Confusion on when to use T.let vs. T.cast - sorbet

Based on:
In my mind, T.cast seems like a more powerful version of T.let. T.cast(expr, type) forces Sorbet to accept expr as type, even if expr cannot be statically verified as type. T.let(expr, type) hints to Sorbet that expr has type, and Sorbet will be able to typecheck that hint is valid. Based on this understanding, I would assume that T.cast could always be used in place of T.let, but T.let is preferred because Sorbet is providing the most type safety. However, I recently found a case where that is not true (see below).
This example is based on:
# typed: true
class Main
extend T::Sig
sig { params(elem: Integer).returns(T::Boolean) }
def valid?(elem)
elem == 0
sig { params(list: T::Array[Integer]).returns(T::Boolean) }
def works(list)
# Declare `all_valid` with type `T::Boolean`
all_valid = T.let(false, T::Boolean)
list.each do |elem|
# Does not change the type of `all_valid`
all_valid &&= valid?(elem) # ok
sig { params(list: T::Array[Integer]).returns(T::Boolean) }
def does_not_work(list)
all_valid = T.cast(false, T::Boolean)
list.each do |elem|
# ERROR! Changing the type of a variable in a loop is not permitted
all_valid &&= valid?(elem)
Why does this work with T.let but not with T.cast?

The T.let annotation explicitly widens the type from FalseClass to T:Boolean
T.cast on the other hand simply relaxes Sorbet’s static checks, it doesn’t silence type errors at runtime that occur from treating TrueClass or FalseClass as T::Boolean.


How do I take a reference to new?

Suppose I have the following code:
my constant #suits = <Clubs Hearts Spades Diamonds>;
my constant #values = 2..14;
class Card {
has $.suit;
has $.value;
# order is mnemonic of "$value of $suit", i.e. "3 of Clubs"
multi method new($value, $suit) {
return self.bless(:$suit, :$value);
It defines some suits and some values and what it means to be a card.
Now, to build a deck, I essentially need to take the cross product of the suits and the values and apply that to the constructor.
The naiive approach to do this, would of course be to just iterate with a loop:
my #deck = gather for #values X #suits -> ($v, $c) {
take$v, $c);
But this is Raku, we have a cross function that can take a function as an optional argument!, so of course I'm gonna do that!
my #deck = cross(#values, #suits, :with(;
# Unexpected named argument 'with' passed
# in block <unit> at .\example.raku line 36
... wait no.
What about this?
my #deck = cross(#values, #suits):with(;
# Unexpected named argument 'with' passed
# in block <unit> at .\example.raku line 36
Still nothing. Reference maybe?
my #deck = cross(#values, #suits):with(&;
# ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling D:\Code\Raku/.\example.raku
# Illegally post-declared type:
# Card used at line 36
I read somewhere I can turn a function into an infix operator with []
my #deck = cross(#values, #suits):with([]);
# Unexpected named argument 'with' passed
# in block <unit> at .\example.raku line 36
That also doesn't work.
If classes are supposed to just be modules, shouldn't I then be able to pass a function reference?
Also why is it saying 'with' is that's unexpected? If I'm intuiting this right, what it's actually complaining about is the type of the input, rather than the named argument.
The error message is indeed confusing.
The :with parameter expects a Callable. is not a Callable. If you write it as :with( {$^number, $^suit) } ), it appears to work.
Note that I did not use $^value, $^suit, because they order differently alphabetically, so would produce the values in the wrong order. See The ^ twigil for more information on that syntax.
The error is LTA, this makes it a little bit better.
To get back to your question: you can find the code object that corresponds to with ^find_method. However, that will not work, as actually expects 3 arguments: the invocant (aka self), $value and $suit. Whereas the cross function will only pass the value and the suit.
The title of your question is “How do I take a reference to new?”, but that is not really what you want to do.
