Which hook will be trigger, when newsletter list of ps_emailsubscription will be updated after DOI - prestashop

I need some help, which hook will be triggered when newsletter-list of ps_emailsubscription will be updated after DOI confirmation.
What is the availability of hooks for ps_emailsubscription? Need to trigger a call after DOI confirmation.
Thanks in advance.

I think you're looking for this hook that has been added to the module recently:


Zapier update In podio says i don't have permission but clearly I do

Also checked box in podio app to allow users to update and modify items.
Put still get this error in zapier when trying to update
"The app returned "The user with id 1653273 does
not have the right update on item with id 6". It looks like your
connected account doesn't have permission to complete this step. You
should contact the administrator for your account and make sure you
have the needed permissions."
David here, from the Zapier Platform team.
That looks like an issue on the Podio end that Zapier is surfacing. I'd try reconnecting the account in Zapier (maybe you need a fresh token to pick up the permission changes?). If that doesn't work, Podio support is probably your best bet for getting an answer. They'll have the tools to troubleshoot your issue.
Pavlo here, from Podio team :)
Something is wrong with your config, I'm 100500% sure that item with id 6 is not yours and you don't have rights to update it :) Please debug your flow and ensure that you are trying to modify correct item.
i didn't realize item id was a universal id within podio and not just something that would reference in that app. so id 6 seemed reasonable from that perspective as that app only had a couple items in it to test. so i have not gotten the right value from the zapier item look up go to to the zapier item update and it worked flawlessly.

Shopify Event for Product Update is missing

The events API doc says that the Product update events will be recorded if a product info is updated. But I only see product create event in the list of events. I don't see any product update events. What could be the reason ? Is it a bug in Shopify API ?
Right from the API docs you pointed to:
update product_title was updated. The product was updated.
Not sure how you read that is missing, but it is clearly there.

What is classified as an "item.update" in the Podio API?

I've been building a few workflows using the Podio API & Zapier. A question that I haven't been able to answer is what "item.update" actually means when it comes to a webhook.
I thought that it would trigger (for example) if I had an item that had a field in it called
"Address: 123 Main St"
and I changed that to
"Address: 599 South St"
I figured it would trigger the item.update. It doesn't seem to be doing so. What does item.update actually get triggered by? Also, if that isn't what it triggers - what can I use for my example?
Updating address field will definitely trigger item.update webhook.
In general: any field update will trigger it.
If your webhook is not called, please check the bottom of https://developers.podio.com/examples/webhooks page. There are lots of details and useful information there.

I want to use custom payment method in prestashop

I am using prestashop for my online shop. I want to use custom payment option. feature would be similar like cash on delivery. what should i do.
Thank you
I have got the answer.
I just duplicate a module and it just work. Thanks to all.

VirtoCommerce - Creation of a new payment gateway

I have a big problem dealing with new payment gateway creation. I followed a tutorial but I think I did something wrong because it doesn't work well.
I would like to create a "devis" (sorry I don't know the word in english... It looks like that.
When the customer buys something, he could choose this kind of payment which does nothing but provide the "devis". It would be perfect if the status of the order could be "on hold" directly in order to unhold it when the "real payment" is done.
I hope you have understand what I try to do but if you have not be free to ask me questions.
Here is what I've done:
I created a new class in the VirtoCommerce.PaymentGateways namespace called DevisPaymentGateway which inherits from the PaymentGatewayBase class.
In this class there is just one method: ProcessPayment where I do:
payment.status = PaymentStatus.Completed.ToString();
in the SqlOrderDatabaseInitializer.cs
I created a private SetupDevisGateway method:
private void SetupPaypalGateway(List<PaymentGateway> gateways)
which is called in the CreatePaymentGateways method just after the paypal gateway.
I deployed the database thanks to your powershell script, the gateway
is created as expected.
I enabled the gateway payment via
VirtoCommerce Manager Then I bought something on the website and I
chose the new Payment which is available so it seems to work.
When I click on proceed to checkout I have a new order line which is created
with the "Pending" status so it's perfect...
When I bought something with paypal for example, there was the same reaction BUUUT when the new order line was created there was the onBeforeUpdate method which detected that new line and some work was done asynchronously. With the new gateway it seems that the onBeforeUpdate method doesn't work anymore...
I think that I've forgot something which is done with Paypal and not with my gateway but what and where?
I already know that it's not a good idea to write something in the SqlOrderDatabaseInitializer.cs but I don't think that it's the problem... Does anybody have a solution?
Edit: Explanation on what I try to achieve:
Products which are sold are in fact a couple: "images treatments" + "images"
Each customer can manage album and put photos into it, and when he clicks on a product (which is a treatment) he can choose an album.
So it's why I need this event, when the payment is done and the status change from pending to in progress, I send relevant information (about the treatment, the album...) to a queue and I have worker roles (one for each treatment) which read these messages and do some work.
I hope you understand the idea but if you don't, do not hesitate to ask me questions
can you explain why do you need that event? What will you do when that event is raised?
Some explanation below on how status is changed for the order below:
The order status is actually changed by the job "ProcessOrderStatusWork class" that simply runs in the background and changes the status order status from "Pending" to "InProgress" after order has been in pending state for a certain period of time. I would suggesting for you to create a copy of "ProcessOrderStatusWork" class and create a new job (name it MyProcessOrderStatusWork class), that in addition to changing status also adds custom work for your payment. You can then register that Job and disable the one included with VC, so it is not duplicated (by adding it in the database,similar to how you did payment gateway).
It might work for PayPal, because it uses slightly different logic, as order created on call back from PayPal, thus executing in the same web process and event is raised.