Formatting in Raku - printf

I have written a function that outputs a double, upto 25 decimal
places. I am trying to print it as a formatted output from Raku.
However, the output is incorrect and truncated.
See MWE:
my $var = 0.8144262510988963255087469;
say sprintf("The variable value is: %.25f", $var)
The above code gives The variable value is: 0.8144262510988963000000000 which is not what is expected.
Also, this seems weird:
my $var = 0.8144262510988963255087469;
say $var.Str.chars; # 29 wrong, expected 27
I tested the same in C:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
double var = 0.8144262510988963255087469;
printf("The variable value is: %.25lf \n", var);
return 0;
However, it works fine. Given the identical nature of sprintf and printf, I expected this C example to work in Raku too. Seems like %lf is not supported.
So is there a workaround to fix this?

I think this is actually a bug in how Rat literals are created. Or at least as WAT :-).
I actually sort of expect 0.8144262510988963255087469 to either give a compile time warning, or create a Num, as it exceeds the standard precision of a Rat:
raku -e 'say 0.8144262510988963255087469'
Note that these are not the same.
There is fortunately an easy workaround, by creating a FatRat
$ raku -e 'say 0.8144262510988963255087469.FatRat'
FWIW, I think this is worthy of creating an issue

From your question:
I have written a function that outputs a double, upto 25 decimal places.
From google:
Double precision numbers are accurate up to sixteen decimal places
From the raku docs :
When constructing a Rat (i.e. when it is not a result of some mathematical expression), however, a larger denominator can be used
so if you go
my $v = 0.8144262510988963255087469;
say $v.raku;
it works.
However, do a mathematical expression such as
my $b = $a/10000000000000000000000000;
and you get the Rat => Num degradation applied unless you explicitly declare FatRats. I visualise this as the math operation placing the result in a Num register in the CPU.
The docs also mention that .say and .put may be less faithful than .raku, presumably because they use math operations (or coercion) internally.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but 10**25 > 2 **64, but what you report as an issue is correct & (fairly) well documented behaviour given the constraints of double precision IEEE P754.


Raku operator for 2's complement arithmetic?

I sometimes use this:
$ perl -e "printf \"%d\", ((~18446744073709551592)+1)"
I can't seem to do it with Raku. The best I could get is:
$ raku -e "say +^18446744073709551592"
So: how can I make Raku give me the same answer as Perl ?
Gotta go with (my variant¹ of) Liz's custom op (in her comment below).
sub prefix:<²^>(uint $a) { (+^ $a) + 1 }
say ²^ 18446744073709551592; # 24
My original "semi-educated wild guess"² that turned out to be acceptable to #zentrunix and the basis for Liz's op:
say (+^ my uint $ = 18446744073709551592) + 1; # 24
\o/ It works!³
¹ I flipped the two character op because I wanted to follow the +^ form, have it sub-vocalize as "two's complement", and avoid it looking like ^2.
² One line of thinking was about the particular integer. I saw that 18446744073709551592 is close to 2**64. Another was that integers are limited precision in Perl unless you do something to make them otherwise, whereas in Raku they are arbitrary precision unless you do something to make them otherwise. A third line of thinking came from reading the doc for prefix +^ which says "converts the number to binary using as many bytes as needed" which I interpreted as meaning that the representation is somehow important. Hmm. What if I try an int variable? Overflow. (Of course.) uint? Bingo.
³ I've no idea if this solution is right for the wrong reasons. Or even worse. One thing that's concerning is that uint in Raku is defined to correspond to the largest native unsigned integer size supported by the Raku compiler used to compile the Raku code. (Iirc.) In practice today this means Rakudo and whatever underlying platform is being targeted, and I think that almost certainly means C's uint64_t in almost all cases. I imagine perl has some similar platform dependent definition. So my solution, if it is a reasonable one, is presumably only portable to the degree that the Raku compiler (which in practice today means Rakudo) agrees with the perl binary (which in practice today means P5P's perl) when run on some platform. See also #p6steve's comment below.
'Long-hand' answer:
raku -e 'put ( (18446744073709551592.base(2) - 0b1){!$_.Int+0}).join.parse-base(2));'
raku -e 'say 18446744073709551592.base(2){!$_.Int+0}).join.parse-base(2) + 1;'
Sample Output: 24
The answers above (should?) implement "Two's-Complement" encoding directly. Neither uses Raku's +^ twos-complement operator. The first one subtracts one from the binary representation, then inverts. The second one inverts first, then adds one. Neither answer feels truly correct, yet the same answer as Perl5 is obtained (24).
Looking at the Raku Docs page, one would conclude that the "twos-complement" of a positive number would be negative, hence it's not clear what the Perl (and now Raku) answers represent. Hopefully the foregoing is somewhat useful.$CIRCUMFLEX_ACCENT

