Can't display datetime from v-for - vue.js

I'm trying to show the datatime in a v-for, but it just keeps showing the same time over and over.
Is there a way to do this?
v-for -
<div class="location-box-container">
<ul class="location-box-list">
<ol v-for="(location, index) in lineStringData" :key="">
<p class="locations">{{ location_time }} New Location</p>
JS -
data() {
return {
location_time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString(),

Use a method to lookup time. Not sure where you are storing the time, but you can look up timezone from coords if needed.
<div class="location-box-container">
<ul class="location-box-list">
<ol v-for="(location, index) in lineStringData" :key="">
<p class="locations">{{ getTime(location) }} New Location</p>
methods: {
getTime(location) {
// lookup your timezone, etc here.
return new Date(location.theTime).toLocaleTimeString()


How can I add a task to a list in my Vue 2 to-do app?

I am trying to add a task to a tasklist in Vue based on the input and add task button, but I keep getting the error "taskList is not defined". Does anybody see how to fix this problem? The code is as following:
<div id="input">
<input v-model="">
<button v-on:click="addTask" v-bind:value="">+</button>
<div v-for="task in taskList" :key="">
{{ }}
<div v-if="task.completed">
<h2> Done </h2>
<div v-else>
<h2> Not done</h2>
export default {
name: 'AddTask',
data: function() {
return {
taskList: [
name: 'task', completed: false, id: 3
] }
methods: {
addTask: function (task) {
Ps. any other Vue tips are welcome as well.
You need to separate out your taskList and the current task you're adding, decouple it as a new object, then add it to your taskList array.
When referring to items in your data object you need to use the this keyword – e.g this.taskList rather than taskList:
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
taskList: [],
methods: {
addTask: function() {
let newTask = {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div id="input">
<li v-for="task in taskList" :key="">
{{ }}
<input type="checkbox"
#change="task.completed = !task.completed">
<span v-if="task.completed">
<span v-else>
Not Done
<input type="text" v-model="">
<button v-on:click="addTask">+</button>
From what I see in your template you use tasklist but you define it as taskList You will want to make sure your names are in the same case. Usually you'll see camelCase in vue, but other popular ones are snake_case and PascalCase

Dynamic computed property in html

I'm using php for creating set of computed properties in my app based on ID property of each object in my main array of data stored in property deals. So i have now computed properties like list_10_deals_cnt, list_20_deals_cnt, list_30_deals_cnt etc. Now, how can I create these dynamic created properties in span with class dials__cnt while looping my array of data? {{'list_''_deals_cnt'}} is not working as i wish, its display just a string like list_10_deals_cnt instead to display a computed value.
P.S. sorry about my english.
<div class="dials" id="app">
<div class="dials__column" v-for="(el, index) in deals">
<div class="dials__header">
<div>сделок: <span class="dials__cnt">{{`'list_''_deals_cnt'`}}</span>, <span></span> руб</div>
<draggable drag-class="draggable-ghost__class" class="dials__block" :list="el.items" group="deal" #change="log(, $event)">
v-for="(el, index) in el.items"
<div class="card__header">
<div class="card__title">{{ el.customer_name }}, {{ el.customer_company_name }}</div>
<div class="card__date">{{ el.created_at }}</div>
<div class="card__body">
<a :href="'/deal/detail/'" class="card__link">{{ el.title }}</a>
<div class="card__footer">
<span class="card__price">{{ el.price }} руб </span>
<span v-for="(tag, index) in el.tags" class="card__tag">{{ tag }}</span>
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
deals: <?php echo json_encode($deals, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); ?>
computed: {
foreach ($deals as $k=>$v) {
echo 'list_'.$v->id.'_deals_cnt: function() {return['.$k.'].items.length},';
methods: {
log: function(id, evt) {
if (evt.hasOwnProperty('added')) {
let dealID =;
console.log('сделка ID '+dealID+' перемещена в статус '+id+'. Отправляем аякс запрос на обновление статуса в бд');
// ajax for update
Problem 1
you will not be able to get the value of computed property by using this
for the same reason as console.log('vari' + 'able') doesn't print out value of variable to the console.
( Vue evaluates whatever is in between {{ }} as an expression ).
I suppose, you can either use the deals property directly in html as shown below without using a computed property
<div class="dials__column" v-for="(el, index) in deals">
<div class="dials__header">
<div>сделок: <span class="dials__cnt">{{ el.items.length }}</span>, <span></span> руб</div>
----------- rest of the code
or you can create a computed property based on deals data property and use that to loop in html using v-for.
Problem 2
I don't think below code is valid php string. although it becomes irrelevant if you use first solution above.
foreach ($deals as $k=>$v) {
echo 'list_'.$v->id.'_deals_cnt: function() {return['.$k.'].items.length},';
the ' inside ['.$k.'] should be escaped.
echo 'list_'.$v->id.'_deals_cnt: function() {return[\'.$k.\'].items.length},';

