Kotlin Coroutines for fetching from raw.githubusercontents.com - kotlin

I am currently working on porting a Kotlin library to Kotlin/Js. I am currently struggling with how to fetch something from the web. I want to retrieve a page from raw.githubusercontent.com (example).
My code currently looks like this:
// function
fun getText(url: String): String? {
val url = "some url"
var text: String? = null
GlobalScope.launch {
text = window.fetch(url).await().body.toString()
return text
fun run_test() = runTest {
val text = getText(url)
But I never seem to get the code in the Coroutine executed when running my unit tests. It's my first time working with coroutines, so I am not too familiar with them.
Have a nice day

By using the GlobalScope you've broke the structured concurrency. Try to avoid it.
Your window.fetch just runs in the topmost scope, so your test (runTest) doesn't wait for it's completion. It's like a daemon thread.
I would try to rewrite it to something like:
suspend fun getText(url: String): String? {
val url = "some url"
val text = window.fetch(url).await().body.toString()
return text
fun run_test() = runTest {
val text = getText(url)
Well, if it's an interface, it means that you:
Cannot change the parameters of the method (i.e. pass the scope)
Cannot make it an extension function (i.e. on the scope)
Cannot add suspend modifier
the only solution you probably have is to use runBlocking:
fun getText(url: String): String? {
val url = "some url"
val text = runBlocking {
return text


