How do I generate numbered lists with pod? - raku

Looking at I don't see a way to create a numbered list:
Is there an undocumented way to do it?

There is not currently (as of January 2022) an implemented way to use ordered list in Pod6.
The historical design documents contain Pod6 syntax for ordered lists and, as far as I know, this remains something that we'd like to add. Once that syntax is implemented, you'll be able to write something like:
=item1 # Animal
=item2 # Vertebrate
=item2 # Invertebrate
=item1 # Phase
=item2 # Solid
=item2 # Liquid
=item2 # Gas
This would produce output along the lines of:
1. Animal
1.1 Vertebrate
1.2 Invertebrate
2. Phase
2.1 Solid
2.2 Liquid
2.3 Gas
(Though the exact syntax for rendering the list would be up to the implementation of the Pod renderer.)
But until that's implemented, there isn't any way to use Pod6 syntax to create an ordered list.
I just checked the actual parsed Pod6, and it looks like (to my surprise) the ordered list syntax I showed above actually is parsed internally. For example, running say $=pod[5].raku with the Pod6 shows the following (based on the =item2 # Liquid line): => 2, config => {:numbered(1)}, contents => [ => {}, contents => ["Liquid"])])
So the parsing work is in place; it's just the Pod::To::_ renderer that need to add support. (And there could even be some out there that have that support. I do know that neither Rakudo's Pod::To::Text nor Raku's Pod::To::HTML (v0.8.1) currently render ordered lists, however.)
Depending on the output formats you're targeting, you could of course write the ordered list yourself (pretty easy if you're rendering to plain text, more annoying to do if you're printing to HTML). This does, of course, sacrifice Pod6's multi-output-format support, which is one of its key features.
For a workaround that doesn't sacrifice Pod's multi-output nature, you'd probably want to look into manipulating/reformatting the Pod text programmatically. If you do so, the docs to start with are the Pod6 section on accessing Pod and the (unfortunately very short) section on the DOC phaser.

Just use a list and a loop?
my #list = [ (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, ),
[<a b c>, <d e f>],
for #list -> #element {
say "{#element} → {#element.^name}";
for #element -> $sub-element {
say $sub-element;
#1 2 3 → List
#1 2 → List
#a b c d e f → Array
#(a b c)
#(d e f)
#1 → Array


SpaCy: Set entity information for a token which is included in more than one span

