dynamic routes.
Do you need SEO?
SPA wouldn't get any SEO.
How you deploy the site?
For static hosting service, only nuxt generate or spa mode will work.
your website is heavy with js code, and you want best performance for user with slow internet and slow devices. Or SEO is important for your site with a lot of dynamic content.
SSR is for you, use nuxt build.
There are three different deployment and generation options in Nuxt.
Universal Mode
In this mode you build your project and then you ship it to a node.js server, the first view is always rendered dynamically on the server and then turns into SPA, and works in the client. That's great for SEO, and for consuming API's but you cannot upload it to any hosting, for example on a shared VPS.
So - Node.js Host is required here.
Well basically how Vue.js works by default, virtually no SEO at all, you can upload it on a shared VPS hosting, because it's just an index.html and build.js file and it's working entirely on the client-side (in the browser).
We can go for a static hosting here.
Static App
This is where Nuxt.js shines, because this mode will generate an index.html file and the corresponding js/css assets for each route you have in the dist folder, and you can then just take those numerous files, and upload them to any hosting, you don't need a server here, because your first views are already pre-rendered, unlike Universal where the node server should pre-render the first view. So you get SSR here, and your main concert as far as I understand is if you get SPA too, and that's the best part as in Universal mode, after the first request the app continues in SPA mode, how great is that eh?
Anyways there are some things you should take into consideration, that if you want to generate index.html for dynamic content you need to make something that's kinda a mood killer. You need to add this to nuxt-config.js
generate: {
routes: () => {
return [
You can also use axios to make http request and return array here. Or even export default array from a file and include it here, where you combine all your dynamic routes. It's a one time job, but if you add new crud in your backend, that would add up 1 more request to run on executing nuxt generate that should be described in nuxt-config.
So that's the reason I would prefer to pay more for a server, but to host a Universal App, instead static generated, because that's the part that doesn't make it really great for consuming API's in my personal opinion, but it is a great future anyways.
when you website update data often you don't need to use build by using npm generate your website static, load fast and SEO friendly for search engine and more secure and if your project has data NuxtJS download all data from database and change data to .json file statically.
if your website load data from the database you must use npm build to load data dynamically from database. use mode "spa" for a single page without client-side rendering or "universal" in nuxt.config.js for client-side rendering.
for dynamic routing use npm build for change route parameters from the database.

Vanity urls for files in Vue 2.1

Reading through the Vue Router docs this seems like it should be pretty simply, but I can't get it to work.
First I tried to use the file in S3
path: '/rules',
redirect: ''
This resulted in the redirect being appended to localhost:8080/#, so I got localhost:8080/#/
Also tried using the same approach with the static folder:
path: '/rules',
redirect: '../../static/rules.pdf'
This kept the path relative, but inestead of showing the pdf, it took me to localhost:8080/#/static/rules.pdf which isn't the path. localhost:8080/static/rules.pdf is what I need. This needs to use hash mode as well.
Using alias mode isn't much help either because I don't have components for these files. I know these redirects can be down on the server level, but I want to do it within Vue Router.
I don't think this is possible out of the box with vue-router - it expects the redirect value to be another client-side route, not a server-side url. I think your best bet would be to use a beforeEnter guard on your /rules route to redirect (using window.location) to the url. Alternatively, you could have your /rules route return a component that displays the pdf in an iframe.