Combine a Flow and a non Flow api response Kotlin - kotlin

I currently have a piece of logic as follows:
interface anotherRepository {
fun getThings(): Flow<List<String>>
interface repository {
suspend fun getSomeThings(): AsyncResult<SomeThings>
when (val result = repository.getSomeThings()) {
is AsyncResult.Success -> {
anotherRepository.getThings().collectLatest {
// update the state
else -> { }
The problem I am having is that, if repository.getSomeThings has been triggered multiple times before, anotherRepository.getThings is getting triggered for the amount of all the pre-loaded values from repository.getSomeThings. I was wondering what is the proper way to use these repositories, one a suspend function, the other a Flow together. The equivalent behaviour that is combineLatest{} in Rx.
Thank you.

There are a couple of ways to solve your problem. One way is just to call
repository.getSomeThings() in the collectLatest block and cache last result:
var lastResult: AsyncResult<SomeThings>? = null
anotherRepository.getThings().collectLatest {
if (lastResult == null) {
lastResult = repository.getSomeThings()
// use lastResult and List<String>
Another approach is to create a Flow, which will be calling repository.getSomeThings() function, and combine two Flows:
flow {emit(repository.getSomeThings())}
) { result1: List<String>, result2: AsyncResult<SomeThings> ->


How to wait for a flow to complete emitting the values

I have a function "getUser" in my Repository which emits an object representing a user based on the provided id.
flow function
fun getUser(id: String) = callbackFlow {
val collectionReference: CollectionReference =
val query: Query = collectionReference.whereEqualTo(ID, id)
query.get().addOnSuccessListener {
val lst = it.toObjects(
if (lst.isEmpty())
I need these values in another class. I loop over a list of ids and I add the collected user to a new list. How can I wait for the list to be completed when I collect the values, before calling return?
collector function
private fun computeAttendeesList(reminder: Reminder): ArrayList<User> {
val attendeesList = arrayListOf<User>()
for (friend in reminder.usersToShare) {
repoScope.launch {
Repository.getUser(friend).collect {
it?.let { user ->
if (!attendeesList.contains(user))
return attendeesList
I do not want to use live data since this is not a UI-related class.
There are multiple problems to address in this code:
getUser() is meant to return a single User, but it currently returns a Flow<User>
which will never end, and never return more than one user.
the way the list of users is constructed from multiple concurrent query is not thread safe (because multiple launches are executed on the multi-threaded IO dispatcher, and they all update the same unsafe list directly)
the actual use case is to get a list of users from Firebase, but many queries for a single ID are used instead of a single query
Solution to #1
Let's tackle #1 first. Here is a version of getUser() that suspends for a single User instead of returning a Flow:
suspend fun getUser(id: String): User {
val collectionReference = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().collection(COLLECTION_USERS)
val query = collectionReference.whereEqualTo(ID, id)
return query.get().await().let { it.toObjects( }.firstOrNull()
// use the kotlinx-coroutines-play-services library instead
private suspend fun <T> Task<T>.await(): T {
return suspendCancellableCoroutine { cont ->
addOnCompleteListener {
val e = exception
if (e == null) {
if (isCanceled) cont.cancel() else cont.resume(result as T)
} else {
It turns out that this await() function was already written (in a better way) and it's available in the kotlinx-coroutines-play-services library, so you don't need to actually write it yourself.
Solution to #2
If we could not rewrite the whole thing according to #3, we could deal with problem #2 this way:
private suspend fun computeAttendeesList(reminder: Reminder): List<User> {
return reminder.usersToShare
.map { friendId ->
repoScope.async { Repository.getUser(friendId) }
.map { it.await() }
Solution to #3
Instead, we could directly query Firebase for the whole list:
suspend fun getUsers(ids: List<String>): List<User> {
val collectionReference = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance().collection(COLLECTION_USERS)
val query = collectionReference.whereIn(ID, ids)
return query.get().await().let { it.toObjects( }
And then consume it in a very basic way:
private suspend fun computeAttendeesList(reminder: Reminder): List<User> {
return Repository.getUsers(reminder.usersToShare)
Alternatively, you could make this function blocking (remove suspend) and wrap your call in runBlocking (if you really need to block the current thread).
Note that this solution didn't enforce any dispatcher, so if you want a particular scope or dispatcher, you can wrap one of the suspend function calls with withContext.

Why does my Kotlin Flow onCompletion never run?