Raku being Raku, you can actually get a reference to new.
my $ref = Card.^lookup('new');
You can't use it like you want to though.
$ref(2,'Clubs'); # ERROR
The problem is that methods take a class or instance as the first argument.
$ref(Card, 2,'Clubs');
You could use .assuming to add it in.
$ref .= assuming(Card);
But that isn't really any better than creating a block lambda
$ref = { |#_ ) }
All of these work:
cross( #values, #suits ) :with({|#_)}) # adverb outside
cross( #values, #suits, :with({|#_)}) ) # inside at end
cross( :with({|#_)}), #values, #suits ) # inside at beginning
#values X[&( {|#_)} )] #suits # cross meta-op with fake infix op
do {
sub new-card ($value,$suit) {$value,:$suit) }
#values X[&new-card] #suits
do {
sub with ($value,$suit) {$value,:$suit) }

"Invocant of method 'ASSIGN-KEY' must be an object instance" when using assignment operator

Hash with typed keys…
use v6;
class Foo {}
my Hash[Foo, Foo] $MAP;
my $f1 =;
my $f2 =;
$MAP{$f1} = $f2;
produces the error:
Invocant of method 'ASSIGN-KEY' must be an object instance of type 'Hash[Foo,Foo]', not a type object of type 'Hash[Foo,Foo]'. Did you forget a '.new'?
I find it misleading; what's the real error and what do I have to write instead?
I already tried the % sigil for the hash variable, that doesn't work, either.
In the way you have defined it, $MAP is actually a role. You need to instantiate (actually, pun) it:
class Foo {}
my Hash[Foo, Foo] $MAP;
my $map = $;
my $f1 =;
my $f2 =;
$map{$f1} = $f2;
say $map;
Dead giveaway here was that classes can't be parametrized, roles do.
say $MAP.DEFINITE; # False
say $map.DEFINITE; # True
But actually the error message was pretty informative, up to and including the suggestion to use .new, as I do here.
We can shorten it down to:
class Foo {}
my %map = Hash[Foo, Foo].new ;
%map{} =;
By doing the punning from the definition, we don't need the $MAP intermediate class.
TL;DR JJ's answer is right, but the explanation left me confused. I currently view the problem you showed as an autovivification error/bug and/or LTA error message.
say my Any $Any; # (Any)
say my Hash $Hash; # (Hash)
say my Hash[Int] $Hash-Int; # (Hash[Int])
$Any<a> = 42; # OK
$Hash<a> = 42; # OK
$<a> = 42; # OK
$Hash-Int<a> = 42; # must be an object instance, not a type object
Imo this is a bug or pretty close to one.
A bug/problem applies for arrays too in the same scenario:
say my Any $Any; # (Any)
say my Array $Array; # (Array)
say my Array[Int] $Array-Int; # (Array[Int])
$Any[42] = 42; # OK
$Array[42] = 42; # OK
$[42] = 42; # OK
$Array-Int[42] = 42; # Type check failed ... expected Array[Int] but got Array
If it's best considered notabug, then perhaps the error message should be changed. While I agree with JJ that the error message is actually on point (when you understand how raku works and figure out what's going on), I think it's nevertheless an LTA error message if we don't change raku(do) to dwim.
On the gripping hand, it's not obvious to me how one could best improve the error message. And now we have this SO. (cf my point about that in Is the ... error message LTA? in a recent answer I wrote.)
Another solution
I already tried the % sigil for the hash variable, that doesn't work, either.
JJ has provided a solution that initializes with a value with an explicit .new. But that drops the constraint from the variable. To retain it:
class Foo {}
constant FooFoo = Hash[Foo:D,Foo:D];
my %foo is FooFoo;
%foo{} =;
Ideally the constant wouldn't be needed, and perhaps one day it won't, but I think trait parsing is limited.

What is the point of coercions like Int(Cool)?

