Update and Display a Coordinate Axis being Rotating and Translated in Real Time in Matplotlib? - matplotlib

I'm currently trying to recreate this: video, and I could not find how to recreate the 3D visualization step, where coordinate axis are translated and rotated around, in matplotlib. Does anyone know how to do in matplotlib's animation, updating the results in real time?


Plotting a 2d heatmap as the surface of a cube in 3D

I am struggling with how to plot a cube with each face shaded as a 2D heatmap.
See the following image for what I am trying to do:
I couldn't figure out how to do it with meshgrid since I don't have any data for the inside of the cube just the surfaces. To make a contour plot for one of the surfaces I use two axes to make the meshgrid and then calculate the z data but that is just one face. So I have to do that process individually for each face.
I thought I could manually add patches and rotate them to position colored with their value but that didn't seem like the best way. I was wondering if I was missing something easier.

Simulating a map with DataVsualization.Chart

VB2010 I am using the DataVisualization.Charting.Chart control and am using it as a very crude map of several geographic points. I have that working and it looks good but am trying to see about adding an image to the chart so that it would simulate the land masses. The problem I see is that I zoom around the chart programmatically, so not sure how i can anchor the image to certain x,y coordinates. I don't want to go the whole GIS component as those types of controls are just too much for this fairly simple app.
Update: Well I sort of resolved it. I generated a full world map based on the WGS84 (some would call geographic) projection. This splits the world into perfect 20d x 20d squares. I added this graphic to the BackImage property of my main Chart. I add my points but force the extents of the graph to x: -180 to 180 and y: -90 to 90. Its crude but its actually spot on for my purposes. The only thing that i cant do is zoom in to my points of interest as the background image is static. I wish there was a way to zoom the background image to anchor parts of the image to coordinates on the graph.

matplotlib, how change plot size without affecting axis label

I want to make a plot in matplotlib that is wide and short. I can manipulate the size of a plot as answered on this question.
However, the x-axis label disappears if the plot is not tall enough. I want to squeeze the plot more while keeping the axis label visible.
Is there a way to manipulate the size of the plot without getting rid of the axis label?
After you change the plot size, run tight_layout(). Note that this requires matplotlib v1.1 or newer. If you have an older version of matplotlib, you can run subplot_tool() or subplots_adjust to adjust the plot manually.

How to move a Core Plot graph

I have a Core-Plot Graph within a Mac Application. But the inside table is appearing shifted down and to the left of the containing "frame/border" so that neither of the axis' are showing. I cannot figure out how to change this does anyone know what parameters I need to change to fix this?
Update: Sorry I did not realize I could upload an image, I have done so know and will try your suggestions in the mean-time.
Not sure what you mean by "inside table". It would be easier to offer suggestions if you could post a screenshot.
Without seeing what's wrong, here are some common areas to look at:
If you haven't already done so, look at the example apps included with Core Plot for ideas. The Plot Gallery app has many sample plots and the others are useful, too.
You may need to add padding (paddingLeft, paddingBottom, etc.) on the graph and/or plot area frame. Padding the graph pushes everything in away from the edges of the graph. Padding the plot area frame pushes the plot area in so the axes and titles can hang outside the plot area (the area where the plots are drawn).
If you want to keep an axes pinned to a specific place, e.g., the edge of the graph, set up a floating axis. Otherwise make sure the orthogonal coordinate is set (it defaults to 0). For example, the orthogonal coordinate for the x-axis is the y-value where the x-axis crosses the y-axis.

matplotlib figure coordinates of plot area

How do you find the location of the plot area of an axes in figure coordinates or pixel coordinates?
I'm actually trying to capture click and motion events on the x axis area below the plot. So I'm getting an event and trying to test if it's y coordinate is below the plot area. I would think this is simple, but I can't seem to find anything by searching.
SOLVED - found it - wasn't easy to find - axes.bbox.bounds bounds is in pixels, same as the event.