Update device twin when reprovisioning with custom allocation policy - azure-iot-hub

In Azure Device Provisioning Service
when using a custom allocation policy,
with '--reprovision-policy reprovisionandmigratedata'
is it possible to migrate the device twin data when the changing hubs and change some of the values in the twin?
From experiments initialTwin is ignored when moving between hubs (as opposed to registered for the first time) which is not that unexpected.
Let's say that device d1 is provisioned to hub1 and its desired is
"desired" : {
"a": 1
Some time later d1 reprovisions and the allocation function is executed and it will move the device to hub2. I need the new desired to be:
"desired" : {
"a": 2

I have confirmed that when "re-provision and migrate data" the initialTwin will be ignored and that is by design.
An alternative is to query the latest twin from the device as part of custom allocation, add the new property and send it to DPS while choosing "re-provision and reset to initial config".


BLE kotlin .discoverServices() doesn't find any service

I implemented two different solution to discover service on my BLE device. One use a handler then return what .discoverService have found, the other one is really similar but give the size of the service discovered list that is always 0. I tried it with my realme buds 2 as test and some other device publically visible. The result is always 0. What can the problem be?
Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post {
var temp = bluetoothGatt?.discoverServices()
addGlog("discordservice() returned ${temp.toString()}")
addGlog("handler discover service reached an end")
val gattServices: List<BluetoothGattService> = gatt.getServices()
addGlog("Services count: " + gattServices.size)
for (gattService in gattServices) {
val serviceUUID = gattService.uuid.toString()
addGlog("Service uuid $serviceUUID")
edit: AddGlog is a simple log function to print results
answer: The code is not wrong but it take some time to discover those services so i put this code in a button. In this way there is 3-4 second of time between connecting with the device and make a discoveryservice operation. So a button make the conneting operations and another one the service discovery operations. I am sorry if my answer is pretty lame but I am still a noob on this topic

Am I able to view a list of devices by partition in iothub?

I have 2 nodes of a cluster receiving messages from iothub. I split their responsibility by partition. Node 1 reads from partitions 1,3,5,7,9 and the other 2,4,6,8, and 0. Recently, my partition 8 stops responding until I stop my code and restart it. It seems like a device is sending a message that locks up the partition. What I want to do is list all devices in my partition 8. Is that possible? Is there a cloud shell command to get those devices in a list?
Not sure this will help you, but you can see the partition on the incoming messages. For example you could use Azure Stream Analytics to see the partitions using this query:
Select GetMetadataPropertyValue(IoTHub, '[IoTHub].[ConnectionDeviceId]') as DeviceId, partitionId
from IoTHub
Also, if you run locally in VisualStudio it will tell you which device is sending malformed JSON. eg.
[Warning] 10/21/2021 9:12:54 AM : User Warning Source 'IoTHub' had 1 occurrences of kind 'InputDeserializerError.InvalidData' between processing times '2021-10-21T15:12:50.5076449Z' and '2021-10-21T15:12:50.5712076Z'. Could not deserialize the input event(s) from resource 'Partition: [1], Offset: [455266583232], SequenceNumber: [634800], DeviceId: [DeviceName]' as Json. Some possible reasons: 1) Malformed events 2) Input source configured with incorrect serialization format
Also check your "Activity Log" blade in the ASA job. It may have more details for you.

Movesense CustomGATT and ECG or Accelerometer

There have been a few posts on this issue without any solutions announced.
Wanting to access internal movesense sensor data (ECG, Acc…) but without using the Android or iOS platforms ( as suggested by a movesense presentation https://www.movesense.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/2018-11-06-Using-Movesense-CustomGATTService.pdf ), I have failed to do so for at least 1 week.
I can successfully create my own GATT characteristics and subscribe to them from outside the movesense device. This is easily done by augmenting the samples/custom_gattsvc_app with a few lines :
Definition :
const uint16_t myCharUUID16 = 0x2A58; // this new characteristic will appear in the service as the third one in the sample
In CustomGATTSvcClient::configGattSvc() :
WB_RES::GattProperty myCharProp = WB_RES::GattProperty::INDICATE;
myChar.props = wb::MakeArray<WB_RES::GattProperty>( &myCharProp, 1);
myChar.uuid = wb::MakeArray<uint8_t>( reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&myCharUUID16), 2);
customGattSvc.chars = wb::MakeArray<WB_RES::GattChar>(characteristics, 3); // 3 here since there are 3 characteristics now
You can now see and subscribe with a BTLE client (bluetility…) to the new service even if it does not do anything for now.
The problems start here for me :
In CustomGATTSvcClient::onGetResult() I try to force a subscription to ECG or Acc since onGetResult() is called by CustomGATTSvcClient::onPostResult() once all the BT services are created :
int32_t sampleRate = 10;
asyncSubscribe(WB_RES::LOCAL::MEAS_ACC_SAMPLERATE(),AsyncRequestOptions::Empty, sampleRate);
I do not implement onSubscribeResult()
In onNotify() you should be able to intercept the call from the whiteboard with the new data every 1/10 second by
switch (resourceId.getConstId()) {
// To see a blinking LED on each new Acc data
asyncPut(WB_RES::LOCAL::COMPONENT_LED(),AsyncRequestOptions::Empty, myFlippingBool);
myFlippingBool = ! myFlippingBool;
What I have observed :
A. When I asyncSubscribe() the ECG or Acc, the sample’s WB_RES::LOCAL::MEAS_TEMP::LID is no longer called and no updates are dispatched to a BT client even after a successful subscription to the 0x2A1C characteristic. This means that all Notifications are disabled by a resource conflict ?
B. When subscribing ( as before ) or even by :
wb::Result result = getResource("Meas/Acc/10", mMyAccResourceId);
result = asyncSubscribe(mMyAccResourceId);
The onNotify() method is never called as the LED does not blink ( even directly after onNotify() implementation without the switch / case )
There is a lack of documentation on CustomGatt and it seems it blocks many people in integrating the sensor on other platforms ( Raspberry Pi or generic processors running a BT stack ).
I have tried before to access the movesense platform with direct AT commands from a rudimentary microcontroller and a BT module without success (Movesense direct access to GATT endpoints ), so now I’m turning to a Raspberry solution + Qt without success.
Thank you for any example or answers to this question !
At least 10 Hz is not supported. What happens with Meas\Acc\13 ?

