While plotting using scatterplot in matplotlib, I find some of the values from x-axis are missing in the labels. I want to have all the x-axis legends to be displayed in the graph.
This might be related to tick spacing but I am not sure how to set it to display all the x-axis values.
In the sample code, I want to have all the dates displayed on x-axis
x = [, 6, 16),, 6, 17),, 6, 18),, 6, 19),, 6, 20),, 6, 21),, 6, 22),, 6, 23),, 6, 24),, 6, 25),, 6, 26),, 6, 27),, 6, 28),, 6, 29),, 6, 30),, 7, 1),, 7, 2),, 7, 3),, 7, 4),, 7, 5),, 7, 6),, 7, 7),, 7, 8),, 7, 9),, 7, 10),, 7, 11),, 7, 12),, 7, 13),, 7, 15)]
y = [0.15338331291011087, 0.15340904024033467, 0.1534195786228156, 0.15343290378685995, 0.15331644003478487,
0.1533570064827251, 0.1531156771286262, 0.15307150988142237, 0.15306137109205153, 0.15302301551230038,
0.15295889536607005, 0.15298157619113423, 0.15286883583977182, 0.15283539558962958, 0.15284508041253356,
0.15281542656182034, 0.1527844647725921, 0.15277054534676898, 0.1527339281127108, 0.15270419704783855,
0.15261812595095475, 0.15255120245035042, 0.15251650362641, 0.15257536163149088, 0.15253967278547242,
0.15249871561808356, 0.15248591103997422, 0.15242121840852002, 0.15248773465596907]
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.scatter(x, y, s=10, c='b', marker="s", label='y')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
Plot that I get with the sample code
Just pass the value of x in the plt.xticks() and set x-axis using 'plt.gcf' it will work.
I have create a random list for the x and plot the graph check it.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from datetime import datetime
def std(a):
return datetime.strptime(a, '%Y, %m, %d').date()
x = [std('2019, 6, 16'), std('2019, 6, 17'), std('2019, 6, 18'), std('2019, 6, 19'),
std('2019, 6, 20'), std('2019, 6, 21'), std('2019, 6, 22'), std('2019, 6, 23'),
std('2019, 6, 24'), std('2019, 6, 25'), std('2019, 6, 26'), std('2019, 6, 27'),
std('2019, 6, 28'), std('2019, 6, 29'), std('2019, 6, 30'), std('2019, 7, 1'),
std('2019, 7, 2'), std('2019, 7, 3'), std('2019, 7, 4'), std('2019, 7, 5'),
std('2019, 7, 6'), std('2019, 7, 7'), std('2019, 7, 8'), std('2019, 7, 9'),
std('2019, 7, 10'), std('2019, 7, 11'), std('2019, 7, 12'), std('2019, 7, 13'),
std('2019, 7, 15')]
y = [0.15338331291011087, 0.15340904024033467, 0.1534195786228156, 0.15343290378685995, 0.15331644003478487,
0.1533570064827251, 0.1531156771286262, 0.15307150988142237, 0.15306137109205153, 0.15302301551230038,
0.15295889536607005, 0.15298157619113423, 0.15286883583977182, 0.15283539558962958, 0.15284508041253356,
0.15281542656182034, 0.1527844647725921, 0.15277054534676898, 0.1527339281127108, 0.15270419704783855,
0.15261812595095475, 0.15255120245035042, 0.15251650362641, 0.15257536163149088, 0.15253967278547242,
0.15249871561808356, 0.15248591103997422, 0.15242121840852002, 0.15248773465596907]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax1.scatter(x, y, s=10, c='b', marker="s", label='y')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
t_l = plt.gca().get_xticklabels()
maxsize = max([t.get_window_extent().width for t in t_l])
m = .2 # inch margin
s = maxsize/plt.gcf().dpi*len(x)+3*m
margin = m/plt.gcf().get_size_inches()[1]
plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(left=margin, right=0.8-margin)
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(s, plt.gcf().get_size_inches()[1])
(4197, 282, '342', 19, 1, 12, '0', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, NULL),
(4194, 282, '331', 19, 1, 12, '1', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, NULL),
(4189, 282, '336', 19, 1, 11, '0', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, NULL),
(4193, 282, '332', 19, 1, 12, '1', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, NULL),
(4192, 282, '333', 19, 1, 11, '0', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, NULL),
(4160, 282, '350', 19, 3, 11, '0', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 1),
(4190, 282, '335', 19, 1, 12, '1', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, NULL),
(4188, 282, '337', 19, 1, 12, '0', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, NULL),
(4187, 282, '338', 19, 1, 12, '1', 1, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, NULL),
Here is some sample of the series 4197 to 4187 how can i replace it???
