Pick fields from an object and return one field as an array - ramda.js

Using Ramda, I am trying to achieve something like this:
let data = {
'accountNumber' : '12345',
'holderName' : 'XYZ',
'id' : '12XX',
'type' : 'savings',
let newObj = R.pick(['accountNumber', 'id', 'type']) (data);
output -> newObj = {
'accountNumber' : '12345',
'id' : '12XX',
'type' : 'savings'
I want result like this:
newObj = {
'accountNumbers' : ['12345'],
'id' : '12XX',
'type' : 'savings'
I want accountNumber field to be put inside an array of accountNumbers.
I understand pick won't work in this case but I am not able to achieve it through Ramda. It can be done easily using JavaScript but is it possible to achieve via Ramda?

You can pick the properties, and create a new object with changed keys using R.applySpec():
const { applySpec, pipe, of, prop } = R
const fn = applySpec({
accountNumbers: pipe(prop('accountNumber'), of),
holderName: prop('holderName'),
id: prop('id')
const data = {
'accountNumber': '12345',
'holderName': 'XYZ',
'id': '12XX',
'type': 'savings',
const result = fn(data)
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Another option is to add accountNumbers using R.applySpec (based on this answer), and then pick the properties, including the updated one from the object:
const { pipe, applySpec, chain, mergeLeft, prop, of, pick } = R
const updateObject = pipe(applySpec, chain(mergeLeft))
const addAccountNumbers = updateObject({
accountNumbers: pipe(prop('accountNumber'), of)
const fn = pipe(addAccountNumbers, pick(['accountNumbers', 'holderName', 'id']))
const data = {
'accountNumber': '12345',
'holderName': 'XYZ',
'id': '12XX',
'type': 'savings',
const result = fn(data)
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Replace value of key using ramda.js

I have the following array of objects:
const originalArray = [
{name: 'name1', value: 10},
{name: 'name2', value: 20}
And the following object
names = {
name1: 'generic_name_1',
name2: 'generic_name_2'
I would like the first array to be transformed like this:
{name: 'generic_name_1', value: 10},
{name: 'generic_name_2', value: 20}
What I have tried so far:
const replaceName = (names, obj) => {
if(obj['name'] in names){
obj['name'] = names[obj['name']];
return obj;
const modifiedArray = R.map(replaceName(names), originalArray)
Is there a more ramda-ish way to do this?
Using native JS inside Ramda functions is not unramdaish. The only problem in your code is that you mutate the original object - obj['name'] = names[obj['name']];.
I would use R.when to check if the name exists in the names object, and if it does evolve the object to the new name. If it doesn't the original object would be returned.
const { flip, has, prop, map, when, pipe, evolve } = R
const hasProp = flip(has)
const getProp = flip(prop)
const fn = names => map(when(
pipe(prop('name'), hasProp(names)),
name: getProp(names)
const originalArray = [{"name":"name1","value":10},{"name":"name2","value":20},{"name":"name3","value":30}]
const names = {"name1":"generic_name_1","name2":"generic_name_2"}
const result = fn(names)(originalArray)
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I wouldn't use any Ramda functions for this. I would simply avoid mutating the original, perhaps with code like this:
const transform = (names) => (arr) => arr .map (
({name, ... rest}) => ({name: names [name] || name, ... rest})
const originalArray = [{name: 'name1', value: 10},{name: 'name2', value: 20}]
const names = {name1: 'generic_name_1',name2: 'generic_name_2'}
console .log (
transform (names) (originalArray)

Using Ramda to accumulate sum of values in objects

I have an object like this:
obj = {
'key1': {'prop1': 123,'prop2':345},
'key2': {'prop1': 673,'prop3':642}
I would like to have the following result:
result = {'prop1': 796, 'prop2':345, 'prop3':642}
That is, I want a single object that has all properties. I have a function like this:
Object.values(obj).reduce((acc,currentObj) => {
const props = Object.keys(currentObj);
props.forEach(prop => {
if(prop in acc){
acc[prop] += currentObj[prop]
} else {
acc[prop] = currentObj[prop]
return acc
}, {})
I believe this works fine, but is there any way to do the same with RamdaJS?
A simple reduce function would do that.
const fn = R.pipe(
R.reduce(R.mergeWith(R.add), {}),
const data = {
key1: { prop1: 123, prop2: 345 },
key2: { prop1: 673, prop3: 642 },
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Use pipe filter functions with arguments in RamdaJS