The Perl 6 Web site on functions says
Coercion types can help you to have a specific type inside a routine, but accept wider input. When the routine is called, the argument is automatically converted to the narrower type.
sub double(Int(Cool) $x) {
2 * $x
say double '21'; # 42
say double Any; # Type check failed in binding $x; expected 'Cool' but got 'Any'
Here the Int is the target type to which the argument will be coerced, and Cool is the type that the routine accepts as input.
But what is the point for the sub? Isn't $x just an Int? Why would you restrict the caller to implement Cool for the argument?
I'm doubly confused by the example because Int already is Cool. So I did an example where the types don't share a hierarchy:
class Foo { method foomethod { say 'foomethod' } }
class Bar {}
class Quux is Foo {
# class Quux { # compile error
method Bar { }
sub foo(Bar(Foo) $c) {
say $c.WHAT; # (Bar)
# $c.foomethod # fails if uncommented: Method 'foomethod' not found for invocant of class 'Bar'
Here the invocant of foo is restricted to provide a Foo that can be converted to a Bar but foo cannot even call a method of Foo on $c because its type is Bar. So why would foo care that the to-be-coerced type is a Foo in the first place?
Could someone shed some light on this? Links to appropriate documentation and parts of the spec are appreciated as well. I couldn't find anything useful there.
Update Having reviewed this answer today I've concluded I had completely misunderstood what #musiKk was getting at. This was revealed most clearly in #darch's question and #musiKk's response:
#darch: Or is your question why one might prefer Int(Cool) over Int(Any)? If that's the case, that would be the question to ask.
#musiKk: That is exactly my question. :)
Reviewing the many other answers I see none have addressed it the way I now think it warrants addressing.
I might be wrong of course so what I've decided to do is leave the original question as is, in particular leaving the title as is, and leave this answer as it was, and instead write a new answer addressing #darch's reformulation.
Specify parameter type, with no coercion: Int $x
We could declare:
sub double (Int $x) { ... } # Accept only Int. (No coercion.)
Then this would work:
But unfortunately typing 42 in response to this:
double(prompt('')); # `prompt` returns the string the user types
causes the double call to fail with Type check failed in binding $x; expected Int but got Str ("42") because 42, while looking like a number, is technically a string of type Str, and we've asked for no coercion.
Specify parameter type, with blanket coercion: Int() $x
We can introduce blanket coercion of Any value in the sub's signature:
sub double (Int(Any) $x) { ... } # Take Any value. Coerce to an Int.
sub double (Int() $x) { ... } # Same -- `Int()` coerces from Any.
Now, if you type 42 when prompted by the double(prompt('')); statement, the run-time type-check failure no longer applies and instead the run-time attempts to coerce the string to an Int. If the user types a well-formed number the code just works. If they type 123abc the coercion will fail at run-time with a nice error message:
Cannot convert string to number: trailing characters after number in '123⏏abc'
One problem with blanket coercion of Any value is that code like this:
class City { ... } # City has no Int coercion
my City $city;
fails at run-time with the message: "Method 'Int' not found for invocant of class 'City'".
Specify parameter type, with coercion from Cool values: Int(Cool) $x
We can choose a point of balance between no coercion and blanket coercion of Any value.
The best class to coerce from is often the Cool class, because Cool values are guaranteed to either coerce nicely to other basic types or generate a nice error message:
# Accept argument of type Cool or a subclass and coerce to Int:
sub double (Int(Cool) $x) { ... }
With this definition, the following:
works as nicely as it can, and:
fails with "Type check failed in binding $x; expected Cool but got City (City)" which is arguably a little better diagnostically for the programmer than "Method 'Int' not found for invocant of class 'City'".
why would foo care that the to-be-coerced type is a Foo in the first place?
Hopefully it's now obvious that the only reason it's worth limiting the coerce-from-type to Foo is because that's a type expected to successfully coerce to a Bar value (or, perhaps, fail with a friendly message).