what's best way for awk to check arbitrary integer precision

from GNU gawk's page
they have a formula to check arbitrary precision
function adequate_math_precision(n) { return (1 != (1+(1/(2^(n-1))))) }
My question is : wouldn't it be more efficient by staying within integer math domain with a formula such as
( 2^abs(n) - 1 ) % 2 # note 2^(n-1) vs. 2^|n| - 1
Since any power of 2 must also be even, then subtracting 1 must always be odd, then its modulo (%) over 2 becomes indicator function for is_odd() for n >= 0, while the abs(n) handles the cases where it's negative.
Or does the modulo necessitate a casting to float point, thus nullifying any gains ?
Good question. Let's tackle it.
The proposed snippet aims at checking wether gawk was invoked with the -M option.
I'll attach some digression on that option at the bottom.
The argument n of the function is the floating point precision needed for whatever operation you'll have to perform. So, say your script is in a library somewhere and will get called but you have no control over it. You'll run that function at the beginning of the script to promptly throw exception and bail out, suggesting that the end result will be wrong due to lack of bits to store numbers.
Your code stays in the integer realm: a power of two of an integer is an integer. There is no need to use abs(n) here, because there is no point in specifying how many bits you'll need as a negative number in the first place.
Then you subtract one from an even, integer number. Now, unless n=0, in which case 2^0=1 and then your code reads (1 - 1) % 2 = 0, your snippet shall always return 1, because the quotient (%) of an odd number divided by two is 1.
Problem is: you are trying to calculate a potentially stupidly large number in a function that should check if you are able to do so in the first place.
Since any power of 2 must also be even, then subtracting 1 must always
be odd, then its modulo (%) over 2 becomes indicator function for
is_odd() for n >= 0, while the abs(n) handles the cases where it's
Except when n=0 as we discussed above, you are right. The snippet will tell that any power of 2 is even, and any power of 2, minus 1, is odd. We were discussing another subject entirely thought.
Let's analyze the other function instead:
return (1 != (1+(1/(2^(n-1)))))
Remember that booleans in awk runs like this: 0=false and non zero equal true. So, if 1+x where x is a very small number, typically a large power of two (2^122 in the example page) is mathematically guaranteed to be !=1, in the digital world that's not the case. At one point, floating computation will reach a precision rock bottom, will be rounded down, and x=0 will be suddenly declared. At that point, the arbitrary precision function will return 0: false: 1 is equal 1.
A larger discussion on types and data representation
The page you link explains precision for gawk invoked with the -M option. This sounds like technoblahblah, let's decipher it.
At one point, your OS architecture has to decide how to store data, how to represent it in memory so that it can be accessed again and displayed. Terms like Integer, Float, Double, Unsigned Integer are examples of data representation. We here are addressing Integer representation: how is an integer stored in memory?
A 32-bit system will use 4 bytes to represent and integer, which in turn determines how larger the integer will be. The 32 bits are read from most significative (MSB) to less significative (LSB) and if signed, one bit will represent the sign (the MSB typically, drastically reducing the max size of the integer).
If asked to compute a large number, a machine will try to fit in in the max number available. If the end result is larger than that, you have overflow and end up with a wrong result or an error. Many online challenges typically ask you to write code for arbitrary long loops or large sums, then test it with inputs that will break the 64bit barrier, to see if you master proper types for indexes.
AWK is not a strongly typed language. Meaning, any variable can store data, regardless of the type. The data type can change and it is determined at runtime by the interpreter, so that the developer doesn't need to care. For instance:
$awk '{a="this is text"; print a; a=2; print a; print a+3.0*2}'
-| this is text
-| 2
-| 8
In the example, a is text, then is an integer and can be summed to a floating point number and printed as integer without any special type handling.
The Arbitrary Precision Page presents the following snippet:
$ gawk -M 'BEGIN {
> s = 2.0
> for (i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
> s = s * (s - 1) + 1
> print s
> }'
-| 113423713055421845118910464
There is some math voodoo behind, we will skip that. Since s is interpreted as a floating point number, the end result is computed as floating point.
Try to input that number on Windows calculator as decimal, and it will fail. Although you can compute it as a binary. You'll need the programmer setting and to add up to 53 bits to be able to fit it as unsigned integer.
53 is a magic number here: with the -M option, gawk uses arbitrary precision for numbers. In other words, it commandeers how many bits are necessary, track them and breaks free of the native OS architecture. The default option says that gawk will allocate 53 bits for any given arbitrary number. Fun fact, the actual result of that snippet is wrong, and it would take up to 100 bits to compute correctly.
To implement arbitrary large numbers handling, gawk relies on an external library called MPFR. Provided with an arbitrary large number, MPFR will handle the memory allocation and bit requisition to store it. However, the interface between gawk and MPFR is not perfect, and gawk can't always control the type that MPFR will use. In case of integers, that's not an issue. For floating point numbers, that will result in rounding errors.
This brings us back to the snippet at the beginning: if gawk was called with the -M option, numbers up to 2^53 can be stored as integers. Floating points will be smaller than that (you'll need to make the comma disappear somehow, or rather represent it spending some of the bits allocated for that number, just like the sign). Following the example of the page, and asking an arbitrary precision larger than 32, the snippet will return TRUE only if the -M option was passed, otherwise 1/2^(n-1) will be rounded down to be 0.

