Trying to remove crafting recipes but UniDict adds them back - minecraft

I am trying to remove some furnace crafting recipes with CraftTweaker, like so:
val IngotArray = [
] as IItemStack[];
for item in IngotArray{
Most of them work, but some don't. The Thermal Foundation metals here stay the same. I've done some reading and found out that UniDict messes with recipes after CraftTweaker does, and re-adds a whole bunch of them. I tried fiddling around with UniDict's config but nothing seems to change anything besides disabling the entire integration, and I don't want that.
Does anybody know a way to get the configs correct, or make UniDict operate before CraftTweaker?

unidict adds its recipes way after crafttweaker, you should go to the config file for unidict and find the string for recipe remove list


Magento 2 API removes spaces within variables

I am working with orders and invoices.
I noticed M2 (2.4.4) removes lots of spaces in almost all variables eg. for:
In backend, it's well written 'CHAMPIGNY SUR MARNE'
Idem for :
'additional_information': [
I also noticed that issue doesn't happen in all variables. Even if for the time, I can only see ONE value on witch it doesn't happen :
'comment': "Remboursement de 6,00\xa0€ hors ligne. <span style='color:deeppink'>(By Axel B)</span>",
Did anyone else ever noticed this ?
My bad ! I post this answer because maybe, somebody one day could be as dizzy as me.
The reason is I use a new tool for formatting - among others - JSON and XML.
I recommend it to those who do not know it yet : DevToys (Mac an Win).
But it is responsible for my misfortunes because is't it that removes spaces when beautifying. As the file was long, I didn't even have a look a the row file. I've searched in the soft an option that could avoid this behaviour ... without success.

Scripts connected to an Image in EggPlant

I have LoginButton.png that is being used across the whole suite in different scripts. I want to edit the name or move it to a new folder, without breaking all the scripts. So is there a way to list all the scripts that are using this image or to refactor the name/path across the whole suite?
Find option (Edit>Find) it's the closest to what I want, but it only looks at the open script, not the whole suite, and replaces anything with similar naming convention eg: Find "LoginButton" and replace with "NewButton", if you have "LoginButton", "LoginButton1", "LoginButton2" after the replace you will end up with "NewButton", "NewButton1", "NewButton2", and i just want to change "LoginButton" not "LoginButton1" and "LoginButton2".
Unfortunately, you've found the closest solution. One of Eggplant's major drawbacks is that you're locked into a single, (rather feature-less) IDE. If you're having issues matching other words with your search query, you can try including spaces, i.e. " LoginButton ", on the outside of the word.

Elm project scaling: separating Messages/Updates

I am trying to separate files in an Elm project, as keeping everything in global Model, Messages, etc. would be just a mess.
Here is how I tried it so far:
So, there are some global files, and then Header has its own files. However I keep getting error, when importing Header.View into my global View:
The 1st and 2nd entries in this list are different types of values.
Which kind of makes sense:
The 1st entry has this type:
Html Header.Messages.Msg
But the 2nd is:
Html Msg
So, my question is whether all the messages (from all my modules, like Header) needs to be combined somehow in global Messages.elm? Or there is a better way of doing this?
My advice would be to keep messages and update in 1 file until that feels uncomfortable (for you to decide how many lines of code that means - see Evan's Elm Europe talk for more on the modules flow). When you want to break something out, define a new message in Main
type Msg
= HeaderMsg Header.Msg
| ....
Then use HeaderMsg in your update function and HeaderMsg in your view function to connect up your sub-components

How to apply metadata to all files in a content directory

I have a content directory called foo and I want all files under that directory to have an extra metadata item foovar: default, unless explicitly overridden in the file header. I think I'm supposed to do this with EXTRA_PATH_METADATA, but I can't figure out what incantation it wants.
(for my current use case I'm trying to apply template: sometemplate within this dir, but I'm interested in solving the general case as it would make several related headaches go away)
I think what you're looking for is actually DEFAULT_METADATA. Check out this portion of the documentation:
The default metadata you want to use for all articles and pages.
So, in your case it might look something like this in your config file:
DEFAULT_METADATA = {'foovar': 'default'}
Then to assign your custom template(s), see this portion of the documentation.
This wasn't possible at the time I asked. I've since sent the devs a PR adding support, and it's been merged to master. Presumably it will go out in the next release. It makes EXTRA_PATH_METADATA recursive, so you can apply settings to a subdir like this:
EXTRA_PATH_METADATA = {'dirname/subdir': {'status': 'hidden'}}

cvs2svn include single branch and head?

I'm using cvs2svn to convert my repository. I've done it with success in one repository, and now my new problem is a second repository.
In my new conversion, I want to convert only the HEAD and one branch. cvs2svn only have "exclude" function for branches, but not "include". I have many many branches and excluding each and every one of them will take A LOT of work....
is there any way to convert only the trunk (HEAD) and only one branch?
If you only want to retain the one branch and no tags, then this is easy. The first rule that matches a symbol is used, so specify the branch that you want to be included then exclude everything else:
cvs2svn --force-branch=mybranch --exclude='.*' ...
If you want to include not only the branch but also as many tags as possible, then it is a little bit trickier. Not only don't you necessarily know the names of all of the tags, but you also cannot include tags that are dependent on excluded branches. In this case, it is easiest to work with the --write-symbol-info and --symbol-hints options:
cvs2svn --write-symbol-info=symbol-info.out --passes=1:3 ...
This will create a file called "symbol-info.out" containing information about all CVS symbols. In your editor, open this file, find all of the lines corresponding to branches that you want to exclude, and change the third column of those lines to the word "exclude". Make sure that the third column of the line for the branch that you want to include contains the word "branch" and its fourth column is the path where you want it to end up.
Now run cvs2svn again, starting at pass 3, and using the edited symbol-info file as a symbol hints file:
cvs2svn --symbol-hints=symbol-info.out --passes=3 ...
you will get a lot of errors like:
ERROR: ExcludedSymbol('FOO_BRANCH') cannot be excluded because the following symbols depend on it:
Now go back into the editor and change the listed tags (BAR_TAG and BAZ_TAG in the example) to be excluded too, then try running pass3 again. This procedure might need to be iterated a couple of times, but it should not be cumbersome because pass3 runs very quickly.
When you have gotten pass3 to complete without errors, run the rest of the conversion:
cvs2svn --symbol-hints=symbol-info.out --passes=4: ...
One problem is that cvs2svn not only needs to determine whether to include a branch or not, but (simultaneously) whether a symbol is a branch or a tag in the first place. So if you want to include that one branch, and also some tags, it's more difficult than just saying "include only that branch" - doing so would kill all tags.
IOW, cvs2svn doesn't really support that. You can work around by editing its source code. In cvs2svn_lib.symbol_strategy.BranchIfCommits, change the case where it returns Branch(symbol) to
if == 'my_branch':
return Branch(symbol)
return ExcludedSymbol(symbol)
IIUC, BranchIfCommits should be used by default.
Personally, I would use a different strategy:
1. convert the repository once, with all branches.
2. do a "svn ls" on branches, and redirect that into a file.
3. edit the file to construct an exclude regex out of it, of the form `b1|b2|...|bn`
I wouldn't call that a LOT of work...