SQL query - Get records between same day-month period but year - sql

I have a table with records from 2010 until now with a datetime field. Need to find records in same period over the years.
Example of what I need:
Rows that are between two dates(D1 and D2) that came from an input form: 11-15(November 15) and 01-15(January 15, next year)
2021-11-15 to 2022-01-15
2020-11-15 to 2021-01-15
2019-11-15 to 2020-01-15
and so on....
Additional info:
Search dates came from a form so it is not always same. If date period happens to be in same year my query works.
What i have tried:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE (DATEPART(MONTH, date_field)>=11
AND DATEPART(DAY, date_field)>=15)
AND (DATEPART(MONTH, date_field)<=1
AND DATEPART(DAY, datefield)<=15)
But obviously it does not work.....
Any ideas ?

You can do it with a tally
with t0(n) as (
select n
from (
values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10)
) t(n)
), tally as(
select top(13) 2009 + row_number() over(order by t1.n) year
from t0 t1, t0 t2, t0 t3
select m.*
from tally t
join mytable m on m.date_field >= datefromparts(t.year, 11, 15)
and date_field < datefromparts(t.year + 1, 1, 16);

You need to change your where condition to yield expected records
since you want records within a certain day/month range, The records can fall within either one criterion or other, because of AND the records fail to satisfy the where clause hence nothing is fetched
SELECT * FROM my_table
WHERE ( DATEPART(MONTH, date_field) >=11 AND DATEPART(DAY, date_field)>=15
OR ( DATEPART(MONTH, date_field) <=1 AND DATEPART(DAY, datefield)<=15)
this should do the trick


SQL Need days of selected week as columns

Im in current need of making a query that returns based on a week all the days between the week but I need to use them as columns so that I can use rows per day for that week, I took an example I found here on forums
;WITH TestData(N, Order_Date, Net_Amount) AS (
SELECT 1 N, CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE) Order_Date, RAND() * 100 Net_Amount
SELECT N+1 N, CAST(GETDATE()-N/5 AS DATE) Order_Date, RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) * 100 Net_Amount FROM TestData
WHERE N < 20
SELECT TestData.Order_Date, TestData.Net_Amount INTO #Order FROM TestData
;WITH Days(N,DayOfTheWeek) AS (
SELECT N+1 N,DATEADD(DAY, 1, DayOfTheWeek) DayOfTheWeek FROM Days
SELECT d.DayOfTheWeek, SUM(Net_Amount) TotalAmount
FROM Days d
LEFT JOIN #Order ON d.DayOfTheWeek = Order_Date
GROUP BY d.DayOfTheWeek
This is my end result
But I need to display the days of the week in columns instead of rows
Result expected
thx for your help

Detect if a month is missing and insert them automatically with a select statement (MSSQL)

I am trying to write a select statement which detects if a month is not existent and automatically inserts that month with a value 0. It should insert all missing months from the first entry to the last entry.
My table looks like this:
After the statement it should look like this:
You need a recursive CTE to get all the years in the table (and the missing ones if any) and another one to get all the month numbers 1-12.
A CROSS join of these CTEs will be joined with a LEFT join to the table and finally filtered so that rows prior to the first year/month and later of the last year/month are left out:
limits AS (
SELECT MIN(year) min_year, -- min year in the table
MAX(year) max_year, -- max year in the table
MIN(DATEFROMPARTS(year, monthnum, 1)) min_date, -- min date in the table
MAX(DATEFROMPARTS(year, monthnum, 1)) max_date -- max date in the table
FROM tablename
years(year) AS ( -- recursive CTE to get all the years of the table (and the missing ones if any)
SELECT min_year FROM limits
SELECT year + 1
FROM years
WHERE year < (SELECT max_year FROM limits)
months(monthnum) AS ( -- recursive CTE to get all the month numbers 1-12
SELECT monthnum + 1
FROM months
WHERE monthnum < 12
SELECT y.year, m.monthnum,
DATENAME(MONTH, DATEFROMPARTS(y.year, m.monthnum, 1)) month,
COALESCE(value, 0) value
FROM months m CROSS JOIN years y
LEFT JOIN tablename t
ON t.year = y.year AND t.monthnum = m.monthnum
WHERE DATEFROMPARTS(y.year, m.monthnum, 1)
BETWEEN (SELECT min_date FROM limits) AND (SELECT max_date FROM limits)
ORDER BY y.year, m.monthnum
See the demo.
You should not be storing date components in two separate columns; instead, you should have just one column, with a proper date-like datatype.
One approach is to use a recursive query to generate all starts of month between the earliest and latest date in the table, then brin the table with a left join.
In SQL Server:
with cte as (
select min(datefromparts(year, monthnum, 1)) as dt,
max(datefromparts(year, monthnum, 1)) as dt_max
from mytable
union all
select dateadd(month, 1, dt)
from cte
where dt < dt_max
select c.dt, coalesce(t.value, 0) as value
from cte c
left join mytable t on datefromparts(t.year, t.month, 1) = c.dt
If your data spreads over more that 100 months, you need to add option(maxrecursion 0) at the end of the query.
You can extract the date components in the final select if you like:
year(c.dt) as yr,
month(c.dt) as monthnum,
datename(month, c.dt) as monthname,
coalesce(t.value, 0) as value
from ...