Display nested loop in Vue from a GraphQL query

I'm using OneGraph to pull data from Spotify. I can't figure how to render out the 3rd nested loop though even looking at other Vue code samples. I'm trying to return the artist name for each playlist as shown below.
<li v-for="(item, index) in $" :key="index">
<li v-for="track in item.tracks" :key="track.playlists">
{{}} -
<span v-for="artist in item.tracks.artists" :key="artist.tracks">
The query:
spotify {
me {
playlists(limit: 1) {
tracks {
artists {
Nested loop:
<li v-for="track in item.tracks" :key="track.playlists">{{}}</li>
Child nested loop:
<span v-for="artist in track.artists" :key="artist.tracks" {{}}</span>

How to fix my price to show on "Pris:" in java in vue?

// # is an alias to /src
export default {
name: 'home',
data() {
return {
inc: 0,
inc2: 0,
inc3: 0,
methods: {
toInc() {
toDec() {
toInc2() {
toDec2() {
toInc3() {
toDec3() {
computed:{ //here i get this error with ";"
<div class="plane">
<div class="columns">
<ul class="price">
<div class="prisinfo">
<p class="item">Ordinarie (<span class="cost">85kr</span>/st)</p> //those prices i need to get when im pressing on +
<div class="priser">
<li class="pris1">-</li>
<li class="pris1">+</li>
<div class="prisinfo">
<p class="item">Barn (<span class="cost">65kr</span>/st)</p> //those prices i need to get when im pressing on +
<div class="priser">
<li class="pris2">-</li>
<li class="pris2">+</li>
<div class="prisinfo">
<p class="item">Pensionär (<span class="cost">75kr</span>/st) </p> //those prices i need to get when im pressing on +
<div class="priser">
<li class="pris3">-</li>
<li class="pris3">+</li>
<section id="totalprice">
<p>Pris:<span class="total_price">{{total}}</span></p> // and here my total price after getting all the prices togheter after choosing how many tickets you need.
I got error in console with "unexpected ;" and my dosnt work anymore after i did those changes. I need also to get the price to add when i press + and substact when i press -, i have the price in html.
You got my coments in the code if you need them.
Im so bad at vue right now, and java is my weak side too.
to show the total price, you may find computed property very useful:
after your data property, add :
and you HTML line would be:
<p>Pris:<span class="total_price">{{total}}</span></p>
now, about the + and - buttons:
they look good, i think its just a tiny mistake on the HTML side: you should call the function toInc with ().
like this:
<li class="pris3">+</li>
(#click is like v-on:click

For loop of objects

I'm trying to do a for loop of a set of objects but since they all aren't named the same, I'm stuck.
<div id="components-demo">
<div>Travel Information</div>
v-for="(todo, index) in todos"
var newData = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model));
// Object returns like { Passenger: "Tom Jones", Airline: "United Airways", Destination: "Atlanta, GA", etc. }
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#components-demo',
data: {
todos: [
{ newData }
In the developer tools in Vue, it lists out the object fine like:
todos: Array [1]
0: Object
Passenger: "Tom Jones"
Airline: "United Airways"
Destination: "Atlanta, GA"
At the end I'm looking to list out li's containing these items but can't seem to loop through unless I specify exactly each one.
According to the object you say is constructed.
<div id="components-demo">
<div>Travel Information</div>
<li v-for="(item, index) in todos" :key="index">{{ item.Passenger }}</li>
To list out dynamic objects using nested loop:
<div id="components-demo">
<div>Travel Information</div>
<li v-for="(item, index) in todos" :key="index">
<li v-for="(value, key) in item" :key="key">{{ key }} : {{ value }}</li>
You are assigning the object to an array, you can just loop through the object directly
data: {
todos: newData