How do I get transactions amount > 1000 of all months in SQL - sql

I have been trying to pull customers who have transaction amount greater than 1000 in all months. This is what I have tried so far. But it doesn't look like it's working when I do individual customer test.
Select customer
,extract(month from trans_date) as mth
,extract(year from trans_date) as yr
,sum(trans_amount) as amt
, case when mth in (8) and amt > 1000 then 1 else 0 end as aug
, case when mth in (9) and amt > 1000 then 1 else 0 end as sep
, case when mth in (10) and amt > 1000 then 1 else 0 end as oct
, case when mth in (11) and amt > 1000 then 1 else 0 end as nov
, case when mth in (12) and amt > 1000 then 1 else 0 end as de_c
from transaction
group by 1,2,3
having (aug = 1 and sep = 1 and oct=1 and nov=1 and de_c = 1)

Select customer
,extract(month from trans_date) as mth
,extract(year from trans_date) as yr
,sum(trans_amount) as amt
from transaction
-- filter only those months you want to check, e.g.
where trans_date between date '2021-08-01' and date '2021-12-31'
group by 1,2,3
-- check that every month there was an individual transaction over 1000
over (partition by customer) > 1000
Same logic to get just the customer without detail rows:
select customer
Select customer, max(trans_amount) as maxamt
from transaction
-- filter only those months you want to check, e.g.
where trans_date between date '2021-08-01' and date '2021-12-31'
group by
,trunc(trans_date, 'mon') -- for every month
) as dt
group by customer
-- check that every month there was an individual transaction over 1000
having min(maxamt) > 1000

You may want to try using Over (partition by) something like this.
Select customer
,extract(month from trans_date) as mth
,extract(year from trans_date) as yr
,sum(trans_amount) over (partition by customer , extract(month from trans_date)) as
From transaction
Order by total desc

Assuming your data is one record per customer per month.
To get unique customers where trans_amt > 1000 in every month :
select customer
from transaction
group by customer
having count(1) = count(case when trans_amt > 1000 then 1 else 0 end)
To get all records only for customers where trans_amt > 1000 in every month :
select customer, trans_date, trans_amt
from transaction
qualify count(1) over (partition by customer) = count(case when trans_amt > 1000 then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by customer)


Get last 7 days, 20 days and YTD count

I have a table with columns sales_date, sales_id, sales_region and I am looking to display the count of sales for the past 7 days, 20 days and YTD.
I have this query below that returns the correct count for 7 and 20 days but the YTD shows the count minus the 7 and 20 days. How can I tweak this query to show the YTD correctly? Thank you
select region,
case when current_date- sales_date <=7 then 'Past7'
when current_date- sales_date <=28 then 'Past20'
else 'YTD'
end as "trendsales",
count(*) as salescount
from sales_table
where sales_date >= '2022-01-01'
group by 1
you could pivot it a bit. 4 columns Region, YTD, Past7, and Past20 would be columns.
select region,
sum(case when current_date- sales_date <=7 then 1 else 0 end) as Past7,
sum(case when current_date- sales_date <=28 then 1 else 0 end) as Past20,
count(*) as YTD
from sales_table
where sales_date >= '2022-01-01'
group by 1

sql get balance at end of year

I have a transactions table for a single year with the amount indicating the debit transaction if the value is negative or credit transaction values are positive.
Now in a given month if the number of debit records is less than 3 or if the sum of debits for a month is less than 100 then I want to charge a fee of 5.
I want to build and sql query for this in postgre:
select sum(amount), count(1), date_part('month', date) as month from transactions where amount < 0 group by month;
I am able get records per month level, I am stuck on how to proceed further and get the result.
You can start by generating the series of month with generate_series(). Then join that with an aggregate query on transactions, and finally implement the business logic in the outer query:
select sum(t.balance)
- 5 * count(*) filter(where coalesce(t.cnt, 0) < 3 or coalesce(t.debit, 0) < 100) as balance
from generate_series(date '2020-01-01', date '2020-12-01', '1 month') as d(dt)
left join (
select date_trunc('month', date) as dt, count(*) cnt, sum(amount) as balance,
sum(-amount) filter(where amount < 0) as debit
from transactions t
group by date_trunc('month', date)
) t on t.dt = d.dt
Demo on DB Fiddle:
| balance |
| ------: |
| 2746 |
How about this approach?
WHEN usage.amount_s > 100
OR usage.event_c > 3
) months
sum(amount) AS amount_s,
count(1) event_c,
date_part('month', date) AS month
FROM transactions
WHERE amount < 0
GROUP BY month
) usage ON months.month = usage.month;
First you must use a resultset that returns all the months (1-12) and join it with a LEFT join to your table.
Then aggregate to get the the sum of each month's amount and with conditional aggregation subtract 5 from the months that meet your conditions.
Finally use SUM() window function to sum the result of each month:
COALESCE(SUM(t.Amount), 0) -
WHEN SUM((t.Amount < 0)::int) < 3
OR SUM(CASE WHEN t.Amount < 0 THEN -t.Amount ELSE 0 END) < 100 THEN 5
) OVER () total
FROM generate_series(1, 12, 1) m(month) LEFT JOIN transactions t
ON m.month = date_part('month', AND date_part('year', = 2020
GROUP BY m.month
See the demo.
> | total |
> | ----: |
> | 2746 |
I think you can use the hanving clause.
Select ( sum( - (12- count(b.cnt ))*5 ) as result From
(Select sum(amount) as total , 'A' as name from transactions ) as a left join
(Select count(amount) as cnt , 'A' as name
From transactions
where amount <0
group by month(date)
having not(count(amount) <3 or sum(amount) >-100) ) as b
on =
sum(amount) - 5*(12-(
select count(*)
from(select month, count(amount),sum(amount)
from transactions
where amount<0
group by month
having Count(amount)>=3 And Sum(amount)<=-100))) as balance
from transactions ;