To replace multiple instance of a same word in sublime you have to press Ctrl + D and select the multiple instance and you can edit all of them at once.
Alternatively you can use find and replace feature
Read more about multiple selection in sublime here:
I am stuck. I want to read a simple csv file into a Numpy array and seem to have dug myself into a hole. I am new to Numpy and I am SURE I have messed this up somehow as usually I can read CSV files easily in Python 3.4. I don't want to use Pandas so I thought I would use Numpy to increase my skillset but I really am not getting this at all. If someone could tell me if I am on the right track using genfromtxt OR is there an easier way and give me a nudge in the right direction I would be grateful.
I want to read in the CSV file manipulate the datetime column to 8/4/2014 then put it in a numpy array together with the remaining columns. Here is what I have so far and the error which I am having trouble coding around. I can get the date part way there but don't see how to add the date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") to the datefunc. Also I don't see how to format the string for SYM to get round the error. Any help would be appreciated.
the data
2015-08-04 02:14:05.249392, AA, 0.0193103612, 0.0193515212, 0.0249713335, 30.6542480634, 30.7195875454, 39.640763021, 0.2131498442, 29.0406746589, 13524.5347810182, 89, 57, 99
2015-08-04 02:14:05.325113, AAPL, 0.0170506271, 0.0137941891, 0.0105915637, 27.0670313481, 21.8975963326, 16.8135861893, -19.0986405157, -23.2172064279, 21.5647072302, 33, 26, 75
2015-08-04 02:14:05.415193, AIG, 0.0080808151, 0.0073296055, 0.0076213535, 12.8278962785, 11.635388035, 12.0985236788, -9.2962105215, 3.980405659, -142.8175077335, 71, 42, 33
2015-08-04 02:14:05.486185, AMZN, 0.0235649449, 0.0305828226, 0.0092703502, 37.4081902773, 48.5487257749, 14.7162247572, 29.7810062852, -69.6877219282, -334.0005615016, 2, 92, 10
the "code" sorry still learning
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import date,time
datefunc = lambda x: datetime.strptime(x.decode("utf-8"), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
a = np.genfromtxt('/home/dave/Desktop/development/hvanal2016.csv',delimiter = ',',
converters = {0:datefunc},dtype='object,str,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float,float',
names = ["date","sym","20sd","10sd","5sd","hv20","hv10","hv5","2010hv","105hv","abshv","2010rank","105rank","absrank"])
the error
Python 3.4.3+ (default, Oct 14 2015, 16:03:50)
[GCC 5.2.1 20151010] on linux
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
============================================================================== RESTART: /home/dave/3 9 15 my ===============================================================================
[datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 249392)
datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 325113)
datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 415193) ...,
datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 18, 1, 0, 25, 925754)
datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 18, 1, 0, 26, 26400)
datetime.datetime(2016, 3, 18, 1, 0, 26, 114828)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/dave/3 9 15 my", line 19, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/", line 1615, in array_str
return array2string(a, max_line_width, precision, suppress_small, ' ', "", str)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/", line 454, in array2string
separator, prefix, formatter=formatter)
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/", line 328, in _array2string
_summaryEdgeItems, summary_insert)[:-1]
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy/core/", line 490, in _formatArray
word = format_function(a[i]) + separator
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-32-le' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-3: code point not in range(0x110000)
So part of your text is
b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.249392 AA 0.0193103612 ...'
(I'm using b because Py3 genfromtxt opens the file a bytestrings).
But you specify a , delimiter. I don't see any commas.
Let's just try a basic load, not fancy business.
In [97]: txt=b"""2015-08-04 02:14:05.249392 AA 0.0193103612 0.0193515212 0.0249713335 30.6542480634 30.7195875454 39.640763021 0.2131498442 29.0406746589 13524.5347810182 89 57 99
2015-08-04 02:14:05.325113 AAPL 0.0170506271 0.0137941891 0.0105915637 27.0670313481 21.8975963326 16.8135861893 -19.0986405157 -23.2172064279 21.5647072302 33 26 75
In [98]: txt=txt.splitlines()
In [99]: data=np.genfromtxt(txt,dtype=None)
In [100]: data
array([ (b'2015-08-04', b'02:14:05.249392', b'AA', 0.0193103612, 0.0193515212, 0.0249713335, 30.6542480634, 30.7195875454, 39.640763021, 0.2131498442, 29.0406746589, 13524.5347810182, 89, 57, 99),
(b'2015-08-04', b'02:14:05.325113', b'AAPL', 0.0170506271, 0.0137941891, 0.0105915637, 27.0670313481, 21.8975963326, 16.8135861893, -19.0986405157, -23.2172064279, 21.5647072302, 33, 26, 75)],
dtype=[('f0', 'S10'), ('f1', 'S15'), ('f2', 'S4'), ('f3', '<f8'), ('f4', '<f8'), ('f5', '<f8'), ('f6', '<f8'), ('f7', '<f8'), ('f8', '<f8'), ('f9', '<f8'), ('f10', '<f8'), ('f11', '<f8'), ('f12', '<i4'), ('f13', '<i4'), ('f14', '<i4')])
The datetime information is in 2 fields:
In [101]: data[['f0','f1']]
array([(b'2015-08-04', b'02:14:05.249392'),
(b'2015-08-04', b'02:14:05.325113')],
dtype=[('f0', 'S10'), ('f1', 'S15')])
Your datefunction does work with a byte substring
In [102]: datefunc(b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.249392')
Out[102]: datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 249392)
But it requires 2 fields (as defined by the ' ' delimiter). So we need to figure out a way of parsing these 2 substrings as one, rather than split into two fields.
Maybe I'll try changing the sample txt to really use , delimiter (but not between date and time) and set what works.
With the , delimited text I get:
In [117]: data=np.genfromtxt(txt,delimiter=',',dtype=None,usecols=[0,1,2,3])
In [118]: data.dtype
Out[118]: dtype([('f0', 'S26'), ('f1', 'S5'), ('f2', '<f8'), ('f3', '<f8')])
In [119]: data['f0']
array([b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.249392', b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.325113',
b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.415193', b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.486185'],
In [120]: [datefunc(d) for d in data['f0']]
[datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 249392),
datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 325113),
datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 415193),
datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 486185)]
I used usecols because the full text has 14 fields in the 1st line, and 13 in the others.
If I specify the dtype (instead of the easy None), I can replace the strings in the 1st field with these datetime objects:
In [122]: data=np.genfromtxt(txt,delimiter=',',dtype='O,S5,f,f',usecols=[0,1,2,3])
In [123]: data
array([ (b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.249392', b' AA', 0.01931036077439785, 0.019351521506905556),
(b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.325113', b' AAPL', 0.01705062761902809, 0.01379418931901455),....],
dtype=[('f0', 'O'), ('f1', 'S5'), ('f2', '<f4'), ('f3', '<f4')])
In [124]: data['f0']
array([b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.249392', b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.325113',
b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.415193', b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.486185'], dtype=object)
In [126]: data['f0']=[datefunc(d) for d in data['f0']]
In [127]: data
array([ (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 249392), b' AA', 0.01931036077439785, 0.019351521506905556),
(datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 325113), b' AAPL', 0.01705062761902809, 0.01379418931901455),...],
dtype=[('f0', 'O'), ('f1', 'S5'), ('f2', '<f4'), ('f3', '<f4')])
and with the converter, your call works (more or less)
In [133]: data=np.genfromtxt(txt,dtype='object,S5,float,float',
converters = {0:datefunc},delimiter=',',usecols=[0,1,2,3])
In [134]: data
array([ (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 249392), b' AA', 0.0193103612, 0.0193515212),
(datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 325113), b' AAPL', 0.0170506271, 0.0137941891),...],
dtype=[('f0', 'O'), ('f1', 'S5'), ('f2', '<f8'), ('f3', '<f8')])
the numpy datetime64 works with this string. These types can be used a numpy numbers.
In [154]: datefunc(b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.249392')
Out[154]: datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 2, 14, 5, 249392)
In [155]: np.datetime64(b'2015-08-04 02:14:05.249392')
Out[155]: numpy.datetime64('2015-08-04T02:14:05.249392-0700')
From this Importing csv into Numpy datetime64 I got this to work:
In [175]: data=np.genfromtxt(txt,dtype='M8[us],S5,float,float',
In [176]: data
array([ (datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 9, 14, 5, 249392), b' AA', 0.0193103612, 0.0193515212),
(datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 4, 9, 14, 5, 325113), b' AAPL', 0.0170506271, 0.0137941891),...],
dtype=[('f0', '<M8[us]'), ('f1', 'S5'), ('f2', '<f8'), ('f3', '<f8')])
See for datetime units:
I'm using SQL Server Management to create a database (fot a work in the university), I'm trying to insert new values into a table but recieving error.
The two relevant tables I created are:
create table ballotBox
bno integer,
cid numeric(4,0) references city,
street varchar(20),
hno integer,
totvoters integer,
primary key (bno)
create table votes
cid numeric(4,0) references city,
bno integer references ballotBox,
pid numeric(3,0) references party,
nofvotes integer
I've entered first the values to ballotBox (as well as for the table 'city' and 'party'):
insert into ballotBox values
(1, 1, 'street1', 10, 1500),
(2, 1, 'street2', 15, 490),
(3, 1, 'street2', 15, 610),
(4, 1, 'street2', 15, 650),
(5, 2, 'street3', 10, 900),
(6, 2, 'street3', 55, 800),
(7, 2, 'street4', 67, 250),
(8, 2, 'street4', 67, 990),
(9, 2, 'street5', 5, 600),
(10, 3, 'street1', 72, 1000),
(11, 3, 'street6', 25, 610),
(12, 3, 'street6', 25, 600),
(13, 4, 'street2', 3, 550),
(14, 4, 'street7', 15, 500),
(15, 5, 'street8', 44, 1100),
(16, 5, 'street9', 7, 710),
(17, 5, 'street10', 13, 950);
And then I tried to enter values to votes:
insert into votes values
(1, 1, 200, 100),
(1, 11, 210, 220),
(1, 1, 220, 2),
(1, 1, 230, 400),
(1, 1, 240, 313),
(1, 1, 250, 99),
(2, 1, 200, 55),
(2, 10, 210, 150),
(2, 10, 220, 2),
(2, 1, 230, 16),
(2, 1, 240, 210),
(2, 9, 250, 54),
(3, 9, 200, 234),
(3, 9, 210, 123),
(3, 1, 220, 8),
(3, 1, 230, 87),
(3, 1, 240, 76),
(3, 1, 250, 6),
(4, 1, 200, 135),
(4, 1, 210, 246),
(4, 17, 220, 7),
(4, 1, 230, 18),
(4, 1, 240, 44),
(4, 1, 250, 66),
(1, 2, 200, 373),
(1, 2, 210, 12),
(1, 2, 220, 3),
(1, 2, 230, 74),
(1, 2, 240, 58),
(1, 2, 250, 272),
(2, 6, 200, 139),
(2, 6, 210, 2580),
(2, 2, 220, 6),
(2, 2, 230, 73),
(2, 2, 240, 7),
(2, 2, 250, 99),
(3, 2, 200, 15),
(3, 2, 210, 68),
(3, 2, 220, 12),
(3, 2, 230, 12),
(3, 2, 240, 15),
(3, 2, 250, 25),
(4, 2, 200, 7),
(4, 2, 210, 245),
(4, 2, 220, 8),
(1, 0, 0.0, 361),
(4, 2, 240, 67),
(4, 2, 250, 144),
(5, 2, 200, 123),
(5, 2, 210, 76),
(5, 2, 220, 15),
(5, 2, 230, 158),
(5, 2, 240, 76),
(5, 2, 250, 132),
(1, 3, 200, 152),
(1, 3, 210, 517),
(1, 3, 220, 0),
(1, 3, 230, 267),
(2, 3, 200, 87),
(2, 3, 210, 134),
(2, 3, 220, 4),
(2, 3, 230, 11),
(2, 3, 240, 256),
(2, 3, 250, 76),
(3, 3, 200, 105),
(3, 3, 210, 132),
(3, 3, 3220, 3),
(3, 3, 230, 24),
(3, 3, 240, 254),
(3, 3, 250, 12),
(1, 4, 200, 61),
(1, 4, 210, 54),
(1, 4, 220, 5),
(1, 4, 230, 19),
(1, 4, 240, 1),
(1, 4, 250, 47),
(2, 4, 200, 17),
(2, 4, 210, 23),
(2, 4, 220, 0),
(2, 4, 230, 64),
(2, 4, 240, 11),
(2, 4, 250, 149),
(1, 5, 0200, 187),
(1, 5, 210, 88),
(1, 5, 220, 1),
(1, 5, 230, 255),
(1, 5, 240, 12),
(1, 5, 250, 373),
(2, 2, 500, 245),
(2, 5, 210, 120),
(2, 5, 220, 9),
(2, 5, 230, 19),
(2, 5, 240, 234),
(2, 5, 250, 5),
(3, 5, 200, 107),
(3, 5, 210, 18),
(3, 5, 220, 11),
(3, 5, 230, 54),
(3, 5, 240, 378),
(3, 5, 250, 243);
But I'm getting an error:
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__votes__bno__1920BF5C". The conflict occurred in database "Voting", table "dbo.ballotBox", column 'bno'. The statement has been terminated.
you are trying to insert
(1, 0, 0.0, 361),
in votes table have FK bno
there are no record corresponding to 0 in ballotbox table
please remove this line from votes statement then insert
The relationship between two tables is not correct.
Make it so:
create table votes
cid numeric(4,0),
bno integer,
pid numeric(3,0),
nofvotes integer
foreing key cid reference city(cid)
foreing key bno reference ballotbox (bno)
foreing key pid reference party(pid)
I have the following SQL statement. The inner query ('SELECT ARRAY...ORDER BY 1,2') works correctly and gives the correct totals for each row_name. When I run the crosstab, the result is incorrect. Changing the 'ORDER BY' in the innner query doesn't seem to change its result, but changes the outer query result. I have verified the types match for crosstab(text,text) for column headings.
ct.row_name[1:2] AS zonenumber,
sum(ct.amount1) AS "sumEmploymentamount",
sum(ct.amount3) AS "sumExport_Consumersamount"
FROM output.crosstab('
] as row_name,
tab.activity_type_id as attribute,
amount as value
output.all_zonalmakeuse_3 tab,
output.activity_numbers actNums,
output.activity_types actTypes,
output.commodity_numbers comNums,
output.commodity_types comTypes
scenario = ''S03'' AND year_run = ''2005'' AND
amount != ''-Infinity'' AND moru = ''M'' AND
actNums.activity_type_id = ActTypes.activity_type_id AND
tab.activity = actNums.activitynumber AND
comNums.commodity_type_id = comTypes.commodity_type_id AND
tab.commodity = comNums.commoditynumber AND
comTypes.commodity_type_name =''Financial''OR
comNums.commodity = ''Financial'' OR
comTypes.commodity_type_name =''Goods''OR
comNums.commodity = ''Goods''
actTypes.activity_type_name =''Employment'' OR
actNums.activity = ''Employment'' OR
actTypes.activity_type_name =''Export Consumers'' OR
actNums.activity = ''Export Consumers''
'::text, '
SELECT activity_type_id AS activity
FROM output.activity_types
WHERE activity_type_id = 1 OR activity_type_id = 3
) ct (row_name text[], amount1 double precision, amount3 double precision)
GROUP BY ct.row_name[1:2]
ORDER BY ct.row_name[1:2]::text;
CREATE TABLE activity_numbers
("activitynumber" int, "activity" varchar(46), "activity_type_id" int)
INSERT INTO activity_numbers
("activitynumber", "activity", "activity_type_id")
(0, '"AI01AgMinMan"', 1),
(1, '"AI02AgMinProd"', 1),
(2, '"AI03ConMan"', 1),
(3, '"AI04ConProd"', 1),
(4, '"AI05MfgMan"', 1),
(5, '"AI06MfgProd"', 1),
(6, '"AI07TCUMan"', 1),
(7, '"AI08TCUProd"', 1),
(8, '"AI09Whole"', 1),
(9, '"AI10Retail"', 1),
(10, '"AI11FIRE"', 1),
(11, '"AI12PTSci"', 1),
(12, '"AI13ManServ"', 1),
(13, '"AI14PBSOff"', 1),
(14, '"AI15PBSRet"', 1),
(15, '"AI16PSInd"', 1),
(16, '"AI17Religion"', 1),
(17, '"AI18BSOnsite"', 1),
(18, '"AI19PSOnsite"', 1);
CREATE TABLE activity_types
("activity_type_id" int, "activity_type_name" varchar(18))
INSERT INTO activity_types
("activity_type_id", "activity_type_name")
(1, '"Employment"'),
(2, '"Households"'),
(3, '"Export Consumers"')
CREATE TABLE commodity_numbers
("commoditynumber" int, "commodity" varchar(29), "commodity_type_id" int)
INSERT INTO commodity_numbers
("commoditynumber", "commodity", "commodity_type_id")
(0, '"CG01AgMinDirection"', 1),
(1, '"CG02AgMinOutput"', 1),
(2, '"CG03ConDirection"', 1),
(3, '"CG04ConOutput"', 1),
(4, '"CG05MfgDirection"', 1),
(5, '"CG06MfgOutput"', 1),
(6, '"CS07TCUDirection"', 2),
(7, '"CS08TCUOutput"', 2),
(8, '"CS09WsOutput"', 2),
(9, '"CS10RetailOutput"', 2),
(10, '"CS11FIREOutput"', 2),
(11, '"CS13OthServOutput"', 2),
(12, '"CS14HealthOutput"', 2),
(13, '"CS15GSEdOutput"', 2),
(14, '"CS16HiEdOutput"', 2),
(15, '"CS17GovOutput"', 2),
(16, '"CF18TaxReceipts"', 4),
(17, '"CF19GovSupReceipts"', 4),
(18, '"CF20InvestReceipts"', 4),
(19, '"CF21ReturnInvestReceipts"', 4),
(20, '"CF22CapitalTransferReceipts"', 4)
CREATE TABLE commodity_types
("commodity_type_id" int, "commodity_type_name" varchar(23))
INSERT INTO commodity_types
("commodity_type_id", "commodity_type_name")
(1, '"Goods"'),
(4, '"Financial"')
CREATE TABLE all_zonalmakeuse_3
("year_run" int, "scenario" varchar(6), "activity" int, "zonenumber" int, "commodity" int, "moru" varchar(3), "amount" numeric, "activity_type_id" int, "commodity_type_id" int)
INSERT INTO all_zonalmakeuse_3
("year_run", "scenario", "activity", "zonenumber", "commodity", "moru", "amount", "activity_type_id", "commodity_type_id")
(2005, '"C11a"', 0, 1, 0, '"M"', 1752708.30900861, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 0, 3, 0, '"M"', 2785972.97039016, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 0, 4, 0, '"M"', 3847879.45910403, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 1, 1, 1, '"M"', 26154618.3893068, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 1, 3, 1, '"M"', 1663.49609248196, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 1, 4, 1, '"M"', 91727.9065950723, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 1, 1, 5, '"M"', 855899.319689473, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 1, 3, 5, '"M"', 54.4372375336784, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 1, 4, 5, '"M"', 3001.75868302327, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 2, 1, 2, '"M"', 150885191.664482, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 2, 2, 2, '"M"', 99242746.1181359, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 2, 3, 2, '"M"', 90993266.1879518, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 2, 4, 2, '"M"', 60169908.2975819, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 3, 1, 3, '"M"', 642982844.104623, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 3, 2, 3, '"M"', 421379496.576106, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 3, 3, 3, '"M"', 592125233.320609, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 3, 4, 3, '"M"', 400206994.693349, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 4, 1, 4, '"M"', 449206658.578704, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 4, 2, 4, '"M"', 103823580.173348, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 4, 3, 4, '"M"', 181300924.388112, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 4, 4, 4, '"M"', 143113096.547075, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 1, 1, '"M"', 83889.8852772168, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 2, 1, '"M"', 25716.5837854808, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 3, 1, '"M"', 10243.7021847824, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 4, 1, '"M"', 22406.3296935502, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 1, 5, '"M"', 408669650.696034, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 2, 5, '"M"', 125278360.769936, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 3, 5, '"M"', 49902204.2985933, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 4, 5, '"M"', 109152455.018677, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 1, 20, '"M"', 161822.743734245, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 2, 20, '"M"', 49607.031096612, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 3, 20, '"M"', 19759.998336631, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 5, 4, 20, '"M"', 43221.5842952059, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 7, 1, 1, '"M"', 122316.017730318, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 7, 2, 1, '"M"', 20514.5008361246, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 7, 3, 1, '"M"', 8431.33094615992, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 7, 4, 1, '"M"', 75842.631567318, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 13, 1, 5, '"M"', 1195626.97941868, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 13, 2, 5, '"M"', 567002.352487648, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 13, 3, 5, '"M"', 1104908.87426762, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 13, 4, 5, '"M"', 1071325.74253601, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 17, 1, 1, '"M"', 751648.370711072, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 17, 2, 1, '"M"', 340439.936040081, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 17, 3, 1, '"M"', 800477.767008582, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 17, 4, 1, '"M"', 489745.223392316, 1, 1),
(2005, '"C11a"', 17, 1, 20, '"M"', 3154907.39011312, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 17, 2, 20, '"M"', 1428934.74123601, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 17, 3, 20, '"M"', 3359859.9041298, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 17, 4, 20, '"M"', 2055616.54193613, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 18, 1, 20, '"M"', 2088003.66854949, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 18, 2, 20, '"M"', 1310122.52506653, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 18, 3, 20, '"M"', 1481450.29636847, 1, 4),
(2005, '"C11a"', 18, 4, 20, '"M"', 3035710.53213605, 1, 4)
I have manipulated the query in several ways (changed type casting, order by, etc), but always get incorrect values. The row and column headers are at least consistently correct.