Unable to copy-paste Winforms controls from a form in a vb.net project to a form in a c# project - vb.net

for a big refactoring project of about 140 forms I've been trying to copy and paste these controls through the designer. I'm using VS 2022 but I've also tried with 2019. The origin project is in .NET4.5 and the new project is in dotnet6. My machine is running on win10.
These are the things I've tried so far:
keyboard shortcuts ( ctrl-a + ctrl-c / ctrl-x + ctrl-v )
Drag 'n drop ( ctrl-a + drag + drop )
Same methods as above but one control at a time ( total size of clip is 164k bytes )
The paste option in the context menu of the c# form is grayed out and when I drag 'n drop I'm shown a "blocking" icon.
I'm at a loss and not about to redesign all these forms.
Am I missing something here?

I just did some testing and it appears that you cannot drag and drop - or copy and paste, presumably - between different instances of VS, which you appear to be trying to do. I opened the same solution twice and I was able to drag and drop between C# and VB projects in the same instance but I wasn't able to do so between two forms in the same VB project between instances.
This means that you will have to add one of the projects to the solution containing the other. That's not a big deal because adding an existing project to a solution doesn't move or copy that project. The solution simply refers to it in its existing location. Once you've done all the drag and drop, you can simply remove the project from the solution again and you're done.

According to this post, .NET framework 4.x is incompatible at the binary level with .NET core which prevents you from copying over controls. Logical really when I come to think about it.
I've tested with dotnet5.0 and dotnet6.0 both giving issues but dotnet4.8 works just fine.
As a solution to my problem I will try using an intermediate project in .NET framework 4.8 using c# and afterwards porting to dotnet6.
Thanks for the help.

You cannot directly copy control from .NET Framework 4.x to .NET6 in winform application, because .NET Framework and .NET6 are different frameworks, so if your project only targets windows, you can consider updating the project to .NET Framework 4.8 which allows you to copy-paste Winforms controls.
In order to convert VB project(.NET Framework) to C# project(.NET6), one of the option is to convert VB code in the InitializeComponent method to C#, and paste it into the same location in .NET 6.
Also check : Upgrade a Windows Forms App to .NET 6 with the .NET Upgrade Assistant
Note: some libraries in .NET Framework are not supported on .NET6, you may need to find their alternatives.


Vb.net Mobile Application

I've been assigned a school project in which we're asked to develop a survey app for device/mobile use using VB.net.
I've started learning some Visual Basic, yet I'm failing to understand the following. I've downloaded Visual Studio 2017, do I need to download something extra so that I'm able to program for a mobile device? Or what is it that I need to do? I'm quite confused, I'd really appreciate some sort of help with understanding what's going on. I've been searching on the Internet quite some time now, and all I've found is "Visual Basic for Windows Phone Developer Tools - RTW", which is a version for 2010 and I'm not quite sure if it's what I need anyway. Another thing I've found is Xamarin.
Any help will be highly appreciated and excuse me for such a dumb question.
You're probably looking for Xamarin. It lets you use C#, F# and VB.NET code to develop cross-platform apps including native apps for iOS and Android.
Note that Xamarin doesn't completely or directly support VB.NET. You'll have to do the following steps to get started:
Create a new C# solution of the type Mobile App (Xamarin.Forms). You need to have the Mobile Development with .NET workload installed for this.
In said solution, add a Visual Basic .NET Class Library (.NET Standard). After creating the project, right-click it, click Properties, and change the Default Namespace to match the existing C# project(s).
Right-click the VB.NET project again, click "Manage NuGet Packages", then install Xamarin.Forms.
After this, you will want to rename Class1.vb to App.vb. Paste the following starter / example code there:
Imports Xamarin.Forms
Public Class App
Inherits Application
Public Sub New()
Dim label = New Label With {
.HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
.FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Medium, GetType(Label)),
.Text = "Welcome to Xamarin.Forms with Visual Basic.NET"
Dim stack = New StackLayout With {
.VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
Dim page = New ContentPage
page.Content = stack
MainPage = page
End Sub
End Class
Update the Android and iOS projects so that they reference the Visual Basic .NET project(s), rather than the C# project created by the template. Right-click on the References node in the Android and iOS projects to open the Reference Manager. Untick the C# library and tick the Visual Basic .NET library instead. Do this for both iOS and Android. Finally, delete the C# project. You can now develop your Xamarin project in VB.NET by adding more .vb files as necessary.
Unfortunately, VB.NET has a few limitations in regards to Xamarin:
You can't write custom renderers or dependency service implementations in VB.NET. These must be written in C# or F#.
You can't include XAML pages in VB.NET projects. You'll have to use a workaround that involves including XAML pages in a seperate, C#-based, portable class library, referencing it, and populating the XAML models with VB.NET through databinding. Alternatively, this may be of help for using XAML with VB.NET.
More info can be found at Microsoft's website.
I know this question is three years old, and that lots of time has passed since that school project, but I hope this answer was helpful to you regardless, and / or that it will be helpful to others who have the same or a similar question. To anyone about to write Xamarin apps in VB.NET or who is currently doing so, I wish you the best of luck!

