How to invoke a custom ResultFilter before ClientErrorResultFilter is executed in ASP.NET 6 -

I spent almost a full day debugging why my client can't post any forms, until I found out the anti-forgery mechanism got borked on the client-side and the server just responded with a 400 error, with zero logs or information (turns out anti-forgery validation is logged internally with Info level).
So I decided the server needs to special handle this scenario, however according to this answer I don't really know how to do that (aside from hacking).
Normally I would set up a IAlwaysRunResultFilter and check for IAntiforgeryValidationFailedResult. Easy.
Except that I use Api Controllers, so by default all results get transformed into ProblemDetails. So context.Result as mentioned here is always of type ObjectResult. The solution accepted there is to use options.SuppressMapClientErrors = true;, however I want to retain this mapping at the end of the pipeline. But if this option isn't set to true, I have no idea how to intercept the Result in the pipeline before this transformation.
So in my case, I want to do something with the result of the anti-forgery validation as mentioned in the linked post, but after that I want to retain the ProblemDetails transformation. But my question is titled generally, as it is about executing filters before the aforementioned client mapping filter.
Through hacking I am able to achieve what I want. If we take a look at the source code, we can see that the filter I want to precede has an order of -2000. So if I register my global filter like this o.Filters.Add(typeof(MyResultFilter), -2001);, then the filter shown here correctly executes before ClientErrorResultFilter and thus I can handle the result and retain the transformation after the handling. However I feel like this is just exploiting the open-source-ness of .Net 6 and of course as you can see it's an internal constant, so I have no guarantee the next patch doesn't change it and my code breaks. Surely there must be a proper way to order my filter to run before the api transform.


GET vs POST API calls and cache issues

I know that GET is used to retrieve data from the server without modifying anything. Whereas POST is used to add data. I won't get into PUT/PATCH, and assume that POST is always used to update and replace data.
The theory is nice, but in practice I have encountered many situations where my GET calls need to be replaced with POST calls. This is because the response often gets incorrectly cached. Where I work there are proxy servers for security, caching, load balancing, etc., and often times the response for GET calls is directly cached to speed up the call, whereas POST calls never get fully cached.
So for my question, if I have an API call /api/get_orders/month. Theoretically, this should be a GET call, however, the number of orders might update any second. So if I call this API at any moment it may return for example 1000, and calling it just two seconds later should return 1001. However, because of the cache, and although adding a version flag such as ?v=<date_as_int> should ensure that the updated value is returned, there seems to be some caches in the proxy servers that might ignore this.
Basically, I don't feel safe enough using GET unless I know for certain that the data will not be modified or if I know for a fact that the response is always the updated data.
So, would you recommend using POST/GET in the case of retrieving daily/monthly number of orders. And if GET, with all the different and complex layers and server set-ups, how can one be certain that the data is always updated?
If you're doing multiple GET request and something is caching the data in between, you have no idea what it is or how to change it's behavior then POST is a valid workaround.
In any normal situation you would take the time what sits in between your browser and your server, and if there's something that's behaving in a way that doesn't make sense, I would try to investigate and fix that.
So you work at a place where some of that infrastructure exists. Maybe talk to the people that maintain it? But if that's not an option and you just want to find the 'ignore every convention and make my request work'-workaround, then you can use POST.

How to define REST API with to Parameter

I am currently working on a REST API for a project. In the process I should search for events. I would like to make an endpoint for searching events in a period. That is, specify two parameters with from - to.
For the search you normally take a GET operation. My question is now it makes sense to specify two parameters in the path or should I rather fall back to a POST operation for something like that.
Example for the path /Events{From}{To}
Is this even feasible with multiple parameters?
If you are not making a change on the resource, you should use GET operation.
More detailed explanation:
If you were writing a plain old RPC API call, they could technically interchangeable as long as the processing server side were no different between both calls. However, in order for the call to be RESTful, calling the endpoint via the GET method should have a distinct functionality (which is to get resource(s)) from the POST method (which is to create new resources).
GET request with multiple parameters: /events?param1=value1&param2=value2
GET request with an array as parameter: /events?param=value1,value2,value3

How do I design a REST call that is just a data transformation?

