How to create persistent docker volume with size limitation? - size

Docker volume docs do not provide info about this.


HDFS over S3 / Google storage bucket translation layer - how?

I'd love to expose a Google storage bucket over HDFS to a service.
Service in question is a cluster (SOLR) that can speak only to HDFS, given I have no hadoop (nor need for it), ideally I'd like to have a docker container that would user a Google storage bucket as a backend and expose it's contents via HDFS.
If possible I'd like to avoid mounts (like fuse gcsfs), has anyone done such thing?
I think I could just do mount gcsfs and setup a single node cluster with HDFS, but is there a simpler / more robust way?
Any hints / directions are appreciated.
The Cloud Storage Connector for Hadoop is the tool you might need.
It is not a Docker image but rather an install. Further instructions can be found in the GitHub repository under and
If it is accessed from AWS S3 you'll need a Service Account with access to Cloud Storage and set the env variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to /path/to/keyfile.
To use SOLR with GCS, you need indeed a hadoop cluster and you can do that in GCP by creating a dataproc cluster then use the connector mentioned to connect your SOLR solution with GCS. for more info check this SOLR

Attaching EBS Volumes in AWS Fargate

After specifying the volumes in task definition I am unable to find volumes . How can I attach the Volumes to AWS fargate ?
Fargate task comes with 10gig of ephemeral storage. And you can additionally mount another 4gig (only). This is ephemeral too.
Refer this doc:

Which s3 compatible blob storage?

I want deploy a s3 compatible blob storage in my Kubernetes Cluster. I already use GlusterFS for volumes like mongodb, and I tried to set up minio with the helm chart I just realize I can't scale up minio easily because of erasure code.
So I have some questions about blob storage solutions :
Is GlusterFS blob storage service stable and reliable ( ?
Do I must use OpenShift to deploy GlusterFS blob storage as I read in the web ? I think no because I can see simple Kubernetes manifests in the GlusterFS repo like this one :
Is it easy to use Minio federation in Kubernetes ? Is it easily scalable with a "helm upgrade --set replicas=X" or do I need manually upgrade minio configuration ?
As you can see, I feel lost with this s3 storage. So if you have more information/solutions, do not hesitate.
Thanks in advance !
About reliability you should read more about user experience like:
An end user review of GlusterFS
Community Survey Feedback, 2019
Why openshift with glusterFS:
For standalone Red Hat Gluster Storage, there is no component installation required to use it with OpenShift Container Platform. OpenShift Container Platform comes with a built-in GlusterFS volume driver, allowing it to make use of existing volumes on existing clusters but Red Hat Gluster Storage is a commercial storage software product, based on Gluster.
How to deploy it in AWS
For minio please follow official docs:
ConfigMap allows injecting containers with configuration data even while a Helm release is deployed.
To update your MinIO server configuration while it is deployed in a release, you need to
Check all the configurable values in the MinIO chart using helm inspect values stable/minio.
Override the minio_server_config settings in a YAML formatted file, and then pass that file like this helm upgrade -f config.yaml stable/minio.
Restart the MinIO server(s) for the changes to take effect
I didn't try but, but as per documentation:
For federation I can see additional environment variables in the values.yaml.
In addition you should Run MinIO in federated mode Federation Quickstart Guide
Here you can find differences between google and amazon s3 sotrage
or Cloud Storage interoperability from gcloud perspective.
Hope this help.

Retrieve application config from secure location during task start

I want to make sure I'm not storing sensitive keys and credentials in source or in docker images. Specifically I'd like to store my MySQL RDS application credentials and copy them when the container/task starts. The documentation provides an example of retrieving the ecs.config file from s3 and I'd like to do something similar.
I'm using the Amazon ECS optimized AMI with an auto scaling group that registers with my ECS cluster. I'm using the ghost docker image without any customization. Is there a way to configure what I'm trying to do?
You can define a volume on the host and map it to the container with Read only privileges.
Please refer to the following documentation for configuring ECS volume for an ECS task.
Even though the container does not have the config at build time, it will read the configs as if they are available in its own file system.
There are many ways to secure the config on the host OS.
In my past projects, I have achieved the same by disabling ssh into the host and injecting the config at boot-up using cloud-init.

Fuse Fabric8 Clustering

I am noob in fabric8. I have a doubt regarding clustering with docker images.
I have pulled the docker image for fabric8 fabric8/fabric8. I just want to make the containers i launch to automatically fall into the same cluster without using fabric:create and fabric:join.
Say if i launch 3 containers of fabric8/fabric8 they should fall under the same cluster without manual configuration.
Please give some links are references. I'm lost.
Thanks in advance
In fabric8 v1 the idea was that you create a fabric, using the fabric:create command and then you spin docker container, using the docker container provider in pretty much the same way as you were doing with child containers (either using the container-create-docker command or using hawtio and selecting docker as the container type).