deep selector for changing background color - vue.js

I've been trying to change the background color of the popover body but it's not changing the color. If I remove scoped from styles then it works but when I use scoped and use deep selector, the color doesn't apply.
This is my code
>click me
triggers="click blur"
<div>Edit Me</div>
<style scoped>
*>>>.my-popover-class {
background: black !important;
color: white !important;
*>>>.my-popover-class .popover-body {
color: white !important;
background: black !important;

I am familiar with this issue because I use Bootstrap-vue for almost all of my projects.
If I have to override any of the bootstrap components, I just simply remove the scoped from style. If you need to use scoped and also want to override bootstrap components then you should select its wrapper selector and nest it.

For the first selector, you shouldn't need a deep selector, as the class is added to the root element of the popover, which has the data-v-**** attribute from the scoped tag.
The second one you'll need one, but you need to place it after .my-popover-class. That way your selector will be rendered as .my-popover-class[data-v-****] .popover-body, which should work.
<style scoped>
.my-popover-class {
background: black !important;
color: white !important;
.my-popover-class >>> .popover-body {
color: white !important;
background: black !important;
Example on codesandbox


scss mixin with focus: mixin with focus not working

Update: here is the full code: codepen
I have below HTML: here is the full code
<input id="id1" value="planner" type="checkbox" />
<label for="id1">Name</label>
Before the label I want to insert an icon so I have the below the CSS file.
input[type=checkbox] + label:before {
#include custom_square;
display: inline-block;
my custom icon mixin is as below:
#mixin custom_square {
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
border:1px solid #0069aa;
&:focus::after {
border:1px solid #ffffff;
now when user focus the lable it does color change the css for it as below:
input[type=checkbox]:focus + label,
input[type=radio]:focus + label {color: #fff;}
Also, I want to change the border color of the square to white on the focus of it, I have added &:focus::after pseudo element in the mixin custom_square but it seems it is not working, any clue?
P.S: I don't want to use font-awesome icons, instead I will be creating my own icons and would be inserting that as shown above:

How to pass css styles to plugins in Vue?

I use Vue-Editor.
<vue-editor id="editor" ref="editor" v-model="content" :use-custom-image-handler="true" #image-added ="added" #image-removed ="deleted" :key="componentKey"/>
On mobile devices, the icons are to small. I like to increase the icons size on mobile devices, but on medium devices, I like to keep the default size.
If I do it in this way, the size changes for all pages not only for the current page:
.p {
color: black
.ql-snow.ql-toolbar button {
height: 35px !important;
width: 35px !important;
.quillWrapper .ql-snow.ql-toolbar button svg {
width: 35px !important;
height: 35px !important;
If I do it with <style scoped> it doesn't pass the css to the plugin component.
How I can change the css for the plugin only in one Vue component without having a global effect?
You can keep scoped but then, you need to make a deep selector like >>> .ql-snow.ql-toolbar button to select the 3rd party library.
If using SASS, use ::v-deep, more details here.

Theme style seems to override everything else

I am trying to give an element in my page a custom colour but all attempts are foiled by the Vuetify enforcing the important! on the component themes. I have followed the docs and tried:
then got desperate and tried
.selection {
color: red
.theme--light.v-list-item {
color: red
But the theme color just overrules everything by applying:
.theme--light.v-list-item:not(.v-list-item--active):not(.v-list-item--disabled) {
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87) !important;
What do?
You can overwrite it by adding the same rule in your App.vue:
.theme--light.v-list-item:not(.v-list-item--active):not(.v-list-item--disabled) {
color: red !important;
Or you can increase specificity by adding your own class to that element:
<div class="custom-list-item"></div>
.custom-list-item {
color: red !important;
Or you can specifically change color of all elements inside it, if it works for you:
.theme--light.v-list-item * {
color: red !important;
One might work (but not a good practice at all):
.theme--light.v-list-item:not(.v-list-item--active):not(.v-list-item--disabled).selection {
color: red !important;
// it's more than Vuetify's style the `.selection` specificity
The answer I gave above will not work if you use scoped style
As working around myself, and have read a comment here. I don't think change Vuetify's style in a Vuetify component is easy. Instead, by using a Vuetify's component, you should predefine the colors you'll ever use, and then you could use those colors in the components you want.
To workaround without configuring Vuetify, then you can:
Combine inline style + !important
<v-list-item style="color: red !important">Content</v-list-item>
Don't use Vuetify's component, use vanilla html (for this component) instead