Kotlin Coroutines - cannot return object from room db

I'm not super sure what I'm doing here so go easy on me:
I'm making a wordle clone and the word that is to be guessed is stored as a string in a pre-populated room database which I am trying to retrieve to my ViewModel and currently getting:
instead of the actual data.
I have tried using LiveData which only returned null which as far as I'm aware is because it was not observed.
Switched to coroutines which seemed to make more sense if my UI doesn't need the data anyway.
I ended up with this so far:
interface WordListDao {
#Query("SELECT word FROM wordlist WHERE used = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
suspend fun readWord(): String
// tried multiple versions here only string can be converted from Job
// #Query("SELECT * FROM wordlist WHERE used = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
// fun readWord(): LiveData<WordList>
// #Query("SELECT word FROM wordlist WHERE used = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
// fun readWord(): WordList
class WordRepository(private val wordListDao: WordListDao) {
//val readWordData: String = wordListDao.readWord()
suspend fun readWord(): String {
return wordListDao.readWord()
#Entity(tableName = "wordlist")
data class WordList(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val id: Int,
val word: String,
var used: Boolean
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private val repository: WordRepository
private var word: String
init {
val wordDb = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
val wordDao = wordDb.wordlistDao()
repository = WordRepository(wordDao)
word = viewModelScope.launch {
Log.d("TAG", ": $word") // does nothing?
println(word) // StandaloneCoroutine{Active}#933049a
This is the only way that I have managed to not get the result of:
Cannot access database on the main thread
There is a better way to do this, I just can't figure it out.
You can access the return value of repository.readWord() only inside the launch block.
viewModelScope.launch {
val word = repository.readWord()
Log.d("TAG", ": $word") // Here you will get the correct word
If you need to update you UI when this word is fetched from database, you need to use an observable data holder like a LiveData or StateFlow.
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private val repository: WordRepository
private val _wordFlow = MutableStateFlow("") // A mutable version for use inside ViewModel
val wordFlow = _word.asStateFlow() // An immutable version for outsiders to read this state
init {
val wordDb = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
val wordDao = wordDb.wordlistDao()
repository = WordRepository(wordDao)
viewModelScope.launch {
_wordFlow.value = repository.readWord()
You can collect this Flow in your UI layer,
someCoroutineScope {
viewModel.wordFlow.collect { word ->
// Update UI using this word
Edit: Since you don't need the word immediately, you can just save the word in a simple global variable for future use, easy.
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private lateinit var repository: WordRepository
private lateinit var word: String
init {
val wordDb = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
val wordDao = wordDb.wordlistDao()
repository = WordRepository(wordDao)
viewModelScope.launch {
word = repository.readWord()
// word is not available here, but you also don't need it here
// This is the function which is called when user types a word and presses enter
fun submitGuess(userGuess: String) {
// You can access the `word` here and compare it with `userGuess`
The database operation will only take a few milliseconds to complete so you can be sure that by the time you actually need that original word, it will have been fetched and stored in the word variable.
(Now that I'm at a computer I can write a bit more.)
The problems with your current code:
You cannot safely read from the database on the main thread synchronously. That's why the suspend keyword would be used in your DAO/repository. Which means, there is no way you can have a non-nullable word property in your ViewModel class that is initialized in an init block.
Coroutines are asychronous. When you call launch, it is queuing up the coroutine to start its work, but the launch function returns a Job, not the result of the coroutine, and your code beneath the launch call continues on the same thread. The code inside the launch call is sent off to the coroutines system to be run and suspend calls will in most cases, as in this case, be switching to background threads back and forth. So when you call toString() on the Job, you are just getting a String representation of the coroutine Job itself, not the result of its work.
Since the coroutine does its work asynchronously, when you try to log the result underneath the launch block, you are logging it before the coroutine has even had a chance to fetch the value yet. So even if you had assigned the result of the coroutine to some String variable, it would still be null by the time you are logging it.
For your database word to be usable outside a coroutine, you need to put it in something like a LiveData or SharedFlow so that other places in code can subscribe to it and do something with the value when it arrives.
SharedFlow is a pretty big topic to learn, so I'll just use LiveData for the below samples.
One way to create a LiveData using your suspend function to retrieve the word is to use the liveData builder function, which returns a LiveData that uses a coroutine under the hood to get the value to publish via the LiveData:
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private val repository: WordRepository = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
private val word: LiveData<String> = liveData {
val someLiveDataForUi: LiveData<Something> = Transformations.map(word) { word ->
// Do something with word and return result. The UI code can
// observe this live data to get the result when it becomes ready.
To do this in a way that is more similar to your code (just to help with understanding, since this is less concise), you can create a MutableLiveData and publish to the LiveData from your coroutine.
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private val repository: WordRepository
private val word = MutableLiveData<String>()
init {
val wordDb = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
val wordDao = wordDb.wordlistDao()
repository = WordRepository(wordDao)
viewModelScope.launch {
word.value = repository.readWord()
val someLiveDataForUi: LiveData<Something> = Transformations.map(word) { word ->
// Do something with word and return result. The UI code can
// observe this live data to get the result when it becomes ready.
If you're not ready to dive into coroutines yet, you can define your DAO to return a LiveData instead of suspending. It will start reading the item from the database and publish it through the live data once it's ready.
interface WordListDao {
#Query("SELECT word FROM wordlist WHERE used = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
fun readWord(): LiveData<String>
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private val repository: WordRepository = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
private val word: LiveData<String> = repository.readWord()
The return value is as expected, because launch does always return a Job object representing the background process.
I do not know how you want to use the String for, but all operations which should be done after receiving the String must be moved inside the Coroutine or in a function which is called from the Coroutine.
viewModelScope.launch {
val word = repository.readWord()
// do stuff with word
// switch to MainThread if needed