I am trying to use SpaCy for entity context recognition in the world of ontologies. I'm a novice at using SpaCy and just playing around for starters.
I am using the ENVO Ontology as my 'patterns' list for creating a dictionary for entity recognition. In simple terms the data is an ID (CURIE) and the name of the entity it corresponds to along with its category.
Screenshot of my sample data:
The following is the workflow of my initial code:
Creating patterns and terms
# Set terms and patterns
terms = {}
patterns = []
for curie, name, category in envoTerms.to_records(index=False):
if name is not None:
terms[name.lower()] = {'id': curie, 'category': category}
Setup a custom pipeline
def envo_extractor(doc):
matches = matcher(doc)
spans = [Span(doc, start, end, label = 'ENVO') for matchId, start, end in matches]
doc.ents = spans
for i, span in enumerate(spans):
span._.set("has_envo_ids", True)
for token in span:
token._.set("is_envo_term", True)
token._.set("envo_id", terms[span.text.lower()]["id"])
token._.set("category", terms[span.text.lower()]["category"])
return doc
# Setter function for doc level
def has_envo_ids(self, tokens):
return any([t._.get("is_envo_term") for t in tokens])
##EDIT: #################################################################
def resolve_substrings(matcher, doc, i, matches):
# Get the current match and create tuple of entity label, start and end.
# Append entity to the doc's entity. (Don't overwrite doc.ents!)
match_id, start, end = matches[i]
entity = Span(doc, start, end, label="ENVO")
doc.ents += (entity,)
Implement the custom pipeline
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
matcher = PhraseMatcher(nlp.vocab)
#### EDIT: Added 'on_match' rule ################################
matcher.add("ENVO", None, *patterns, on_match=resolve_substrings)
nlp.add_pipe('envo_extractor', after='ner')
and the pipeline looks like this
[('tok2vec', <spacy.pipeline.tok2vec.Tok2Vec at 0x7fac00c03bd0>),
('tagger', <spacy.pipeline.tagger.Tagger at 0x7fac0303fcc0>),
('parser', <spacy.pipeline.dep_parser.DependencyParser at 0x7fac02fe7460>),
('ner', <spacy.pipeline.ner.EntityRecognizer at 0x7fac02f234c0>),
('envo_extractor', <function __main__.envo_extractor(doc)>),
<spacy.pipeline.attributeruler.AttributeRuler at 0x7fac0304a940>),
<spacy.lang.en.lemmatizer.EnglishLemmatizer at 0x7fac03068c40>)]
Set extensions
# Set extensions to tokens, spans and docs
Token.set_extension('is_envo_term', default=False, force=True)
Token.set_extension("envo_id", default=False, force=True)
Token.set_extension("category", default=False, force=True)
Doc.set_extension("has_envo_ids", getter=has_envo_ids, force=True)
Doc.set_extension("envo_ids", default=[], force=True)
Span.set_extension("has_envo_ids", getter=has_envo_ids, force=True)
Now when I run the text 'tissue culture', it throws me an error:
nlp('tissue culture')
ValueError: [E1010] Unable to set entity information for token 0 which is included in more than one span in entities, blocked, missing or outside.
I know why the error occurred. It is because there are 2 entries for the 'tissue culture' phrase in the ENVO database as shown below:
Ideally I'd expect the appropriate CURIE to be tagged depending on the phrase that was present in the text. How do I address this error?
My SpaCy Info:
============================== Info about spaCy ==============================
spaCy version 3.0.5
Location *irrelevant*
Platform macOS-10.15.7-x86_64-i386-64bit
Python version 3.9.2
Pipelines en_core_web_sm (3.0.0)
It might be a little late nowadays but, complementing Sofie VL's answer a little bit, and to anyone who might be still interested in it, what I (another spaCy newbie, lol) have done to get rid of overlapping spans, goes as follows:
import spacy
from spacy.util import filter_spans
# [Code to obtain 'entity']...
# 'entity' should be a list, i.e.:
# entity = ["Carolina", "North Carolina"]
pat_orig = len(entity)
filtered = filter_spans(ents) # THIS DOES THE TRICK
pat_filt =len(filtered)
doc.ents = filtered
print("Original number of patterns:", pat_orig)
print("Number of patterns after overlapping removal:", pat_filt)
Important to mention that I am using the most recent version of spaCy at this date, v3.1.1. Additionally, it will work only if you actually do not mind about overlapping spans being removed, but if you do, then you might want to give this thread a look. More info regarding 'filter_spans' here.
Best regards.
Since spacy v3, you can use doc.spans to store entities that may be overlapping. This functionality is not supported by doc.ents.
So you have two options:
Implement an on_match callback that will filter out the results of the matcher before you use the result to set doc.ents. From a quick glance at your code (and the later edits), I don't think resolve_substrings is actually resolving conflicts? Ideally, the on_match function should check whether there are conflicts with existing ents, and decide which of them to keep.
Use doc.spans instead of doc.ents if that works for your use-case.

