Sometimes I have to insert so many random codes into the database for discounts, campaigns, etc. To do this I created an excel sheet to generate SQL codes. But this is taking too much time.
For example, the query down below is just for inserting one code. I want to generate many different queries (sometimes thousands) by just changing the code field.
I could not find a good tool for that yet and would appreciate any help.
select NEXT VALUE FOR SEQ_COUPONID,4,'**CODE**','DESCRIPTION','2021-12-17 00:00:00.000',365,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'0.00000000',0,1,0,0,0,1,0,'2022-03-15 23:59:00.000',0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,1,8
I am not sure this is even feasible in SQL, but if anyone has any ideas let me know. I have a a bunch of values for stock due in, but the same item could have multiple dates due in. I then have a list of dates stock is due out in and amount in a different table. I want to look up how much stock can go out on each sales line.
The tricky portion for me is that it could source from two incoming lines. If there was only ever 1 incoming line, it would be easy. Just use a sub query on each line. However the fact that each sales line could pull from multiple lines in another table makes it much more complicated. Does anyone have any ideas on how best to do this in SQL. Would be easy for me outside of this, but there is a lot of data so for performance want to keep it in SQL.
Example data below:
newbie here working on something bit complicated..not sure how to start and whats the best way..looking for some advice and tips
So, we have 2 system running using MS Dynamics POS 2009 and have extract of all data (inventory/stock) in spreadsheets. Both dbo have pretty much the same items but because they have been run separately all naming and Part Numbers are in different format.
I need to create one database (one excel file) from both. Where partial match on Part Number will be identified and "merged" (keeping Part Number and Description from sheet1 and updating Stock (sheet1 stock + stock from sheet2)
Problem is that Part Numbers are written in completely different styles (by different people) and can by match only by some partial match (i guess last 3-6 characters in Part numbers)
I am not excel expert so any advice and tips would be appreciated.
Also have thoughts of loading those excel sheets into 2 separate SQL databases and doing it from SSMS as not sure if excel can cope with this
I'm not 100% sure of the source data, but based on the available information here are some possible steps:
-Create a new Database in SSMS
-Load the data from your excel extracts in with the import data tool (Right on your newly-created database, tasks, Import data). This
will pull up a wizard that will transform your Excel spreadsheet to a table in SQL server. Do this for all spreadsheets
-You may be able to do some matching based on the start/end of characters and use a MERGE statement to get unique data. The merge statement
allows you to set a match criteria, and then take certain actions depending on a positive or negative match. For example, if your different POS
systems have two different spreadsheets of products where there is some overlap, but also some products that are unique to each system, you could start with a source table from the first system and only insert products into it that are unique to the other system, if there is a match do nothing. Something like
MERGE ProductA A
USING ProductB B
ON RIGHT(A.ProductID, 5) = RIGHT(B.ProductID,5)
INSERT (ProductID, Descrption)
VALUES (b.ProductID, b.Description)
Hopefully the title says it all.. But just in case. I am in the midst of reworking some custom-built in-house software, written in, that queries the database, gathers the returned data and processes it within the, then outputs the results to Crystal Reports to display.
We have found this to be incredibility wasteful of resources, and cruelly slow. Like I mentioned before I am reworking this program so that the Crystal Report itself gathers the information and displays it. This morning I am reworking a seemingly simple portion, a Monthly Report that just counts the total records, sums somethings and other small tasks.
So my question is this, what is the crystal syntax to count the number of records that is returned, that is between two dates.(parameters that are passed in from the vb side)
I want to write this:
COUNT({Table.Column} in {?FromDate} to {?ToDate});
Crystal Reports then highlights everything inside the count and tells me a field is required here.
I also tried to create a running total, but it only tallied 1. So if that is the correct course of action please explain.
Crystal reports formula syntax does not allow for a conditional count in this way. I usually perform this sort of thing with two separate formulas: The first populates 1 or 0 for the logic test, the second sums the first, e.g.
if {Table.Column} in {?FromDate} to {?ToDate} then 1 else 0
I'm pretty sure I've achieved similar results in a single formula, but it makes the code less readable and harder to maintain, sometimes requiring While Printing commands that make the formula results inaccessible for use in other areas of the report. Using two formulas also allows for easy filtering on this first one.
Ok, I've got a database table where data gets dumped by this horrid little program that I despise, but can't change at the moment. It has merchant data in there, names, addresses, and a set of categories that are pipe-delimited. What I need is a clean way to split these out, so I have one row for each merchant/category pair. From there, I can easily get it into the new data structure. This will need to be a repeatable process for a short period of time. I realize the optimal solution is to rid myself of this structure, but I've wracked my brain trying to figure out how to do this cleanly in sql.
I already have a function in the database that will split a delimited string and return a table.
This is in sql server 2008, btw.
Edit (for clarity_
Basically, the following might be a merchant (with the categories attached - other fields redacted for simplicity. Using commas for field delimiters here).
Jimbo's Bait Shoppe, Bait|Sports Gear|Sandwiches
What I need is:
Jimbo's Bait Shoppe, Bait
Jimbo's Bait Shoppe, Sports Gear
Jimbo's Bait Shoppe, Sandwiches
If you have already written a function that splits the string and returns the table you can use a trigger.
Create a trigger on INSERT on the table where the "horrid" program spits the data. The trigger will then take the unformatted data and populate two clean tables (I think in your case you should have two tables: one is a merchant, and another one is products, that are linked using one-to-many relationship using MerchantID).
In this case you can use the table with unformatted data as a "dirty" table. You can cleanse straight after the "horrid" program imported a file.
Please comment if you need help with the triggers
in my everyday work, I am receiving data in Excel spreadsheets, which I need to insert into relational database.
To accomplish this, I prepare formulas which generate "insert" statement (I am using both insert and select statement for example to choose ID of all elements with specific label).
Because those spreadsheets are complex, they contain SQL commands in more than one column.
This is the point where problems begin - I cannot simply select all cells, copy them and paste into SQL Server (it will concatenate information from cells in the same row).
In most cases I'm preparing additional sheet where I'm collecting all statements in one column
(using simply formula which rewrite text from other cells). Unfortunately preparing such sheet is time consuming and might causing an error (for example if I forgot about column or I add rows).
Is there any more convenient way to do it?
I thought about writing a macro which collect all values from selected range.
Is it good idea or can I use something better?
You can do all that using VBA.
You know what are the rules so you have the business logic in your head. Now, just type the code to do it :)
If you want you can do the insert in the Excel using something like this.