Ace Admin datetimepicker - datetimepicker

I'm pretty new here and being an front-end engineer as well.
Recently trying to use Ace Admin.
When I use datetimepicker, I wouldn't like user to change the hour & minute through pressing up & down arrow.
up & down arrow like this
I would like them to change time through clicking hour or minute and then choose those option whick setup already.
try to let them click here
Is there any possible to make those arrows disable and disappear ?
I try bellow to make those arrows disappear and it works. But click function still there.
icons: {
time: 'glyphicon timeWithText',
Please help in this issue. Thanks a lot.

Finally, I find this website have all properites can be changed in datetimepicker.
Updated here just in case any other people has same issue.
Please noted that some properties are not supported by older version so make sure your CDN is latest.


How to enable statusBarItem right away in vscode extensions API

I have some extensions code in extension.ts
const item = vscode.window.createStatusBarItem(
item.command = "codevids-auth.pushToWebview";
item.text = "$(record) codevid";;
I can't figure out how to place the statusBatItem in automatically without having to fire the command. Is this possible since some plugins as soon as they are installed they show up in the statusbar. I would like to know how to do this.
Thanks for the help ahead of time. And please let me know if you need more details I am happy to explain further.
It sounds like you may not be using an activationEvent which would trigger your extension's activate function immediately after startup is finished. Try this:
"activationEvents": [ "onStartupFinished" ]
Then your code, which includes .show(), should be sufficient to show the StatusBarItem soon after vscode is reloaded or started. It is typical that installation of an extension is not enough to activate it, the user should get a badge on the Extension view that reload is required. If that is what you are trying to avoid, I don't think it is possible.

ngx-bootstrap Dropdown Dropright Placement

I am trying to recreate the basic dropright example for the Bootstrap 4 component: using Angular 6 and ngx-bootstrap (3.0.1 as of writing). I have found solutions to get the dropdown to open down (standard) or up (dropup) but dropright isn't working.
From the docs, there seems to be a "placement" input - - but there are no examples of this and I've tried attaching it to any one of the elements dropdown, dropdownToggle or *dropdownMenu. Basically this is an important part of a sidebar menu, where the submenu dropright.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get the dropright functionality working with ngx-bootstrap, please?
Sidenote: I have managed to get this working with ng-bootstrap but wouldn't want to switch packages if I don't really have to.
I got your point but I think this happen because of the bootstrap version.
if you check this url you will see they are using bootstrap v.4.1 and you are using ngx-bootstrap, both have different CSS classes that's why you facing this issue.
If you want to fix this issue. Please do few step:
1) (npm install bootstrap)
2) Than include in angular-cli.json file, like -
"styles": [
3) Remove your BsDropdownModule from app.module.ts file
If I missed anything please let me know
Thanks !!
I found the solution to make the placement work. You should add container="body" and of course placement="top right". Although it doesn't work as expected
To show it on top use [dropup]="true"

Scene rendering goes dark after calling LoadScene/LoadLevel [duplicate]

I completed Unity's roll-a-ball tutorial and it works fine. I changed a couple of materials to make it look better. I also added a C# script that should restart the level when the player falls off of the ground (I disables the walls). I am using Unity 5.5.
It initially looks like this:
But when I go off the edge and the level restarts, it looks like this:
It sometimes looks like this for a few seconds after opening unity when the editor is loading.
Here is the script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class DeathTrigger : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
Any ideas on what's causing this?
The colors and materials are loaded. This is a lighting problem because lighliting is still calculating in the background. This will likely occur in the Editor only. This should not happen in the build.
Depending on your Unity version, you can fix this by going to Windows --> Lighting --> Settings then go to the Scene tab. Scroll down and disable Auto Generate checkbox then click the Generate Lightning button.
For older version of Unity with no Auto Generate checkbox, see here.
After play with Lighting tools, only one thing should be change on Lighting Setting for every scene.
Window > Rendering > Lighting (Unity 2020)
Click at Environment Tab
At Environment Lighting, change Source from Skybox to Color.
Select white color from Ambient Color.
Done. Try test it.
I found many solutions online but I was missing out a step, so I hope this helps.
Most solutions indicated to go to Windows->Lightning, then untick Auto and Click Generate Lighting. My problem was that while I was pressing the generate button I did not have all of my scenes loaded for preview (at least not the scene I had problems with), so it was only applying light generation to the loaded scenes. Make sure all scenes are loaded when generating the lights.
Try Clearing Baked Data if you are using unity version around 5.5
Go to Windows->Lightning->Untick Auto->Now Click dropdown arrow of Build Button which is near Auto(Check Box) -> Select Clear Baked Data.
Now try Your code which looks fine although SceneManager.LoadScene (1); is enough.
Also unloading the previous scene and setting new scene as active scene is a good practice.
This worked for me.
File > Build settings > player Settings > (on the left) Graphics > (Top-Right) gear icon > Reset
I'm a newbie and none of the advice on web helped me. However when I went to Window > Rendering > Lightning > scene tab; If "lightning setting" says “none”, click on it and choose “demo”- setting. Press “generate”.
So it seems like it was missing settings all together which made the scene go dark when loaded.
I encountered the exact same problem. What worked for me was to set Directional Light > Light > Mode to Realtime. (it was Baked, for some reason)
I hope this can help someone in the future.

