I am new to ANTLR4 and have a trouble.
I want to have the code accept integers with _ between digits, but the output would not include _ characters. For example: it would accept 12_34_5 and the expected token would be 12345.
Is there a way to do that in ANTLR4?
I think what you mean by "output would not include _ characters" is to rewrite the text value of the recognized token. The "output" of a parse is a parse tree.
Use a lexer action.
grammar Rewrite;
everything: .* EOF;
Int: [0-9_]+ { Text = Text.Replace("_",""); };
WS: [ \n\r\t]+ -> skip;
Note, the "action code" is target-specific, i.e., in C# for the CSharp target. You will need to change the action code for another target.
I'm creating a parser in Antlr4 and Python. Below is the Lexer rules I created in Antlr.
VARIABLE_ID : [$][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*;
ARRAY_ID : [*][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*;
STRINGCONST : ["][/|:.a-zA-Z0-9 ]+["];
WS : [ \r\t\f\n]+ -> skip;
I am looking at the STRINGCONST rule and I'm trying to add symbols such as - and ~, however, since they are escapement characters, Antlr is just throwing errors for me. I've tried escaping them with themselves and I haven't been able to get that to work.
Is there a way to include them in the STRINGCONST rule? The basic idea is that I want a string to be identified as any character between two " " marks however I'm happy to limit it to what's currently in the rule as long as I can get - and ~ in there as well.
You can escape chars by adding a \ in front of them:
STRINGCONST : ["] [/|:.a-zA-Z0-9 \-~]+ ["];
And note that ~ has no special meaning inside a char class (only outside of them), so ~ doesn't need to be escaped.
my aim is save a comment that start with any word and end with the "end" word like this
ANYWORD bla bla bla end
I have this grammar:
lexer grammar JunkLexer;
WS : [ \r\t\n]+ -> skip ;
LQUOTE : 'start' -> more, mode(START) ;
mode START;
STRING : 'end' -> mode(DEFAULT_MODE) ; // token we want parser to see
TEXT : . -> more ; // collect more text for string
but I don't know why, the lexer generates tokens that does not exists in the grammar:
when I checkout the lexer tokens, is the same:
Thank you in advance
When you define a lexer rule using a single string literal, that string literal becomes an alternative name for the rule. So when you define FOO: 'foo'; in the lexer grammar, you can then use FOO and 'foo' interchangeably in the parser grammar. This allows you to use string literals in your grammar even if you split it up into a parser and lexer grammar. So even though you have to write PLUS: '+'; in the lexer, you can still write exp '+' exp instead of exp PLUS exp in the grammar. The string literal name is also the one used when displaying the token because that tends to be more readable.
Of course that makes sense in the PLUS example, but doesn't really make sense in your example because, due to the more, your STRING rule doesn't actually just match end, but a whole string. So writing 'end' in the parser grammar to match a complete begin-end section would be utterly confusing (though it would work) and so is the fact that it's used as the token name. However ANTLR doesn't realize that because it doesn't realize that STRING can only be reached through rules invoking more.
Note that you can still use STRING to refer to the token, so this won't actually break your grammar in any way. It will lead to confusing error messages though ("missing 'end'" when it should be "missing STRING").
To work around that you can change the STRING rule to not only consist of a single string literal:
STRING: 'e' 'n' 'd';
This will be equivalent in every way, except that 'end' will no longer be an alias for STRING and will no longer be used as the display name of the token.
If I have a ONELINE_STRING fragment rule in an antlr4 lexer that identifies a simple quoted string on one line, how can I create a more general STRING rule in the lexer that will concatenate adjacent ONELINE_STRING's (ie, separated only by whitespace and/or comments) as long as they each start on a different line?
"foo" "bar"
would be parsed as two STRING tokens, "foo" followed by "bar"
would be seen as one STRING token: "foobar"
For clarification: The idea is that while I generally want the parser to be able to recognize adjacent strings as separate, and whitespace and comments to be ignored by the parser, I want to use the idea that if the last non-whitespace sub-token on a line was a string, and the first sub-token on the next line that is not all whitespace is also a string, then the separate strings should be concatenated into one long string as a means of specifying potentially very long strings without having to put the whole thing on one line. This is very straightforward if I were wanting all adjacent string sub-tokens to be concatenated, as they are in C... but for my purposes, I only want concatenation to occur when the string sub-tokens start on different lines. This concatenation should be invisible to any rule in the parser that might use a string. This is why I was thinking it might be better to situate the rule inside the lexer instead of the parser, but I'm not wholly opposed to doing this in the parser, and all the parsing rules which might have referred to a STRING token would instead refer to the parser string rule whenever they want a string.
"desc" "this sample will parse as two strings.
Sample3 (note, 'output' is a keyword in the language):
output "this is a very long line that I've explicitly made so that it does not "
"easily fit on just one line, so it gets split up into separate ones for "
"ease of reading, but the parser should see it all as one long string. "
"This example will parse as if the output command had been followed by "
"only a single string, even though it is composed of multiple string "
"fragments, all of which should be invisible to the parser.%n";
Both of these examples should be accepted as valid by the parser. The former is an example of a declaration, while the latter is an example of an imperative statement in the language.
I had originally been thinking that this would need to be done in the lexer because although newlines are supposed to be ignored by the parser, like all other whitespace, a multiline string is actually sensitive to the presence of newlines I did not think that the parser could perceive that.
However, I have been thinking that it may be possible to have the ONELINE_STRING as a lexer rule, and have a general 'string' parser rule which detects adjacent ONELINE_STRINGS, using a predicate between strings to detect if the next ONELINE_STRING token is starting on a different line than the previous one, and if so, it should invisibly concatenate them so that its text is indistinguishable from a string that had been specified all on one line. I am unsure of the logistics of how this would be implemented, however.
