Is it wrong for a service to be producer and consumer of Rabbit MQ? - rabbitmq

I want to create a "Notifications Microservice" that will handle different type of notifications (Google Chat, Email, etc).
For this task, we will create a microservice that contains the logic on how to process these messages, and we'll be using Rabbit MQ to manage the queue.
Now, the question that I have, is if it is possible (or if it is a bad practice) to expose two endpoints in the microservice like this:
registerNotification('channel', $data)
processNotification(Rabbit Message)
So I only have to implement the communication with RabbitMQ in one service, and other services will just register messages using this same service instead of directly talking to RabbitMQ.
This way for each channel I could validate in the service that I have everything that I need before enqueuing a message.
Is this a good approach?

I'd suggest splitting your question into two separate ones. As usual, it depends ... there's pros and cons to either one. Below my points without claiming completeness. Assessing those really depends on your specific needs in the end.
1) Is it a good practice to use a Notification / Event Gateway in front of a message queue (here RabbitMQ)?
enforce strong guarantees on message structure / correctness
provide advanced authentication / authorization mechanisms if required
provide convenience if languages in your stack lack first-class client support
abstract away / encapsulate technology choices & deployment considerations from services (publishers)
eliminate routing logic for messages from individual services (though, using available routing topologies in RabbitMQ, it's hard to see any added value here)
availability becomes a critical concern for your gateway, e.g. assuming you can guarantee an uptime of four nines per service, you are already down to three nines for the composed system by adding this dependency
added operational complexity
added latency
An alternative consideration here might be to use a library to achieve some of the pros above. Though, this approach also comes with its own cons.
2) Is it a good practice to run both message publishers and consumers in one service?
quick (shortcut?)
initially less deployed instances (until you have to scale up)
operational requirements for producers and consumers (workers!) are typically very different
harder (and more expensive) to scale the system adequately and fine grained
(performance) metrics become difficult to interpret
consumers might impact producer latency negatively as everything is competing for the same resources
loss of flexibility on the consumer side (quick, low risk deployments)
harder to guarantee availability of producers
I hope this helps to better evaluate your architecture based on your own needs / priorities.


Seperate or Merge Kafka Consumer and API services together

After recently reading about event-based architecture, I wanted to change my architecture into one making use of such strengths.
I have two services that expose an API (crud, graphql), each based around a different entity and using a different database.
However, now whenever someone deletes a certain type of row in service A, i need to delete a coupled row in Service B.
So I added Kafka to my design, and whenever I delete the entity in service A, it publishes a notification message into Kafka.
In service B I am currently consuming the same topic so whenever a new message is received the Service will also handle the deletion of the matching entity, because it already has access that table because the same service already exposes the CRUD API to users.
What i'm not sure about is whether putting the Kafka Consumer and the API together in the same service is a good design. It contradicts the point of single responsibility in micro services, and whether there is an issue in one part of the service, it will likely affect the second.
However, creating a new service will also cause me issues - i will have 2 different services accessing the same table, and i will have to make sure i always maintain them together, whenever making changes to the table or database.
What is the best practice in a incident such as this? Is it inevitable to have different services have data coupling or is it not so bad to use the same service for two, similiar usages.
There is nothing wrong with using Kafka... You could do the same with point-to-point service communication, however (JSON-RPC / gRPC), however.
The real problem you seem to be asking about is dual-writes or race-conditions leading to data inconsistency.
While you could use a single consumer group and one topic-partition to preserve order and locking across consumers interested in those events, that does not lock out other consumer-groups from interacting with the database to perform the same action. Therefore, Kafka itself won't help with this problem.
You'll need external, distributed locks (e.g. Zookeeper can be used here) that fence off your database clients while you are performing actions against it.
To the original question, Kafka Connect offers an API and is also a Producer and Consumer client (and would be recommended for database interactions). So is Confluent Schema Registry, KSQLdb, etc.
I believe that the consumer of your service B would not be considered "a service" or part of the "service", as in that it is not called as part the code which services requests. Yet it does provide functionality that is required for the domain function of your microservice. So yes I would consider the consumer part of the Microservice in terms of team/domain responsibility.
There may be different opinions on if the consumer code should share the same code base/repo as the "service" code. Some people believe that it is better to limit the repo scope to a single "executable", others believe it is beneficial to keep the domain scope and have everything in a single repo. I probably belong to the latter group but do not have a very strong opinion on it. I would argue it is more important to have a central documentation / wiki for the domain that will point to the repos involved etc.

