Postgres INSERT returning 'invalid input syntax' for json - sql

Problem: Attempting to insert a JSON string into a Postgres table column of json datatype intermittently returns this error for some record insertion attempts but not others.
I confirmed using multiple third party 'JSON validator' apps that the JSON I am inserting is indeed valid, and I have confirmed that any single ' quote characters have been escaped with the double '' technique, and the issue persists.
What are some additional troubleshooting steps to consider?
Here is a scrubbed sample JSON I have attempted:
{"id": "jf4ba72kFNQ","publishedAt": "2012-09-02T06:07:28Z","channelId": "UCrbUQCaozffv1soNdfDROXQ","title": "Scout vs. Witch: a tale of boy meets ghoul (Official Version)","tags": ["L4D","TF2","SFM","animation","zombies","Valve","video game"],"description": "Howdy folks (he''s alive!). I made a new SFM video (October 2015), called \"Nick in a Hotel Room\". Please check it out:\n\nAlso check out some early behind the scenes of Scout vs. Witch:\n\n\nYou can find links to my stuff on my website:\n\n-----\n\nhey gang,\nI''m the animator who made this cartoon. Hope you like it.\n\nThis is my little mash-up of a bunch of stuff I like. What happens when the Scout from Valve''s Team Fortress 2 video-game walks into the wrong neighborhood (Left 4 Dead). Hilarity (and a bodycount) ensues. It was created using Source Film Maker (for all the dialog stuff and the montage at the beginning), and with TF2/Source SDK for the entire 300 alley-run sequence. I had already completed that part before SFM was released. The big zombie horde scenes and a couple others were shot in Left 4 Dead. I hope you get a kick out of it.\n\nStuff I did:\nI animated all of the characters (using Maya) except for the big crowd scenes and parts of the headcrab zombie (the crawling and the legs). The faces in the dialog scenes were animated in SFM.\n\nAlso did additional mapping, particles, motion graphics, zombie maya rigging, and created blendshapes for the Witch''s face to enable her to talk/emote. I didn''t do a full set, just the phonemes I needed for this performance. Inspiration for her performance was based on Meg Mucklebones (if you''ve ever seen Legend) mixed with the demon ladies in Army of Darkness. I have a feeling Valve had seen those movies too when they designed her..\n\nthanks for watching."}

I am answering this question by enumerating all the other troubleshooting steps I have found so far, either 'working knowledge' that 'field workers' will have, or a little more obscure (or buried in postgres docs which, while thorough, are esoteric) insights I have found thru my own trial & error
Make sure you have escaped any single quote ' characters by double-escaping with like ''
Make sure your JSON string is actually a single line string - JSON is very easy to copy as a multiline string, and postgres JSON columns will not accept this (easy as hitting backspace on any newline)
Most obscure I've found: even when encapsulated in a JSON string field, the ? question mark weirdly enough breaks the JSON syntax for postgres. Something like {"url": ""} will return as invalid. Solve this by escaping the question mark like: {"url": "\?queryParam=someId"}


Magento 2 API removes spaces within variables

I am working with orders and invoices.
I noticed M2 (2.4.4) removes lots of spaces in almost all variables eg. for:
In backend, it's well written 'CHAMPIGNY SUR MARNE'
Idem for :
'additional_information': [
I also noticed that issue doesn't happen in all variables. Even if for the time, I can only see ONE value on witch it doesn't happen :
'comment': "Remboursement de 6,00\xa0€ hors ligne. <span style='color:deeppink'>(By Axel B)</span>",
Did anyone else ever noticed this ?
My bad ! I post this answer because maybe, somebody one day could be as dizzy as me.
The reason is I use a new tool for formatting - among others - JSON and XML.
I recommend it to those who do not know it yet : DevToys (Mac an Win).
But it is responsible for my misfortunes because is't it that removes spaces when beautifying. As the file was long, I didn't even have a look a the row file. I've searched in the soft an option that could avoid this behaviour ... without success.

