Unable to verify Request originated From Shopify - Cypress - automation

I'm trying to automate some testcases on Shopify store but i'm unable to do so. Here are screenshots [

I am not much into Cypress, but would changing a user agent be of any help? I know that in web crawling, this is done (in Scrapy), so just checking for the similar idea of whether changing the user agent be of any help here.


Can I open cypress test in a desired browser session?

I am new to cypress and I am trying to automate few things; rather than testing. Actually I am trying to make a simple comment bot in a desired website. My problem is that whenever I try to Login with cypress, it wants me to solve recaptcha. I know recaptcha is only meant for human to solve and so I am thinking, I would first login manually myself then run the cypress in that logged in browser session to automate few things; like commenting for example. This one also doesn't seem to possible with the cypress because they mention they clear all the browser session and storage while starting the test. So is there any workaround to it? Or any alternatives?

How can I possibly implement a VueJS app to Odoo?

I have to integrate a VueJS app in Odoo. I don't exactly know how I can achieve that?
I found this https://www.odooinvue.org/ (not my app, but an example app) . Still no idea on how can I implement odoo in Vue. Login gives me a Failed to Login error message in this example app.
Any idea how to implement odoo in vue??
Actually, odooinvue works fine. Read carefully the instructions, in development it shows how to start a traefik docker container in order to serve both odoo and Vue.js.
Note: If I am not wrong, the purpose is to use odooinvue as a pure frontend, so it's not really an integration, basically you build vuejs (quasar, specifically) apps with odoo used as a pure backend.
See also this answer, by odooinvue's author
I am the author of that project. Its really impossible to answer you without knowing what steps you have taken to setup the project, but for that error, make sure of the following:
The Odoo server is up and running in the backend and you can login.
When you login with the front-end Vue app, you are using credentials that you know are working.
If that fails, open the dev console of your browser and check the network log. Make sure that the authentication request is returning status code 200.
I know others that are using the project just fine without any issue, so I am going to assume that you need some technical help. Perhaps hire a software developer to assist you.

Run Axios Interceptor

Im trying to do the logs . However i follow this documentation
Im getting the same result but i wanted to ask how can i run it in vuejs like the picture shown? i only see the output in inspector in info. Kindly help how can i run this inceptor in my vuejs
Currently, your Vue app can only print logs to the client, thus, on each user browser's console.
If you need some kind of dashboard to aggregate all production logs, you'll have to consider adding another tool. Such tool will send via http requests all your logs to their own dashboard, which you can consult later to analyse every user's logs.
You may consider using Sentry for example.

Instagram API Register New Client Not Showing Captcha

So I'm trying to register a new client on the instagram API. I have a business account and have done the proper steps prior to this. Everytime I fill out the "Register New Client ID" form and submit it, I get an error "The captcha solution was not correct. Please try again." But no there is no captcha for me to fill out!! Looking at the console errors it says the CSP page setting's are blocking this source https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that has the captcha I need that's not appearing..lol.
Anyway, I've disabled all my content blocking settings and JS is enabled on firefox (oh I'm using firefox developer edition btw) and no change. I've also tried this in chrome and safari, no change. I don't have this issue with other sites that use captchas.
Anyone have any idea what's going on?
'preciate it!
Had the same issue here on Google Chrome. Used IE11 (version 11.345.17134.0 to be exact), and captcha displayed instantly. I've successfully registered a new client
I suggest to wait until Instagram team realizes to upgrade their whatever scripts & parameters.
I found myself in the same scenario:
I'm logged on Instagram
I land to instagram.com/developer/clients/register/ over Google Chrome 70.0.3538.102 (no extensions)
No captcha. And I get the following from the console:
ps: I tried figuring out how to submit this specific report, but after several searches I find myself loosing too much time... to make them aware.

Checking a list of logins on dropbox

I have a strange request for a project - we have a text file containing a list of login credentials for Dropbox for around 10 users. I have to validate their credentials automatically and notify the users if login fails with their credentials.
I've looked at the dropbox API, but that uses OAuth, which requires the user to manually fill in credentials, but that doesn't do the trick for me.
Is there a way for me to check if a bunch of logins? I've looked at the DropboxUpload repository on github, but it works fine for single user logins, but fails to achieve what I want when it comes to checking the same thing for multiple users.
Any help/leads on how I should go about proceeding with this would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks,
You can use dropbox webpage to check user credentials doing normal login/logout but in an automated way.
To create a "bot" which will login and logout and check if credentials are correct you can use Selenium.
Selenium is a framework for testing web page ui but it can also be used to create automated checker/tester/bot for what you need.
It is also possible to setup selenium in a such way that it will use renderless browser engine so no browser will be visible during test/check. This also speeds up the process of testing.
I hope this will help you if you'll not find any better way and can be used as a final solution since it is not the best way to check credentials