I am designing my first REST API.
Suppose I have a (SOAP) web service that takes MyData1 and returns MyData2.
It is a pure function with no side effects, for example:
MyData2 myData2 = transform(MyData myData);
transform() does not change the state of the server. My question is, what REST call do I use? MyData can be large, so I will need to put it in the body of the request, so POST seems required. However, POST seems to be used only to change the server state and not return anything, which transform() is not doing. So POST might not be correct? Is there a specific REST technique to use for pure functions that take and return something, or should I just use POST, unload the response body, and not worry about it?
I think POST is the way to go here, because of the sheer fact that you need to pass data in the body. The GET method is used when you need to retrieve information (in the form of an entity), identified by the Request-URI. In short, that means that when processing a GET request, a server is only required to examine the Request-URI and Host header field, and nothing else.
See the pertinent section of the HTTP specification for details.
It is okay to use POST
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.”
It's not a great answer, but it's the right answer. The real issue here is that HTTP, which is a protocol for the transfer of documents over a network, isn't a great fit for document transformation.
If you imagine this idea on the web, how would it work? well, you'd click of a bunch of links to get to some web form, and that web form would allow you to specify the source data (including perhaps attaching a file), and then submitting the form would send everything to the server, and you'd get the transformed representation back as the response.
But - because of the payload, you would end up using POST, which means that general purpose components wouldn't have the data available to tell them that the request was safe.
You could look into the WebDav specifications to see if SEARCH or REPORT is a satisfactory fit -- every time I've looked into them for myself I've decided against using them (no, I don't want an HTTP file server).

Change Key of HttpContext.Request.Query item in ASP.NET Core

I am trying to work around a issue with a 3rd party filter. My current plan is to put a filter in front of that filter to "fix" the query string so it does not error out.
I made an ActionFilterAttribute and added it into the filter list. It is running fine. I am adding my logic in the OnActionExecuting method.
The first item of context.HttpContext.Request.Query has a Key that is a json structure. I need to change that Key to be {}.
Problem is that both context.HttpContext.Request.Query and context.HttpContext.Request.QueryString are read-only.
How can I alter the context.HttpContext.Request.Query or the context.HttpContext.Request.QueryString?
EDIT - The Underlying Problem:
BreezeJS did a minimal level upgrade to support .NET Core. In this upgrade, part of the code expects that every call that has any parameters to return an IQueryable (QueryFns.cs Line 32). From reading the code it seems like this is an error (the calling function (the actual filter) seems to just expect null to be returned not an Exception.)
Either way, this makes moving to .NET Core very hard.
I considered my other options and if this fails, I will continue to pursue them:
Submit a pull request to fix the issue: The project has not accepted any pull requests in over a year and a half. So it seems unlikely my request will be taken.
Fork my own branch: I would rather not have to create and maintain a separate version with my own build and publishing pipeline.
Find a way to make the Breeze filter ignore the call when the result is not an IQueryable: I am currently looking into this one. (This question.)
Find a way to send my call from the client differently so that breeze ignores calls that do not return IQueryable: The return type of the call is owned by the service. And this is an issue with the service. I would rather not have to have tight coupling between the service and the client such that the client is crafting workarounds for service filter issues.

Is it REST if I pass the following URI /apps/{id}?control=start

I'm in the process of designing a REST API for our web app.
POST > /apps > Creates an app
PUT > /apps/{id} > Updates the app
I want to start the apps.
Is this REST and if not, how can I make it more RESTful?
POST > /apps/{id}?control=start
Sun Cloud API does this:
Or is it better to:
2. PUT /apps/{id} and include a status parameter in the response Json/XML?
3. POST /apps/{id} and include a status parameter in the response Json/xml?
4. POST /apps/start?app={id}
I think the right question here is more whether the HTTP verbs are being used as intended rather than whether the application is or is not as RESTful as possible. However, these days the two concepts are pretty much the same.
The thing about PUT is that whatever you PUT you should be able to immediately GET. In other words, PUT does a wholesale replacement of the resource. If the resource stored at apps/5 is something that has a "control" attribute as part of its state, then the control=start part should be part of the representation you put. If you want to send just the new piece of the resource, you are doing a PATCH, not a PUT.
PATCH is not widely supported, so IMHO you should use a POST. POST has no requirements of safety or idempotency; generally you can do whatever you want with a POST (more or less), including patching parts of a resource. After all that is what you do when you create a new item in a collection with a POST. Updating a portion of a resource is not really much different.
Generally though you POST new data in the request body, not as query parameters. Query parameters are used mostly for GETs, because you are, well, querying. :)
Does starting an app changes it state? (to "running", for example) If it does what you're actually doing is updating the state of the resource (application). That seems like a good use for the PUT operation. Although as Ray said, if control is part of the state of the resource, the body of the PUT request should contain the state you're updating. I believe a partial update would be possible (CouchDB uses this).
On the other hand, if starting an app means creating a new resource (representing the app execution, for example), the POST method would be a great fit. You could have something like this:
POST /app/1/start
Which would result in a HTTP/1.1 201 Created. Then, to access the information on the created execution, you could use a URL like this:
GET /app/1/execution/1
To me, this would seem like a good "Restful" approach. For more information, check out this article.
PUT apps/{id}
I would PUT the app to update it's status from off to on
I like to do something like,
POST /runningapps?url=/app/1