Best Way to Iterate Through JSON Object Passed to Feature File in Karate - karate

I have a JSON object like {"id1": 123, "id2": 234}, that I pass to a feature file in order to plugin each of the values above for a series of API requests like:
And path `/somePath/${id1}/detail`
And request {"id": "#(id1)", "action": "Reassign"}
My first thought was to use a Scenario Outline, but couldn't figure out how to set the ID's in the Examples table so they were properly read. Then I looked in documentation, and it seems like when I pass a JSON object like this, it should run the scenario for each value automatically. The problem is, not sure how to set the variable, as the key changes each time.
Or maybe there is a much better way to do this I'm not seeing?

In order for it to work your keys need to be the same. In this case you actually have a single JSON object with two properties (id1, id2). Instead what it sounds like you want are two objects:
{ "id": 123, "path": "/mydir1/" },
{ "id": 456, "path": "/mydir2/" }
Also notice that it has to be a list/array of json objects that you are passing in, not just one blob like you have. And if each object contains a path name, you should add that internal to the object itself.
But, again, notice that each object in the list/array has the same structure, just with different data. You then use the common property names in your script.


How to sort Redis list of objects using the properties of object

I have JSON data(see the ex below) which I'm storing in Redis list using 'rpush' with a key as 'person'.
Ex data:
{ "name": "john", "age": 30, "role": "developer" },
{ "name": "smith", "age": 45, "role": "manager" },
{ "name": "ram", "age": 35, "role": "tester" },
Now when I get this data using lrange person 0 -1, it gives me results as '[object object]'.
So, to actually get them with property names I'm storing them by stringifying them and parsing them back to objects to use the object properties.
But the issue with converting to a string is that I'm not able to sort them using any property, say name, age or role.
My question is, how do I store this JSON in Redis list and sort them using any of the properties.
Very recently I posted an answer for a very similar question.
The easiest approach is to use Redis Search module (which makese the approach portable to many clients / languages):
Store each needed object as separate key, following a prefixed key pattern (keys named prefix:something), and standard schema (all user keys are JSON, and all contain the field you want to sort).
Make a search index with FT.CREATE, with ON JSON parameter to search JSON-type keys, and likely PREFIX parameter to search just the needed keys, as well as x AS y parameters for all needed search fields, where x is field name, and y is type of field (TEXT, TAG, NUMERIC, etc. -- see documentation), optionally adding SORTABLE to the fields if they need to be sorted.
Use FT.SEARCH command with any combination of "#field=value" search parameters, and optionally SORTBY.
Otherwise, it's possible to just get all keys that follow a pattern using KEYS command, and use manual language-specific sorting code. That is of course more involved, depends on language and available libraries, and is therefore less portable.

Is there a way to add a default to a json schema array

I just want to understand if there is a way to add a default set of values to an array. (I don't think there is.)
So ideally I would like something like how you might imagine the following working. i.e. the fileTypes element defaults to an array of ["jpg", "png"]
"fileTypes": {
"description": "The accepted file types.",
"type": "array",
"minItems": 1,
"items": {
"type": "string",
"enum": ["jpg", "png", "pdf"]
"default": ["jpg", "png"]
Of course, all that being said... the above actually does seem to be validate as json schema however for example in VS code this default value does not populate like other defaults (like for strings) populate when creating documents.
It appears to be valid based on the spec.
9.2. "default"
There are no restrictions placed on the value of this keyword. When multiple occurrences of this keyword are applicable to a single sub-instance, implementations SHOULD remove duplicates.
This keyword can be used to supply a default JSON value associated with a particular schema. It is RECOMMENDED that a default value be valid against the associated schema.
It's up to the tooling to take advantage of that keyword in the JSON Schema and sounds like VS code is not.

Can I compose two JSON Schemas in a third one?

