How to build a loop for converting entires of categorical columns to numerical values in Pandas? - pandas

I have a Pandas data frame with several columns, with some columns comprising categorical entries. I am 'manually' converting these entries to numerical values. For example,
df['gender'] = pd.Series(df['gender'].factorize()[0])
df['race'] = pd.Series(df['race'].factorize()[0])
df['city'] = pd.Series(df['city'].factorize()[0])
df['state'] = pd.Series(df['state'].factorize()[0])
If the number of columns is huge, this method is obviously inefficient. Is there a way to do this by constructing a loop over all columns (only those columns with categorical entries)?

Use DataFrame.apply by columns in variable cols:
cols = df.select_dtypes(['category']).columns
df[cols] = df[cols].apply(lambda x: x.factorize()[0])
Your solution should be simplify:
for column in df.select_dtypes(['category']):
df[column] = df[column].factorize()[0]

I tried the following, which seems to work fine:
for column in df.select_dtypes(['category']):
df[column] = pd.Series(df[column].factorize()[0])
where 'category' could be 'bool', 'object', etc.


Converting list of nested dicts to Dataframe

I am trying to convert a list of dicts with the following format to a single Dataframe where each row contains the a specific type of betting odds offered by one sports book (meaning ‘h2h’ odds and ‘spread’ odds are in separate rows):
temp = [{"id":"e4cb60c1cd96813bbf67450007cb2a10",
"home_team":"Philadelphia Eagles",
"away_team":"Washington Commanders",
Eagles","price":630},{"name":"Washington Commanders","price":-1200}]}]},
"markets":[{"key":"h2h","outcomes":[{"name":"Philadelphia Eagles","price":600},
{"name":"Washington Commanders","price":-950}]}]},
There are many more bookmaker entries of the same format. I have tried:
df = pd.DataFrame(temp)
# normalize the column of dicts
normalized = pd.json_normalize(df['bookmakers'])
# join the normalized column to df
df = df.join(normalized,).drop(columns=['bookmakers'])
# join the normalized column to df
df = df.join(normalized, lsuffix = 'key')
However, this results in a Dataframe with repeated columns and columns that contain dictionaries.
Thanks for any help in advance!

How to convert column that has text element to column of numerics before modelling

I am working on a dataset that has
How can I change Elements and Area with numbers before modelling
If need factorize for strings columns use:
cols = df.select_dtypes(object).columns
df[cols] = df[cols].apply(lambda x: pd.factorize(x)[0])

Combine two dataframe to send a automated message [duplicate]

is there a way to conveniently merge two data frames side by side?
both two data frames have 30 rows, they have different number of columns, say, df1 has 20 columns and df2 has 40 columns.
how can i easily get a new data frame of 30 rows and 60 columns?
df3 = pd.someSpecialMergeFunct(df1, df2)
or maybe there is some special parameter in append
df3 = pd.append(df1, df2, left_index=False, right_index=false, how='left')
ps: if possible, i hope the replicated column names could be resolved automatically.
You can use the concat function for this (axis=1 is to concatenate as columns):
pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1)
See the pandas docs on merging/concatenating:
I came across your question while I was trying to achieve something like the following:
So once I sliced my dataframes, I first ensured that their index are the same. In your case both dataframes needs to be indexed from 0 to 29. Then merged both dataframes by the index.
df1.reset_index(drop=True).merge(df2.reset_index(drop=True), left_index=True, right_index=True)
If you want to combine 2 data frames with common column name, you can do the following:
df_concat = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='common_column_name', how='outer')
I found that the other answers didn't cut it for me when coming in from Google.
What I did instead was to set the new columns in place in the original df.
# list(df2) gives you the column names of df2
# you then use these as the column names for df
df[list(df2)] = df2
There is way, you can do it via a Pipeline.
** Use a pipeline to transform your numerical Data for ex-
Num_pipeline = Pipeline
([("select_numeric", DataFrameSelector([columns with numerical value])),
("imputer", SimpleImputer(strategy="median")),
**And for categorical data
cat_pipeline = Pipeline([
("select_cat", DataFrameSelector([columns with categorical data])),
("cat_encoder", OneHotEncoder(sparse=False)),
** Then use a Feature union to add these transformations together
preprocess_pipeline = FeatureUnion(transformer_list=[
("num_pipeline", num_pipeline),
("cat_pipeline", cat_pipeline),
Read more here -
This solution also works if df1 and df2 have different indices:
df1.loc[:, df2.columns] = df2.to_numpy()

How to concat 3 dataframes with each into sequential columns

I'm trying to understand how to concat three individual dataframes (i.e df1, df2, df3) into a new dataframe say df4 whereby each individual dataframe has its own column left to right order.
I've tried using concat with axis = 1 to do this, but it appears not possible to automate this with a single action.
Table1_updated = pd.DataFrame(columns=['3P','2PG-3Io','3Io'])
Note that with the exception of get_table1_2P_max_3Io, which has two columns, all other dataframes have one column
For example,
get_table1_3P =
get_table1_2P_max_3Io =
get_table1_3Io =
Ultimately, i would like to see the following:
I believe you need first concat and tthen change order by list of columns names:
Table1_updated=pd.concat([get_table1_3P,get_table1_2P_max_3Io,get_table1_3Io], axis=1)
Table1_updated = Table1_updated[['3P','2PG-3Io','3Io']]

Sample Pandas dataframe based on values in column

I have a large dataframe that I want to sample based on values on the target column value, which is binary : 0/1
I want to extract equal number of rows that have 0's and 1's in the "target" column. I was thinking of using the pandas sampling function but not sure how to declare the equal number of samples I want from both classes for the dataframe based on the target column.
I was thinking of using something like this:
df.sample(n=10000, weights='target', random_state=1)
Not sure how to edit it to get 10k records with 5k 1's and 5k 0's in the target column. Any help is appreciated!
You can group the data by target and then sample,
df = pd.DataFrame({'col':np.random.randn(12000), 'target':np.random.randint(low = 0, high = 2, size=12000)})
new_df = df.groupby('target').apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=5000)).reset_index(drop = True)
1 5000
0 5000
Edit: Use DataFrame.sample
You get similar results using DataFrame.sample
new_df = df.groupby('target').sample(n=5000)
You can use DataFrameGroupBy.sample method as follwing:
sample_df = df.groupby("target").sample(n=5000, random_state=1)
Also found this to be a good method:
df['weights'] = np.where(df['target'] == 1, .5, .5)
sample_df = df.sample(frac=.1, random_state=111, weights='weights')
Change the value of frac depending on the percent of data you want back from the original dataframe.
You will have to run a df0.sample(n=5000) and df1.sample(n=5000) and then combine df0 and df1 into a dfsample dataframe. You can create df0 and df1 by df.filter() with some logic. If you provide sample data I can help you construct that logic.