Could someone shed some light on this? Links to appropriate documentation and parts of the spec are appreciated as well. I couldn't find anything useful there.
The document you originally quoted is pretty much all there is for enduser doc. Hopefully it makes sense now and you're all set. If not please comment and we'll go from there.
What this does is accept a value that is a subtype of Cool, and tries to transform it into an Int. At that point it is an Int no matter what it was before.
sub double ( Int(Cool) $n ) { $n * 2 }
can really be thought of as ( I think this is how it was actually implemented in Rakudo )
# Int is a subtype of Cool otherwise it would be Any or Mu
proto sub double ( Cool $n ) {*}
# this has the interior parts that you write
multi sub double ( Int $n ) { $n * 2 }
# this is what the compiler writes for you
multi sub double ( Cool $n ) {
# calls the other multi since it is now an Int
samewith Int($n);
So this accepts any of Int, Str, Rat, FatRat, Num, Array, Hash, etc. and tries to convert it into an Int before calling &infix:<*> with it, and 2.
say double ' 5 '; # 25
say double 2.5; # 4
say double [0,0,0]; # 6
say double { a => 0, b => 0 }; # 4
You might restrict it to a Cool instead of Any as all Cool values are essentially required to provide a coercion to Int.
( :( Int(Any) $ ) can be shortened to just :( Int() $ ) )
The reason you might do this is that you need it to be an Int inside the sub because you are calling other code that does different things with different types.
sub example ( Int(Cool) $n ) returns Int {
other-multi( $n ) * $n;
multi sub other-multi ( Int $ ) { 10 }
multi sub other-multi ( Any $ ) { 1 }
say example 5; # 50
say example 4.5; # 40
In this particular case you could have written it as one of these
sub example ( Cool $n ) returns Int {
other-multi( Int($n) ) * Int($n);
sub example ( Cool $n ) returns Int {
my $temp = Int($n);
other-multi( $temp ) * $temp;
sub example ( Cool $n is copy ) returns Int {
$n = Int($n);
other-multi( $n ) * $n;
None of them are as clear as the one that uses the signature to coerce it for you.
Normally for such a simple function you can use one of these and it will probably do what you want.
my &double = * * 2; # WhateverCode
my &double = * × 2; # ditto
my &double = { $_ * 2 }; # bare block
my &double = { $^n * 2 }; # block with positional placeholder
my &double = -> $n { $n * 2 }; # pointy block
my &double = sub ( $n ) { $n * 2 } # anon sub
my &double = anon sub double ( $n ) { $n * 2 } # anon sub with name
my &double = &infix:<*>.assuming(*,2); # curried
my &double = &infix:<*>.assuming(2);
sub double ( $n ) { $n * 2 } # same as :( Any $n )
Am I missing something? I'm not a Perl 6 expert, but it appears the syntax allows one to specify independently both what input types are permissible and how the input will be presented to the function.
Restricting the allowable input is useful because it means the code will result in an error, rather than a silent (useless) type conversion when the function is called with a nonsensical parameter.
I don't think an example where the two types are not in a hierarchical relationship makes sense.
Per comments on the original question, a better version of #musiKk's question "What is the point of coercions like Int(Cool)?" turned out to be:
Why might one prefer Int(Cool) over Int(Any)?
A corollary, which I'll also address in this answer, is:
Why might one prefer Int(Any) over Int(Cool)?
First, a list of various related options:
sub _Int_strong (Int $) {} # Argument must be Int
sub _Int_cool (Int(Cool) $) {} # Argument must be Cool; Int invoked
sub _Int_weak (Int(Any) $) {} # Argument must be Any; Int invoked
sub _Int_weak2 (Int() $) {} # same
sub _Any (Any $) {} # Argument must be Any
sub _Any2 ( $) {} # same
sub _Mu (Mu $) {} # Weakest typing - just memory safe (Mu)
_Int_strong val; # Fails to bind if val is not an Int
_Int_cool val; # Fails to bind if val is not Cool. Int invoked.