Handling user request in Microservice Architecture powered by Messaging inter-communication (f.e. RabbitMQ)

I'm just starting with Microservice Architecture and investigating how to build that on top of messaging bus.
There is one concern which bothers me right now - how do I handle a simple query-like request from user or when microservice needs some data from other microservice to serve a response? (f.e. getOrderList, or getUserNameById)
I know there is a RPC pattern in RabbitMQ, but everybody is strongly recommending to avoid that (as it brings temporal coupling) and use async communication instead.
Yes, you have to use async communication in order to make sure that services are temporally decoupled. Here is a good series of articles that explains reasoning behind that design decision in-depth.
Also, consider reading about CQRS/ES approach to design microservices, it was an eye-opener for me when I first discovered it.

a completely decoupled OO system?

To make an OO system as decoupled as possible, I'm thinking of the following approach:
1) we run an RMI/directory like service where objects can register and discover each other. They talk to this service through an interface
2) we run a messaging service to which objects can publish messages, and register subscription callbacks. Again, this happens through interfaces
3) when object A wants to invoke a method on object B, it discovers the target object's unique identity through #1 above, and publishes a message on the message service for object B
4) message services invokes B's callback to give it the message
5) B processes the request and sends the response for A on message service
6) A's callback is called and it gets the response.
I feel this system is as decoupled as practically possible, but it has the following problems:
1) communication is typically asynchronous
2) hence it's non real time
3) the system as a whole is less efficient.
Are there any other practical problems where this design obviously won't be applicable ? What are your thoughts on this design in general ?
Enterprise Integration Patterns
It appears he's talking about using a Message Oriented Middleware
Here are some things to consider
What will prevent another rogue service from registering as a key component in your system. You will need way to validate and verify that services are who they say they are. This can be done through a PKI system. There are scenarios that you might not need to do this, if your system is hosted entirely on your intranet. IF that is the case Social Engineering and Rogue Employees will be your biggest threat.
What kind of contract will your clients have with the services? Will messages all be serialized as XML and sent as a TextMessage? If you use a pure byte message you'll have to be careful about byte order if your services are to run on multiple platforms.
Most developers are not able to comprehend and utilize asynchronous messages correctly. Where possible it might be in the best interest of your design to create a way to invoke "synchronous" messages. I've done this in the past by creating a sendMessageAndWait() method with a timeout and a return object. Within the method you can create a temporary topic id to receive the response, register a listener for it, then use locks to wait for a message to be returned on your temporary topic.
Unsolicited Messages
What happens if you want to allow your service(s) to send unsolicited messages to your clients? A critical event happened in Service A and it must notify your clients or possibly a Watch Dog service. Allow for your design to register for a common communication channel for services to communicate with clients without clients initiating the conversation.
What happens if a critical service processing your credit cards goes down? You'll need to implement a Failover and Watch Dog service to ensure that your key infrastructure is always up and running. You could register a list of services within your registry then your register could give out the primary service, falling back to a secondary service if your primary stops communicating. Or if your Message Oriented Middleware can handle Round Robin messaging you might be able to register all the services on the same topic. Think about creating a way to know when a service has died. Since most messages are Asynchronous it will be difficult to determine when a service has gone offline. This can be done with a Heartbeat and Watch Dog.
I've created this type of system a few times in my past for large systems that needed to communicate. If you and other developers understand the pros and cons of such a system it can be very powerful and flexible.
The biggest piece of advice I can give is to build a toolkit for your other developers so they don't have to think about how to register a service, or implement failover, or respond to messages from a client. These are the sorts of things that will kill your system and have others say it is too complicated. Making it painless for them will allow your system to work the way you need it with flexibility and decoupling while not burdening your developers with understanding enterprise design patterns.
This is not a Ivory Tower Architect/Architecture. It would be if he said, "This is how it will do done, now go do it and don't bother me about it because I know I'm right." If you really wanted to reference a Anti-Pattern it could be Kitchen Sink, maybe. Nah now that I think about it, it isn't Kitchen Sink either.
If you can find one please post it as a comment.
Coupling is simply a balance between efficiency and re-usability. If you wish the modules of your system to be as reusable as possible then that will undoubtedly come at a cost.
Personally I think it best to define some key assumptions which may tighten coupling, but bring increased efficiency.
There are design patterns which never see the light of day just because the benefit they provide is not worth the cost in complexity.
What's the simplest thing that could possibly work? Do modularize into reasonable size routines, but avoid interfaces, services, messages and all of this unless you are going to have multiple implementations or multiple hardware resources to divide a job.
Make it simple, then refactor those parts that turned out to matter.