How do I add a DatePicker to a custom field

I have TRAC 1.0.1 running.
For my tickets I would like to have a DueDate. Entering the DueDate should be done by using a DatePicker. Because it is convenient, and you can not enter wrong values.
I added following plugin to TRAC:
The description says, that it provides validation for custom fields and a DatePicker for Milestone and Ticket fields.
My trac.ini configuration file looks like this:
duedate1 = text = true
duedate1.date_empty = true
duedate1.label = Due Date
duedate1.order = 4
duedate1.value = DD-MM-YYYY
first_day = 1
format = dmy
separator = -
TRAC is now checking the input against the format. But what I really want is a DatePicker that pops up and lets me choose the date.
Any help is appreciated.
If the input is being validated but there is no datepicker it sounds like a client side JS / browser problem.
I just created a new Trac env, added the DateFieldPlugin, copied your [ticket-custom]
and [datefield] ini configuration and it seemed to work out of the box just fine. For example on /newticket I can see a datepicker for the Due Date field (using Firefox at least). Given that, all I can really do is give some more details which might help us debug your problem.
The datepicker is added via JavaScript. If you are running Trac 1.0 then you don't need to worry about jQuery or jQuery UI as Trac core now ships with these dependencies. You can see that by looking at the scripts tab in Firebug etc. when you are running tracd. Are you serving your own jQuery or jQuery UI scripts which might be conflicting? Are there any errors shown on the Firebug console tab?
The plugin serves extra JS files when you request certain pages in Trac, including /newticket and /ticket. You should also be able to see these scripts being served in Firebug etc. Is that true for you?
If you inspect the HTML in the ticket.html template displayed on /newticket you should also see something like this for the Due Date input
<input type="text" class="datepick hasDatepicker" value="MM-DD-YYYY" name="field_due_date1" id="field-due_date1">
Note the two datepick and hasDatePicker classes are what tell JS to to render a jQuery Datepicker dialog. Does your custom field have these classes? The plugin should be adding them for you (inside the post_process_request())
If all that is the same for you then maybe it is a browser problem?
While the plugin way was ok, when there was no other way, now it is only second best, because of all the limitations of storing date/time as formatted string instead of POSIX (micro)seconds, just like for other native Trac time fields.
There is a better way: Custom date/time field support has entered Trac core since 1.1.1 ("unstable" development branch moving towards next stable 1.2).
At least if you foresee heavy use and/or long term Trac deployment, you'll appreciate adding true timestamps to your db right from the start. It provides you with the best possible experience like date picker UI, full time zone and TracQuery support, even future time constraints ('nextday', 'nextweek', etc.) are possible right now.
A last note regarding Trac code stability: For what its worth I'm using true custom time fields support via patches in production since 2009 (Trac 0.13dev), runs smoothly in applications with 30.000+ tickets by now.

Input.GetAxis("Vertical") returns -1 by default in Unity 4.2

I had a code in Unity UnityScript, it was working in the morning, and I did not change anything.
Now I opened Unity again, it asked "do you want to update Unity?" , I say yes, now it is downloading UnitySetup-4.3.1.exe in Chrome. This may be relevant to the issue.
Anyway, now I ran my code, and noticed something unusual.
changed my code to this :
function Update()
it prints -1, although I'm not pressing anything, or none of my keys are stuck.
I tried restarting Unity. Changing my code back and forth, so it "rebuilds" (hopefully) the application. None of them worked. Maybe there is some other way to refresh the project ?
Has anyone faced an issue like this? Any ideas for a solution?
Thanks for any help !
I know this is super old question but the same issue faced me with Unity 5.3.3f1, just navigate to Edit -> Project Settings -> Inputs
You'll find 4 (Array Element) for both "Vertical" & "Horizontal" 2 each, delete the duplicate ones and you're good to go.
This is expected. As per the documentation here:
The value will be in the range -1...1 for keyboard and joystick input.
If the axis is setup to be delta mouse movement, the mouse delta is
multiplied by the axis sensitivity and the range is not -1...1.
Installing the latest version (4.3.1) and restarting Unity solved the issue..