I am doing a test with the vue3 quill editor, this is what it currently looks like:
The quill editor gets displayed, but I cannot edit the text.
This is my code:
import { reactive } from 'vue'
import { quillEditor } from 'vue3-quill'
export default {
name: 'App',
setup() {
const state = reactive({
content: '<p>2333</p>',
_content: '',
editorOption: {
placeholder: 'core',
modules: {
// toolbars: [
// custom toolbars options
// will override the default configuration
// ],
// other moudle options here
// otherMoudle: {}
// more options
disabled: false
const onEditorBlur = (quill) => {
console.log('editor blur!', quill)
const onEditorFocus = (quill) => {
console.log('editor focus!', quill)
const onEditorReady = (quill) => {
console.log('editor ready!', quill)
const onEditorChange = ({ quill, html, text }) => {
console.log('editor change!', quill, html, text)
state._content = html
setTimeout(() => {
state.disabled = true
}, 2000)
return { state, onEditorBlur, onEditorFocus, onEditorReady, onEditorChange }
components: {
These are the commands that I did to create the project.
vue create .
with default vue 3 options
npm i vue3-quill
I found the command and code here:
The lines:
setTimeout(() => {
state.disabled = true
}, 2000)
disable the editor.
Just remove them or exchange true for false
I am recieving "Critical dependency: require function is used in a way in which dependencies cannot be statically extracted friendly-errors 16:21:14" error when using the package scrollMonitor in my nuxt project
import Vue from 'vue';
// your imported custom plugin or in this scenario the 'vue-session' plugin
import ScrollMonitor from 'scrollmonitor';
plugins: [
{ src: '~/plugins/scroll-monitor.js', ssr: false }
build: {
** You can extend webpack config here
vendor: ['scrollmonitor'],
extend(config, ctx) {
At my index.vue file
let scrollmonitor
if (process.client) {
scrollmonitor = require('scrollmonitor')
More context
Still not working.
I am using new computer, at my old one everything is working fine.
<div class="index page-padding-top">
<ProjectsList :projects="projects" />
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import TheHero from "~/components/TheHero";
import ProjectsList from "~/components/ProjectsList";
export default {
async mounted () {
if (process.browser) {
const scrollMonitor = await import('scrollmonitor')
console.log('HELLO FROM MOUNTED')
name: "Index",
components: { TheHero, ProjectsList},
data() {
return {
scaledUpDot: false,
isFirstImageVisible: false,
computed: {
projects: "getProjects",
mounted() {
destroyed() {
methods: {
handleScaling() {
if (process.client) {
const heroSection = document.querySelectorAll(".hero");
const heroSectionWtcher = scrollMonitor.create(heroSection, 0);
heroSectionWtcher.enterViewport(() => {
this.scaledUpDot = true;
hideScrollSpan() {
if (process.client) {
const images = document.querySelectorAll(".projects-home img");
const firstImage = images[0];
const imageWatcher = scrollMonitor.create(firstImage, -30);
imageWatcher.enterViewport(() => {
this.isFirstImageVisible = true;
In my old computer I have it imported like this :
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import scrollMonitor from 'scrollmonitor'
But when I want to run this in a new one I get an error that window is not defined
So I have started to add this plugin in other way and still not working
Still not working.
I am using new computer, at my old one everything is working fine.
<div class="index page-padding-top">
<ProjectsList :projects="projects" />
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
import TheHero from "~/components/TheHero";
import ProjectsList from "~/components/ProjectsList";
export default {
async mounted () {
if (process.browser) {
const scrollMonitor = await import('scrollmonitor')
console.log('HELLO FROM MOUNTED')
name: "Index",
components: { TheHero, ProjectsList},
data() {
return {
scaledUpDot: false,
isFirstImageVisible: false,
computed: {
projects: "getProjects",
mounted() {
destroyed() {
methods: {
handleScaling() {
if (process.client) {
const heroSection = document.querySelectorAll(".hero");
const heroSectionWtcher = scrollMonitor.create(heroSection, 0);
heroSectionWtcher.enterViewport(() => {
this.scaledUpDot = true;
hideScrollSpan() {
if (process.client) {
const images = document.querySelectorAll(".projects-home img");
const firstImage = images[0];
const imageWatcher = scrollMonitor.create(firstImage, -30);
imageWatcher.enterViewport(() => {
this.isFirstImageVisible = true;
In my old computer I have it imported like this :
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import scrollMonitor from 'scrollmonitor'
But when I want to run this in a new one I get an error that window is not defined
So I have started to add this plugin in other way and still not working
Anyone know how I would test a watcher in a component with vue-testing-library?