AUTOSAR configuaration - DCM module

I am stuck at a point where I am configuring the DCM module and the current parameter I am trying to configure DcmTimStrP2AdjustServer,
The requirement is P2CAN_SERVER_MAX = 25ms; P2STARCAN_SERVER_MAX = 5000ms;
Is DcmDspSessionP2ServerMax the same as P2CAN_SERVER_MAX? and if it is the same
What is the need for DcmTimStrP2AdjustServer and how do I find the best value for DcmTimStrP2AdjustServer.(The values all should be a multiple of DcmTaskTime which I find to be logical).
DcmTaskTime = 5ms;
I am following Autosar 4.0.3, using ETAS tool for configuring the parameters.
To fulfill your requirement, you need to configure respectively
DcmDspSessionP2ServerMax & DcmDspSessionP2StarServerMax for each session control in the DcmDspSessionRows at Dcm/DcmConfigSet/DcmDsp/DcmDspSession/.
DcmDspSessionP2ServerMax 25
DcmDspSessionP2StarServerMax 5000
There is no DcmTimStrP2AdjustServer, but I guess you're referring to DcmTimStrP2ServerAdjust instead. DcmTimStrP2ServerAdjust & DcmTimStrP2StarServerAdjust should be configured to a multiple of your DcmTaskTime (5ms in your case, so i.e. 5ms, 10ms, 15, ms, ... is applicable) and are used to safeguard that the response is available on the bus before triggering the P2 or P2* timeouts. In your case you may want to set these values to the same values as in the DcmDspSessionRows if there is no other specification given, because the chosen timeout values there are already multiples of your DcmTaskTime:
DcmTimStrP2ServerAdjust 25
DcmTimStrP2StarServerAdjust 5000
The adjust value is an internal value, in order to adjust the delay between the Dcm Transmit Request and the message being actually on the Bus.
The definition of P2ServerMax and P2*ServerMax and their corresponding Adjust values is the same:
This parameter is used to guarantee that the diagnostic response is available on the bus before reaching P2 by adjusting the current DcmDspSessionP2ServerMax. This parameter mainly represents the software architecture dependent communication delay between the time the transmission is initiated by DCM and the time when the message is actually transmitted to the bus

MQL4 How To Detect Status During Change of Account (Completed Downloading of Historical Trades)

In MT4, there exists a stage/state: when we switch from AccountA to AccountB, when Connection is established and init() and start() are triggered by MT4; but before the "blinnnggg" (sound) when all the historical/outstanding trades are loaded from Server.
Switch Account>Establish Connection>Trigger Init()/Start() events>Start Downloading of Outstanding/Historical trades>Completed Downloading (issue "bliinng" sound).
I need to know (in MQL4) that all the trades are completed downloaded from the tradeServer --to know that the account is truly empty -vs- still downloading history from tradeServer.
Any pointer will be appreciated. I've explored IsTradeAllowed() IsContextBusy() and IsConnected(). All these are in "normal" state and the init() and start() events are all fired ok. But I cannot figure out if the history/outstanding trade lists has completed downloading.
UPDATE: The final workaround I finally implemented was to use the OrdersHistoryTotal(). Apparently this number will be ZERO (0) during downloading of order history. And it will NEVER be zero (due to initial deposit). So, I ended-up using this as a "flag".
As the problem was posted, there seems no such "integrated" method for MT4-Terminal.
IsTradeAllowed() reflects an administrative state of the account/access to the execution of the Trading Services { IsTradeAllowed | !IsTradeAllowed }
IsConnected() reflects a technical state of the visibility / login credentials / connection used upon an attempt to setup/maintain an online connection between a localhost <-> Server { IsConnected() | !IsConnected() }
init() {...} is a one-stop setup facility, that is/was being called once an MT4-programme { ExpertAdvisor | Script | TechnicalIndicator } was launched on a localhost machine. This facility is strongly advised to be non-blocking and non-re-entrant. A change from the user account_A to another user account_B is typically ( via an MT4-configuration options ) a reason to stop an execution of a previously loaded MQL4-code ( be it an EA / a Script / a Technical Indicator ) )
start() {...} is an event-handler facility, that endlessly waits, for a next occurrence of an FX-Market Event appearance ( being propagated down the line by the Broker MT4-Server automation ) that is being announced via an established connection downwards, to the MT4-Terminal process, being run on a localhost machine.
A Workaround Solution
As understood, the problem may be detected and handled indirectly.
While the MT4 platform seems to have no direct method to distinguish between the complete / in-complete refresh of the list of { current | historical } trades, let me propose a method of an indirect detection thereof.
Try to launch a "signal"-trade ( a pending order, placed geometrically well far away, in the PriceDOMAIN, from the current Ask/Bid-levels ).
Once this trade would be end-to-end registered ( Server-side acknowledged ), the local-side would have confirmed the valid state of the db.POOL
Making this a request/response pattern between localhost/MT4-Server processes, the localhost int init(){...} / int start(){...} functionality may thus reflect a moment, when the both sides have synchronised state of the records in db.POOL