Conditionally override css in Style tag

Assuming I am using a plugin that generates html at runtime where I cannot edit the CSS or JS code, leaving me with the only option of overriding certain CSS in particular classes. For instance, in such case I'd often do:
max-height: 500px !important;
In case such styling must be handled conditionally based on the props passes to the component, for instance:
<videoPlayer :goSmall="anotherColumn != null"></videoPlayer>
since the CSS in the videoPlayer components must go in the Style tag:
<style scoped>
max-height: 500px !important;
how can I render it conditionally?
It is such a bad idea to append it to the DOM using lifecyle hooks, so please do not suggest anything like that.
Why not apply a specific class to the component instead of passing a prop?
<videoPlayer :class="{ small: anotherColumn != null }"></videoPlayer>
And the css
<style scoped>
.video-player.small {
max-height: 500px !important;
If you are not okay with dynamically applying CSS using lifecycle hooks. You can always box your components. Make two components for your videoPlayer, we'll call them videoPlayerOriginal and videoPlayerSmall.
Add your css in videoPlayerSmall.vue
<style scoped>
max-height: 500px !important;
Now render either one of them conditionally.

Scroll bar below fixed header with Vuetify + Electron

I am using Vuetify and Electron to make an app to help me with certain tasks at my job. I have disable the browserWindow frame and made my header the draggable area with a button to close the window. I am using the electron vuetify template
vue init vuetifyjs/electron
My problem is the scrollbar reaches all the way to the top but I would like it below my fixed header.
I have tried playing with overflow properties on the html, body, app div, and content div tags but i have not been successful.
How would I accomplish this?
This is purely a CSS question really as you can see this behaviour in the browser too with similar layouts. The easiest way to fix this is using a flex layout:
<div class="container">
<div class="titlebar"></div>
<div class="content">
<h1>So much content we scroll</h1>
<h1>So much content we scroll</h1>
<!-- etc -->
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
overflow: hidden;
.container {
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.titlebar {
background-color: blue;
height: 35px;
flex-shrink: 0;
.content {
flex-grow: 1;
overflow-x: auto;
Check out this out in this CodePen
I'd like to offer a Vuetify specific answer for this question, this should apply whether or not Electron is involved.
Vuetify's default styles make this a bit more difficult than a simple CSS solution can give you, especially when the layout gets more complex.
For this example I'm using the complex layout from Vuetify's pre-defined themes here
Vuetify ships with an overflow-y: scroll on the html element so the first step is adding an override for this.
html {
overflow: hidden;
This will get rid of the bar on the right side that spans the whole height of the app.
Next you will want to set your v-content area as the scrollable area. There are a few gotchas to watch out for when you're setting this area:
Display flex is already declared
Vuetify sets padding in the style attribute so you'll need to override depending on your case
You'll need a margin the height of your header(only matters if you're changing header height from 64px)
You'll need to remove the header height from the height of the content container using calc(Same as above)
If you have a nav drawer on the right side you'll need to bind a class to take care of this.
My CSS for v-content looks like this, you will need an important to override the padding since it is set by Vuetify through style binding:
main.v-content {
width: 100vw;
height: calc(100vh - 64px);
flex-direction: column;
overflow: scroll;
margin-top: 64px;
padding-top: 0 !important;
I also have a class bound to the state of the temporary right drawer on the v-content tag in the template, this makes sure that the scroll bar doesn't disappear underneath the right nav drawer when it's open:
<v-content :class="{ draweropen: drawerRight }">
And the CSS for that bound class, once again you'll need an important to remove the default right padding Vuetify puts on v-content when the drawer is open:
.draweropen {
width: calc(100vw - 300px) !important;
padding-right: 0 !important;
You can optionally set the flex-direction to column-reverse if your content is bottom loaded like a chat which is what I'm doing in this CodePen Example
I built a little component that wraps the v-main and moves the scrollbar to the main container instead of the default (the entire html).
Simply replace v-main with this and you're done.
<v-main class="my-main">
<div class="my-main__scroll-container">
<slot />
export default {
mounted: function() {
let elHtml = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0] = 'hidden'
destroyed: function() {
let elHtml = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0] = null
height: 100vh
height: 100%
overflow: auto