Remove field-internal newlines in CSV file - awk

I tried different awk methods to achieve this, but since I don't really understand how awk works, I didn't succeed.
So, I have a - large - csv-file that contains multi-line entries such as this:
that has
multiple newlines";"fdx";"xyz"
I need to get rid of those extra newlines in between the quotes.
Since every line ends with a double quote, followed by a newline, I thought I could create a command that replaces all newlines, except the ones that are prepended by a double-quote.
How would I do that?

Chances are all you need is this, using GNU awk for multi-char RS:
awk -v RS='\r\n' '{gsub(/\n/," ")}1' file
since your input is probably a CSV exported from a Windows tool like Excel and so has \r\n "line" endings but individual \ns for newlines within fields.
Alternatively, again using GNU awk for multi-char RS and RT:
$ awk -v RS='"[^"]+"' -v ORS= '{gsub(/\n/," ",RT); print $0 RT}' file
"99999";"xyz";"text that has multiple newlines";"fdx";"xyz"
or if you want all the chains of newlines compressed to single blanks:
$ awk -v RS='"[^"]+"' -v ORS= '{gsub(/\n+/," ",RT); print $0 RT}' file
"99999";"xyz";"text that has multiple newlines";"fdx";"xyz"
If you need anything else, including being able to identify and use the individual fields on each input "line", see What's the most robust way to efficiently parse CSV using awk?.


Why AWK program FS variable can be specified with -F flag of gawk (or other awk) interpreter/command?

Why AWK program's FS variable can be specified with -F flag of gawk (or other awk) interpreter/command?
Let me explain, AWK is a programming language and gawk is (one of many) an interpreter for AWK. gawk interpreter/execute/runs the AWK program that given to it. So why the FS (field separator) variable can be specified with gawk's -F flag? I find it kind of unnatural... and how does it technically do that?
My best guess as to "why" is as a convenience. FS is probably the most used/manipulated awk variable, so having a short option to set it is helpful
awk -F, '...' file.csv
# vs
awk 'BEGIN {FS=","} ...' file.csv
"How does it technically do that" -- see
Historically -F was implemented in gawk v1.01 so it would have existed in whatever legacy awk that gawk was based on.
Additionally, the POSIX specification mandates -F.
So why the FS (field separator) variable can be specified with gawk's
-F flag?
awk man page claims that
Command line variable assignment is most useful for dynamically
assigning values to the variables AWK uses to control how input is
broken into fields and records. It is also useful for controlling
state if multiple passes are needed over a single data file.
So -F comes handy when field separator is not etched in stone, but rather computed dynamically, as -F allows you tu use bash variable easily, imagine that you was tasked with developing part of bash script which should output last field of each line of file.txt when using character stored in variable sep as separator, then you could do that following way
awk -F ${sep} '{print $NF}' file.txt
find it kind of unnatural
This depend on what you have used before, cut user which want to get 3rd column from csv file might do that following way
cut -d , -f 3 file.csv

Awk-How remove pattern with brackets

I made a mistake, adding Ini file (Yes we're in 2022 :D) a section with errors
I added a line [End[edit=true]
How could remove this entire line using awk (I don't have any others choice 😕)
I don't understand how escape the [ in the AWK command line.
Could you please help me?
I don't understand how escape the [ in the AWK command line.
If line is always literal [End[edit=true] then you do not need to, just request lines which are not that one following way, let file.ini content be
awk '$0!="[End[edit=true]"' file.ini
gives output
Explanation: $0 denotes whole line, if it is not [End[edit=true] then it is printed.
(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1)
A couple ideas where you escape the leading (left) brackets:
awk '/\[End\[edit=true]/ {next} 1' file
# or
awk '!/\[End\[edit=true]/' file
Once you've confirmed the results, and assuming you're using GNU awk, you can add -i inplace to update the file:
awk -i inplace '!/\[End\[edit=true]/' file