How to generate temp table with integers 1-52 for weeks of year to join on?

I need to create a temporary table (I think) that contains a single WeekID field with values 1 through 52, indicating each week of the calendar year. I want to be able to left join against this table on the week number based on some data I have to indicate totals for each week of the year.
Preferably would like to do this in a single query.
What I have been using outputs the last 5 weeks in which records exist, as opposed to the actual last 5 weeks, in which totals may be 0.
Here is my errant query that gives me last 5 weeks totals where tickets actually got opened:
DATEPART(year, t.TicketQueuedDateTime) AS 'TicketYear',
DATEPART(week, t.TicketQueuedDateTime) AS 'TicketWeek',
COUNT(t.TicketStatus) AS 'WeekTotal'
FROM TicketTable t
GROUP BY DATEPART(year, t.TicketQueuedDateTime), DATEPART(week, t.TicketQueuedDateTime)
ORDER BY TicketYear DESC, TicketWeek DESC) val
ORDER BY val.TicketYear, val.TicketWeek
Current output:
TicketYear TicketWeek WeekTotal
2018 25 13
2018 26 10
2018 27 4
2018 29 2
2018 32 1
This works great; however, I want to show the actual totals for the actual last 5 weeks, even if there hasn't been any tickets (a "0" output should be filled in where there are "gap" weeks with no tickets as well).
Expected output (assuming for sake of this post that we're in week 33 and there have been no tickets this week:
TicketYear TicketWeek WeekTotal
2018 29 2
2018 30 0
2018 31 0
2018 32 1
2018 33 0
(note: weeks with no tickets gaps are filled with "0" value, and reflects the actual last 5 weeks including current week)
MSSQL 2016 Enterprise Edition
Without creating temporary table, you can simplify this query using CTE, like below.
- Use recursive CTE to generate week numbers
- Get distinct years from TicketTable
- Cross join distinct years and weeks to get all combinations
- Then left join it with TicketTable to get count for each year-week
;With WEEK_CTE as (
Select 1 as WeekNo
SELECT 1 + WeekNo from WEEK_CTE
WHERE WeekNo < 52
Select yr.Year AS 'TicketYear'
, wk.WeekNo AS 'TicketWeek'
, COUNT(t.TicketStatus) AS 'WeekTotal'
from Week_CTE wk
cross join (select distinct year(TicketQueuedDateTime) as [Year] from TicketTable) yr
left join TicketTable t on wk.WeekNo = DATEPART(WEEK, t.TicketQueuedDateTime) and yr.Year = YEAR(t.TicketQueuedDateTime)
group by yr.Year, wk.WeekNo
You could generate such a table in a number of ways. If you don't already have a tally table in your database (i.e. a table with sequential integers in it), I'd suggest creating one, as their usefulness is endless. Regardless, you can create one on the fly using row_number(). Then just subtract the integer value you generated from the current date in weeks, selecting the top 52 of em. Strip out the year and week, and you my friend, have got yourself the query to populate your join table.
-- Creating a numbers table
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#Numbers') is not null drop table #Numbers
create table #Numbers
num int primary key clustered
-- Populating it with some numbers
insert into #Numbers (num)
select row_number() over (order by (select null)) - 1
from sys.all_objects
select top 52
WeeksAgo = num,
TicketYear = year(dateadd(week, -num, getdate())),
TicketWeek = datepart(week, dateadd(week, -num, getdate()))
from #Numbers
I reused #Xedni's query and came up with the query below:
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#Numbers') is not null drop table #Numbers
create table #Numbers
num int primary key clustered
-- Populating it with some numbers
insert into #Numbers (num)
select row_number() over (order by (select null)) - 1
from sys.all_objects
select TicketYear = year(dateadd(week, -num, getdate())),
TicketWeek = datepart(week, dateadd(week, -num, getdate()))
from #Numbers
DATEPART(year, t.TicketQueuedDateTime) AS 'TicketYear',
DATEPART(week, t.TicketQueuedDateTime) AS 'TicketWeek',
COUNT(t.TicketStatus) AS 'WeekTotal'
FROM #Numbers as n
LEFT OUTER JOIN TicketTable as t ON year(dateadd(week, -n.num, getdate())) = t.DATEPART(year, t.TicketQueuedDateTime) AND datepart(week, dateadd(week, -n.num, getdate())) = DATEPART(week, t.TicketQueuedDateTime)
GROUP BY DATEPART(year, t.TicketQueuedDateTime), DATEPART(week, t.TicketQueuedDateTime)
ORDER BY TicketYear DESC, TicketWeek DESC) val
ORDER BY val.TicketYear, val.TicketWeek
PS: I was not able to test this and if you're looking for performance, this is probably not the best query to use. But try this out, if it works for you, we can work on improving the performance.