What is an MQ and why do I want to use it?

On my team at work, we use the IBM MQ technology a lot for cross-application communication. I've seen lately on Hacker News and other places about other MQ technologies like RabbitMQ. I have a basic understanding of what it is (a commonly checked area to put and get messages), but what I want to know what exactly is it good at? How will I know where I want to use it and when? Why not just stick with more rudimentary forms of interprocess messaging?
All the explanations so far are accurate and to the point - but might be missing something: one of the main benefits of message queueing: resilience.
Imagine this: you need to communicate with two or three other systems. A common approach these days will be web services which is fine if you need an answers right away.
However: web services can be down and not available - what do you do then? Putting your message into a message queue (which has a component on your machine/server, too) typically will work in this scenario - your message just doesn't get delivered and thus processed right now - but it will later on, when the other side of the service comes back online.
So in many cases, using message queues to connect disparate systems is a more reliable, more robust way of sending messages back and forth. It doesn't work well for everything (if you want to know the current stock price for MSFT, putting that request into a queue might not be the best of ideas) - but in lots of cases, like putting an order into your supplier's message queue, it works really well and can help ease some of the reliability issues with other technologies.
MQ stands for messaging queue.
It's an abstraction layer that allows multiple processes (likely on different machines) to communicate via various models (e.g., point-to-point, publish subscribe, etc.). Depending on the implementation, it can be configured for things like guaranteed reliability, error reporting, security, discovery, performance, etc.
You can do all this manually with sockets, but it's very difficult.
For example: Suppose you want to processes to communicate, but one of them can die in the middle and later get reconnected. How would you ensure that interim messages were not lost? MQ solutions can do that for you.
Message queueuing systems are supposed to give you several bonuses. Among most important ones are monitoring and transactional behavior.
Transactional design is important if you want to be immune to failures, such as power failure. Imagine that you want to notify a bank system of ATM money withdrawal, and it has to be done exactly once per request, no matter what servers failed temporarily in the middle. MQ systems would allow you to coordinate transactions across multiple database, MQ and other systems.
Needless to say, such systems are very slow compared to named pipes, TCP or other non-transactional tools. If high performance is required, you would not allow your messages to be written thru disk. Instead, it will complicate your design - to achieve exotic reliable AND fast communication, which pushes the designer into really non-trivial tricks.
MQ systems normally allow users to watch the queue contents, write plugins, clear queus, etc.
MQ simply stands for Message Queue.
You would use one when you need to reliably send a inter-process/cross-platform/cross-application message that isn't time dependent.
The Message Queue receives the message, places it in the proper queue, and waits for the application to retrieve the message when ready.
reference: web services can be down and not available - what do you do then?
As an extension to that; what if your local network and your local pc is down as well?? While you wait for the system to recover the dependent deployed systems elsewhere waiting for that data needs to see an alternative data stream.
Otherwise, that might not be good enough 'real time' response for today's and very soon in the future Internet of Things (IOT) requirements.
if you want true parallel, non volatile storage of various FIFO streams(at least at some point along the signal chain) use an FPGA and FRAM memory. FRAM runs at clock speed and FPGA devices can be reprogrammed on the fly adding and taking away however many independent parallel data streams are needed(within established constraints of course).

MSMQ, WCF, and Flaky Servers

I have two applications, let us call them A and B. Currently A uses WCF to send messages to B. A doesn't need a response and B never sends messages back to A.
Unfortunately, there is a flaky network connection between the servers A and B are running on. This results in A getting timeout errors from time to time.
I would like to use WCF+MSMQ as a buffer between the two applications. That way if B goes down temporarily, or is otherwise inaccessible, the messages are not lost.
From an architectural standpoint, how should I configure this?
I think you might have inflated your question a bit with the inclusion of the word "architectural".
If you truly need an architectural overview of this issue from that high of a level, including SLA concerns, your SL will be as good as your MSMQ deployment, so if you are concerned about SL, just look at the documentation on the internet about MSMQ and SLA.
If you are looking more for the actual implementation from a code standpoint, this article is excellent:
It goes over a lot of the things you'll need to know, including how to setup MSMQ and how to implement chunking to get around MSMQ's 4MB limit (if this is necessary... I hope it's not).
Here's a good article about creating a durable and transactional queue that will cross machines using an MSMQ cluster: