How to install Tensorflow in base environment on Anaconda? [closed] - tensorflow

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Closed last year.
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Using Python 3.9.7(64-bit).
Gets forever to install the packages
After installing, it shows which environment to download Tensorflow in. After I choose 'base' it loads for sometime and gives out error.
What can be wrong ??

Try to install Tensorflow over the terminal.
Step 1:
conda activate base
Step 2:
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow
If this installation command doesn't work, here is the official link to the Anaconda forum. There you will find more commands you could try out.
If none of those things work out I would try to reinstall Anaconda.


proxmox hardware monitoring (system monitor) [closed]

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Closed last year.
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Is there any way to install hardware monitoring tool like lm-sensors on proxmox VE 4.2 (was installed from ISO: Or maybe there is another way to monitor host's hardware (cpu/mb/hdd temp, fan speed, etc)?
apt-get result:
root#pve:~# apt-get install lm-sensors
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package lm-sensors
Look's like proxmox use it's own repo, if so how additional repos can be added?
One more question: What monitoring system (with web-interface) can be used on proxmox? or some web front-end for lm-sensors
no need to add repository if the Debian main one is present in /etc/apt/source.list.
Here is mine :
deb jessie main contrib
# security updates
deb jessie/updates main contrib
# PVE pve-no-subscription repository provided by, NOT recommended for production use
deb jessie pve-no-subscription
Just do apt-get update && apt-get install lm-sensors
Try to install Netdata (,
a free monitoring tool, easy to install.

Where can I read what ns3 module needs to be built? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I work on Windows 7 & I must use the ns3 network simulator, so I install the Cygwin emulator. I successfully download the ns3 from the official cite and install it, but six modules wasn't been installed. I think it's because when I install Cygwin, I didn't install some packages, and these ns3 modules needs in this packages. So, there was the message:
Modules not built (see ns-3 tutorial for explanation):
brite click fd-net-device
openflow tap-bridge visualizer
I found the ns3 tutorial (pdf file on the off. cite), but I can't find in these document what should I do to successfully built these modules! There is just an installation steps and some examples! I tried to run the test & I the test return me
0 of 0 tests passed (0 passed, 0 skipped, 0 failed, 0 crashed, 0 valgrind errors)
So, I think I will not be able to work with ns3 for now, because no one tests can be passed! Where can I read about what I must to update/install in Cygwin (maybe, install other version of gcc, or install java etc) to build more modules successfully?
Those modules require another additional software besides NS3 since these modules developed by integrating/using another projects.
You can find how to install and using it in their respected NS3 module documentation page or NS3 Wiki
Brite :
OpenFlow :
Click :
visualizer :
Tap-Bridge : required to build in linux based OS
fd-net-device : required to build in linux based OS
TapBridge and emulation features aspects depend on Linux and those components are not enabled on the Windows via Cygwin. If you want to serious work on NS3 and still need Windows, consider virtualization of a popular Linux platform and
Unless, you need these modules. You can skip it. It is not required to have it.

Error while installing kvm package in ubuntu12.04lts [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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# apt-get install kvm kvm-source
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package kvm-source
While installing kvm in my ubuntu12.04 lts machine. I got this error.What i want to do.
It seems this package just doesn't exist:
apt-cache search kvm-source
#if it returns nothing it means the package doesn't exit
As long as we want to search only Ubuntu official repositories, we can also check on Here we see that the package kvm exists, but that kvm-source doesn't.
If you want to retrieve the source for this package, you should try
apt-get source kvm
(see man apt-get for more info on the source command)
Edit to answer comment:
You can check if a package is installed with e.g.:
dpkg --status kvm

How to Install Photoshop in Ubuntu OS? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Hello Any One Have You Idea How to Install Photoshop in Ubuntu OS?
You can install Photoshop CS4 in Ubantu Using Wine & PlayOnlineLinux.
So please refer LINK given step by step guide line.
Try Gimp In ubuntu instead Ubuntu Software Center -> Gimp
, if you still want photoshop try installing Wine(used to run windows apps in ubuntu/linux) and install photoshop using wine
You can also try out Online Photoshop

Phantomjs installation for Windows [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I downloaded the " " for Windows from here.
I even set up the path of the extracted folder in the environment variables. But I am getting the "parse error" when I try to enter any command like phantomjs --version in the phantomjs.exe command prompt. (My Windows is 64 bit.)
Why is it throwing the error?
Type phantomjs --version in the Windows command-prompt.
If you launch PhantomJS by executing phantomjs.exe, you are now inside PhantomJS interactive mode (REPL). In this prompt, you should type JavaScript code.