_Int_weak val; # Fails to bind if val is not Any. Int invoked.
_Any val; # Fails to bind if val is Mu
_Mu val; # Will always bind. If val is a native value, boxes it.
Why might one prefer Int(Cool) over Int(Any)?
Because Int(Cool) is slightly stronger typing. The argument must be of type Cool rather than the broader Any and:
Static analysis will reject binding code written to pass an argument that isn't Cool to a routine whose corresponding parameter has the type constraint Int(Cool). If static analysis shows there is no other routine candidate able to accept the call then the compiler will reject it at compile time. This is one of the meanings of "strong typing" explained in the last section of this answer.
If a value is Cool then it is guaranteed to have a well behaved .Int conversion method. So it will not yield a Method not found error at run-time and can be relied on to provide a good error message if it fails to produce a converted to integer value.
Why might one prefer Int(Any) over Int(Cool)?
Because Int(Any) is slightly weaker typing in that the argument can be of any regular type and P6 will just try and make it work:
.Int will be called on an argument that's passed to a routine whose corresponding parameter has the type constraint Int(...) no matter what the ... is. Provided the passed argument has an .Int method the call and subsequent conversion has a chance of succeeding.
If the .Int fails then the error message will be whatever the .Int method produces. If the argument is actually Cool then the .Int method will produce a good error message if it fails to convert to an Int. Otherwise the .Int method is presumably not a built in one and the result will be pot luck.
Why Foo(Bar) in the first place?
And what's all this about weak and strong typing?
An Int(...) constraint on a function parameter is going to result in either:
A failure to type check; or
An.Int conversion of the corresponding argument that forces it to its integer value -- or fails, leaving the corresponding parameter containing a Failure.
Using Wikipedia definitions as they were at the time of writing this answer (2019) this type checking and attempted conversion will be:
strong typing in the sense that a type constraint like Int(...) is "use of programming language types in order to both capture invariants of the code, and ensure its correctness, and definitely exclude certain classes of programming errors";
Currently weak typing in Rakudo in the sense that Rakudo does not check the ... in Int(...) at compile time even though in theory it could. That is, sub double (Int $x) {}; double Date; yields a compile time error (Calling double(Date) will never work) whereas sub double (Int(Cool) $x) {}; double Date; yields a run time error (Type check failed in binding).
type conversion;
weak typing in the sense that it's implicit type conversion in the sense that the compiler will handle the .Int coercion as part of carrying out the call;
explicit type conversion in the sense that the Int(...) constraint is explicitly directing the compiler to do the conversion as part of binding a call;
checked explicit type conversion -- P6 only does type safe conversions/coercions.
I believe the answer is as simple as you may not want to restrict the argument to Int even though you will be treating it as Int within the sub. say for some reason you want to be able to multiply an Array by a Hash, but fail if the args can't be treated as Int (i.e. is not Cool).
my #a = 1,2,3;
my %h = 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2;
say #a.Int; # 3 (List types coerced to the equivalent of .elems when treated as Int)
say %h.Int; # 2
sub m1(Int $x, Int $y) {return $x * $y}
say m1(3,2); # 6
say m1(#a,%h); # does not match
sub m2(Int(Cool) $x, Int(Cool) $y) {return $x * $y}
say m2('3',2); # 6
say m2(#a,%h); # 6
say m2('foo',2); # does not match
of course, you could also do this without the signature because the math operation will coerce the type automatically:
sub m3($x,$y) {return $x * $y}
say m3(#a,%h); # 6
however, this defers your type check to the inside of the sub, which kind of defeats the purpose of a signature and prevents you from making the sub a multi
All subtypes of Cool will be (as Cool requires them to) coerced to an Int. So if an operator or routine internal to your sub only works with Int arguments, you don't have to add an extra statement/expression converting to an Int nor does that operator/routine's code need to account for other subtypes of Cool. It enforces that the argument will be an Int inside of your sub wherever you use it.
