verify function SAS to sql - sql

I have a verify function in SAS in a select query as below. May I know how to convert that in SQL to use in pyspark.
select substr(upercase(strip(emp)),verify(strip(emp),"0")) as id from Emp_table.

VERIFY(target-expression, search–expression)
The VERIFY function returns the position of the first character in target-expression that is not present in search-expression. If there are no characters in target-expression that are unique from those in search-expression, VERIFY returns a 0.
Your search-expression is a single character 0 so the processing that is occurring is selecting the emp value without its leading zeroes.
Looks like you want to ltrim with expression trim(LEADING '0' ...


Postgres SQL regexp_replace replace all number

I need some help with the next. I have a field text in SQL, this record a list of times sepparates with '|'. For example
'14613|15474|3832|148|5236|5348|1055|524' Each value is a time in milliseconds. This field could any length, for example is perfect correct '3215|2654' or '4565' (only 1 value). I need get this field and replace all number with -1000 value.
So '14613|15474|3832|148|5236|5348|1055|524' will be '-1000|-1000|-1000|-1000|-1000|-1000|-1000|-1000'
Or '3215|2654' => '-1000|-1000' Or '4565' => '-1000'.
I try use regexp_replace(times_field,'[[:digit:]]','-1000','g') but it replace each digit, not the complete number, so in this example:
'3215|2654' than must be '-1000|-1000', i get:
'-1000-1000-1000-1000|-1000-1000-1000-1000', I try with other combinations and more options of regexp but i'm done.
Please need your help, thanks!!!.
We can try using REGEXP_REPLACE here:
UPDATE yourTable
SET times_field = REGEXP_REPLACE(times_field, '\y[0-9]+\y', '-1000', 'g');
If instead you don't really want to alter your data but rather just view your data this way, then use a select:
REGEXP_REPLACE(times_field, '\y[0-9]+\y', '-1000', 'g') AS times_field_replace
FROM yourTable;
Note that in either case we pass g as the fourtb parameter to REGEXP_REPLACE to do a global replacement of all pipe separated numbers.
[[:digit:]] - matches a digit [0-9]
+ Quantifier - matches between one and unlimited times, as many times as possible
your regexp must look like

Teradata: Error 2621 while converting the value - how to find bad characters?

I need to convert varchar value into NUMERIC and receive below error.
Error 2621: Bad characters in format or data of (variable_name)
I want to remove the rows with those bad characters and keep only convertable ones.
How to do that in Teradata? Does Teradata have some function to do that? (something like PRXMATCH in SAS)
Simply apply TO_NUMBER which returns NULL for bad data points:
If you don't use regular expressions, you can use translate. In Oracle, I would write this as:
select col
from t
where translate(col, 'x0123456789.', 'x') is not null and
col not like '%.%.%';
I think Teradata has a more sensible policy on empty strings, so it would look like:
select col
from t
where otranslate(col, '0123456789.', '') <> '' and
col not like '%.%.%';
Of course, remove the . if you only want integers.

Comma inside like query fails to return any result

Using Oracle db,
Select name from name_table where name like 'abc%';
returns one row with value "abc, cd" but when I do a select query with a comma before % in my like query, it fails to return any value.
Select name from name_table where name like 'abc,%';
returns no row. How can I handle a comma before % in the like query?
Database has "Sam, Smith" in the name column when the like has "Sam%" it returns one row, when i do "Sam,%" it doesn't return any row
NOT AN ANSWER but posting it as one since I can't format in a comment.
Look at this and use DUMP() on your own machine... see if this helps.
SQL> select dump('Smith, Stan') from dual;
Typ=96 Len=11: 83,109,105,116,104,44,32,83,116,97,110
If you count, the string is 11 characters (including the comma and the space). The comma is character 44, and the space is character 32. If you look at YOUR string and you don't see 44 where the comma should be, you will know that's the problem. You could then let us know what you see there (just for that character, I understand posting "Leno, Jay" would be a violation of privacy).
Also, make sure you don't have any extra characters (perhaps non-printable ones!) right before the comma. Just compare the two strings you are using as inputs and see where the differences may be.

DB2 TRIM 000000 to 0

I have looked at:
DB2 SQL Query Trim inside trim
Trimming Blank Spaces in Char Column in DB2
SQL Trim after final semi colon
The IBM infocenter.
I have a column that is six long and a character column. A typical value would be AA01AA. I need to substring the middle 2 characters out of the value and convert to a number.
I am doing this with the following code: TRIM(L '0' FROM(SUBSTRING(Myfield, 3, 2))). In the example value above that gives me 1. The problem comes in when the value is 000000. The trim returns ''. I need it to return 0.
I have tried REPLACE(TRIM(L '0' FROM(SUBSTRING(Myfield, 3, 2))),'' ,'0') but that simply gives me a blank string back. I have also tried TRANSLATE(TRIM(L '0' FROM(SUBSTRING(Myfield, 3, 2))), '0', '') but that gives an error about parameter 03 being an invalid data type, length etc.
I would appreciate any help.
Something like this should do the trick:
The SUBSTR extracts the two characters, the INTEGER takes it as input and converts it to a number. TRIM is not necessary at all.
1 record(s) selected.

How to extract group from regular expression in Oracle?

I got this query and want to extract the value between the brackets.
select de_desc, regexp_substr(de_desc, '\[(.+)\]', 1)
where col_name like '[%]';
It however gives me the value with the brackets such as "[TEST]". I just want "TEST". How do I modify the query to get it?
The third parameter of the REGEXP_SUBSTR function indicates the position in the target string (de_desc in your example) where you want to start searching. Assuming a match is found in the given portion of the string, it doesn't affect what is returned.
In Oracle 11g, there is a sixth parameter to the function, that I think is what you are trying to use, which indicates the capture group that you want returned. An example of proper use would be:
SELECT regexp_substr('abc[def]ghi', '\[(.+)\]', 1,1,NULL,1) from dual;
Where the last parameter 1 indicate the number of the capture group you want returned. Here is a link to the documentation that describes the parameter.
10g does not appear to have this option, but in your case you can achieve the same result with:
select substr( match, 2, length(match)-2 ) from (
SELECT regexp_substr('abc[def]ghi', '\[(.+)\]') match FROM dual
since you know that a match will have exactly one excess character at the beginning and end. (Alternatively, you could use RTRIM and LTRIM to remove brackets from both ends of the result.)
You need to do a replace and use a regex pattern that matches the whole string.
select regexp_replace(de_desc, '.*\[(.+)\].*', '\1') from DATABASE;