A file named Butterfly7198.txt was found and It's boggling me

I happened to come across a file while changing images for a Toontown Rewritten's Context Pack I've been working on and I stumbled across this file marked
and upon clicking on it, I was greeted with the following prompt that reads
"Hi. This isn't part of any grand story arc or anything. We're not using this as
some gimmick to announce some bold new feature. There's no big pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. We're looking for people with technical talent who want to help work on
Toontown Rewritten. You can discuss this file and its contents online if you wish. However, it IS meant to be solved alone, so please don't share answers or spoilers. Good luck. -Butterfly 7198"
Then I was greeted with a weird chain of letters and numbers on which I could only assume meant that this was encoded in some language I had no Idea about. The following goes
I was wondering if anyone knew exactly what either language this was encoded with or whether or not there is someone out there that CAN help me decode this.
(Note: I tried using a Decoding website but from all the languages I checked, none of them were matching the language I was trying to find out. This has been boggling me ever since I started working on this 2 years ago.)
It appears to be BASE64 encoded at least in parts. Putting it through a BASE64 decoder gives the text below which includes a few hints as to what this might be.
Yc#sDddlZddlZdZdZdefdYZdS(iNcCs:d}x-tdD]}tj||j}qW|S(Ntii(txranget_hashlibtsha256tdigest(tmthti((ssecret_message.pyt_ishasc Cs#td}d}x_tdD]Q}|||t||t|7}||d#||||<||d#d|dS(NiR(ii(t_Robot__post_Robot__stk(tself((ssecret_message.pytinits cCs
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Is there a way to do string replacement/substitution in sql?

I have some records in a CMS that include HTML fragments with custom tags for a widget tool. The maker of the CMS has apparently updated their CMS without providing proper data conversion. Their widgets use keys for layout based on screen width such as block_lg, block_md, block_sm. The problem kicks in with the fact they used to have a block_xs and they have now shifted them all -- dropping the block_xs and instead placing a block_xl on the other end.
We don't really use these things, but their widget configurations do. What this means for us is the values for each key are identical. The problem occurs when the updated CMS code is looking for the 'block_xl' in any widget definition tags, it can't find it and errors out.
What I'm thinking then is that the new code will appear to 'ignore' the block_xs due to how it reads the tags. (and similarly, the old code will ignore block_xl) Since the values for each are identical, I need to basically read any widget definition and add a block_xl value to it matching the value of [any one of] the other width parameters.
Since the best place order-wise would be 'before' the block_lg value, it's probably easiest to do it as follows:
Replace any thing matching posix style regex matching /block_lg(="\d+,\d+")/ with: block_xl="$1" block_lg="$1"
Or whatever the equivalent of that would be.
Example of an existing CMS block with multiple widget definitions:
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="The Album" classes="highlight-bottom modish greenfont font52 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="127" lazyload="0"
block_lg="127,12," block_md="127,12," block_sm="127,12," block_xs="127,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
<!-- Image Block -->
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="What’s Your Favorite Cover Style?"
classes="zoo-widget-style2 modish grey font26 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="126" lazyload="0"
block_lg="126,12," block_md="126,12," block_sm="126,12," block_xs="126,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
What I would prefer to end up with from the above (adding block_xl):
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="The Album" classes="highlight-bottom modish greenfont font52 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="127" lazyload="0"
block_xl="127,12," block_lg="127,12," block_md="127,12," block_sm="127,12," block_xs="127,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
<!-- Image Block -->
<div>{{widget type="CleverSoft\CleverBlock\Block\Widget"
widget_title="What’s Your Favorite Cover Style?"
classes="zoo-widget-style2 modish grey font26 fontlight"
enable_fullwidth="0" block_ids="126" lazyload="0"
block_xl="126,12," block_lg="126,12," block_md="126,12," block_sm="126,12," block_xs="126,12,"
template="widget/block.phtml" scroll="0" background_overlay_o="0"}}</div>
I know how to do it in php and if necessary, I will just replace it on my local DB and write an sql script to update the modified records, but the html blocks can be kind of big in some cases. It would be preferable, if it is possible, to make the substitutions right in the SQL but I'm not sure how to do it or if it's even possible to do.
And yes, there can be more than one instance of a widget in any given cms page or block. (i.e. there may be a need for more than one such substitutions with different local 'values' assigned to the block_lg)
If anyone can help me do it in SQL, it would be greatly appreciated.
for reference, the tables effected are called cms_page and cms_block, the name of the row in both cases is content

