Launch Dash App from Jupyter Notebook using wget? - dataframe

What i have done is downloaded a already preset skeleton for my dash app using a !wget function in Jupyter Notebook, I was wondering how could i launch the app?
Is there something similar to this line of code i could use python3
Thank you.

The ! symbol passes your commands to the underlying shell running Jupyter.
Similar to prefixing wget with !, you can run !python3, after making sure that is in the same working directory as your Jupyter notebook.


YOLOv4-deepsort does not detect while running on Google Colab's GPU

I'm trying to do some object tracking on a video using Google Colab but I'm facing the issue below. Tracking is only done in the first frame of the video and not in the rest. I'm working with exactly same files and same commands both on my computer and Google Colab.
Google Colab
It seems like TensorFlow's version caused this problem. Here is my solution:
!pip install tensorflow==2.3.0

react-native link react-native-fs command gives an error

I'm trying to use react native fs on a project for android but every time I use it shows an error "can not read property rnfsfiletyperegular of undefined".I tried installing it again and when I ran the "react-native link react-native-fs" command it showed this error "react-native: File npm\react-native.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system.".Can someone please help.
You need to run react-native link react-native-fs in your system terminal instead of in your IDE's terminal.
If using windows just use CMD.
If using linux just use whatever terminal your linux flavor has built in.

Plotting Xarray images with Geoviews on a Google Colaboratory Notebook

I'm trying to reproduce the code from this link on Google Colaboratory but my Colab Notebook crashes for reasons I don't understand. Is it possible to get this to work properly?
I can confirm the crash in this notebook.
This issue has to do with the fact that Cartopy and Shapely aren't friends...
Shapely is preinstalled in Google Colab, causing a plain install of Cartopy to give problems.
You will have to uninstall Shapely first and reinstall it with no-binary.
Also in order for Geoviews to show plots in Google Colab you will have to call gv.extension('bokeh') in every cell where you want to plot something.
Follow this notebook to see the example code of Geoviews working correctly in Google Colab:

Google map does not display correctly in jupyter notebook

I'm trying to use google map API to visualize some data in jupyter notebook. Here is the code I used to display basic map in jupyter:
import gmaps
import os
import json
import gmaps.datasets
After I ran the code, nothing was displayed. I used my own google API key and couldn't figure out why the map isn't displayed. I'm new to the geojson field, so any idea or thoughts is appreciated.
Did you make sure Widgets are enabled in your jupyter? try this before you run Jupyter:
jupyter nbextension enable --py gmaps
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
If you are using JupyterLab you can check out the steps in the documentation here
JupyterLab Documentation

How to use camera with python in windows

I am trying to use a camera in windows. I ve installed python with anaconda. tried installing pygame with conda but did not work so installed with pip.
Following the advice in open camera with pygame I tried to open the camera but I got an error.
When executing the system complains that can not import name _camera .
Indeed when reading there is the line from pygame import _camera and this is where it fails. It can not import _camera
I am at lost at what to do. Any help very much appreciated
I have been told that this works in linux only. :(
So going to the title question: How to use the camera with python in windows? (or mac?)
PyGame Doc: camera
Pygame currently supports only Linux and v4l2 cameras.
It means it works only with Linux.