Twilio programmable video notifications - notifications

I developed a solution to allow my users to get in touch through video calls.
However, for iOS I can't manage to trigger notifications (CallKeep for example) to warn a user that someone is trying to contact him.
Would you have solutions to propose to me because I can't find anything conclusive.

Check out the Twilio Video quick start application has a CallKit example. Please take a look at that and see what you can learn.


Is it possible to search/browse music via the Sonos API

I'm building a sonos control application that should basically have the same functionality as the sonos app.
I'm using the API at and I am able to control a sonos speaker, play, pause etc. but I can't find how to search/browse music.
Does anyone know if this is possible and, if so, where do I find the commands?
(I know this has been asked before but that was over 3 years ago)
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The Sonos Cloud API is too lame to offer content browsing and searching.
You use ContentDirectory.Browse per the UPnP documentation to enumerate and search everything except music service content.

I don't want camera permission needed for each video chat when there is a series of 1-1 video chats at an event

I am not a coder and having a web platform built with PHP that includes a series of 1-1 video chats in a scheduled networking "event". The problem that the developer is not able to solve with the video plug in that they are using ( is that the user needs to give camera permisson before each chat. I need this permisson to happen one time only at the beginning of the event and not need there to be any further permission giving throughout the event. Of course I would like this to work on all platforms. I'm exploring as an option to solve this and replace the current plug in with agora. Does anyone know if agora would be the right fit for this or which video chat platform I should use to accomplish this? And if there is specific developer kind of language or code - please speak in as if I was a developer and I will pass on what you say to him directly. You don't need to worry about whether I will understand it.
Jon like any other WebRTC provider requests device camera permission only once. And all subsequent Videocall won't need any special permission (provided that they are on the same domain)
More specifically, requests browser permission when stream.init method is invoked. This also turns on the camera light. stream.close turns off the camera light and deallocates the resources.
However, the subsequent stream.init function calls do not require permissions. (Camera light will just turn on)

iOS - Record the Voice while phone call in Objective c

Is it possible for an app which records the voice of the user while a phone call?
I searched for it and the AVFoundation Framework seems to stop recording when a phone call is incoming. I don't want to record the whole call, I am just interested in record what the user of the iPhone is saying.
I know that this possibility might be a safety risk, but it would be nice for e.g an interview.
In case of no possibility to do it like i want, i have to create my own VoIP connection and then i can record it, am i right?
There is no direct way or API from Apple to achieve your need of recording voice while phone call. AVAudioRecorder wont support it as well. Because it will be stopped once the call begin.
But there are work around like hook AudioUnitProcess in order to access phone call's audio streams and save it as m4a. This will work without jailbreak but not sure this will be accepted by Apple app store review team.
For more info on the work around check this SO accepted answer.
Also creating your own VoIP connection method work for recording during phone call.
There are Cydia tweaks which are able to do that. For example CallRecorder.

Twilio: test speaker/microphone

Using Twilio, how can I create a JS widget that can listen to the microphone and output its sound through the speakers, as a loopback?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I don't believe you need Twilio for that. You can just use the getUserMedia API to capture a user's microphone and then play it back with an HTML5 <audio> tag.
I'd like to recommend you don't do this though. Whilst building video chats and testing with myself, the feedback is horrible and no-one wants to experience it!

how to access UCWA API in android code?

I want to access UCWA API in android code. Is it possible?.
If possible, pls give me an idea and hello world program.
does UCWA API support for Video Chat and Screen Sharing?
Yes, UCWA is a REST based API, so there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to access it from an Android app. Your best bet is to look through the samples on
There are no known Java libraries available, so you have to do all of that on your own. Paul's link is a good place to start, however you might also find the MS pages on a C# implementation useful(1), they certainly are cleaner than the Javascript based samples at
As for supporting video chat and screen sharing, the answer for now seems to be no. UCWA may be able to initiate these on the users Lync client though.