Say I got these two filters:
const getNamesStartingWith = (letter) => persons => {
return persons.filter(person => person.name.startsWith(letter);
const getPersonsStartingWithZipCode = (zipCode) => persons => {
return persons.filter(person => person.address.zipCode.startsWith(zipCode);
I want to make a generic pipe filter.
const pipeFilter = (funcArr, args) => arr => {
The funcArr is an array of the functions to run. The args is a double array where the index is the arguments of the functions.
So with my example functions it would be:
const pipeFilter = ([getNamesStartingWith, getPersonsStartingWithZipCode], [['J'], [4]]) => persons => {..}
The argument for getNamesStartingWith is J. The argument for getPersonsStartingWithZipCode is 4
If I would to it 'manually' I would to something like:
export const doPipeFiltering = (funcArr: any[], args: any[]) => (arr) => {
return funcArr.reduce((acc, func, index) => {
let filterdArr;
if (index === 0) {
filterdArr = func(...args[index])(arr);
} else {
filterdArr = func(...args[index])(acc);
acc = filterdArr;
return acc;
}, []);
Works. But I would like to do it in RamdaJs so I can use all neat functions there.
I don't find how can apply arguments for differet filter functions in Ramda. Is it possible?
You can definitely make this a fair bit cleaner using Ramda functions. Here's one approach:
const doPipeFiltering = curry ( (funcArr, args, arr) =>
reduce ( (acc, func) => func (acc), arr, zipWith (apply, funcArr, args) ))
const getNamesStartingWith = (letter) => (persons) => {
return persons.filter(person => person.name.startsWith(letter))
const getPersonsStartingWithZipCode = (zipCode) => persons => {
return persons.filter(person => person.address.zipCode.startsWith(zipCode))
const people = [
{name: 'Amanda', address: {zipCode: '86753'}},
{name: 'Aaron', address: {zipCode: '09867'}},
{name: 'Amelia', address: {zipCode: '85309'}},
{name: 'Bob', address: {zipCode: '67530'}}
console .log (
doPipeFiltering (
[getNamesStartingWith, getPersonsStartingWithZipCode],
[['A'], ['8']],
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.26.1/ramda.js"></script>
<script>const {curry, reduce, zipWith, apply} = R </script>
But I would suggest that this is not a very ergonomic API. First of all, if the filtering functions had an entirely generic interface, it might not be so bad, but now you have to supply two separate array parameters, whose values must be synchronized. That to me is a recipe for disaster.
Secondly, what we have to create for this is functions that filter a list. I would find it much cleaner if the code handled the filtering, and we only supplied a set of simple predicates.
So this is an alternative suggestion, for an API that I think is much cleaner:
const runFilters = useWith (filter, [allPass, identity] )
// or one of these
// const runFilter = curry((filters, xs) => filter(allPass(filters), xs))
// const runFilters = curry ((filters, xs) => reduce ((a, f) => filter (f, a), xs, filters))
const nameStartsWith = (letter) => (person) => person.name.startsWith (letter)
const zipStartsWith = (digits) => (person) => person.address.zipCode.startsWith (digits)
const myFilter = runFilters ([nameStartsWith ('A'), zipStartsWith ('8')])
const people = [
{name: 'Amanda', address: {zipCode: '86753'}},
{name: 'Aaron', address: {zipCode: '09867'}},
{name: 'Amelia', address: {zipCode: '85309'}},
{name: 'Bob', address: {zipCode: '67530'}}
console .log (
myFilter (people)
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.26.1/ramda.js"></script>
<script>const {useWith, filter, allPass, identity} = R </script>
Note that here the main function is simpler, the filter predicates are simpler, and the call is much more explicit. Especially improved is the readability of nameStartsWith ('A') and zipStartsWith ('8')

Ramda: Split a list to segments

If we have a list such as:
type: 'a',
type: 'a',
type: 'b',
type: 'a',
... and we want to segment it to create a list, such that the new list is made up of each segment of the initial list, here split by type, looking like:
type: 'a',
type: 'a',
type: 'b',
type: 'a',
I'd like to create a general purpose 'segmenting' function, which takes a function to compare two items, and determine whether or not a new segment is required. Here, the 'segmenter' for that function simply compares type.
I can write that in vanilla javascript, but is there a good way to do this with Ramda?
const data = [
type: 'a',
type: 'a',
type: 'b',
type: 'a',
const segmentBy = segmenter => items => {
const segmentReducer = (prev = [], curr) => {
let lastSegment = [];
let lastItem = null;
try {
lastSegment = prev[prev.length - 1];
lastItem = lastSegment[lastSegment.length - 1];
} catch (e) {
return [...prev, [curr]];
const requiresNewSegment = segmenter(lastItem, curr);
if (requiresNewSegment) {
return [...prev, [curr]];
return [...prev.slice(0, prev.length - 1), [...lastSegment, curr]];
return items.reduce(segmentReducer, []);
const segmentByType = segmentBy((a, b) => a.type !== b.type);
const segments = segmentByType(data);
With Ramda you can use R.groupWith:
Takes a list and returns a list of lists where each sublist's elements
are all satisfied pairwise comparison according to the provided
function. Only adjacent elements are passed to the comparison
const data = [{"type":"a"},{"type":"a"},{"type":"b"},{"type":"a"}];
const segmentByType = R.groupWith(R.eqBy(R.prop('type')));
const segments = segmentByType(data);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ramda/0.26.1/ramda.js"></script>
In vanilla, the main problem is when to add a new subarray to the accumulator. You need to add another subarray when it's the 1st item, or if segmenter returns true.
const data = [{"type":"a"},{"type":"a"},{"type":"b"},{"type":"a"}];
const segmentBy = segmenter => items =>
items.reduce((r, item, i, arr) => {
if(i === 0 || segmenter(item, arr[i - 1])) r.push([]);
r[r.length - 1].push(item);
return r;
}, []);
const segmentByType = segmentBy((a, b) => a.type !== b.type);
const segments = segmentByType(data);

Transform objects pointfree style with Ramda

Given the function below, how do I convert it to point-free style? Would be nice to use Ramda's prop and path and skip the data argument, but I just can't figure out the proper syntax.
const mapToOtherFormat = (data) => (
'Name': data.Name
'Email': data.User.Email,
'Foo': data.Foo[0].Bar
One option would be to make use of R.applySpec, which creates a new function that builds objects by applying the functions at each key of the supplied "spec" against the given arguments of the resulting function.
const mapToOtherFormat = R.applySpec({
Name: R.prop('Name'),
Email: R.path(['User', 'Email']),
Foo: R.path(['Foo', 0, 'Bar'])
const result = mapToOtherFormat({
Name: 'Bob',
User: { Email: 'bob#example.com' },
Foo: [{ Bar: 'moo' }, { Bar: 'baa' }]
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Here's my attempt:
const mapToOtherFormat = R.converge(
(...list) => R.pipe(...list)({}),
R.pipe(R.view(R.lensProp('Name')), R.set(R.lensProp('Name'))),
R.pipe(R.view(R.compose(R.lensProp('User'), R.lensProp('Email'))), R.set(R.lensProp('Email'))),
R.pipe(R.view(R.compose(R.lensProp('Foo'), R.lensIndex(0), R.lensProp('Bar'))), R.set(R.lensProp('Foo')))
const obj = {Name: 'name', User: {Email: 'email'}, Foo: [{Bar: 2}]}
Ramda console
We can make it completely point-free:
const mapToOtherFormat = R.converge(
R.pipe(R.pipe, R.flip(R.call)({})),
R.pipe(R.view(R.lensProp('Name')), R.set(R.lensProp('Name'))),
R.pipe(R.view(R.compose(R.lensProp('User'), R.lensProp('Email'))), R.set(R.lensProp('Email'))),
R.pipe(R.view(R.compose(R.lensProp('Foo'), R.lensIndex(0), R.lensProp('Bar'))), R.set(R.lensProp('Foo')))
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