Here is my component. I want to test that the method is called when the brand vuex state is updated. With vue test utils it would be easy but I have not found a good way to do this with vue testing library. Has anyone did this before using vue testing library.
<template v-slot:[getItemStatus]="{ item }">
<v-chip :color="getStatusColor(item.status)" dark>
{{ item.status }}
import { mapState } from "vuex";
import { getScheduledBuilds } from "../services/buildActivationService";
import { getStatusColor } from "../utils/getStatusColor";
export default {
name: "BuildsTable",
data() {
return {
loading: false,
headers: [
text: "Activation Time",
align: "start",
value: "buildActivationTime",
{ text: "Build ID", value: "buildId" },
{ text: "Build Label", value: "buildLabel" },
{ text: "Status", value: "status" },
error: "",
async mounted() {
computed: {
...mapState(["brand", "builds"]),
getItemStatus() {
return `item.status`;
watch: {
brand() {
methods: {
getStatusColor(status) {
return getStatusColor(status);
async getBuilds() {
try {
this.loading = true;
const builds = await getScheduledBuilds(this.$store.getters.brand);
this.$store.dispatch("setBuilds", builds);
this.items = this.$store.getters.builds;
this.loading = false;
} catch (error) {
this.loading = false;
this.error = error.message;
this.$store.dispatch("setBuilds", []);
Vue Testing Library is just a wrapper for Vue Test Utils, so the same call verification techniques apply.
Here's how to verify the call with Jest and Vue Testing Library:
Spy on the component method definition before rendering the component:
import { render } from '#testing-library/vue'
import BuildsTable from '#/components/BuildsTable.vue'
const getBuilds = jest.spyOn(BuildsTable.methods, 'getBuilds')
Render the component with a given store and a callback to capture the Vuex store instance under test:
let store = {
state: {
brand: '',
builds: [],
const storeCapture = (_, vuexStore) => store = vuexStore
render(BuildsTable, { store }, storeCapture)
Update the store's brand value, and wait a macro tick for the watcher to take effect, then verify the getBuilds spy is called twice (once in mounted() and again in the brand watcher):
store.state.brand = 'foo'
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r)) // wait for effect
The full test would look similar to this:
import { render } from '#testing-library/vue'
import BuildsTable from '#/components/BuildsTable.vue'
describe('BuildsTable.vue', () => {
it('calls getBuilds when brand changes', async() => {
const getBuilds = jest.spyOn(BuildsTable.methods, 'getBuilds')
let store = {
state: {
brand: '',
builds: [],
const storeCapture = (_, vuexStore) => store = vuexStore
render(BuildsTable, { store }, storeCapture)
store.state.brand = 'foo'
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r)) // wait for effect
Dynamic img src were handled by Webpack's require:
<img :src="require(`#/assets/${posts.img}`)" alt="">
How to do this on a vite-app that uses Rollup?
you can refer to docs of webpack-to-viteļ¼
use Vite's API import.meta.glob to convert dynamic require(e.g. require('#assets/images/' + options.src)), you can refer to the following steps
create a Model to save the imported modules, use async methods to dynamically import the modules and update them to the Model
// src/store/index.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const assets = import.meta.glob('../assets/**')
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
assets: {}
mutations: {
setAssets(state, data) {
state.assets = Object.assign({}, state.assets, data)
actions: {
async getAssets({ commit }, url) {
const getAsset = assets[url]
if (!getAsset) {
commit('setAssets', { [url]: ''})
} else {
const asset = await getAsset()
commit('setAssets', { [url]: asset.default })
use in .vue SFC
// img1.vue
<img :src="$store.state.assets['../assets/images/' + options.src]" />
export default {
name: "img1",
props: {
options: Object
watch: {
'options.src': {
handler (val) {
this.$store.dispatch('getAssets', `../assets/images/${val}`)
immediate: true,
deep: true
I want to Unit test my component which mutates an object in a store module when a button is clicked.
