Re-initialize object properties in Kotlin - kotlin

I often have a class with properties that are initialized at instantiation, like
class C {
var x = 10
var y = v * 2 // v is some variable
val c = C()
then properties of c are changed, and later I need to re-initialize the properties (so that c.x is 10 again and c.y is v*2, where the value of v may have changed).
My current approach is to initialize the properties with dummy values (or alternatively use lateinit and type annotations), and assign the desired values in an extra function ini like
class C {
var x = 0
var y = 0
init {
fun ini() {
x = 10
y = v * 2
then I call c.ini() to re-initialize.
Is there a better (more succinct) way that avoids the dummy values?
Note that in JavaScript I can simply write
class C {
constructor() {
ini() {
this.x = 10
this.y = v * 2

What you are doing right now is totally fine. I wouldn't change it.
If you want to avoid the placeholder values of 0, or if the type of the property has no placeholder value that make sense, you can store the initial values in private lambdas:
class C {
private val xInit = { 10 }
private val yInit = { v * 2 }
var x = xInit()
var y = yInit()
fun reset() {
x = xInit()
y = yInit()
If you really want to reduce the boilerplate, I can only think of this rather hacky and slow solution that relies on reflection. This could be usable if the instances don't need to be reset that often, and you have lots of these classes with resettable properties, and you just hate writing boilerplate reset methods.
class Resettable<T>(val supplier: () -> T) {
var wrapped = supplier()
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T {
return wrapped
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
wrapped = value
fun reset() {
wrapped = supplier()
fun <T: Any> T.reset() {
// look for properties delegated with Resettable
this::class.memberProperties.mapNotNull {
it.isAccessible = true
(it as KProperty1<T, *>).getDelegate(this)
}.filterIsInstance<Resettable<*>>().forEach {
Now you just need to do:
var v = 10
class C {
var x by Resettable { 10 }
var y by Resettable { v * 2 }
fun main() {
val x = C()
println(x.y) // 20
v = 20
println(x.y) // 40
v = 40
println(x.y) // 80
Note that the first reset call would load all the kotlin reflection classes, and would take a noticeable amount of time.


Creating an object builder with error handling using Arrow - Pattern match multiple Eithers

I have class A:
class A (private var z: String, private var y: String, private var x: Int)
I want to create a failsafe builder for it. The builder should return Either the list of Exceptions (e.g. when values are missing) or the created values. What is the recommended way to create something like this? Or is there a conceptually better approach?
My own approach to it:
sealed class ABuilderException {
object MissingXValue : ABuilderException()
object MissingYValue : ABuilderException()
object MissingZValue : ABuilderException()
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.Option
import arrow.core.none
import arrow.core.some
class ABuilder {
private var x : Option<Int> = none()
private var y : Option<String> = none()
private var z : Option<String> = none()
fun withX(x : Int) : ABuilder {
this.x = x.some();
return this;
fun withY(y : String) : ABuilder {
this.y = y.some();
return this;
fun withZ(z : String) : ABuilder {
this.z = z.some();
return this;
fun build() : Either<A, List<ABuilderException>> {
var xEither = x.toEither { ABuilderException.MissingXValue }
var yEither = y.toEither { ABuilderException.MissingYValue }
var zEither = z.toEither { ABuilderException.MissingZValue }
// If all values are not an exception, create A
// otherwise: Return the list of exceptions
How could I best complete the build code?
I favor a solution that avoids deep nesting (e.g. orElse or similar methods) and avoids repeating values (e.g. by recreating Tuples), because this may lead to typos and makes it harder to add/remove properties later.
First you need to change the signature of build to:
fun build() : Either<List<ABuilderException>, A>
The reason for doing that is because Either is right biased - functions like map, flatMap etc operate on the Right value and are no-op in case the value is Left.
For combining Either values you can use zip:
val e1 = 2.right()
val e2 = 3.right()
// By default it gives you a `Pair` of the two
val c1 = // Either.Right((2, 3))
// Or you can pass a custom combine function
val c2 = { two, three -> two + three } // Either.Right(5)
However there is an issue here, in case of an error (one of them is Left) it will fail fast and give you only the first one.
To accumulate the errors we can use Validated:
val x = none<Int>()
val y = none<String>()
val z = none<String>()
// Validated<String, Int>
val xa = Validated.fromOption(x) { "X is missing" }
// Validated<String, String>
val ya = Validated.fromOption(y) { "Y is missing" }
// Validated<String, String>
val za = Validated.fromOption(z) { "Z is missing" }
) { x, y, z -> TODO() }
Validated, like Either has a zip function for combining values. The difference is that Validated will accumulate the errors. In the lambda you have access to the valid values (Int, String, String) and you can create your valid object.
toValidatedNel() here converts from Validated<String, String> to Validated<Nel<String>, String> where Nel is a list that can NOT be empty. Accumulating errors as a List is common so it's built in.
For more you can check the Error Handling tutorial in the docs.

How can I check the constructur arguments of a mockk Mock?

