Summing Textbox Values - vba

I'm writing a VBA script for a specific slide in PowerPoint. When in Presentation Mode, the user will input numeric values into 5 textboxes. I would like TextBox6 to auto populate the total for TextBox1-TextBox5.
My issue is that the slide does not automatically update. If I stop presentation mode and press the run button within 'view code' it will update the slide with the total. Is there a way for this to occur while the user is running through the slide in presentation mode?
Private Sub TextBoxesSum()
Dim Total As Double
Total = 0
If Len(TextBox1.Value) > 0# Then Total = Total + CDbl(TextBox1.Value)
If Len(TextBox2.Value) > 0# Then Total = Total + CDbl(TextBox2.Value)
If Len(TextBox3.Value) > 0# Then Total = Total + CDbl(TextBox3.Value)
If Len(TextBox4.Value) > 0# Then Total = Total + CDbl(TextBox4.Value)
If Len(TextBox5.Value) > 0# Then Total = Total + CDbl(TextBox5.Value)
TextBox6.Value = Total
TextBox6.Value = Format(TextBox6.Value, "Standard")
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox6_Change()
End Sub

Remove (that is, delete, take out)
Private Sub TextBox6_Change()
End Sub
Then double click each of the TextBox1 .. TextBox5 in the design view. That will create 5 event skeletons like
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
End Sub
In each of those skeletons you write a call to TextBoxesSum
Is that easy enough, no?
You don't need to do any changes to the TextBoxesSum sub (although you could remove a couple of lines, but let's not mix up your head with that :) )


VBA Userform: Update Total value in a label with multiple inputs, when entries change, by using a class module

I have a userform with 120 textboxes (10 years x 12 months). Going across are the months, and at the end is the total.
This is repeated 10 times for the 10 years going downwards
I would like it so the total label is updated when the values for the corresponding years' months change.
Textboxes are labelled for each year and month. The first one is 'TextBox1_1', the second is 'TextBox1_2'. for the third year, and fifth month it is 'TextBox3_5' and so forth.
I have a module which is set up to calculate the totals:
Sub totalVal(i As Integer)
Dim arr(1 To 12) As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For j = 1 To 12
If Trim(Basic_Info_Setup.Controls("TextBox" & i & "_" & j).Value & vbNullString) = vbNullString Then
arr(j) = Basic_Info_Setup.Controls("TextBox" & i & "_" & j).Value
End If
Next j
Basic_Info_Setup.Year1_Total.Caption = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(arr)
End Sub
The 'i' will be passed as the year and the rest can be calculated. However to use this would a change event in all 120 textboxes which is far from ideal, but not undoable.
I have read and understand this is possible with a class module.
This one which shows how to do it with textboxes (Here) and I also had a look at how this one (Here) albeit it confused me more than it helped.
What do I need to do to make this class module for me?
I currently have in the class module, which is called 'clsLabel'
Private WithEvents MyTextBox As MSForms.TextBox
Public Property Set Control(tb As MSForms.TextBox)
Set MyTextBox = tb
End Property
Private Sub MyTextBox_Change()
totalVal (1)
End Sub
and in the userform
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim tbCollection As Collection
Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control
Dim obj As clsLabel
Set tbCollection = New Collection
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.TextBoxThen
Set obj = New clsLabel
Set obj.Control = ctrl
tbCollection.Add obj
End If
Next ctrl
Set obj = Nothing
End Sub
when things work I would be happy to change the passing 'i' integer to be dynamic, I just have it set at 1 for now to see if it works for a specific year
There are no errors.
EDIT: corrections to above code as it now works

Creating comboboxes in loop VBA

Hey guys I want to create a certain amount of combo boxes when a commandbutton is pressed. I cant figure out how to do it so I will really appreciate your help. This is the code ive created:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim AttPoints As Integer, Result As String
AttPoints = Range("B2").Value
If AttPoints = 0 Then
Result = "You have selected 0 AttPoints!"
ElseIf AttPoints < 0 Then
Result = "You have selected a negative amount of AttPoints!"
ElseIf AttPoints > 0 Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = 5 To (AttPoints + 4)
Cells(1, i).Value = "Attachment point:" & (i - 4)
Next i
End If
Range("A1") = Result
End Sub
In the for loop I create a row of cells in which the text attachment point is placed.
Under these texts i want the same amount of comboboxes as can be seen in the picture.
Add the following bit of code inside your loop
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Shapes.AddOLEObject ClassType:="Forms.Combobox.1", _
Left:=Cells(2, i).Left, Top:=Cells(2, i).Top, _
Width:=Cells(2, i).Width, Height:=Cells(2, i).Height * 2
End Sub
That should produce your desired result.