I followed the article by brandon aaskov on how to unit test nuxt plus vuex, but I'm not able to reference the nuxt store Object.
I always get an output like this:
Error: Not supported
at Object.<anonymous> (...\tests\unit\plannerObjectSelector.spec.js:67:5)
> (the line NuxtStore = await import(storePath);)
at Object.asyncJestLifecycle (...\node_modules\jest-jasmine2\build\jasmineAsyncInstall.js:53:37)
at ...\node_modules\jest-jasmine2\build\queueRunner.js:43:12
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at mapper (...\node_modules\jest-jasmine2\build\queueRunner.js:26:19)
at ...\node_modules\jest-jasmine2\build\queueRunner.js:73:41
This is the Component i want to test:
<v-row v-for="object in plannerObjects" :key="object.id">
v-if="object.id == activeObjectId"
{{ object.name }}
:ref="'unSelectedBtn-' + object.id"
{{ object.name }}
export default {
name: "spaceSelector",
props: {
plannerObjects: {
type: Array,
required: true
data: () => ({
activeObjectId: -1
methods: {
objectSelected(object) {
console.log("Sroe object", object);
this.$store.commit("planner/setActivePlannerObject", object);
this.activeObjectId = object.id;
<style scoped>
.button {
width: 190px;
this is my jest.config.js file:
module.exports = {
preset: "#vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest/presets/no-babel",
setupFiles: ["<rootDir>/tests/unit/index.js"],
globalSetup: "<rootDir>/jest.setup.js"
import { Nuxt, Builder } from "nuxt";
import nuxtConfig from "./nuxt.config";
// these boolean switches turn off the build for all but the store
const resetConfig = {
loading: false,
loadingIndicator: false,
fetch: {
client: false,
server: false
features: {
store: true,
layouts: false,
meta: false,
middleware: false,
transitions: false,
deprecations: false,
validate: false,
asyncData: false,
fetch: false,
clientOnline: false,
clientPrefetch: false,
clientUseUrl: false,
componentAliases: false,
componentClientOnly: false
build: {
indicator: false,
terser: false
// we take our nuxt config, lay the resets on top of it,
// and lastly we apply the non-boolean overrides
const config = Object.assign({}, nuxtConfig, resetConfig, {
mode: "spa",
srcDir: nuxtConfig.srcDir,
ignore: ["**/components/**/*", "**/layouts/**/*", "**/pages/**/*"]
const buildNuxt = async () => {
const nuxt = new Nuxt(config);
await new Builder(nuxt).build();
return nuxt;
module.exports = async () => {
const nuxt = await buildNuxt();
// we surface this path as an env var now
// so we can import the store dynamically later on
process.env.buildDir = nuxt.options.buildDir;
import Vue from "vue";
import Vuetify from "vuetify";
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
and finally my test class:
import { shallowMount } from "#vue/test-utils";
import plannerObjectSelector from "../../components/core/bars/planner/plannerObjectSelector";
import { __createMocks as createStoreMocks } from "../../store";
import _ from "lodash";
import { createLocalVue } from "#vue/test-utils";
import Vuex from "vuex";
import Vuetify from "vuetify";
var plannerObjects = [
const factory = () => {
return shallowMount(plannerObjectSelector, {
propsData: {
plannerObjects: plannerObjects
describe("plannerObjectSelector.vue", () => {
const localVue = createLocalVue();
// to use Store
let NuxtStore;
let store;
beforeAll(async () => {
// note the store will mutate across tests
const storePath = `${process.env.buildDir}/store/index.js`;
NuxtStore = await import(storePath);
beforeEach(async () => {
store = await NuxtStore.createStore();
it("renders", () => {
const wrapper = factory();
it("buttonClickedStoresObjectInStore", () => {
const wrapper = factory();
var btnref = "unSelectedBtn-0";
const btn = wrapper.find({ ref: btnref });
// look whats in our Store
let plannerObject = store.getters["planner/activePlannerObject"];
test("mounts properly", () => {
const wrapper = factory();
test("renders properly", () => {
const wrapper = factory();
And this is my folder structure:
I would be thankful for any advice.