Neo4j: How to pass a variable to Neo4j Apoc (apoc.path.subgraphAll) Property

Am new to Neo4j and trying to do a POC by implementing a graph DB for Enterprise Reference / Integration Architecture (Architecture showing all enterprise applications as Nodes, Underlying Tables / APIs - logically grouped as Nodes, integrations between Apps as Relationships.
Objective is to achieve seamlessly 'Impact Analysis' using the strength of Graph DB (Note: I understand this may be an incorrect approach to achieve whatever am trying to achieve, so suggestions are welcome)
Let me come brief my question now,
There are four Apps - A1, A2, A3, A4; A1 has set of Tables (represented by a node A1TS1) that's updated by Integration 1 (relationship in this case) and the same set of tables are read by Integration 2. So the Data model looks like below
I have the underlying application table names captured as a List property in A1TS1 node.
Let's say one of the app table is altered for a new column or Data type and I wanted to understand all impacted Integrations and Applications. Now am trying to write a query as below to retrieve all nodes & relationships that are associated/impacted because of this table alteration but am not able to achieve this
Expected Result is - all impacted nodes (A1TS1, A1, A2, A4) and relationships (INT1, INT2)
Option 1 (Using APOC)
MATCH (a {TCName:'A1TS1',AppName:'A1'})-[r]-(b)
WITH a as STRTND, Collect(type(r)) as allr
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(STRTND, {relationshipFilter:allr}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships
This faile with error Failed to invoke procedure 'apoc.path.subgraphAll': Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to java.lang.String
Option 2 (Using with, unwind, collect clause)
MATCH (a {TCName:'A1TS1',AppName:'A1'})-[r]-(b)
WITH a as STRTND, Collect(r) as allr
UNWIND allr as rels
MATCH p=()-[rels]-()-[rels]-()
This fails with error "Cannot use the same relationship variable 'rels' for multiple patterns" but if I use the [rels] once like p=()-[rels]=() it works but not yielding me all nodes
Any help/suggestion/lead is appreciated. Thanks in advance
Trying to give more context
Showing the Underlying Data
MATCH ()-[r]-() RETURN distinct r.relname
"FINREP" │ (runs between A1 to other apps)
"UPFRNT" │ (runs between A2 to different Salesforce App)
"INVOICE" │ (runs between A1 to other apps)
With this, here is what am trying to achieve
Assume "TBL3" is getting altered in App A1, I wanted to write a query specifying the table "TBL3" in match pattern, get all associated relationships and connected nodes (upstream)
May be I need to achieve in 3 steps,
Step 1 - Write a match pattern to find the start node and associated relationship(s)
Step 2 - Store that relationship(s) from step 1 in a Array variable / parameter
Step 3 - Pass the start node from step 1 & parameter from step 2 to apoc.path.subgraphAll to see all the impacted nodes
This may conceptually sound valid but how to do that technically in neo4j Cypher query is the question.
Hope this helps
This query may do what you want:
WHERE $table IN tc.Tables
MATCH p=(tc)-[:Foo*]-()
WITH tc,
REDUCE(s = [], x IN COLLECT(NODES(p)) | s + x) AS ns,
REDUCE(t = [], y IN COLLECT(RELATIONSHIPS(p)) | t + y) AS rs
UNWIND rs AS rel
RETURN tc, nodes, COLLECT(DISTINCT rel) AS rels;
It assumes that you provide the name of the table of interest (e.g., "TBL3") as the value of a table parameter. It also assumes that the relationships of interest all have the Foo type.
It first finds tc, the TBLCON node(s) containing that table name. It then uses a variable-length non-directional search for all paths (with non-repeating relationships) that include tc. It then uses COLLECT twice: to aggregate the list of nodes in each path, and to aggregate the list of relationships in each path. Each aggregation result would be a list of lists, so it uses REDUCE on each outer list to merge the inner lists. It then uses UNWIND and COLLECT(DISTINCT x) on each list to produce a list with unique elements.
If you differentiate between your relationships by type (rather than by property value), your Cypher code can be a lot simpler by taking advantage of APOC functions. The following query assumes that the desired relationship types are passed via a types parameter:
WHERE $table IN tc.Tables
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(
tc, {relationshipFilter: apoc.text.join($types, '|')}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships;
WIth some lead from cybersam's response, the below query gets me what I want. Only constraint is, this result is limited to 3 layers (3rd layer through Optional Match)
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(TC, {maxLevel:1}) YIELD nodes AS invN, relationships AS invR
WITH TC, REDUCE (tmpL=[], tmpr IN invR | tmpL+type(tmpr)) AS impR
MATCH FLP=(TC)-[]-()-[FLR]-(SL) WHERE type(FLR) IN impR
This works for my needs, hope this might also help someone.
Thanks everyone for the responses and suggestions
Enhanced the query to get rid of Optional Match criteria and other given limitations
WITH Reduce(O="",OO in Reduce (I=[], II in collect(apoc.node.relationship.types(initTC)) | I+II) | O+OO+"|") as RF
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(TC,{relationshipFilter:RF}) YIELD nodes, relationships
RETURN nodes, relationships
Thanks all (especially cybersam)