Get livedata latest value while testing view model

I'm trying to unit test my viewmodel:
private val loginRepository: LoginRepository = LoginRepository()
private val _loginSuccess = MutableLiveData<Resource<String>>()
val loginSuccess : LiveData<Resource<String>>
get() = _loginSuccess
fun login(credentials : RequestLogin){
_loginSuccess.value = Resource.loading()
viewModelScope.launch {
With this:
fun login_success(){
val loginRequest = RequestLogin("username", "test")
val app:Application = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext()
val viewModel = LoginViewModel(app)
runBlocking {
assertEquals(viewModel.loginSuccess.getOrAwaitValue(), Resource.success("OK"))
But everytime i'm getting just the first value of the liveData object Resource.loading() instead of the one obtained with the postValue method.
How can i ignore the result of the first liveData update and just get the final one?
runBlocking executes and waits for completion for the block you pass to it, in this case it is
assertEquals(viewModel.loginSuccess.getOrAwaitValue(), Resource.success("OK"))
But this code does not have any suspend calls, so runBlocking does not have any effect here. In particular it does not affect the viewModelScope.launch call.
There are a couple of ways to test this code. I would suggest using kotlinx-coroutines-test library. It provides TestCoroutineDispatcher which is very convenient in this case.
viewModelScope uses Dispatchers.Main dispatcher by default, so you need to replace it with TestCoroutineDispatcher. E.g. you can create a simple test rule:
class CoroutineTestRule(val dispatcher: TestCoroutineDispatcher = TestCoroutineDispatcher()) : TestWatcher() {
override fun starting(description: Description?) {
override fun finished(description: Description?) {
Then apply it to your test:
var coroutineTestRule: CoroutineTestRule = CoroutineTestRule()
And use it like this
fun login_success(){
assertEquals(viewModel.loginSuccess.getOrAwaitValue(), Resource.success("OK"))
And here is a bit of how it works:
CoroutineTestRule replaces Dispatcher.Main with the CoroutineTestRule.dispatcher
Your viewmodel launches a login job, using viewModelScope, which uses the same CoroutineTestRule.dispatcher
coroutineTestRule.dispatcher.advanceUntilIdle() makes the dispatcher to execute all outstanding tasks, so it will execute all coroutines, which are using this dispatcher and are ready to be executed.
There is also very convenient advanceTimeBy method on TestCoroutineDispatcher which allows you to fast-forward and skip e.g. delay calls.

Kotlin Flow: Testing hangs

I am trying to test Kotlin implementation using Flows. I use Kotest for testing. This code works:
val detectedFlow = flow<String> {
class ScanViewModelTest : StringSpec({
"when the flow contains values they are emitted" {
val detectedString = "123"
val vm = ScanViewModel()
launch {
vm.detectedFlow.collect {
it shouldBe detectedString
However, in the real ViewModel I need to add values to the flow, so I use ConflatedBroadcastChannel as follows:
private val _detectedValues = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<String>()
val detectedFlow = _detectedValues.asFlow()
suspend fun sendDetectedValue(detectedString: String) {
Then in the test I try:
"when the flow contains values they are emitted" {
val detectedString = "123"
val vm = ScanViewModel()
runBlocking {
runBlocking {
vm.detectedFlow.collect { it shouldBe detectedString }
The test just hangs and never completes. I tried all kind of things: launch or runBlockingTest instead of runBlocking, putting sending and collecting in the same or separate coroutines, offer instead of send... Nothing seems to fix it. What am I doing wrong?
Update: If I create flow manually it works:
private val _detectedValues = ConflatedBroadcastChannel<String>()
val detectedFlow = flow {
So, is it a bug in asFlow() method?
The problem is that the collect function you used in your test is a suspend function that will suspend the execution until the Flow is finished.
In the first example, your detectedFlow is finite. It will just emit two values and finish. In your question update, you are also creating a finite flow, that will emit a single value and finish. That is why your test works.
However, in the second (real-life) example the flow is created from a ConflatedBroadcastChannel that is never closed. Therefore the collect function suspends the execution forever. To make the test work without blocking the thread forever, you need to make the flow finite too. I usually use the first() operator for this. Another option is to close the ConflatedBroadcastChannel but this usually means modifications to your code just because of the test which is not a good practice.
This is how your test would work with the first() operator
"when the flow contains values they are emitted" {
val detectedString = "123"
val vm = ScanViewModel()
runBlocking {
runBlocking {
vm.detectedFlow.first() shouldBe detectedString