awk command to print columns with colum data

cat file1.txt | awk -F '{print $1 "|~|" $2 "|~|" $3}' > file2.txt
I am using above command to filter first three columns from file1 and put into file.
But only getting the column names and not the column data.
How to do that?
|~| - is the delimiter.
file1.txt has values as :
my expedted output is :
With your shown samples, please try following awk code. You need to set field separator to |~| and remove starting space from lines, then print the lines.
awk -F'\\|~\\|' -v OFS='|~|' '{sub(/^[[:blank:]]+/,"");print $1,$2,$3}' Input_file
In case you want to keep spaces(which was in initial post before edit) then try following:
awk -F'\\|~\\|' -v OFS='|~|' '{print $1,$2,$3}' Input_file
NOTE: Had a chat with user in room and got to know why this code was not working for user because of gunzip -c file was being used wrongly, its output was being saved into a variable on which user was running awk program, so correcting that command generated right file and awk program ran fine on it. Adding this as a reference for future readers.
One approach would be:
awk -v FS="," -v OFS="|~|" '{gsub(/[|][~][|]/,","); sub(/^\s*/,""); print $1,$2,$3}' file1.txt
The approach simply replaces all "|~|" with a "," setting the output file separator to "|~|". All leading whitespace is trimmed with sub().
Example Use/Output
With your data in file1.txt, you would have:
$ awk -v FS="," -v OFS="|~|" '{gsub(/[|][~][|]/,","); sub(/^\s*/,""); print $1,$2,$3}' file1.txt
Let me know if this is what you intended. You can simply redirect, e.g. > file2.txt to write to the second file.
For such cases, my bash+awk script rcut comes in handy:
rcut -Fd'|~|' -f-3 ip.txt
The -F option enables fixed string input delimiter (which is given using the -d option). And by default, the output field separator will also be same as -d when -F is active. -f-3 is similar to cut syntax to specify first three fields.
For better speed, use hck command:
hck -Ld'|~|' -D'|~|' -f-3 ip.txt
Here, -L enables literal field separator and -D specifies output field separator.
Another benefit is that hck supports -z option to automatically handle common compressed formats based on filename extension (adding this since OP had an issue with compressed input).
Another way:
sed 's/|~|/\t/g' file1.txt | awk '{print $1"|~|"$2"|~|"$3}' > file2.txt
First replace the |~| delimiter, and use the default awk separator, then print columns what you need.

For gawk, how to set FS and RS in the same command as an awk script?

I have an awk command that returns the duplicates in an input stream with
awk '{a[$0]++}END{for (i in a)if (a[i]>1)print i;}'
However, I want to change the field separator characters and record separator characters before I do that. The command I use for that is
FS='\n' RS='\n\n'
Yet I'm having trouble making that happen. Is there a way to effectively combine these two commands into one? Piping one to the other doesn't seem to work either.
the action of BEGIN rule is executed before reading any input.
awk 'BEGIN{FS="\n";RS="\n\n"}{a[$0]++}END{for (i in a)if (a[i]>1)print i;}'
or you can specify them using command line options like:
awk -F '\n' -v RS='\n\n' '{a[$0]++}END{for (i in a)if (a[i]>1)print i;}'

Output field separators in awk after substitution in fields

Is it always the case, after modifying a specific field in awk, that information on the output field separator is lost? What happens if there are multiple field separators and I want them to be recovered?
For example, suppose I have a simple file example that contains:
If I just run an awk script, which takes account of the input field separator, that prints each line in my file, such as running
awk -F: '{print $0}' example
I will see the original line. If however I modify one of the fields directly, e.g. with
awk -F: '{$2=$2"!"; print $0}' example
I do not get back a modified version of the original line, rather I see the fields separated by the default whitespace separator, i.e:
a e! i o u
I can get back a modified version of the original by specifying OFS, e.g.:
awk -F: 'BEGIN {OFS=":"} {$2=$2"!"; print $0}' example
In the case, however, where there are multiple potential field separators but in the case of multiple separators is there a simple way of restoring the original separators?
For example, if example had both : and ; as separators, I could use -F":|;" to process the file but OFS would no be sufficient to restore the original separators in their relative positions.
More explicitly, if we switched to example2 containing
we could use
awk -F":|;" 'BEGIN {OFS=":"} {$2=$2"!"; print $0}' example2
(or -F"[:;]") to get
but we've lost the distinction between : and ; which would have been maintained if we could recover
You need to use GNU awk for the 4th arg to split() which saves the separators, like RT does for RS:
$ awk -F'[:;]' '{split($0,f,FS,s); $2=$2"!"; r=s[0]; for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) r=r $i s[i]; $0=r} 1' file
There is no automatically populated array of FS matching strings because of how expensive it'd be in time and memory to store the string that matches FS every time you split a record into fields. Instead the GNU awk folks provided a 4th arg to split() so you can do it yourself if/when you want it. That is the result of a long conversation a few years ago in the comp.lang.awk newsgroup between experienced awk users and gawk providers before all agreeing that this was the best approach.
See split() at