How To Select Records in a Status Between Timestamps? T-SQL

I have a T-SQL Quotes table and need to be able to count how many quotes were in an open status during past months.
The dates I have to work with are an 'Add_Date' timestamp and an 'Update_Date' timestamp. Once a quote is put into a 'Closed_Status' of '1' it can no longer be updated. Therefore, the 'Update_Date' effectively becomes the Closed_Status timestamp.
I'm stuck because I can't figure out how to select all open quotes that were open in a particular month.
Here's a few example records:
Quote_No Add_Date Update_Date Open_Status Closed_Status
001 01-01-2016 NULL 1 0
002 01-01-2016 3-1-2016 0 1
003 01-01-2016 4-1-2016 0 1
The desired result would be:
Year Month Open_Quote_Count
2016 01 3
2016 02 3
2016 03 2
2016 04 1
I've hit a mental wall on this one, I've tried to do some case when filtering but I just can't seem to figure this puzzle out. Ideally I wouldn't be hard-coding in dates because this spans years and I don't want to maintain this once written.
Thank you in advance for your help.
You are doing this by month. So, three options come to mind:
A list of all months using left join.
A recursive CTE.
A number table.
Let me show the last:
with n as (
select row_number() over (order by (select null)) - 1 as n
from master..spt_values
select format(dateadd(month, n.n, q.add_date), 'yyyy-MM') as yyyymm,
count(*) as Open_Quote_Count
from quotes q join
on (closed_status = 1 and dateadd(month, n.n, q.add_date) <= q.update_date) or
(closed_status = 0 and dateadd(month, n.n, q.add_date) <= getdate())
group by format(dateadd(month, n.n, q.add_date), 'yyyy-MM')
order by yyyymm;
This does assume that each month has at least one open record. That seems reasonable for this purpose.
You can use datepart to extract parts of a date, so something like:
select datepart(year, add_date) as 'year',
datepart(month, date_date) as 'month',
from theTable
where open_status = 1
group by datepart(year, add_date), datepart(month, date_date)
Note: this counts for the starting month and primarily to show the use of datepart.
Updated as misunderstood the initial request.
Consider following test data:
Quote_No VARCHAR(3),
Add_Date DATE,
Update_Date DATE,
Open_Status INT,
Closed_Status INT
INSERT INTO #test (Quote_No, Add_Date, Update_Date, Open_Status, Closed_Status)
VALUES ('001', '20160101', NULL, 1, 0)
, ('002', '20160101', '20160301', 0, 1)
, ('003', '20160101', '20160401', 0, 1)
Here is a recursive solution, that doesn't rely on system tables BUT also performs poorer. As we are talking about months and year combinations, the number of recursions will not get overhand.
;WITH YearMonths AS
SELECT YEAR(MIN(Add_Date)) AS [Year]
, MONTH(MIN(Add_Date)) AS [Month]
, MIN(Add_Date) AS YMDate
FROM #test
FROM YearMonths
, [Month]
, COUNT(*) AS Open_Quote_Count
FROM YearMonths ym
INNER JOIN #test t
ON (
[Year] * 100 + [Month] <= CAST(FORMAT(t.Update_Date, 'yyyyMM') AS INT)
AND t.Closed_Status = 1
OR (
[Year] * 100 + [Month] <= CAST(FORMAT(SYSDATETIME(), 'yyyyMM') AS INT)
AND t.Closed_Status = 0
GROUP BY [Year], [Month]
ORDER BY [Year], [Month]
Statement is longer, also more readable and lists all year/month combinations to date.
Take a look at Date and Time Data Types and Functions for SQL-Server 2008+
and Recursive Queries Using Common Table Expressions