I am creating a math tutorial app for kids in the primary level. And I am having a hard time in creating a loop that would generate 2 random numbers,then check if the answer is right/wrong for 5 times. also, the button would be disabled after clicking 5 times. The other things are clear to me except the idea of how to put it in a loop. can someone help me please? thanks! I tried using the FOR LOOP, but sadly, it would just loop 5 times but it would only check the answer 1 time.I need it to check 5 different answers.
For ctr As Integer = 1 To 5
Button3.Enabled = False
If TextBox3.Text = sum Then
point = point + 1
End If
If you want to process five different TextBoxes in a loop, one way to do that is to create an array containing all the TextBoxes and loop through the array.
Dim boxes() As TextBox = {TextBox3, TextBoxX, TextBox22, TextBoxBB, TextBoxA}
For Each box As TextBox in boxes
If box.Text = sum Then
point += 1
End If
Alternatively, if you want the user to enter five answers one at a time in a single TextBox, you can have the user click a button each time an answer is entered. You should define the counter outside the button's click handler.
Private ctr As Integer
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
ctr += 1
If ctr > 5 Then Button3.Enabled = False
If TextBox3.Text = sum Then
point += 1
End If
End Sub

Why does Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(...) exit the sub?

I have a vb application with a listview.
I was testing and ended up with this sub for my dragover event:
Private Sub ListView1_DragOver(sender As Object, e As DragEventArgs) Handles ListView1.DragOver
XToolStripLabel.Text = "X:" & e.X
YToolStripLabel.Text = "Y:" & e.Y
Dim Insertion As Integer = GetInsertion(MousePosition, ListView1)
SelectionTestTSlabel.Text = "SEL " & Insertion
If CurrentlyDragging Then
Dim gr As Graphics = ListView1.CreateGraphics
Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(New Windows.DependencyObject(), 0) 'I know this seems like it doesn't do much
MsgBox("") 'I actually added this later because the rest of the code did not run normally.
Dim InsertionY As Integer = 24 + (Insertion * TestItemHeight)
If MyLastInsPoint = Insertion Then
gr.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Gray, 3), New Point(0, InsertionY), New Point(ListView1.Width, InsertionY))
End If
MyLastInsPoint = Insertion
End If
End Sub
I realized that the MsgBox("") doesn't popup a message box then i spammed breakpoints on the whole sub.
The sub ran as normal but after this line,
Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(New Windows.DependencyObject(), 0)
the program returned to the form and did not execute the MsgBox("") line.
What's wrong with the line? The program did not even stop at the End Sub breakpoint.
New Windows.DependencyObject() has no children, so index 0 is not available
See the remaks on MSDN
Call the GetChildrenCount method to determine the total number of
child elements of a parent visual.
The value of reference can
represent either a Visual or Visual3D object, which is why the common
base type DependencyObject is used here as a parameter type.

VB.Net Hangman Game Multiple Rounds

I need some help.
I'm currently creating a Hangman Game in VB.Net.
I'm at the stage where a random word is loaded in from a text file of 6 words, and you can click buttons to guess it. If you guess letters wrong, the frame is shown etc, if they're right, the letter shows in the word through labels.
The next bit, that I'm stuck on, is that multiple rounds are needed. I need there to be 3 turns of this hangman game, so, if you guess the word right you get 10 points, and if you fail, you get 0, And then the game resets with your points and you can play again in Turn 2. Then again in Turn 3, and after Turn 3 finishes, the High Score Form is loaded.
You could create a variable to hold the current round in your Module, at the beginning of each round increase it, and at the end of the round check the current round and make a if then logic.
Dim myRound as Integer = 0
And in the PlayForm in the constructor.
myRound += 1
Once the round is complete.
if myRound >= 3 Then
'open the score page
'start the next round
End if
'In General Declarations:
Dim ButtonList As New List(Of Button) 'or Of Control if you have other types of controls
Dim HgmList As New List(Of PowerPacks.Shape)
Dim AnswerList As New List(Of Label)
'In PlayForm_Load:
With ButtonList
'You get the idea
'Add all your buttons you want to re-enable to the list
End With
With HgmList
End With
With AnswerList
'etc. Just like the other two.
End With
'At the end of your `If Correct = False Then` Block:
Else 'Check for win after each correct guess
Dim Winner As Boolean = True
Dim CheckLetter As Label
For Each CheckLetter in AnswerList
If Not CheckLetter.Visible Then
Winner = False
Exit For
End If
If Winner Then
End If
End If
'Somewhere inside your form code:
Private Sub NextRound(RoundScore As Integer)
UserScore += RoundScore
If TurnNumber = 3 Then 'Game Over
MsgBox("Game Over" & vbNewLine & "Score: " & UserScore)
Else 'This is the part you asked about: resetting the form
TurnNumber += 1
PlayForm_Load(Nothing, Nothing)
Dim ResetControl As Control
Dim ResetShape As PowerPacks.Shape
For Each ResetControl In ButtonList
ResetControl.Enabled = True
For Each ResetShape In HgmList
ResetControl.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
I only added the .Clear() to the list builders because you already have your code to get a new word in PlayForm_Load. If you move it (say to a new Sub called NewWord), you don't need .Clear, and you would call your new sub instead of PlayForm_Load.