any PDF plugin for cakePHP? - pdf

I need to implement in a page/view of a form an option to generate a PDF file; looking for information I have seen that cakepdf exists, but there is hardly any information on how to implement/install it and it seems to be outdated.
Are there other options compatible with CakePHP?

Best option to use is via ... we use this to generate PDF documents in our CakePHP solution.


Sensenet: Validate "compulsory" fields when the file is uploaded to a document library

I have a document library that has some fields as compulsory but when I upload them sensenet does not required the fill of that fields.
This is working only on the edit function
The problem with this feature is that on the built-in UI you cannot actually fill any fields when you upload a document. So if you had any compulsory fields (and we validated them) you would not be able to upload documents at all, the system would deny that.
Currently I do not know an out-of-the-box solution for this, you would have to create a custom upload UI (of course using the built-in simple upload functionality) that makes sure the user fills the compulsory fields before uploading the doc.
If you think this is something we should look into, please create an issue on github.

Windward Document Generation - PDF Copy Protected

In our application, we generate a few reports and documents through Windward. The documents are generated based on specific user conditions and the user is able to download the document.
As part of a new requirement, we would like to enable copy protection of the generated PDF -- basically, users would not be able to Copy the contents of the document.
Is there anyway we can achieve this through Windward? Or do we have to integrate with external third party software like LockLizard or Win2PDF?
We did think of converting the document to an image and recreating the PDF but this is unacceptable as the document formatting became off the mark.
Appreciate any insights or alternate solutions.
Windward does this. If you're using the Java engine use the following calls (javadoc):
For the .NET engine use the following calls (api docs):
Is this what you need?

Is there a public website that converts swagger json to PDF for HTML?

Has anyone made where, where you just enter your swagger URL .../swagger/docs/v1
and then the website converts it to HTML, pdf, doc or whatever in a nice readable format? I'd think that site would get a lot of traffic (hint)
I know there are some things on github you can download that will convert things, but I'd think someone has made a public site so I can save some time.
You can use this website : Swagger Editor
Copy your swagger file and in the menu, select 'Generate Client' -> 'HTML' (or Dynamic HTML')
You can also use Swagger Code Generator if you want to add this step in an automatic build flow.
Try this one: swagger2html .
The document generated by swagger-codegen is indeed not readable. This project makes a neat appearance(bootstrap css) and shows the fields in the request/response models in a straightforward manner.

Add a password to PDF files generated by Phantomjs

I've got some server-side node.js code that generates PDF files on request, using phantomJS, and I'm looking for a way to add password protection to the output.
Sadly I haven't found any mention of such an option in phantom, which makes sense because Chrome doesn't provide that either. Alternately I could run some other tool that would take the PDF created by phantom and add password protection to it, but I can't seem to find any that can do exactly that (add a password to an existing file) and that's completely free to use (preferably, non-GPL).
Will be happy for suggestions on how to approach this task. Thanks!
You can use the node-qpdf package to encrypt and decrypt PDFs. It makes use of qpdf. So first you need to convert HTML -> PDF then PDF -> Password Protected PDF.

Automate adding entries to a wiki

Once I have my renamed files I need to add them to my project's wiki page. This is a fairly repetitive manual task, so I guess I could script it but I don't know where to start.
The process is:
Got to appropriate page on the wiki
for each team member (DeveloperA, DeveloperB, DeveloperC)
for each of two files ('*_current.jpg', '*_lastweek.jpg')
Select 'Attach' link on page
Select the 'manage' link next to the file to be updated
Click 'Browse' button
Browse to the relevant file (which has the same name as the previous version)
Click 'Upload file' button
Not necessarily looking for the full solution as I'd like to give it a go myself.
Where to begin? What language could I use to do this and how difficult would it be?
Check if the wiki you mean to talk to supports XMLRPC, because if it does it should be a snap. I wrote a tool called WikiUp to solve a similar problem (updating a delineated section on a wiki page).
If you're writing in C#, the WebClient classes might be a good place to start. I bet people could give more specific advice if you mentioned which wiki platform you are using, and whether it requires authentication, though.
I'd probably start by downloading fiddler and watching the http requests from doing it manually. Then you could use some simple scripts and regexes to build your http requests for automating the process.
Of course, if your wildly lucky, your wiki would have a backend simple enough that you could just plug them into its db directly. :)
You might find CoScripter useful -- it's a Firefox extension that allows you to automate tasks you perform on websites. I'm not certain how you'd integrate this with the list of files you're changing on your local system, but it can certainly handle the file uploading through a web form.
Better bet is probably using cURL or a similar HTTP library with your programming language of choice. If you're on *nix, you can use the cURL commandline program inside your shell script to get this done fairly easily. (Like #jsight said you will need to analyze the actual forms you're using on the webpage, using Fiddler or just looking at the form elements and re-creating the POST through cURL.)