virtual wxlistctrl from wxGlade - wxwidgets

I'm being a bit dense. Using wxGlade to create the layout. I need a wxListCtrl that must be virtual. When I select wxLC_VIRTUAL the resulting code is only
self.all_matches_list = wx.ListCtrl(self.panel_4, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.LC_HRULES | wx.LC_REPORT | wx.LC_VIRTUAL | wx.LC_VRULES)
sizer_3.Add(self.all_matches_list, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)
What I'm not understanding is how to get that into a class where I can override the OnGetItemText function to put my data in. Also there doesn't appear to be any code that creates the columns and such, it's all disappeared when I select VIRTUAL.
I understand I could do this all manually, but I'm trying to not touch the code created by wxGlade so that I don't reedit things and forget to do something...


Is it possible using Autodesk Inventor iLogic VBA to create an InputRadioBox that uses information from an existing arraylist in a rule?

I Have a number of InputListBox's in an iLogic rule that use information from an ArrayList to create an iProperty name and value. This works but the selection list is somewhat bunched together where as an InputRadioBox is much easier not only to read but select from.
My question - is it possible to use an existing ArrayList or to make a List in my rule that an InputRadioBox can use?
My ArrayList's are generally as long as 25 item's, I've tried multiple way's to use my existing ArrayList's to no avail. See below A picture of the InputRadioBox I was able to create along with the code which does not use a list of any kind.
BooleanParam = WCList
WCList = InputRadioBox("Add A WorkCenter", "WC A01 Enginner | Brent" ,"WC C02 Laser/Punch",WCList, Title := "Select Work Center")

Azure Workbook parameter for resource and resource group

I've been defeated by Kusto on what I thought to be a simple query...
I'm making my first workbook and playing with parameters. I can list and select a Resource Group, but I can't make the following parameter (Virtual Machines) populate with the VMs when more than one Resource Group is selected. The ResourceGroup passes a comma delineated string of the group names as a property resourcegroup just fine. I cannot figure out how to translate that string into a usable where-statement. My query works just fine when I manually string several Resource Groups together so I assume I'm getting burned by my understanding of let and arrays in Kusto. If there is a better way of doing what I'm trying to do, please let me know.
//This will work so long as 1 Resource Group is passed from the previous parameter
| where resourceGroup in ('{ResourceGroup:resourcegroup}') and type =~ microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| project value = id , label = name
I've figured out I can get a proper array with split('{ResourceGroup:resourcegroup}',","), but, again, I haven't been able to marry up that object with a where-statement.
Any help is much appreciated!
NORMALLY there is a way to do this:
let resourceGroups = dynamic([{ResourceGroup:resourcegroup}]);// turns even an empty string into a valid array
| where (array_length(resourceGroups)==0 // allows 0 length array to be "all"
or resourceGroup in (resourceGroups)) // or filters to only those in the set
and type =~ microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| project value = id , label = name
however, i don't think Azure Resource Graph allows using let this way?
if you get an error that let isn't allowed, you'll have to do that dynamic thing inline a couple times instead:
| where (array_length(dynamic([{ResourceGroup:resourcegroup}]))==0 // allows 0 length array to be "all"
or resourceGroup in (dynamic([{ResourceGroup:resourcegroup}]))) // or filters to only those in the set
and type =~ microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| project value = id , label = name

TypeORM View Entity synchronization (creation) order problems

Using TypeORM, I'm trying to create ViewEntities that depend on each other, for example "View B" select from "View A". No matter what I do I can't get the ViewEntities to get created in the order of dependency. Sometimes "View B" is created first, and the synchronization process fails, because it can't find "View A", since it's not created yet.
The error:
QueryFailedError: relation "public.course_item_view" does not exist
Solutions I have tried:
Renaming the ViewEntity files (to check if the system uses ABC ordering on file names)
Renaming the ViewEntity classes (to check if the system uses ABC ordering on class names)
Renaming the ViewEntity's "name" property (to check if the system uses ABC ordering on the final SQL view names)
Reordering the ViewEntity class references in the "entities: []" array of the connection options
Reordering the ViewEntity class imports in the file where I declare the connection options
Removing/Adding the file again (to check if the system uses Creation Date based ordering)
Modifying the files (to check if the system uses Modification Date based ordering)
All of these failed. I cannot figure out how the system determines the order in which the view's are created.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!
Expected Behavior
The view's should be created in an order that is either specified by a property inside the views, or the order should be resolved automatically from the SELECT statements (dependency array), or it should be based on the order in which I reference the ViewEntities in the "entities: []" array of the connection options, or any other solution would be perfect where one could determine the order in which the ViewEntities are created.
Actual Behavior
The ViewEntites are created in an order that I honestly can't understand. Sometimes a dependent ViewEntity is created before the ViewEntitiy it depends on. This causes the synchronization to fail.
File name: "CourseItemView" which resolves to: "course_item_view"
expression: `
CAST (null AS integer) AS "examId",
"uvcv"."isComplete" AS "isComplete"
FROM public.video_completed_view AS "uvcv"
CAST (null AS integer) AS "videoId",
"uecv"."isCompleted" AS "isComplete"
FROM public.user_exam_completed_view AS "uecv"
File name: "CourseItemStateView" which resolves to: "course_item_state_view"
This DEPENDS on the "course_item_view", as you can see in the SQL
expression: `
"course"."id" AS "courseId",
"user"."id" AS "userId",
"civ"."videoId" AS "videoId",
"civ"."isComplete" AS "isVideoCompleted",
"civ"."examId" AS "examId",
"civ"."isComplete" AS "isExamCompleted"
FROM public."course"
LEFT JOIN public."user"
ON 1 = 1
LEFT JOIN public.course_item_view AS "civ" ------------------- HERE
ON "civ"."courseId" = "course"."id"
AND "civ"."userId" = "user"."id"
ORDER BY "civ"."videoId","civ"."examId"
My connection options:
const postgresOptions = {
// properties, passwords etc...
entities: [
// entities....
// ...
// ...
// views
CourseItemView, --------------------------------HERE
CourseItemStateView ---------------------------HERE
} as ConnectionOptions;
createConnection(postgresOptions )
Steps to Reproduce
Create ViewEntites that depend on each other
You will run into this issue, but is hard to say exactly why and when, this is the main problem.

