In Centos 7, how do you permanently consume messages with rabbitmq? - rabbitmq

Good day,
I have just uploaded Symfony 3.4 project (PHP 7.2) to Centos server and my application needs to be connected to RabbitMQ. I want to do that in Centos server rabbitmq is constantly consuming messages. I know how to consume those messages temporarily by running this command:
bin/console rabbitmq:consumer messaging . But how could permanently I consume the messages on server? I tried to google but didn't find any useful information
In my application I've installed:
"php-amqplib/php-amqplib": "*",
"php-amqplib/rabbitmq-bundle": "*"
I achieved my desired situation with the following command:
nohup bin/console rabbitmq:consumer <your-consumer> &

idk if there's an "official" way of doing it, but as with anything in Linux, you could just write a little daemon to do it, a minimum example would be to add this to your crontab -e
#reboot /bin/bash /project/folder/
with containing
if [[ $(screen -ls | grep rabbitmq_daemon) ]]
echo "rabbitmq_daemon already running!"
# echo " rabbitmq_daemon not running!"
screen -S rabbitmq_daemon -dm
# workaround for
sleep 1
screen -S rabbitmq_daemon -X stuff "cd /project/folder; bin/console rabbitmq:consumer messaging^M"
then you can inspect your daemon with screen -xS rabbitmq_daemon , or with the Screenie application (honestly idk how to "properly" install Screenie on CentOS, i just run curl | base64 -d | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/screenie ; sudo chmod 0555 /usr/local/bin/screenie; )
if there's an "official" way of doing it tho, you should probably do it the official way instead, i don't know anything about that unfortunately.


How to keep WIndows Container running?

I need to keep my Windows Container up so I can run further commands on it using docker exec.
On Linux, I'd start it to run either sleep infinity, or tail -f /dev/null. Alternatively, I could borrow pause.c from Kubernetes.
What does this look like on Windows?
Use ping -t localhost will do it
A full run command would be:
docker run -d --name YourContainer ping -t localhost
Note: Make sure 1809 is equal with your own windows version from [WIN]+[R] -> winver.
You should then be able to step into the running container instance with the name YourContainer:
docker exec -it YourContainer cmd
Kubernetes on Windows used to use ping
cmd /c ping -t localhost
This would print lots of unnecessary output, so a good improvement should be
cmd /c ping -t localhost > NUL
What Kubernetes does now is to run a custom pauseloop.exe binary.
In late 2022, the current home for wincat/pauseloop is The move was implemented in

Rabbitmqadmin can't open with no error

I installed correctly RabbitMQ. It is working. I also enabled RabbitMQ management plugin with:
rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
after that any rabbitmqadmin commands do not seem to work and no error is displayed :
root#jessie:/usr# rabbitmqadmin --help
what can I do ?
First you have to make sure you have installed python, check your python version using below commands,
python -V or python3 -V
if it's python 3 you have to change the header of the rabbitmqadmin script as below,
#!/usr/bin/env python3
otherwise it won't work.
Now make sure you give the permission by chmod 777 and run scripts as below,
To list down ques,
./rabbitmqadmin -f tsv -q list queues

Apache Tomcat 8 not starting within a docker container

I am experimenting with Docker and am very new to it. I am struck at a point for a long time and am not getting a way through and hence came up with this question here...
Problem Statement:
I am trying to create an image from a docker file containing Apache and lynx installation. Once done I am trying to access tomcat on 8080 of the container which is in turn forwarded to the 8082 of the host. But when running the image I never get tomcat started in the container.
The Docker file
FROM ubuntu:16.10
#Install Lynx
Run apt-get update
Run apt-get install -y lynx
#Install Curl
Run apt-get install -y curl
#Install tools: jdk
Run apt-get update
Run apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk wget
#Install apache tomcat
Run groupadd tomcat
Run useradd -s /bin/false -g tomcat -d /opt/tomcat tomcat
Run cd /tmp
Run curl -O 8/v8.5.12/bin/apache-tomcat-8.5.12.tar.gz
Run mkdir /opt/tomcat
Run tar xzvf apache-tomcat-8*tar.gz -C /opt/tomcat --strip-components=1
Run cd /opt/tomcat
Run chgrp -R tomcat /opt/tomcat
Run chmod -R g+r /opt/tomcat/conf
Run chmod g+x /opt/tomcat/conf
Run chown -R tomcat /opt/tomcat/webapps /opt/tomcat/work /opt/tomcat/temp opt/tomcat/logs
Run cd /opt/tomcat/bin
Expose 8080
CMD /opt/tomcat/bin/ run && tail -f /opt/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
When the image is built I tried running the container by the two below methods
docker run -d -p 8082:8080 imageid tail -f /dev/null
While using the above, container is running but tomcat is not started inside the container and hence not accessible from localhost:8082. Also I do not see anything if I perform docker logs longcontainerid
docker run -d -p 8082:8080 imageid /path/to/ start tail -f /dev/null
I see tomcat started when I do docker logs longconatainrid
While using the above the container is started and stopped immediately and is not running as I can see from docker ps and hence again not accessible from localhost:8082.
Can anyone please tell me where I am going wrong?
P.s. I searched a lot on the internet but could not get the thing right. Might be there is some concept that i am not getting clearly.
Looking at the docker run command documentation, the doc states that any command passed to the run will override the original CMD in your Dockerfile:
As the operator (the person running a container from the image), you can override that CMD instruction just by specifying a new COMMAND
1/ Then when you run:
docker run -d -p 8082:8080 imageid tail -f /dev/null
The container is run with COMMAND tail -f /dev/null, the original command starting tomcat is overridden.
To resolve your problem, try to run:
docker run -d -p 8082:8080 imageid
docker log -f containerId
To see if tomcat is correctly started.
2/ You should not use the start argument with Have a look at this official tomcat Dokerfile, the team uses :
CMD ["", "run"]
to start tomcat (when you use start, docker ends container at the end of the shell script and tomcat will start but not maintain a running process).
3/ Finally, why don't you use tomcat official image to build your container? You could just use the :
FROM tomcat:latest
directive at the beginning of your Dockerfile, and add you required elements (new files, webapps war, settings) to the docker image.

