I've got a new Intellij Idea UI (I applied for testing) but I want to move back to the old one and can't find a way to do that.
How can I disable a new UI?
Version: 2022.2.1
Go to Help | Find Action | Registry, start typing the key name for ide.experimental.ui, then disable it. Restart the IDE.
Since i connected my project with github this annoying indicator next to my code shows up whenever i make a change in my project. I looked for answers but did not find one. Is there any way to disable this?
You can go to Preferences | Editor | General and disable "Highlight modified lines in the gutter"
The latest version of IntelliJ has introduced a new type of hint in debug mode. It looks like:
Does anybody know how to disable it?
Also: does anybody know the term JetBrains uses for this feature? I can't look up the location of the setting in the setting search box without knowing what it's called!
You may switch it off by unchecking the "Predict future condition values…" option in "Preferences / Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Data Views | Java"
Coverage button near the start and debug button is a bit annoying in IntelliJ. I cannot find a way to completely remove it. Is there a way?
You could remove it in "File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Menus and Toolbars - Main Toolbar - Toolbar RunActions - Run/Debug"
It's a bug. The issue tracking it can be found here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-183545
OK thanks, I followed you instructions but the button is still there! I even restarted the application as well. I am using intelliJ 2017.2 community edition on a Mac.
What is the version you use?
IntelliJ has a very good welcome screen, but after first use, when I open IntelliJ the next time, it will open my last opened project directly. But what if I want to revisit the welcome screen? Is there a way to do it without restarting IntelliJ?
I am using IntelliJ IDEA 14.
I'm using not IntelliJ but WebStorm however, maybe same settings.
how about this?
[File] - [Settings] - [Appearance & Behavior] - [System Settings]
uncheck "Reopen last project on startup"
Close all open project windows (File | Close Project).
Sometimes I want to come back to the Welcome screen only to see the list of recent projects with a little more details than a simple list. However, I don't want to close the open project.
If that's your case you can to this in the version 2016.3:
File -> Open Recent -> Manage Projects...
#Gagan made a comment (below) asking about how to import a project this with this solution.
If I've understood the question correctly, you can do this either by directly opening a project (Open...) or by creating a new one from Existing Sources or from Version Control, as is show below:
In both cases, IntelliJ will ask you to open in the same window (which will close you current project) or in a new window (the current and the new one stay open), as show below:
Please, let us know if it works for you!
For IntelliJ 2020.3 use:
`File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> System Settings and uncheck Reopen projects on startup.
Select File -> Close project. This will cause the welcome screen to appear.
I saw it in the learning course
To return to the welcome screen, just close the project window. Alternatively, you can select File | Close Project from the main menu. Also, you can use the File menu to open or create new projects. By default, the Learn tool window is hidden. You can open it by selecting Help | Learn IDE Features from the main menu.