SQL How to group data into separate month columns

So I'm running this query to get the name of the customer, total amount ordered, and number of orders they've submitted. With this query, I get their entire history from March to July, what I want is the name, march amount total/# of orders, april amount total/# of orders, may amount total/# of orders, ..... etc.
SELECT customer_name,MONTH(created_on), SUM(amount), COUNT(order_id)
FROM customer_orders
WHERE created_on BETWEEN '2020-03-01' AND '2020-08-01'
GROUP BY customer_name, MONTH(created_on)
If you want the values in separate columns, then use conditional aggregation:
SELECT customer_name,
SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(created_on) = 3 THEN amount END) as march_amount,
SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(created_on) = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as march_count,
SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(created_on) = 4 THEN amount END) as april_amount,
SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(created_on) = 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as april_count,
. . .
FROM customer_orders
WHERE created_on >= '2020-03-01' AND
created_on < '2020-08-01'
GROUP BY customer_name;
Notice that I changed the date filter so it does not include 2020-08-01.

I am looking to find customers repurchase frequency in SQL from their first purchase date

I am trying to find the customer's repurchase rates from their first order date. For example, for 2016, how many customer purchased 1X in days 1-365 from their initial purchase, how many purchased twice etc.
I have a transaction_detail table which looks like below:
txn_date Customer_ID Transaction_Number Sales
1/2/2019 1 12345 $10
4/3/2018 1 65890 $20
3/22/2019 3 64453 $30
4/3/2019 4 88567 $20
5/21/2019 4 85446 $15
1/23/2018 5 89464 $40
4/3/2019 5 99674 $30
4/3/2019 6 32224 $20
1/23/2018 6 46466 $30
1/20/2018 7 56558 $30
I am able to find the customers who have shopped in 2016 and how many times have they repurchased in 2016, but I need to find the customer who have shopped in 2016 and how many times have they come back from their first purchase date.
I need a starting point for the query, I am not sure how to build this logic in my SQL code.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am using the below query:
WITH by_year
to_char(txn_date, 'YYYY') AS visit_year
FROM table
GROUP BY Customer_ID, to_char(txn_date, 'YYYY')),
FIRST_VALUE(visit_year) OVER (PARTITION BY Customer_ID ORDER BY visit_year) AS first_year
FROM by_year),
(visit_year - first_year) AS year_number
FROM with_first_year)
first_year AS first_year,
SUM(CASE WHEN year_number = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS year_0,
SUM(CASE WHEN year_number = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS year_1,
SUM(CASE WHEN year_number = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS year_2,
SUM(CASE WHEN year_number = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS year_3,
SUM(CASE WHEN year_number = 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS year_4,
SUM(CASE WHEN year_number = 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS year_5,
SUM(CASE WHEN year_number = 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS year_6,
SUM(CASE WHEN year_number = 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS year_7,
SUM(CASE WHEN year_number = 8 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS year_8,
SUM(CASE WHEN year_number = 9 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS year_9
FROM with_year_number
GROUP BY first_year
ORDER BY first_year
Use window functions and aggregation:
select cnt, count(*), min(customer_id), max(customer_id)
from (select customer_id, count(*) as cnt
from (select td.*,
min(txn_date) over (partition by Customer_ID) as min_txn_date
from transaction_detail td
) td
where txn_date >= min_txn_date and txn_date < min_txn_date + interval '365' day
group by customer_id
) c
group by cnt
order by cnt;
So as per my understanding, you want to know the count of the distinct person who first purchased in 2016 and repurchased after one year or more from date of purchase.
Select * from
Select customer_id,
Floor(months_between(txn_date, lead_txn_date)/12) as num_years
Select customer_id,
row_number() over (partition by Customer_ID order by txn_date) as rn,
lead(txn_date) over (partition by Customer_ID order by txn_date) as lead_txn_date
From your_table
Where txn_date >= date '2016-01-01'
and txn_date < date '2017-01-01'
and rn = 1
And months_between(txn_date, lead_txn_date) >= 12
Count(1) for num_year in (1,2,3,4)
Ultimately, we are finding the number of years between first and second purchase of the customer. And first purchase must be in 2016.

Flaggin active customers - Atleast one transaction every month

Once the customer is registered, between date_registered and current date - if the customer has made atleast one transaction every month, then flag it as active or else flag it has inactive
Note: Every customer has different date_registered
I tried this but doesn't work since few of the customers were onboarded in the middle of the year
Eg -
txn_id | txn_date | name | amount
101 2018-05-01 ABC 100
102 2018-05-02 ABC 200
(case when count(distinct case when txn_date >= '2018-05-01' and txn_date < '2019-06-01' then last_day(txn_date) end) = 13
then 'active' else 'inactive'
end) as flag
from t;
Final output
name | flag
ABC active
BCF inactive
You can use filtering on an aggregation query:
select customer,
count(distinct last_day(txn_date)) as num_months
from (select t.*, min(date_registered) over (partition by customer) as min_dr
from t
) t
group by customer, min_dr
having count(distinct last_day(txn_date)) = months_between(last_day(current_date), last_day(min_dr)) + 1;
Note: This may give unexpected results toward the beginning of a month, if customers do not all have transactions on the first day of the month.
If you want a flag, just move the HAVING logic to the SELECT:
select customer,
(case when count(distinct last_day(txn_date)) = months_between(last_day(current_date), last_day(min_dr)) + 1
then 'Active' else 'Inactive'
end) as active_flag
from (select t.*, min(date_registered) over (partition by customer) as min_dr
from t
) t
group by customer, min_dr;