Many inputs to one output, access wildcards in input files

Apologies if this is a straightforward question, I couldn't find anything in the docs.
currently my workflow looks something like this. I'm taking a number of input files created as part of this workflow, and summarizing them.
Is there a way to avoid this manual regex step to parse the wildcards in the filenames?
I thought about an "expand" of cross_ids and config["chromosomes"], but unsure to guarantee conistent order.
rule report:
files=expand("output/{chrom}/{cross}.in", chrom=config["chromosomes"], cross=cross_ids)
df = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(input.files), columns=["stat", "chrom", "cross"])
for i, fn in enumerate(input.files):
# open fn / make calculations etc // stat =
# manual regex of filename to get chrom cross // chrom, cross =
df.loc[i] = stat, chrom, choss
This seems a bit awkward when this information must be in the environment somewhere.
(via Johannes Köster on the google group)
To answer your question:
Expand uses functools.product from the standard library. Hence, you could write
from functools import product
product(config["chromosomes"], cross_ids)

Pig - comparing two similar statement : one working, the other not

I begin to be really annoyed with PIG :the language seems really not stable, the documentation is poor, there are not that many examples on internet, and any small change in the code can give radical differences :from failure to expected result.... Here is another kind of this last theme :
grunt> describe actions_by_unite;
actions_by_unite: {
group: chararray,
nb_actions_by_unite_and_action: {
unite: chararray,
lib_type_action: chararray,
-- works :
z = foreach actions_by_unite {
generate group, SUM(nb_actions_by_unite_and_action.$2);};
-- doesn't work :
z = foreach actions_by_unite {
x = SUM(nb_actions_by_unite_and_action.$2);
generate group, x;};
-- error :
2015-05-08 14:43:44,712 [main] ERROR - ERROR 1200: Pig script failed to parse:
<line 107, column 16> Invalid scalar projection: x : A column needs to be projected from a relation for it to be used as a scalar
Details at logfile: /private/tmp/pig-err.log
And so :
-- doesn't work neither:
z = foreach actions_by_unite { x = SUM(nb_actions_by_unite_and_action.$2);
generate group, x.$0;};
--error :
org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException: ERROR 0: Scalar has more than one row in the output. 1st : (AC,EMAIL,1.1186133550060547E-4), 2nd :(AC,VISITE,6.25755280560356E-4)
at org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.ReadScalars.exec(
Does anyone would know why ?
Do you have some nice blog / ressources to propose with examples to master this language ?
I have the o'reilly book, but it seems a bit old, I have the 'Agile Data Science' and the "Hadoop definitive guide" book with some examples in it... I found this page really interesting :
Any good video on coursera or other inputs ? Do you guys also have problems with this language ? or I am simply dumb ?....
That thing in particular is not because of Pig being unstable, it's because what you are trying to do is correct in the first approach, but wrong in the others.
When you make a group by, you have for each group a bag that contains X tuples. Inside a nested foreach, you have one group with its bag for each iteration, which means that a SUM inside there will yield a scalar value: the sum of the bag you are currently working with. Apache Pig does not work with scalars, it works with relations, therefore you cannot assign a scalar value to an alias, which is exactly what you are doing in the second and third approach.
Therefore, the error comes from attempting something like:
A = foreach B {
x = SUM(bag.$0);
However, if you want to emit for each of the groups a scalar, you can perfectly do this as long as you never assign a scalar to an alias. That is why it works perfectly if you do the sum at the end of the foreach, because you are returning for each of the groups a tuple with two values: the group and the sum.