Okay, I have it.
I need to have the string recognizer in the parser, as some of you have suggested. The trick is to use lexer modes in the lexer.
So in the Lexer file I have this:
BEGIN_STRING : '"' -> pushMode(StringMode);
mode StringMode;
END_STRING: '"'-> popMode;
STRING_LITERAL_ESCAPE_QUOTE : '%"' { setText("\""); };
STRING_LITERAL_ESCAPE_PERCENT: '%%' { setText("%"); };
STRING_LITERAL_ESCAPE_NEWLINE : '%n'{ setText("\n"); };
UNTERMINATED_STRING: { _input.LA(1) == '\n' || _input.LA(1) == '\r' || _input.LA(1) == EOF}? -> popMode;
And in the parser file I have this:
string returns [String text] locals [int line] : a=stringLiteral { $line = $a.line; $text=$a.text;}
({_input.LT(1)!=null && _input.LT(1).getLine()>$line}?
a=stringLiteral { $line = $a.line; $text+=$a.text; })*
stringLiteral returns [int line, String text]: BEGIN_STRING {$text = "";}
) {$text+=$a.text;} )*
stringEnd { $line = $BEGIN_STRING.line; }
stringEnd: END_STRING #string_finish
The string rule thus concatenates adjacent string literals as long as they are on different lines. The stringEnd rule needs an event handler for when a string literal is not terminated correctly so that the parser can report a syntax error, but the string is otherwise treated as if it had been closed correctly.
EDIT: Sorry, have not read your requirements fully. The following approach would match both examples not only the desired one. Have to think about it...
The simplest way would be to do this in the parser. And I see no point that would require this to be done in the lexer.
multiString : singleString +;
singleString : ONELINE_STRING;
ONELINE_STRING: ...; // no fragment!
WS : ... -> skip;
Comment : ... -> skip;
As already mentioned, the (IMO) better way would be to handle this inside the parser. But here's a way to handle it in the lexer:
: '"' ~'"'* '"'
fragment SPACE
: [ \t]
fragment LINE_BREAK
: [\r\n]
| '\r\n'
fragment COMMENT
: '//' ~[\r\n]+
Tokenizing the input:
"a" "b"
would create the following 5 tokens:
However, if the token would include a comment:
"c" // comment
then you'd need to strip this "// comment" from the token yourself at a later stage. The lexer will not be able to put this substring on a different channel, or skip it.
apparently, I wasn't able to deduce the answers to my problem from exiting posts on token recognition errors with Island Grammars here, so I hope someone can give me an advice on how to do this correctly.
Basically, I am trying to write a language that contains proprocessor directives. I narrowed my problem down to a very simple example. In my example lanuage, the following should be valid syntax:
##some preprocessor text
PRINT some regular text
When parsing the code, I want to be able to identify the tokens "some preprocessor text", "PRINT" and "some regular text".
This is the parser grammar:
parser grammar myp;
root: (preprocessor | command)*;
This is the lexer grammar:
lexer grammar myl;
PREPROC: '##' -> pushMode(PREPROC_MODE);
WS: [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
PREPROCLINE: (~[\r\n])*[\r\n]+ -> popMode;
STRINGLINE: (~[\r\n])*[\r\n]+ -> popMode;
When I parse the above example code, I get the following error:
line 1:2 extraneous input 'some preprocessor text\r\n' expecting
PREPROCLINE line 2:5 token recognition error at: ' some regular text'
This error occurs regardless of whether the line "WS: [ \t\r\n] -> skip;" is included in the lexer grammar or not. I guess that if I introduced quotes to the tokens PREPROCLINE and STRINGLINE instead of the line endings, it would work (at least I suceesfully implemented regular strings in other languages). But in this particular language, I really want to have the strings without the quotes.
Any help on why this error is occurring or how to implement a preprocessor language with unquoted strings is very appreciated.
Updated: First, the recognition errors are because your parser needs to reference the lexer tokens. Add the options block to your parser:
options {
Second, when you generate your lexer/parser, be aware that the warnings usually need to be considered and corrected before proceeding.
Finally, these are all working alternatives, once you add the options block.
XXXX: (~[\r\n])*[\r\n]+ -> popMode;
is a bit cleaner as:
XXXX: .*? '\r'? '\n' -> popMode;
To not include the line endings, try
XXXX: .*? ~[\r\n] -> popMode;
(I edited my question based on the first comment of #Bart Kiers - thank you!)
I have the following grammar:
SPACE : (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r')+ {$channel = HIDDEN;};
STRING_LITERAL : ('"' .* '"')+;
and I want to parse languages like: 'START: "abcd" START: "img src="test.jpg""' (string literals could be inside string literals).
The grammar defined above does not work if there are string literals inside a string literal because for the language 'START: "img src="test.jpg""' the lexer translates it into the following tokens: START('START:') STRING_LITERAL("img src=") test.jpg.
Is there any way to define a grammar which is fine for my problem?
There are a couple of things wrong here:
you cannot use fragment rules inside parser rules. You grammar will never create a START token;
a . char (DOT-char) inside a parser rule matches any token, while inside a lexer rule, it matches any character;
if you let .* match greedily (and you had defined a proper lexer rule that matches a string literal), the input START: "abcd" START: "img src="test.jpg"" would then have one large string in it: "abcd" START: "img src="test.jpg"" (the first and the last quote would be matched).
So, you cannot embed string literals inside string literals using the same quotes. The lexer is not able to determine if a quote is meant to close the string, or if it's the start of a (new) embedded string. You will need to change that in your grammar.