Reason for toolbox items being greyed out [duplicate]

I'm trying to add a chart to my Visual Studio form but the button is greyed out. I'm using .NET Framework 3.5 and C#. Following instructions online I've downloaded and installed the dll files from this link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14422
I also added them as references and added the following line at the top of my form file:
using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting;
but the button is still greyed out.
What have I missed?
To make the chart control available, you need:
To be using .Net framework 4.0 or higher, OR for .Net framework 3.5 install this: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14422
On the toolbox context menu -> Choose Items... have the Chart control selected. (Sort by name in the Choose Toolbox Items dialog and scroll to Chart. There are two: one for Windows forms, one for Web forms. You need only select what's relevant.)
The chart control appears in the "Data" section of the Toolbox.
You do NOT need to any any "using" clause to the form source file, or any reference in the project references. (The reference is added automatically for you when you add the control.)
I too had this issue and could not resolve it for hours.
As posted here:
Visual Studio 2010 toolbox controls disabled or inactive
In order to solve it for me I just right-clicked one of the items in the toolbox, and chose "Reset Toolbox"
This resets the entire toolbox, so as mentioned in the answer above, all custom tools are lost and need to be re-imported.
Had the same problem.
What I did was to make sure that I was using the same Framework with the chart framework version.
During project creation, by default using .net 3.5. But since the chart is written for Framework 4.0, it will not work with 3.5.
You need to change the solution or project Framework to 4.0 or above by doing this:
On the menu bar of Visual Studio, click <your project name>/Properties.
Change target framework to 4.0 or above.
Save the properties setting.
Rebuild your solution.
After this, you may use that chart component.

Charts and plots in .Net 4 using Windows Form

I am using Windows Form and .Net 4 in Visual Studio 2010. I need to do some cross-plots, and would like to have a few features, as cursor and zoom in and out.
I tried to use ZedGraph, however I was not able to add its controller to the toolbox. I don't know if I have done something wrong or if it is not compatible.
Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you!
First, I'll assume you are using WinForms (as opposed to WPF).
Add references to the ZedGraph DLLs to your project
Right-click references in the solution explorer and select Add Reference
Select the browse tab and locate ZedGraph.dll (also ZedGraph.Web.dll if needed)
Rebuild the project (F6)
In the Toolbox, check that ZedGraphControl has appeared under Components
This control can be added to the design layout of a form.
Alternatively, once you have the reference added, you can add a graph to a form in code with the following:
using ZedGraph;
ZedGraphControl myZedGraphControl = new ZedGraphControl();
// set size, location, etc. properties

Unable to use ObjectListView

I just downloaded ObjectListView. After adding the dll file when the objectListView is placed on my vb.net form it shows an error
Type 'BrightIdeasSoftware.ObjectListView' is not defined.
How to solve this problem ?
I am using VS2010
It sounds like you are missing a reference.
If you added the project source code, then you need to right-click on the project and select Add Reference..., select the Projects tab, and choose the ObjectListView project.
If you are just using the DLL, then you need to right-click on the project and select Add Reference..., select the Browse tab, and select the DLL file.
Based on the screenshot, the issue is that ObjectListView requires the full .Net Framework, not the client profile.
To resolve this, right-click on the project, select Properties, then select .Net Framework 4 in the Target framework dropdown list (it will currently be set to .Net Framework 4 Client Profile).
I just downloaded the full demo package and verified that it would run. I then went to the Toolbox Right-Clicked and Selected Choose Items... under .Net Framework Components I then browsed to the folder that has the ObjectListView.dll in it and selected it. This added the component to the Containers group on the Toolbox. I then added ObjectListView to my form and it worked correctly. Check and make sure your project references have ObjectListView in them.

Windows forms designer broken in VS2010?

We've recently upgraded from VS2008 to VS2010. The conversion of our vb.net Windows Forms app went well, but we're now having big problems with the forms designer.
Pretty much any change to the layout of a form (sometimes just a solution rebuild) will work once, but on recompile, the IDE designer refuses to display the form, the error message being a null-reference exception (with no details as to what).
Closing and restarting VS2010 will cure it, but only for one compile cycle - and it's obviously not practical to close and reopen every time. Closing and reopening the form does not fix it.
We had these very occasionally before, if there was something wrong in the form's load event, or more rarely for random reasons, but since VS2008 SP1 this was never serious.
Whereas now with VS2010, it's now every form, every compile.
It's completely unworkable, and we've had to revert to VS2008 for winforms dev.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
You can debug design mode:
In project properties, in the debugger tab, set the name of the executable to devenv.exe.
Run/debug the project: this launches a 2nd copy of Visual Studio
Use the 2nd (being debugged) copy Visual Studio to open the form in design mode
You may find more detailed information on the 'net, by Googling for 'debug design mode'.
Is your project Targets to .Net Framework 4 Client Profile or .Net Framework 4 ?
If you are not intentionally targeting to .Net Framework 4 Client Profile then change it to .Net Framework 4 you have a fair enough chance.
If, that was not helpful. Please do the above procedure as ChrisW said. That is the last option.
we faced the same problem. The reason ist, that the Handles statements are not converted
according the control name, but in capital letters.
However the controls themselves still contians the original correct name in lower case
or mixed. They also do this way in the designer.vb code.
You have to correct alle handles in the .vb code to match the name in the designer.vb code
of the same form.
A (fast) workaround is as follow.
a) Load the defective project.
b) Try to open a form
c) Press F7 to open the code
d) Replace all Handles to 'handles (search and replace, it works only form by form this way)
e) start a build
f) replace all 'handles to Handles
g) now the form should open
Unfortunately this works only form by form as VS 2010 'chockes'
loading too many forms at a time.
We are not taking any responsibility for the functionality not for eventual damage of your code using this suggestion!