So I have a flow where I need it to emit a value from cache, but at the end it will make an API call to pull values in case there was nothing in cache (or refresh the value it has). I am trying this
override val data: Flow<List<Data>> = dataDao.getAllCachedData()
.onCompletion {
coroutineScope {
launch {
.map { entities ->
.map { it.toData() }
.filter { it !is Data.Unknown }
.catch { emitRepositoryError(it) }
So the idea is that we emit the cache, and then make an API call to fetch new data regardless of the original mapping. But I do not want it blocking. For example, if we use this flow, I do not ever want the calling function to be blocked by the onCompletion.
I think the problem is that the onCompletion never runs. I set some breakpoints/logs and it never runs at all, even outside of the coroutineScope.
I don't quite understand the work you are doing but I think when you are collecting flow on a certain scope. You end the scope that flow will be put into onCompletion
var job : Job? = null
fun scan() {
job = viewModelScope.launch {
bigfileManager.bigFile.collect {
if (it is ResultOrProgress.Result) {
_bigFiles.value = it.result ?: emptyList()
} else {
_updateProgress.value = (it as ResultOrProgress.Progress).progress ?: 0
fun endScreen(){

How To await a function call?

So I have some asynchronous operations happening, I can create some lambada, call a function and pass that value to them. But what i want is not to have the result of the operation as a parameter, I want to return them.
As a example, I have a class A with some listeners, if there is a result all listeners are notified. So basically the asyncFunction should return a result if there is one otherwise be suspended.
object A {
val listeners = mutableListOf<(Int) -> Unit>()
fun onResult(value: Int) {
listeners.forEach { it(value) }
fun asyncFunction(): Deferred<Int> {
return async {
A.listeners.add({ result ->
return result
What I'm thinking right now (maybe I'm completely on the wrong track), is to have something like a Deferred, to which i can send the result and it returns. Is there something like that? Can I implement a Deffered myself?
class A {
private val awaiter: ??? // can this be a Deferred ?
fun onResult(result: Int) {
fun awaitResult(): Int {
return awaiter.await()
val a = A()
launch {
val result = a.awaitResult()
launch {
So I do know that with callbacks this can be handled but it would be cleaner and easier to have it that way.
I hope there is a nice and clean solution im just missing.
Your asyncFunction should in fact be a suspendable function:
suspend fun suspendFunction(): Int =
suspendCoroutine { cont -> A.listeners.add { cont.resume(it) } }
Note that it returns the Int result and suspends until it's available.
However, this is just a fix for your immediate problem. It will still malfunction in many ways:
the listener's purpose is served as soon as it gets the first result, but it stays in the listener list forever, resulting in a memory leak
if the result arrived before you called suspendFunction, it will miss it and hang.
You can keep improving it manually (it's a good way to learn) or switch to a solid solution provided by the standard library. The library solution is CompletableDeferred:
object A {
val result = CompletableDeferred<Int>()
fun provideResult(r: Int) {
suspend fun suspendFunction(): Int = A.result.await()

Return value only of the faster coroutine

How can I run multiple coroutines in parallel and return only the value of the one that finishes first?
Real-life scenario, I have two data sources - Database and API service. I don't care where does the data originate from, I just need it fast. How can I query both Database and API service and cancel the other request when the one finishes?
In RxJava world this would be equal to Amb operator. How can I achieve similar behaviour using coroutines?
I came up with following implementation:
suspend fun getFaster(): Int = coroutineScope {
select<Int> {
async { getFromServer() }.onAwait { it }
async { getFromDB() }.onAwait { it }
}.also {
The coroutineScope acts as a parent to all async calls performed within. After the select finishes we can just cancel the rest.
You can use select to write your own amb operator. Something like that:
suspend fun <T> amb(vararg jobs: Deferred<T>): T = select {
fun cancelAll() = jobs.forEach { it.cancel() }
for (deferred in jobs) {
deferred.onAwait {
You can read more about select expression here

Kotlin coroutines and Java Completable future integration

Usually I'm using standard kotlin-jdk8 library to jump from Java *future API world into the Kotlin's suspend heaven.
And it worked great for me, until I encountered Neo4J cursor API, where I can't do .await() on the completion stage, because it immediately starts fetching millions of records into memory.
Kotlin way does not work for me, like this:
suspend fun query() {
driver.session().use { session ->
val cursor: StatementResultCursor = session.readTransactionAsync {
it.runAsync("query ...", params)
}.await() // HERE WE DIE WITH OOM
var record = cursor.nextAsync().await()
while (record != null) {
val node = record.get("node")
record = cursor.nextAsync().await()
At the same time, Java API works good, we fetch records one by one:
suspend fun query() {
session.readTransactionAsync { transaction ->
transaction.runAsync("query ...", params).thenCompose { cursor ->
cursor.forEachAsync { record ->
val node = record.get("node")
}.thenCompose {
The second option works for me, but it is pretty ugly - definitely not Kotlin way, and what is more important, I need to use runBlocking (but these whole block is executed within suspend function)
What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way?
Tried to do this exercise using new Flow() feature, unfortunately results are the same:
suspend fun query() {
session.readTransactionAsync { transaction ->
transaction.runAsync(query, params).thenApply { cursor ->
cursor.asFlow().onEach { record ->
val node = record.get("node")
}.thenCompose {
fun StatementResultCursor.asFlow() = flow {
do {
val record = nextAsync().await()
if (record != null) emit(record)
} while (record != null)