How do I start plack application on boot

Does anyone know how to start a plack application on boot.
The os is raspbian(raspberry pi).
I think i have run it as a normal user(pi). That's how i start it manually.
I have tried adding something like this to rc.local but without success
su pi -c 'cd /path/to/app && plackup -d -p 5000 -r -R ./lib,./t -a ./bin/app.psgi &'
This will in-turn be used by Apache and the app is written in dancer2 if it makes any difference.
On a raspberry pi I use systemd to create and start a service, in the file:
Description=NCI Starman Dancer App
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/starman --daemonize -l \
--user myuser --group myuser --workers 8 -D -E production \
--pid /var/run/ -I/home/myuser/webservers/Dancer/lib \
--error-log=/home/myuser/logs/dancer_error.log \
And then I enable this with systemctl enable dancer.service
Or start it manually with systemtctl start dancer.service
Instead of startman, you can of course use plackup.
The issue was that the perl 5 environment variables were not initialised (which are in .bashrc).
so the solution was to run the plackup command inside bash -i so that it reads .bashrc or set the PERL5LIB before invoking plackup
You may also want to use monit or supervisord to be sure your app is always run and will be restarted in case of kill by any reason, for example OOM

How to shorten an inittab process entry, a.k.a., where to put environment variables that will be seen by init?

I am setting up a Debian Etch server to host ruby and php applications with nginx. I have successfully configured inittab to start the php-cgi process on boot with the respawn action. After serving 1000 requests, the php-cgi worker processes die and are respawned by init. The inittab record looks like this:
50:23:respawn:/usr/local/bin/spawn-fcgi -n -a -p 8000 -C 3 -u someuser -- /usr/bin/php-cgi
I initially wrote the process entry (everything after the 3rd colon) in a separate script (simply because it was long) and put that script name in the inittab record, but because the script would run its single line and die, the syslog was filled with errors like this:
May 7 20:20:50 sb init: Id "50" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
Thus, I got rid of the script file and just put the whole line in the inittab. Henceforth, no errors show up in the syslog.
Now I'm attempting the same with thin to serve a rails application. I can successfully start the thin server by running this command:
sudo thin -a -e production -l /var/log/thin/thin.log -P /var/run/thin/ -c /path/to/rails/app -p 8010 -u someuser -g somegroup -s 2 -d start
It works apparently exactly the same whether I use the -d (daemonize) flag or not. Command line control comes immediately back (the processes have been daemonized) either way. If I put that whole command (minus the sudo and with absolute paths) into inittab, init complains (in syslog) that the process entry is too long, so I put the options into an exported environment variable in /etc/profile. Now I can successfully start the server with:
sudo thin $THIN_OPTIONS start
But when I put this in an inittab record with the respawn action
51:23:respawn:/usr/local/bin/thin $THIN_OPTIONS start
the logs clearly indicate that the environment variable is not visible to init; it's as though the command were simply "thin start."
How can I shorten the inittab process entry? Is there another file than /etc/profile where I could set the THIN_OPTIONS environment variable? My earlier experience with php-cgi tells me I can't just put the whole command in a separate script.
And why don't you call a wrapper who start thin whith your options?
/usr/local/bin/thin -a -e production -l /var/log/thin/thin.log -P /var/run/thin/ -c /path/to/rails/app -p 8010 -u someuser -g somegroup -s 2 -d start
and then:
init.d script
Use a script in
and set the runlevel
Here are some examples with thin, ruby, apache
Which provide example initscripts to use.
Asker pointed out this will not allow respawning. I suggested forking in the init script and disowning the process so init doesn't hang (it might fork() the script itself, will check). And then creating an infinite loop that waits on the server process to die and restarts it.
It seems init will fork the script. Just a loop should do it.