ScrollView won't Scroll at all - react-native

I have a React page that needs a Scrollview, there's no way around it. The content goes off the bottom of the screen, and it is encapsulated in the ScrollView. I have a red border on the ScrollView element so I can see that it goes past the bottom of the screen where the rest of my content it. However, it just does not want to scroll. I even put an 'onScroll' prop inside with console.log('hit') at one point to see if the ScrollView was even registering my attempts, it was not. This is happening in a couple of similar components, their structure is very similar. The smallest of them looks like this...
<ScrollView style={{borderColor: 'red', borderWidth: 3}}>
<View style={QualityStyles.container}>
<View style={{width: '100%'}}>
<Text style={QualityStyles.leadersTitle}>Top Three Leaders</Text>
<View style={QualityStyles.topThree}>
<View style={{width: '100%'}}>
<Text style={QualityStyles.leadersTitle}>Employees</Text>
<View style={QualityStyles.remainders}>
The code's pretty straightforward, with renderTopThree returning 3 components that will take up about 90% of the screen, and renderOthers will fit maybe one component on the screen, and the rest (while rendered and existent) can't be seen since I can't scroll. Anyone see what could be wrong?

I resolved the issue, I had a TouchableWithoutFeedback wrappping the entire Application, and it was blocking out any ability to scroll


ScrollView height adapting to content

I can't seem to manage this simple layout and all the tricks I find for ScrollView don't match my case.
My content has a header and a footer that should "stick" to it.
But when my content becomes too big, the header should be naturally stuck at the top of the screen, the footer at the bottom of the screen, and the middle part is taken by the content which should be scrollable.
Here is the code for the layout and I join some screens.
Red: screen
Blue: content header
Green: content (Scrollview)
Yellow: content footer
<View style={styles.screen}>
<View style={styles.contentHeader}>
<ScrollView style={styles.content}>
<View style={styles.contentFooter}>
My problem is that the ScrollView should take only the height required by its content but it does not.
Any suggestions ?
You can use FlatList and use its ListFoooterComponent and ListHeaderComponent for rendering your header and footer you can also render these with ScrollView but its recommended to use FlatList for more performant and support.
Have a look at this to FlatList
Otherwise, you can use stickyHeaderIndices prop for rendering header in ScollView and place your footer outside of the ScrollView with these styles.
This will work
<View style={styles.screen}>
<ScrollView style={styles.content} stickyHeaderIndices={[0]}>
<View style={styles.contentHeader}>
<View style={[styles.contentFooter, {position: 'absolute, bottom: 0}]}>

Scrollview goes under status bar when using KeyboardAvoidingView

If you take a look on the left of the time on the status bar, you can see part of the scrollview showing. When scrolling up i can see the scrollview with all the elements ( pickers ,textinputs etc) scrolling underneath the statusbar.
My hierarchy looks like this
<SafeAreaView forceInset={true} style={{ flex: 1, backgroundColor:, zIndex: 10000 }}>
<View style={{flex:1}}>
<Header/> //has certain height. had to add zIndex=10000 to avoid same issue
<KeyboardAvoidingView behavior='position'>
Are you seeing anything obviously off?
Adding overflow:hidden; will do the trick. However i feel like this shouldnt be happening in the first place. The original bug is a weird state where part of the scrollview shows ( the text ) and part of it doesnt ( the background )

React Native avoid {width: '100%'} by default

My code is pretty simple: (relevant parts shown only)
<ScrollView style={{/* padding, centering... */}>
Yet, when I inspect the Text node, its width is 100% of its container, and the grey background goes all the width.
Is there a layout setting to make this Text's width as small as possible? I.e. only until the end of the Text.
You can use alignSelf property:
<View style={{alignSelf: 'flex-start'}}>
For Scroll view you can try like
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={{ alignItems: 'flex-start'}}>
Hope this will help!

React Native - How do you create a vertical overlay?

I was just wondering if it was possible, in React Native, to create a vertical overlay ; by that, I mean being on a page and when swiping down, an overlay comes down, covering the page, with various information on it (and the same when swiping up, an overlay coming from the bottom). I wanted to use react-native-swiper at first, but the vertical swiping is not compatible with Android.. So if anyone has another solution to offer, be my guest ! Thanks
check react-native-parallax-view hope this can help you.
return (
<View style={[{ flex: 1 }]}> {/* add parent container and then ParallaxView as specified in documentation */}
<Text style={styles.header}>
Header Content
scrollableViewStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }}
// ... scrollview content

Disabling wrapping on Text node

I've got some preformatted text which I want to display unwrapped and allow the user to scroll both vertically and horizontally.
A contrived example of what I've got:
<Text style={{fontFamily: 'monospace'}}>
Some preformatted text which I don't want to wrap
The problem is that the text wraps and you can only scroll vertically.
One change that gets halfway there is by changing the ScrollView to:
<ScrollView style={{flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row'}}>
Wrapping becomes disabled, however scrolling doesn't work after I've done that.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
It'd be
<Text numberOfLines={1}>Some text</Text>
You can also use ellipsizeMode attribute to control how overlapping text will behave.
For more informations - check out