Hadoop Pig - Replace strings in a relation with their corresponding values in a map

I have a relation called conversations_grouped made up of bags of tuples of varying sizes, like so:
DUMP conversations_grouped:
Each L[0-9]+ is a tag corresponding to a string. For example, L194 might be "Hello, how are you doing?" and L195 might be "fine, how are you?". This correspondence is maintained by a map called line_map. Here's a sample:
DUMP line_map;
([L666324#Do you think she might be interested in someone?])
([L666264#Well that's typical of Her Majesty's army. Appoint an engineer to do a soldier's work.])
([L666263#Um. There are rumours that my Lord Chelmsford intends to make Durnford Second in Command.])
([L666262#Lighting COGHILL' 5 cigar: Our good Colonel Dumford scored quite a coup with the Sikali Horse.])
([L666522#So far only their scouts. But we have had reports of a small Impi farther north, over there. ])
([L666521#And I assure you, you do not In fact I'd be obliged for your best advice. What have your scouts seen?])
([L666520#Well I assure you, Sir, I have no desire to create difficulties. 45])
([L666372#I think Chelmsford wants a good man on the border Why he fears a flanking attack and requires a steady Commander in reserve.])
([L666371#Lord Chelmsford seems to want me to stay back with my Basutos.])
([L666370#I'm to take the Sikali with the main column to the river])
([L666369#Your orders, Mr Vereker?])
([L666257#Good ones, yes, Mr Vereker. Gentlemen who can ride and shoot])
([L666256#Colonel Durnford... William Vereker. I hear you 've been seeking Officers?])
What I'm trying to do now is parse through each line and replace the L[0-9]+ tags with their corresponding text from line_map. Is it possible to make references to line_map from within a Pig FOREACH statement, or is there something else I have to do?
The first issue with this is that in a map the key must be a quoted string. So you can't use a schema value to access the map. E.G. This will not work.
C: {foo: chararray, M: [value:chararray]}
The solution that comes to mind is to FLATTEN conversations_grouped. Then do a join between conversations_grouped and line_map on the L[0-9]+ tag. You'll probably want to project out some of the extra fields (like the L[0-9]+ tag after the join) to make the next step faster. After that you'll have to regroup the data, and massage it into the correct format.
This won't work unless each bag has it's own unique ID for the regrouping, but if each of the L[0-9]+ tags appear in only one bag (conversation) you can use this to create a unique id.
-- A is dumped conversations_grouped
-- Pulls out an element from the bag to use as the id
id = LIMIT tags 1 ;
-- Flattens B into id, tag form. Each group of tags will have the same id.
The schema and output for B is:
B: {id: chararray,tags::tag: chararray}
Assuming that the tags are unique, the rest is done like:
-- A2 is line_map, loaded in tag/message pairs instead of a map
-- Joins conversations_grouped and line_map on tag
C = FOREACH (JOIN B by tags::tag, A2 by tag)
-- This generate removes the tag
GENERATE id, message ;
-- Regroups C on the id created in B
-- This step limits the output to just messages
GENERATE C.(message) AS messages ;
Schema and output from D:
D: {messages: {(A2::message: chararray)}}
({(Colonel Durnford... William Vereker. I hear you 've been seeking Officers?),(Good ones, yes, Mr Vereker. Gentlemen who can ride and shoot)})
({(Your orders, Mr Vereker?),(I'm to take the Sikali with the main column to the river),(Lord Chelmsford seems to want me to stay back with my Basutos.),(I think Chelmsford wants a good man on the border Why he fears a flanking attack and requires a steady Commander in reserve.)})
({(Well I assure you, Sir, I have no desire to create difficulties. 45),(And I assure you, you do not In fact I'd be obliged for your best advice. What have your scouts seen?),(So far only their scouts. But we have had reports of a small Impi farther north, over there. )})
NOTE: If at worst, (the L[0-9]+ tags aren't unique) you can give each line of the input file(s) a sequential, integer id before you load it into pig.
UPDATE: If you are using pig 0.11, then you can also use the RANK operator.