Symfony3 Doctrine2 Column cannot be null

Hey folks I need your help on a symfony project.
I have two entities, "article" and "image", article can have several images so I made a relationship OneToMany on the article side and ManyToOne on the image side. Doctrine generates for me an "article_id" column on the image table.
I made a form to create an article with one or more images... however when I execute it I have an error that is thrown :
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO image (url, alt, article_id) VALUES (?,?,?) 'with params ["jpeg", "untitled.jpg", null]: SQLSTATE [23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column' article_id 'can not be null.
When I look to the profiler logs debug, I can see that I have an "INSERT INTO article[...]" (so the article is created with an ID ?) and just after this I have the famous "INSERT INTO image[...]" where the error occurs.
Thank you for your help.
EDIT In bold you will find the lines I added to solve this problem.
I added into the ArticleType form, in the images collection options this :
'by_reference' => false
And I added to the addImage method into the Article entity this :
This is a very common question but surprisingly difficult to search for. In fact the first ten or so search results had incorrect answers.
In any event, you need to make sure that image is linked to the article.
class Article
public function addImage($image) {
$this->images[] = $image;
$image->setArticle($this); // ADD THIS
I think #Cerad's answer is very wrong, although I can't blame him because OP hasn't posted enough code, don't be shy with it, we're here to help. It also helps to briefly mention if you're just starting out (as I suspect you are) as it will help us gauge whether its a novice problem or something deeper.
Since I'm assuming it's a novice problem here is the novice solution.
With they way you've mapped (which I believe is correct) you are basically telling Doctrine to Tell your RDBMS (MySql/MariaDB/PostgreSQL) that an article CAN have many images, but an image MUST belong to an article.
This means that if you attempt to save an image without specifying the owning article, it will throw an error.
This is what I think you are doing evident in the line
(url, alt, article_id) VALUES (?,?,?) 'with params ["jpeg", "untitled.jpg", null]
the value "null" is where the issue is coming about because you are not specifying the owning article.
You have 2 options
1.) When saving image, if you have the article object at hand just do
2.) When saving the image, if you have the article_id at hand just do
$image->setArticle($em->getReference('AppBundle\Entity\Articles', $article_id));
You must follow one of the above when saving an image directly.
My general experience has been that Doctrine does a really good job of generating entities from command line that you really don't need to change much unless adding some advanced functionality like second_level_cache or MySQL point type.
The problem is that when you submit your form, the first image is attached to the article but the others are not, so you get an SQL error.
You have to do a "foreach loop" for every image and attched the article to each one.
Look here at the addAction function

Whats wrong with Neo4j 2.0 Query?

I am trying to understand why the data is not showing up in my query. I was wondering if there is any way to troubleshoot whats going on.
Here is the current issue:
I have populated some data from existing test database to check the performance with a relation like this : (e:Event)-[:FOR_USER]->(u:User) when I get all the users and look at the property, I can see the data, but when I query the users using same data it says 0 records found.
Below image shows the 2 query:
Can some one please help me understand how to debug such issue in neo4j
Issue is that the Browser is somehow truncating the multiple spaces in the result. Like in this case "User-May<space>1 2013 1:18AM" was displayed on both webadmin and new browser, but in reality it should have been "User-May<space><space>1 2013<space><space>1:18AM"
So no matter what I do I can't query the value as looks like duplicate space is truncated somewhere.
Tabular data as Micheal suggested is as below
{"id":"75307","labels":["User"],"properties":{"Name":"User-May 1 2013 1:18AM"}}
and what we are seeing is User-May 1 2013 1:18AM
Use the following Cypher syntax in the browser:
MATCH (user:User { Name: "User-May 1 2013 1:18AM" })
RETURN user.Name as Name
As far as the rendering of multiple spaces being trimmed, that is a browser specific functionality. See screenshot below for example:
The text itself is preserved as it is returned from the Neo4j server. As you can see when I analyze the HTML element of the browser using Firebug, the redundant spaces are indeed there.
So again, this doesn't seem to be a bug with Neo4j, it's how the browser you are using renders the text. The browser expects redundant spaces to be encoded as like so: "Testing testing" which is HTML encoded as Testing testing