String interpolation in Perl6

I have difficulty figuring out why the statement
say "\c500";
produces the character 'Ǵ' on my screen as expected, while the following statements give me an error message at compile time ("Unrecognized \c character"):
my $i = 500;
say "\c$i";
even though
say "$i"; # or 'say $i.Str;' for that matter
produces "500" (with "$i".WHAT indicating type Str).
You'll have to use $i.chr, which is documented here. \c is handled specially within strings, and does not seem to admit anything that is not a literal.
The string literal parser in Perl 6 is a type of domain specific language.
Basically what you write gets compiled similarly to the rest of the language.
In the case of \c500, you could view it as a compile-time constant.
(BEGIN 500.chr)
Actually it is more like:
(BEGIN 500.HOW.find_method_qualified(Int,500,'chr').(500))
Except that the compiler for string literals actually tries to compile it to an abstract syntax tree, but is unable to because there hasn't been code added to handle this case of \c.
Even if there was, \c is effectively compiled to run at BEGIN time, which is before $_ has a value.
Also \c is used for more than .chr
"\c9" eq "\c[TAB]" eq "\cI" eq "\t"
(Note that \cI represents the character you would get by typing Cntrl+Alt+i on a posix platform)
So which of these should \c$_ compile to?
If you want .chr you can write it as one of the following. (spaces added where they are allowed)
"abc$_.chr( )def"
"abc{ $_.chr }def"
"abc{ .chr }def"
'abc' ~ $_.chr ~ 'def'

Can I make printf format floats like C++ streams

I am comparing the output of two programs, one C the other C++, using diff, so the output must be identical.
Is there any way to printf a double so that it is formatted as though it was printed using << mydouble.
I am currently using printf("%g",mydouble)
Here are some examples of the differences:
c: 3.24769e-05 c++: 3.2477e-05
c: 0.0026572 c++: 0.00265721
Interestingly the scientific notation has more digits in c, and the decimal notation has more in c++.
You can solve this by using the format specifiers in C.
For example, say you would like to print out only 3 places after the decimal, you could make your printf like so:
printf("%.3lf", dub);
With a value of double dub = .0137; the output would be 0.014
This would fix the issue with your 2nd case if you want more precision printed you could write:
printf("%.8lf", dub);
Your output for double dub = 0.00265721; would then be 0.00265721
The case for %g works the same way except the number on the left is included in the calculation. If you wanted the C++ version (the lesser precision I assume) then your code would look like this:
double dub = .0000324769;
printf("%.5g", dub);
Which yields 3.2477e-05

Variable evaluation in LateX

I have the following piece of latex code:
I expected \d to have the value 1.5. But it did not. However, adding parenthesis to the definition of \c like
Doesn't work either, because if I use \c somewhere, it complains about the parenthesis. Is there a way to evaluate \c before dividing it by 2 in the definition of \d? Like:
(I made that \eval up to show what I mean)
You could use the calc package for arithmetic operations. The package fp works with real numbers.
For discussing LaTeX problems you're kindly invited to visit
You need to remember that \def is about creating replacement text. It will always give you back what you put in, quite apart from not knowing anything about maths. If we assume you are using e-TeX (likely), then for integer expressions you might do
\edef\c{\number\intexpr \a + \b \relax}
\edef\d{\number\intexpr \c / 2 \relax}
This uses the e-TeX primitive \intexpr, which does integer mathematics. For real numbers, Stefan is right that the fp package is the best approach.