Why aren't HTTP Headers passed from AWS API Gateway to Step functions - http-headers

I have an api gateway set up with integration to a step function - the integration is working well and my function is executed. However I have a need to access the headers on the initial request to the api gateway (as they need to be passed on to an API call made by one of the steps in the step function) I've added the http headers to the API Gateway Method Request and also done this in the HTTP Headers section of the Integration Request, then in the mapping template I have
#set($inputbody = $input.json('$'))
"method": "$context.httpMethod",
"input": "$util.escapeJavaScript($inputbody)",
"stateMachineArn": "MyStateMachineARN",
"headers": {
#foreach($param in $input.params().header.keySet())
"$param": "$util.escapeJavaScript($input.params().header.get($param))"
When I test this I see the headers after the request body has been transformed - before it executes the step function
Thu Dec 23 09:35:28 UTC 2021 : Endpoint request body after transformations: {
"method": "POST",
"input": "{\"surname\":\"TESTSURNAME\"}",
"stateMachineArn": "MyStateMachineARN",
"headers": {
"HeaderA": "ValueA"
, "HeaderB": "ValueB"
But in the step functions I am struggling to see the headers - the input I can see at the start of the execution is only
I have inputPath set to $ and the same for the payload.
All the suggestions I've found online point to the mapping template but I can not get it to work - any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

The API Gateway -> Step Function integration uses StartExecution as the action for the integration. Checking the documentation for StartExecution request syntax, it turns out that headers is unfortunately not one of the allowable fields that can be passed. To pass the headers in it looks like you would need to add them onto the input.


CORS blocking requests in Kotlin lambda but not in identically setup Node lambda

I have a lambda, written in Kotlin with Serverless and CORS just is not working. I feel like I've tried everything. I deployed a Node Lambda with identical sls.sh command and yaml files. The function looks like this
handler: handler.hello
- http:
path: hello
method: post
cors: true
My responses look like this in both Node and Kotlin:
"statusCode": 200,
"headers": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"
"body": "{\"id\": \"f9f76590-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-9c8e99238f40\"}"
In the Node case this all works great. I make a fetch call like this and it works (omitted the Promise resolutions for brevity):
var makeRequest = function (data) {
fetch('https://{lambda URL}/hello', {
'headers': {
'content-type': 'application/json'
'body': JSON.stringify({ data }),
'method': 'POST'
In the Kotlin case I get this CORS error back
Access to fetch at 'https://{lambda URL}/hello' from origin
'' has been blocked by CORS policy: No
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's
mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
I try to "enable CORS" in the API Gateway panel but I get that it's already enabled:
And hit submit I get the error (invalid response status code)
When I hover over the error icon it says "Invalid Response status code specified".
Under Gateway Responses, under every sub item (Default 4XX, Default 5XXX, etc) there are response headers set. This is the same across my Node and Kotlin lambdas.
I'm completely out of ideas at this point.
The only potentially odd thing is I am noticing that in my Node request I see access-control-allow-origin: * in response headers in the browser network panel but in the Kotlin one I don't see it.
From this:
I can see that you haven't created Integration Response in your post method.
Try these configurations:
I discovered my CORS issue was because of server errors. If your server has an error and the API Gateway can't get a response then you get a CORS error because the Gateway itself doesn't have the CORS headers.
While the fix is easy (just handle that server error) it was hard to uncover. I wish this was documented better somewhere so hopefully this is found for others :)
For my case specifically, and why it didn't show up in Node but showed up in Kotlin, was because of types. the browser was sending a type Node automatically corrected the type (number to string) but Kotlin was expecting the type and threw a type error.

How to POST json parameters from Postman to Jenkins?

I need to call a Jenkins job using its API through Postman. This job requires parameters (HOST, VERBOSITY and PMSP).
Auth works using Jenkins token and header Content-type:application/json is used.
I tried to call the endpoint https://jenkins_server/job/job_name/build/api/json adding the following body to the request but the result is Nothing is submitted, and the job doesn't run.
I tried to call the endpoint https://jenkins_server/job/job_name/buildWithParameters/api/json adding the same body. I get 201 Created (job is running) but no parameters are given to the job.
"parameter": [
"name": "HOSTS",
"value": "[linux]\n1.2.3.4"
"name": "VERBOSITY",
"value": "vv"
"name": "SANS_PMSP",
"value": true
Is my JSON well constructed ? Which endpoint do I need to call ?
If it's Postman that you would like to focus on, you can import the curl command straight into the application.
This creates a new request for you to use and it populates this request, based on the details in the command.
From here, you should be able to add your own URL and point this at the location you need.