Your example is backwards:
class Foo { method foomethod { say 'foomethod' } }
class Bar {}
class Quux is Bar {
method Foo { }
sub foo(Foo(Bar) $c) {
#= converts $c of type Bar to type Foo
#= returns result of foomethod
say $c.WHAT; #-> (Foo)
$c.foomethod #-> foomethod

ocaml: create set of polymorphic type

In a module, I have defined a type that represents a graph node, which has a polymorphic data field i.e.
type 'a t = {data: 'a; adj: 'a t list}
How can I go about creating a Set of this data? I have tried the following (as per one of the suggestions here.
let cmp (g1:int Graph.t) (g2: int Graph.t) : int=
if phys_equal g1 g2 then
let make_set () =
let module Ord=struct
type t=int Graph.t
let compare=cmp
in (module Set.Make(Ord): Set.S with type elt=Ord.t)
But when I do, I get "The signature constrained by `with' has no component named elt"
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but if you just want to make sets of nodes whose data type is int, you don't need to use anything fancier than the usual OCaml module operations.
The following code works for me:
module Graph =
type 'a t = {data: 'a; adj: 'a t list}
let cmp (g1:int Graph.t) (g2: int Graph.t) : int =
if g1 == g2 then
module GSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int Graph.t let compare = cmp end)
Here's a session with the code:
$ ocaml
OCaml version 4.01.0
# #use "";;
module Graph : sig type 'a t = { data : 'a; adj : 'a t list; } end
val cmp : int Graph.t -> int Graph.t -> int = <fun>
module GSet :
type elt = int Graph.t
. . .
# let myset = GSet.add { = 14; adj = [] } GSet.empty;;
val myset : GSet.t = <abstr>
# GSet.is_empty myset;;
- : bool = false
I don't see a reason to constrain the module type, as Set.S is already the module type returned by Set.Make. But I am not a sophisticated user of OCaml module types.
That code works fine in the interpreter for me. Perhaps you've opened a different Set module without the elt type defined in S?
If I define the following Set in the interpreter:
# module Set = struct
module type S = sig end
module Set : sig module type S = sig end end
And then simply redefine make_set as you wrote it, I actually get the same error message. When trying out code with the interpreter, always keep in mind that you may be working with definitions you wrote previously.
As a rule of thumb, try to avoid binding values to names already in use in the libraries you wish to employ (I know it's tempting to shorten your names there, but at least add them a small distinctive prefix - for instance use ISet instead of Set in your case).
you can always run your code as a script, i.e. by launching it from the command line as follow:
$ ocaml
Or by the #use directive at the interpreter prompt. This let you write code snippets before testing them out with a fresh ocaml environment.
Finally, as in #Jeffrey's provided answer, an unpacked module is good enough for most purpose; your code was about instantiating a first class module, which is only interesting if you intend to pass that module around without the use of functors. See the documentation on modules (and related extensions of the language) for further explanation.

Modules and record fields

I have stumbled across a rather simple OCaml problem, but I can't seem to find an elegant solution. I'm working with functors that are applied to relatively simple modules (they usually define a type and a few functions on that type) and extend those simple modules by adding additional more complex functions, types and modules. A simplified version would be:
module type SIMPLE = sig
type t
val to_string : t -> string
val of_string : string -> t
module Complex = functor (S:SIMPLE) -> struct
include S
let write db id t = db # write id (S.to_string t)
let read db id = db # read id |> S.of_string
There is no need to give the simple module a name because all its functionality is present in the extended module, and the functions in the simple module are generated by camlp4 based on the type. The idiomatic use of these functors is:
module Int = Complex(struct
type t = int
The problem appears when I'm working with records:
module Point2D = Complex(struct
type t = { x : int ; y : int }
let (Some location) = db "location"
There seems to be no simple way of accessing the x and y fields defined above from outside the Point2D module, such as location.x or location.Point2D.x. How can I achieve this?