I have the following code (in Kotlin):
class X {
fun foo() {
val A(1, true, "three")
val b = B()
What I want to to is find out what A has been instantiated with.
My test code looks like so:
// Needed for something else
every { anyConstructed<A>().go() } returns "testString"
// What I'm using to extract A
val barSlot = slot<A>()
verify { anyConstructed<B>().bar(capture(barSlot)) }
val a = barSlot.captured
How can I check what values A has been instantiated with now I've managed to capture the mock that was created when it was constructed (thanks to the every statement)?
You can do it in two ways:
Using slot to capture the parameter:
fun shouldCheckValuesAtConstruct() {
val a = A(1, true, "s")
val b = mockk<B>()
val aSlot = slot<A>()
every { = capture(aSlot)) } returns Unit
val captured = aSlot.captured
assertEquals(1, captured.a)
assertEquals(true, captured.b)
assertEquals("s", captured.s)
Or using withArg function and inline assertions
fun shouldCheckValuesAtConstructInlineAssertion() {
val a = A(1, true, "s")
val b = mockk<B>()
every { } returns Unit
verify { {
assertEquals(1, it.a)
assertEquals(true, it.b)
assertEquals("s", it.s)

Why the setter function is not running in this Kotlin program

The following is the kotlin program. I have confusion that why the setter function is not being called on running line x.b=20.
class Num(value: Int) {
var a = value + 4
var b = value + 6
var c = value + 1
set(value) {
println("field is : ${field}")
field = value + b
println("field is : ${field}")
println("inside setter am here")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var x = Num(3)
x.b = 20
It would be much clearer if your indentation were correct:
class Num(value: Int) {
var a = value + 4
var b = value + 6
var c = value + 1
set(value) {
println("field is : ${field}")
field = value + b
println("field is : ${field}")
println("inside setter am here")
You have only defined a setter on c. There is no way to make one setter for all the values, though factoring out a method might help.
Louis explained why it's not working, but this statement:
There is no way to make one setter for all the values
is not correct. It is possible by using delegated properties:
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
class Num(value: Int) {
var a by MySetter(value + 4)
var b by MySetter(value + 6)
var c by MySetter(value + 1)
class MySetter(private var field) {
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Num, property: KProperty<*>) = field
operator fun setValue(thisRef: Num, property: KProperty<*>, value: Int) {
println("field is : $field")
field += value
println("field is : $field")
println("inside setter am here")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var x = Num(3)
x.b = 20
This prints:
field is : 9
field is : 29
inside setter am here

How do I bind a custom property to a textfield bidirectionally?

I have a complex object that I want to display in a textfield. This is working fine with a stringBinding. But I don't know how to make it two-way so that the textfield is editable.
package com.example.demo.view
import tornadofx.*
class MainView : View("Hello TornadoFX") {
val complexThing: Int = 1
val complexProperty = SimpleObjectProperty<Int>(complexThing)
val complexString = complexProperty.stringBinding { complexProperty.toString() }
val plainString = "asdf"
val plainProperty = SimpleStringProperty(plainString)
override val root = vbox {
When I run this, the plainString is editable and I see the label change because the edits are going back into the property.
How can I write a custom handler or what class do I need to use to make the stringBinding be read and write? I looked through a lot of the Property and binding documentation but did not see anything obvious.
class Point(val x: Int, val y: Int) //You can put properties in constructor
class PointConverter: StringConverter<Point?>() {
override fun fromString(string: String?): Point? {
if(string.isNullOrBlank()) return null //Empty strings aren't valid
val xy = string.split(",", limit = 2) //Only using 2 coordinate values so max is 2
if(xy.size < 2) return null //Min values is also 2
val x = xy[0].trim().toIntOrNull() //Trim white space, try to convert
val y = xy[1].trim().toIntOrNull()
return if(x == null || y == null) null //If either conversion fails, count as invalid
else Point(x, y)
override fun toString(point: Point?): String {
return "${point?.x},${point?.y}"
class MainView : View("Hello TornadoFX") {
val point = Point(5, 6) //Probably doesn't need to be its own member
val pointProperty = SimpleObjectProperty<Point>(point)
val pc = PointConverter()
override val root = vbox {
label(pointProperty, converter = pc) //Avoid extra properties, put converter in construction
textfield(pointProperty, pc)
I made edits to your converter to "account" for invalid input by just returning null. This is just a simple band-aid solution that doesn't enforce correct input, but it does refuse to put bad values in your property.
This can probably be done more cleanly. I bet there is a way around the extra property. The example is fragile because it doesn't do input checking in the interest of keeping it simple. But it works to demonstrate the solution:
class Point(x: Int, y: Int) {
val x: Int = x
val y: Int = y
class PointConverter: StringConverter<Point?>() {
override fun fromString(string: String?): Point? {
val xy = string?.split(",")
return Point(xy[0].toInt(), xy[1].toInt())
override fun toString(point: Point?): String {
return "${point?.x},${point?.y}"
class MainView : View("Hello TornadoFX") {
val point = Point(5, 6)
val pointProperty = SimpleObjectProperty<Point>(point)
val pointDisplayProperty = SimpleStringProperty()
val pointStringProperty = SimpleStringProperty()
val pc = PointConverter()
init {
pointStringProperty.addListener { observable, oldValue, newValue ->
override val root = vbox {

Kotlin: calling outer class method in object expression

My question is almost like this question Java: calling outer class method in anonymous inner class .
But this time we are in Kotlin.
As the example below, I want to call funB() in the object expression, but I only made two failures.
class A {
lateinit var funA: () -> Unit
lateinit var funB: () -> Unit
fun funC() {
var b = object : B() {
override fun funB() {
funA() // A.funA()
// Two attempts to fail
funB() // b.funB(), not my expect
A::funB() // compile error
Thank you for your answer!
You can qualify this with a # to obtain an equivalent of java: MyClass.this
Then in your case, you can call:
From the doc:
To access this from an outer scope (a class, or extension function, or labeled function literal with receiver) we write this#label where #label is a label on the scope this is meant to be from:
class A { // implicit label #A
inner class B { // implicit label #B
fun { // implicit label #foo
val a = this#A // A's this
val b = this#B // B's this
val c = this // foo()'s receiver, an Int
val c1 = this#foo // foo()'s receiver, an Int
val funLit = lambda# fun String.() {
val d = this // funLit's receiver
val funLit2 = { s: String ->
// foo()'s receiver, since enclosing lambda expression
// doesn't have any receiver
val d1 = this