how to reduce rows to 1 row by concatenate in Azure Log Analytics - azure-log-analytics

string row1
string row2
Is it possible to reduce rows to 1 row?
Rows should be joined with a comma.
As a result I expect
string row1, string row2

One of the workaround could able to solve the above issue,
To concatenate we can use this for e.g | extend New_Column = strcat(tagname,",", tagvalue) with comma between two string.
For example we have tested in our environment with tag name and tag value
| where type =~ 'microsoft.resources/subscriptions'
| extend tagname = tostring(bag_keys(tags)[0])
| extend tagvalue = tostring(tags[tagname])
| extend New_Column = strcat(tagname,",", tagvalue) // for concate two rows into one with comma between two string
Here is the sample output for reference:
For more information please refer this SO THREAD
UPDATE: To cancat the rows we tried with the example of code as stated in the given SO THREAD which is suggested by #Yoni L.
| summarize result = strcat_array(make_list(word), ",")
Sample output for reference:

thanks for the tips. in your links I found:
| summarize result = strcat_array(make_list(name_s), ",")


Spark- scan data frame base on value

I'm trying to find a column (I do know the name of the column) base on a value. For example in this dataframe below, I'd like to know which row that has a column contains yellow for Category = A . The thing is I don't know the column name (colour) in advance so I couldn't do select * where Category = 'A' and colour = 'yellow' How can I scan the columns and achieve this? Many thanks for your help.
|Category|colour |. name. |
|A. | blue.| Elmo|
|A | yellow | Alex|
|B | desc | Erin|
You can loop that check through the list of column names. You also can wrap this loop in a function for the readable purpose. Please note that this check per column would happen in sequence.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
cols = df.columns
for c in cols:
cnt = df.where((F.col('Category') == 'A') & (F.col(c) == 'yellow')).count()
if cnt > 0:

How to set multiple conditions for a Dataframe while modifying the values?

So, I'm looking for an efficient way to set up values within an existing column and setting values for a new column based on some conditions. If I have 10 conditions in a big data set, do I have to write 10 lines? Or can I combine them somehow...haven't figured it out yet.
Can you guys suggest something?
For example:
data_frame.loc[data_frame.col1 > 50 ,["col1","new_col"]] = "Cool"
data_frame.loc[data_frame.col2 < 100 ,["col1","new_col"]] = "Cool"
Can it be written in a single expression? "&" or "and" don't work...
yes you can do it,
here is an example:
data_frame.loc[(data_frame["col1"]>100) & (data_frame["col2"]<10000) | (data_frame["col3"]<500),"test"] = 0
the filter I used is (with "and" and "or" conditions): (data_frame["col1"]>100) & (data_frame["col2"]<10000) | (data_frame["col3"]<500)
the column that will be changed is "test" and the value will be 0
You can try:
all_conditions = [condition_1, condition_2]
fill_with = [fill_condition_1_with, fill_condition_2_with]
df[["col1","new_col"]] =, fill_with, default=default_value_here)

Pandas - data per row instead of all in one cell

I have problems getting the data in separate rows. At the moment all my data per column is in one cell. I really would appreciate your support!
the column header is "Dealer" and it is showing one value below like this:
|:---- |
|['Automobiles', 'Garage Benz', 'Cencini SA']|
I would like to get three rows out of this:
'Garage Benz'
'Cencini SA'
what would be the easiest way to achieve this?
Thanks for your support, as I am totally new to pandas!
The easiest way is to convert your data into a dict like data:
x = {'Dealer':['Automobiles', 'Garage Benz', 'Cencini SA']}
x = pd.DataFrame(x)

Function to filter values in PySpark

I'm trying to run a for loop in PySpark that needs a to filter a variable for an algorithm.
Here's an example of my dataframe df_prods:
| 7983 |SNEAKERS 01 | Sneakers|
| 7034 |SHIRT 13 | Shirt|
| 3360 |SHORTS 15 | Short|
I want to iterate over a list of ID's, get the match from the algorithm and then filter the product's type.
I created a function that gets the type:
def get_type(ID_PROD):
return [row[0] for row in df_prods.filter(df_prods.ID == ID_PROD).select("TYPE").collect()]
And wanted it to return:
But I find two issues:
1- it takes a long time to do that (longer than I got doing a similar thing on Python)
2- It returns an string array type: ['Sneakers'] and when I try to filter the products, this happens:
type = get_type(7983)
df_prods.filter(df_prods.type == type)
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unsupported literal type class java.util.ArrayList [Sneakers]
Does anyone know a better way to approach this on PySpark?
Thank you very much in advance. I'm having a very hard time learning PySpark.
A little adjustment on your function. This returns the actual string of the target column from the first record found after filtering.
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
def get_type(ID_PROD):
return df.filter(col("ID") == ID_PROD).select("TYPE").collect()[0]["TYPE"]
type = get_type(7983)
df_prods.filter(col("TYPE") == type) # works
I find using col("colname") to be much more readable.
About the performance issue you've mentioned, I really cannot say without more details (e.g. inspecting the data and the rest of your application). Try this syntax and tell me if the performance improves.

Call function in pyspark with values from dataframe as strings

I have to call a function func_test(spark,a,b) which accepts two string values and create a df out of it. spark is a SparkSession variable
These two string values are two columns of another dataframe and would be different for different rows of that dataframe.
I am unable to achieve this.
Things tried so far:
ctry_df = func_test(spark,"CTRY").first()["CTRY"],"CITY").first()["CITY"])
Gives CTRY and CITY of only the first record of the df.
ctry_df = func_test(spark, df['CTRY'],df['CITY'])
Gives Column<b'CTRY'> and Column<b'CITY'> as values.
df is:
| US | LA | HELLO|
| UK | LN | WORLD|
| SN | SN | SPARK|
So, I want first call to fetch func_test(spark,US,LA); second call to go func_test(spark,UK,LN); third call to be func_test(spark,SN,SN) and so on.
Pyspark - 3.7
Spark - 2.2
Edit 1:
Issue in detail:
func_test(spark,string1,string2) is a function which accepts two string values. Inside this function is a set of various dataframe operations done. For example:- First spark sql in the func_test is a normal select and these two variables string1 and string2 are used in the where clause. The result of this spark sql which generates a df is a temp table of next spark sql and so on. Finally, it creates a df which this function func_test(spark,string1,string2) returns.
Now, In the main class, I have to call this func_test and the two parameters string1 and string2 will be fetched from records of dataframe. So that, first func_test call generates query as select * from dummy where CTRY='US' and CITY='LA'. And the subsequent operations happen which results in df. Second call to func_test becomes select * from dummy where CTRY='UK' and CITY='LN'. Third call becomes select * from dummy where CTRY='SN' and CITY='SN' and so on.
instead of first() use collect() and iterate through the loop
collect_vals ='CTRY','CITY').distinct().collect()
for row_col in collect_vals:
func_test(spark, row_col['CTRY'],row_col['CITY'])
hope this helps !!