Graphql post body "Must provide query string."

I use Express-graphql middleware.
I send the following request in the body line:
POST /graphql HTTP/1.1
Host: local:8083
Content-Type: application/graphql
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: d71a7ea9-5502-d5fe-2e36-0ae49c635a29
testing {
pass(id: 1) {
and have error
"errors": [
"message": "Must provide query string."
in graphql i can send update in URL.
URL string is too short. i must send update model like
mutation {
update(id: 2, x1: "zazaza", x2: "zazaza", x3: "zazaza" ...(more more fields)...) {
I think its must be in request body. How can I send 'update' query or that I'm doing wrong?
Post request needs to manage headers info.
Using Http client - Content-Type: application/json
Using Postman client - Content-Type: application/graphql
but request body looks like string
{"query":"mutation{update(id:1,x1:\"zazaz\",x2:\"zazaz\"......){id x1 x2}}"}
If you are using graphql and want to test it using postman or any other Rest client do this.
In postman, select POST method and enter your URL and set Content-Type as application/graphql then pass your query in the body.
Mehtod: POST
Content-Type: application/graphql
Thats it you will get the response.
Using Postman Version 7.2.2 I had a similar issue. This version of Postman supports Graphql out of the box. Changing the Content-type to application/json fixed it for me.
for me worked like as following:
In the body
In the Headers
Don't forget mark GraphQl [x] on Body settings
And how was quoted before changes the verb to POST.
This generally occurs when your 'express-graphql' doest receive any params. You need to added a json/applicaton parser in your application.
npm install body-parser
eg -
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
app.use(bodyParser.json()); // application/json
go to the relevant web page and open "inspect" (by write click ->
inspect || Ctrl+Shift+I in chrome)
go to the network tab and copy the cURL command
open the postman ,then import -> raw text
paste the copied command
then,continue ->
Switch content type to JSON.
Like this
Check if you are using correct protocol in your Postman requests.
I used HTTP instead of HTTPS and this caused the same error.
Changes of content-type, raw or json instead of graphql type didn't help.

SoapUI correlation (property transfer)

I have a REST request that respond with the following:
"access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsIng1dCI6IlQwWE8xNnAtMmZzMWxremV5",
"expires_in": 2592000,
"token_type": "Bearer"
I want to take the value of access_token, store it in a property and reuse it for two subsequent requests.
Following some tutorial here, when running the request that obtains the access_token I get a:
error parsing target property: error unexpected element CDATA
But why?
There is no CDATA in my raw response.
If you've problems using transfer properties step to get the JSON value from your response, you can use a groovy test step to achieve your goal.
So create a groovy test step to parse your response, get your value and set it as a property (for example at testCase level) with the follow code:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
// get response using the name of your test step
def response = context.expand('${REST Test Request#Response}')
// parse response
def jsonResp = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response)
// get the token an set as a property in the testCase
Then in the other testSteps (REST or SOAP...) you can use the follow code to get the access_token value you set in the testCase:
Hope this helps,

MobileFirst HTTP Adapter: delete/update back-end cookie value

I'm using WL.Server.invokeHttp(options) several times in my adapter. I need to have different values for a given cookie in different calls.
If I call
WL.Server.invokeHttp({cookies: {
mycookie: 'firstValue'
the back-end gets this header "cookie": "mycookie=firstValue", as expected.
If I later want to make another call with a different cookie value,
WL.Server.invokeHttp({cookies: {
mycookie: 'secondValue'
the back-end gets this header "cookie": "mycookie=firtsValue; mycookie=secondValue".
Is there some way that will let me forget a previous value of the cookie?
Update 2015/02/27
Using the headers option instead of the cookies option, as suggested by #YoelNunez, does not solve it.
My first request gets a "set-cookie": "name=value1; Path=/" response header
My second request sets headers: {cookie: 'name=value2'}
The second requests gets to the server with the following header "cookie": "name=value2, name=value1"
Change you invokeHttp to the following
headers: {
cookie: "mycookie="+myCookieValue
Where myCookieValue is your variable