I want to describe the JSON my API will return using JSON Schema, referencing the schemas in my OpenAPI configuration file.
I will need to have a different schema for each API method. Let’s say I support GET /people and GET /people/{id}. I know how to define the schema of a "person" once and reference it in both /people and /people/{id} using $ref.
[EDIT: See a (hopefully) clearer example at the end of the post]
What I don’t get is how to define and reuse the structure of my response, that is:
"success": true,
"result" : [results]
"success": false,
"message": [string]
Using anyOf (both for the success/error format check, and for the results, referencing various schemas (people-multi.json, people-single.json), I can define a "root schema" api-response.json, and I can check the general validity of the JSON response, but it doesn’t allow me to check that the /people call returns an array of people and not a single person, for instance.
How can I define an api-method-people.json that would include the general structure of the response (from an external schema of course, to keep it DRY) and inject another schema in result?
EDIT: A more concrete example (hopefully presented in a clearer way)
I have two JSON schemas describing the response format of my two API methods: method-1.json and method-2.json.
I could define them like this (not a schema here, I’m too lazy):
method-1.json :
success: (boolean),
result: { id: (integer), name: (string) }
method-2.json :
success: (boolean),
result: [ (integer), (integer), ... ]
But I don’t want to repeat the structure (first level of the JSON), so I want to extract it in a response-base.json that would be somehow (?) referenced in both method-1.json and method-2.json, instead of defining the success and result properties for every method.
In short, I guess I want some kind of composition or inheritance, as opposed to inclusion (permitted by $ref).
So JSON Schema doesn’t allow this kind of composition, at least in a simple way or before draft 2019-09 (thanks #Relequestual!).
However, I managed to make it work in my case. I first separated the two main cases ("result" vs. "error") in two base schemas api-result.json and api-error.json. (If I want to return an error, I just point to the api-error.json schema.)
In the case of a proper API result, I define a schema for a given operation using allOf and $ref to extend the base result schema, and then redefine the result property:
"$schema: "…",
"$id": "…/api-result-get-people.json",
"allOf": [{ "$ref": "api-result.json" }],
"properties": {
"result": {
(Edit: I was previously using just $ref at the top level, but it doesn’t seem to work)
This way I can point to this api-result-get-people.json, and check the general structure (success key with a value of true, and a required result key) as well as the specific form of the result for this "get people" API method.

Connectwise API missing property value gives no response

This question may very well be a general API question, but the API I am using is the Connectwise Tickets API.
I'm writing in VB and I'm getting my list of tickets(i) then I'm setting the following variable:
currentTicket = tickets(i)
So that I can reference value like currentTicket.Source.Name and save the info to a DB.
As long as the Connectwise user put something into the "Source" field, everything works fine. I can reference that property and log it to the database or whatever else I want to do. If they left it blank though, even trying to look at currentTicket.Source.Name stops my program in it's tracks. It doesn't crash or error out, it just doesn't go past the line of code referencing the empty field.
Since it won't even let me reference currentTicket.Source.Name for example, I am unable to check to see if currentTicket.Source.Name = "" or Is Nothing.
What am I missing? Is there a way to check and see if the property even exists for a given API response?
Any help would be appreciated.
OK so I decided to take the Ticket object and grab the raw json and send it to the command line output.
When a ticket has the source field filled in, this is what that section of the JSON looks like:
"servicelocation": {
"name":"Email Connector",
"_info": {
"severity": "Medium",
When the source field in the application has been left blank, the JSON looks like this instead:
"servicelocation": {
"severity": "Medium",
That behavior is probably normal, I'm obviously just missing the knowledge of how to deal with it. I feel like I should be able to test if the property of the object is non-existent the same way I test if it's null or "", using Tickets(i).Source.Name, but I get no exceptions, no errors, no crashes, the program just sits their waiting for a response to "What's Source Name's value?"
I mean I suppose I could parse out the entire JSON response, create my own private object, assign values as they exist and then set my own property values so I could then set mySourceName = "" When it doesn't exist in the JSON response, but that seems like a lot of work when I only care about like 10 fields and it's a pretty large json response.
Is that the normal way of doing things with APIs?

Convert global issue ID to project issue ID

When I query the API api/issues/ for issues with fields="id", I get back an array of issues similiar to this:
{ "id": "2-120" }
This works for further calls because 2-120 can be used in calls to /api/issues/{id}. However, I also need to display those IDs to users, which are more comfortable with project-based IDs, like EX-10. (Also, the whole browser user-interface is structured around those project issues ids)
What I tried:
Had a look at the Issue JSON Schema docs, which do not seem to contain an additional ID
Tried to find out if they can be converted manually, which does not seem to be the case.
So, how can I convert global issue IDs, like 2-120, to project issue IDs, like EX-10?
After looking at the schema again, I simply overlooked idReadable. So, a request to api/issues/PA-102?fields=id,idReadable will give you both types of IDs.
{ "id": "2-120", "idReadable": "PA-20" }