EDIT: as requested, here's a complete minimal example that displays the issue:
module type TYPE = sig
type t
val default : t
module Make = functor(Arg : TYPE) -> struct
include Arg
let get = function None -> default | Some x -> (x : t)
module Made = Make(struct
type t = {a : int}
let default = { a = 0 } (* <-- Generated by camlp4 based on type t above *)
let _ = (Made.get None).a (* <-- ERROR *)
Let's look at the signature of some of the modules involved. These are the signatures generated by Ocaml, and they're principal signatures, i.e. they are the most general signatures allowed by the theory.
module Make : functor (Arg : TYPE) -> sig
type t = Arg.t
val default : t
val get : t option -> t
module Made : sig
type t
val default : t
val get : t option -> t
Notice how the equation Make(A).t = A.t is retained (so Make(A).t is a transparent type abbreviation), yet Made.t is abstract. This is because Made is the result of applying the functor to an anonymous structure, so there is no canonical name for the argument type in this case.
Record types are generative. At the level of the underlying type theory, all generative types behave like abstract types with some syntactic sugar for constructors and destructors. The only way to designate a generative type is to give its name, either the original name or one that expands to the original name via a series of type equations.
Consider what happens if you duplicate the definition of Made:
module Made1 = Make(struct
type t = {a : int}
let default = { a = 0 } (* <-- Generated by camlp4 based on type t above *)
module Made2 = Make(struct
type t = {a : int}
let default = { a = 0 } (* <-- Generated by camlp4 based on type t above *)
You get two different types Made1.t and Made2.t, even though the right-hand sides of the definitions are the same. That's what generativity is all about.
Since Made.t is abstract, it's not a record type. It doesn't have any constructor. The constructors were lost when the structure argument was closed, for a lack of a name.
It so happens that with records, one often wants the syntactic sugar but not the generativity. But Ocaml doesn't have any structural record types. It has generative record types, and it has objects, which from a type theoretical view subsume records but in practice can be a little more work to use and have a small performance penalty.
module Made_object = Make(struct
type t = <a : int>
let default = object method a = 0 end
Or, if you want to keep the same type definition, you need to provide a name for the type and its constructors, which means naming the structure.
module A = struct
type t = {a : int}
let default = { a = 0 } (* <-- Generated by camlp4 based on type t above *)
module MadeA = Make(A)
Note that if you build Make(A) twice, you get the same types all around.
module MadeA1 = Make(A)
module MadeA2 = Make(A)
(Ok, this isn't remarkable here, but you'd still get the same abstract types in MadeA1 and MakeA2, unlike the Made1 and Made2 case above. That's because now there's a name for these types: MadeA1.t = Make(A).t.)
First of all, in your last code sample, last line, you probably mean .a rather than .x.
The problem with your code is that, with the way you define your Make functor, the type t is abstract in Made: indeed, the functors use the TYPE signature which seals {a : int} as an abstract type.
The following design circumvent the issue, but, well, its a different design.
module type TYPE = sig
type t
val default : t
module Extend = functor(Arg : TYPE) -> struct
open Arg
let get = function None -> default | Some x -> (x : t)
module T = struct
type t = {a : int}
let default = { a = 0 }
module Made = struct
include T
include Extend(T)
let _ = Made.((get None).a)
The problem is that OCaml doesn't have a name to refer to the qualified components of the type t (in this case a record, but the same problem would be present with normal variants) outside Made. Naming the unnamed solves the problem:
module F = struct
type t = {a : int}
let default = { a = 0 }
module Made = Make(F)
let _ = (Made.get None).F.a (* <-- WORKS *)
You can also declare explicitly the type outside the functorial application:
type rcd = {a : int}
module Made = Make(struct
type t = rcd
let default = { a = 0 }
let _ = (Made.get None).a (* <-- WORKS *)