Query to check number of records created in a month.

My table creates a new record with timestamp daily when an integration is successful. I am trying to create a query that would check (preferably automated) the number of days in a month vs number of records in the table within a time frame.
For example, January has 31 days, so i would like to know how many days in january my process was not successful. If the number of records is less than 31, than i know the job failed 31 - x times.
I tried the following but was not getting very far:
FROM table
WHERE CompleteDate BETWEEN '01/01/2015' AND '01/31/2015'
Every 7 days the system executes the job twice, so i get two records on the same day, but i am trying to determine the number of days that nothing happened (failures), so i assume some truncation of the date field is needed?!
One way to do this is to use a calendar/date table as the main source of dates in the range and left join with that and count the number of null values.
In absence of a proper date table you can generate a range of dates using a number sequence like the one found in the master..spt_values table:
select count(*) failed
from (
select dateadd(day, number, '2015-01-01') date
from master..spt_values where type='P' and number < 365
) a
left join your_table b on a.date = b.CompleteDate
where b.CompleteDate is null
and a.date BETWEEN '01/01/2015' AND '01/31/2015'
Sample SQL Fiddle (with count grouped by month)
Assuming you have an Integers table*. This query will pull all dates where no record is found in the target table:
declare #StartDate datetime = '01/01/2013',
#EndDate datetime = '12/31/2013'
;with d as (
select *, date = dateadd(d, i - 1 , #StartDate)
from dbo.Integers
where i <= datediff(d, #StartDate, #EndDate) + 1
select d.date
from d
where not exists (
select 1 from <target> t
where DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, t.<timestamp>), 0) = DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, d.date), 0)
Between is not safe here
SELECT 31 - count(distinct(convert(date, CompleteDate)))
FROM table
WHERE CompleteDate >= '01/01/2015' AND CompleteDate < '02/01/2015'
You can use the following query:
SELECT DATEDIFF(day, t.d, dateadd(month, 1, t.d)) - COUNT(DISTINCT CompleteDate)
FROM mytable
RIGHT('0' + CAST(MONTH(CompleteDate) AS VARCHAR(2)), 2) +
'01') t(d)
SQL Fiddle Demo
The value CROSS APPLY-ied, i.e. t.d, is the ANSI string of the first day of the month of CompleteDate, e.g. '20150101' for 12/01/2015, or 18/01/2015.
DATEDIFF uses the above mentioned value, i.e. t.d, in order to calculate the number of days of the month that CompleteDate belongs to.
GROUP BY essentially groups by (Year, Month), hence COUNT(DISTINCT CompleteDate) returns the number of distinct records per month.
The values returned by the query are the differences of [2] - 1, i.e. the number of failures per month, for each (Year, Month) of your initial data.
If you want to query a specific Year, Month then just simply add a WHERE clause to the above:
WHERE YEAR(CompleteDate) = 2015 AND MONTH(CompleteDate) = 1