await inside await or how to get parent scope? Kotlin

I have a fucntion:
suspend fun getChats() {
val chatList = mutableListOf<Chat>()
getMyChats { chats ->
chats.forEach {
But compiler show Suspension functions can be called only within coroutine body for await() which inside of forEach loop. How can I avoid this problem or how can I pass parent scope for it?
**getMyChats() receives a callback
According to you, the getMyChats doesn't support taking suspendable block (lambda).
So you can wrap it with a suspendCancellableCoroutine.
suspend fun getMyChatsSuspend(): List<Chat> = suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
getMyChats { cont.resume(it) }
Now use your function like this:
suspend fun getChats() {
val chats = getMyChatsSuspend()
val chatDetails = chats.map{ chat.getDetail() }
val chatDetailsAwait = awaitAll( *chatDetails.toTypedArray() )
Obviously just chain the calls instead of creating multiple variables if you want
If you want everything to be done in single line you can do:
val resolvedDetails = getMyChatsSuspend().map{ chat.getDetail() }.let { awaitAll(*it.toTypedArray()) }
You have to isolate the getMyChats function like #Animesh Sahu said, but that last call to await() looks very suspicious so I'll rewrite it.
I'll also assume that await is not necessarily on a Deferred<T>.
suspend fun getChats() {
val chatList = mutableListOf<Chat>()
val result = CompletableDeferred<List<Chat>>()
getMyChats { result.complete(it) }.await()
val chats = result.await()
chats.forEach {
If you provide the function signatures of the functions involved I might be able give you a nicer solution.
Although without looking at anything else, I can tell you that the getMyChats function needs a refactor.

How to suspend kotlin coroutine until notified

I would like to suspend a kotlin coroutine until a method is called from outside, just like the old Java object.wait() and object.notify() methods. How do I do that?
Here: Correctly implementing wait and notify in Kotlin is an answer how to implement this with Kotlin threads (blocking). And here: Suspend coroutine until condition is true is an answer how to do this with CompleteableDeferreds but I do not want to have to create a new instance of CompleteableDeferred every time.
I am doing this currently:
var nextIndex = 0
fun handleNext(): Boolean {
if (nextIndex < apps.size) {
//Do the actual work on apps[nextIndex]
//only execute again if nextIndex is a valid index
return nextIndex < apps.size
// The returned function will be called multiple times, which I would like to replace with something like notify()
return ::handleNext
From: https://gitlab.com/SuperFreezZ/SuperFreezZ/blob/master/src/superfreeze/tool/android/backend/Freezer.kt#L69
Channels can be used for this (though they are more general):
When capacity is 0 – it creates RendezvousChannel. This channel does not have any buffer at all. An element is transferred from sender to receiver only when send and receive invocations meet in time (rendezvous), so send suspends until another coroutine invokes receive and receive suspends until another coroutine invokes send.
So create
val channel = Channel<Unit>(0)
And use channel.receive() for object.wait(), and channel.offer(Unit) for object.notify() (or send if you want to wait until the other coroutine receives).
For notifyAll, you can use BroadcastChannel instead.
You can of course easily encapsulate it:
inline class Waiter(private val channel: Channel<Unit> = Channel<Unit>(0)) {
suspend fun doWait() { channel.receive() }
fun doNotify() { channel.offer(Unit) }
It is possible to use the basic suspendCoroutine{..} function for that, e.g.
class SuspendWait() {
private lateinit var myCont: Continuation<Unit>
suspend fun sleepAndWait() = suspendCoroutine<Unit>{ cont ->
myCont = cont
fun resume() {
val cont = myCont
myCont = null
It is clear, the code have issues, e.g. myCont field is not synchonized, it is expected that sleepAndWait is called before the resume and so on, hope the idea is clear now.
There is another solution with the Mutex class from the kotlinx.coroutines library.
class SuspendWait2 {
private val mutex = Mutex(locaked = true)
suspend fun sleepAndWait() = mutex.withLock{}
fun resume() {
I suggest using a CompletableJob for that.
My use case:
suspend fun onLoad() {
var job1: CompletableJob? = Job()
var job2: CompletableJob? = Job()
lifecycleScope.launch {
someList.collect {
lifecycleScope.launch {
otherList.collect {
joinAll(job1!!, job2!!) // suspends until both jobs are done
job1 = null
job2 = null
// Do something one time