It turns out pretty simple, just test the function directly, even though I had banged my head for some hours by going through the documents just like you.
// ~/store/getters.ts
import { GetterTree } from 'vuex'
import { RootState } from '~/store/state'
export default {
[Getters.KEY.IS_SIGN_IN]: (state: RootState): boolean => {
return Boolean(state.currentUser)
} as GetterTree<RootState, RootState>
// ~/store/__tests__/getters.test.js (do not use .ts)
import state from '~/store/state'
import getters, { Getters } from '~/store/getters'
describe('getters', () => {
it(Getters.KEY.IS_SIGN_IN, () => {
// currentUser: undefined
// SignIn: true
state.currentUser = { ...$mockData.currentUser }
I am testing my Vue App using Vue Test Utils and Jest. Below is my dashboard component.
<div class="dashboard-v2">
<div class="component-container">
<component :loading="loading" :key="identifier" :is="currentTab" />
v-on:snackBarHide="displaySnackBar = false"
import { mapState } from "vuex";
import "#/shared/chart-kick";
import EventBus from "#/shared/event-bus";
import Tabs from "./helpers/Tabs";
import Summary from "./Summary/Index";
import { filters } from "../helpers/filters-details";
import SnackBar from "#/shared/components/SnackBar.vue";
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
identifier: +new Date(),
loading: false,
filtersLoading: false,
displaySnackBar: false,
snackBarText: "",
snackBarType: ""
mounted() {
if (!this.projects.length) this.fetchFilterData();
EventBus.$on("CLEAR_ALL", () => {
this.identifier = +new Date();
this.$store.commit(`dashboardV2/UPDATE_FILTER_STATE`, {});
EventBus.$on("filterChange", () => {
computed: {
...mapState("dashboardV2", [
methods: {
fetchFilterData() {
this.filtersLoading = true;
.catch(() => {
this.displaySnackBar = true;
this.snackBarText = "There was some problem while fetching data";
this.snackBarType = "failure";
.finally(() => {
this.filtersLoading = false;
getExecData() {
this.loading = true;
let params = {
time_bucket: this.timeFilter,
time_zone_offset: new Date().getTimezoneOffset()
filters.map(e => {
params[e.query] = this.selectedFilters[e.value]
? this.selectedFilters[e.value].id
: null;
.dispatch("dashboardV2/GET_EXEC_DATA", params)
.catch(() => {
this.displaySnackBar = true;
this.snackBarText = "There was some problem while fetching data";
this.snackBarType = "failure";
.finally(() => (this.loading = false));
<style lang="scss" scoped>
#import "#/styles/dashboard.scss";
Then this is my test file
import Main from "../Main.vue";
import mergeWith from "lodash.mergewith";
import { customizer, createWrapper } from "#/shared/test-helper";
import Vuex from "vuex";
import EventBus from "#/shared/event-bus";
let GET_EXEC_DATA = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve());
let GET_EXEC_FILTER_DATA = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve());
export const createStore = (overrides) => {
let storeOptions = {
modules: {
dashboardV2: {
namespaced: true,
state: {
projects: [],
currentTab: "",
selectedFilters: {},
timeFilter: "",
actions: {
return new Vuex.Store(mergeWith(storeOptions, overrides, customizer));
describe("Loads Main Dashboard", () => {
it("should fetch chart data and filter data", () => {
createWrapper({}, Main, createStore());
it("should call fetch chart data when filter changed", () => {
createWrapper({}, Main, createStore());
My first test is running successfully but my second test is failing because GET_EXEC_DATA is being called 4 times instead of 2 times. Is it because it's being called once in the first test. Then, How do I avoid this?
Actually, I was able to solve this by clearing the mock functions
afterEach(() => {