How can I dry this Rails Controller Action further

Our application uses a number of environments so we can experiment with settings without breaking things. In a typical controller action, I have something like this:
def some_action
if #foo.development_mode == 'Production'
#settings = SomeHelper::Production.lan(bar)
elsif #foo.development_mode == 'Beta'
#settings = SomeHelper::Beta.lan(nas)
elsif #foo.development_mode == 'Experimental'
#settings = SomeHelper::Experimental.lan(nas)
Since we have dozens of these, I figured I could try and dry things up with something like this:
#settings = "SomeHelper::#{#foo.development_mode}.lan(bar)"
Which obviously doesn't work - I just get:
How can I reduce this down or do I have to stick with what I've got??
If your concern is that you're ending up with a String rather than the object, you can use String.constantize (Rails only, with standard Ruby you'd have to implement this; it uses Object.const_get(String))
Another option would be .const_get (e.g. Object.const_get(x) where x is your string), you it doesn't, on its own, nest correctly, so you would have to split at "::", etc.
Also, there's the option of using eval to evaluate the String.
But note: eval should be used with great care (it's powerful), or not at all.
This means that instead of:
#settings = "SomeHelper::#{#foo.development_mode}.lan(bar)"
You could run:
#settings = "SomeHelper::#{#foo.development_mode}".constantize.lan(bar)
Useful Sources:
In the first case, #settings receives the result of the method SomeHelper::Production.lan(bar); in the second, #settings just gets a string. You could use the send method of Object linked here to fire the method, or eval, but this wouldn't be my first choice.
It looks like you might be reinventing a wheel -- Rails already has the concept of "environments" pretty well wired into everything -- they are defined in app/config/environments. You set the environment when you launch the server, and can test like Rails.env.production?. To create new environments, just copy the existing environment file of the one closest to the new one, e.g. copy production.rb to beta.rb and edit as necessary, then test Rails.env.beta?, for example.
But this still leaves you testing which one all over the place. You can add to the config hash (e.g. config.some_helper.lan = 'bar'), which value you can assign to #settings directly. You have to make sure there's either a default or it's defined in all environments, but I think this is probably the right approach ... not knowing exactly what you aim to accomplish.

MOSS 2007: What is the source of "Directories"?

I'm trying to generate a new SharePoint list item directly using SQL server. What's stopping me is damn tp_DirName column. I have no ideas how to create this value.
Just for instance, I have selected all tasks from AllUserData, and there are possible values for the column: 'MySite/Lists/Task', 'Lists/Task' and even 'MySite/Lists/List2'.
MySite is the FullUrl value from Webs table. I can obtain it. But what about 'Lists/Task' and '/Lists/List2'? Where they are stored?
If try to avoid SQL context, I can formulate it the following way: what is the object, that has such attribute as '/Lists/List2'? Where can I set it up in GUI?
Just a FYI. It is VERY not supported to try and write directly to SharePoint's SQL Tables. You should really try and write something that utilizes the SharePoint Object Model. Writing to the SharePoint database directly mean Microsoft will not support the environment.
I've discovered, that [AllDocs] table, in contrast to its title, contains information about "directories", that can be used to generate tp_DirName. At least, I've found "List2" and "Task" entries in [AllDocs].[tp_Leaf] column.
So the solution looks like this -- concatenate the following 2 components to get tp_DirName:
[Webs].[FullUrl] for the web, containing list, containing item.
[AllDocs].[tp_Leaf] for the list, containing item.
Concatenate the following 2 components to get tp_Leaf for an item:
(Item count in the list) + 1
Well, my previous answer was not very useful, though it had a key to the magic. Now I have a really useful one.
Whatever they said, M$ is very liberal to the MOSS DB hackers. At least they provide the following documents:
Read? Then, you know that all folders are listed in the [AllDocs] table with '1' in the 'Type' column.
Now, let's look at 'tp_RootFolder' column in AllLists. It looks like a folder id, doesn't it? So, just SELECT the single row from the [AllDocs], where Id = tp_RootFolder and Type = 1. Then, concatenate DirName + LeafName, and you will know, what the 'tp_DirName' value for a newly generated item in the list should be. That looks like a solid rock solution.
Now about tp_LeafName for the new items. Before, I wrote that the answer is (Item count in the list) + 1 + '_.000', that corresponds to the following query:
DECLARE #itemscount int;
SELECT #itemscount = COUNT(*) FROM [dbo].[AllUserData] WHERE [tp_ListId] = ' list id...';
INSERT INTO [AllUserData] (tp_LeafName, ...) VALUES(CAST(#itemscount + 1 AS NVARCHAR(255)) + '_.000', ...)
Thus, I have to say I'm not sure that it works always. For items - yes, but for docs... I'll inquire into the question. Leave a comment if you want to read a report.
Hehe, there is a stored procedure named proc_AddListItem. I was almost right. MS people do the same, but instead of (count + 1) they use just... tp_ID :)
Anyway, now I know THE SINGLE RIGHT answer: I have to call proc_AddListItem.
UPDATE: Don't forget to present the data from the [AllUserData] table as a new item in [AllDocs] (just insert id and leafname, see how SP does it itself).