Is there a way to force Codeception to display the full debug output of an acceptance test instead of truncating it?
I have the --debug flag on and I'm seeing output in the console, but it truncates it like this
I wait for element "//*[#id="whole_subpanel_leads_ods_inventory"]//*/ul[#class="clickMenu fancymenu SugarActionMenu"]/li[#class="sugar_action_button"]/span[#class="suitepicon su..."
I want to see what's after su...
It saves the screenshot and the markup to the _output folder, but unfortunately not the full debug output.
Thank you
Output in terminal is truncated to fit into one line.
You can find full step output in HTML report, which is generated when --html parameter is used.
Alternatively you could use codecept_debug function to log parameter that you are passing to waitForElement method.
Evidence that steps aren't truncated in HTML report:
This is a slight repeat of How to capture page load times in Selenium-IDE using the app.telemetry page speed monitor
However, the answer in that post does not seem to work (or doesnt anymore), possibly because the storeEval command in Selenium IDE doesnt seem to exist anymore.
I'm trying to retrieve certain windows.performance values for webpages as Selenium IDE moves through them.
I have tried:
Command 'open' > Target ''
Command 'store value' > Target window.performance.timing['navigationStart'] > Value 'result'
Command 'echo' > Target ${result}
But I get:
Warning implicit locators are deprecated, please change the locator to id=window.performance.timing['navigationStart']
The above doesn't work, as obviously its not an id.
Am I using the wrong Command? Or have to enter additional target details? Or can it be done at all?
Use execute script instead:
Command Target Value
execute script return window.performance.timing['navigationStart'] result
echo ${result}
I have a jmx script which saves the results to a CSV file.
I need to see the 'failureMessage' field in the CSV especially when the 'success' column says 'false' as in the below example. But the failureMessage column always appear as blank irrespective in the csv
Example -
02/06/03 08:21:42|1187|Home|200|Thread Group-1|text|true|
02/06/03 08:21:42|47|Login|200|Thread Group-1|text|false|Test Failed: expected to contain: password etc.
I tried looking up the file to check the below which is set to true. But it still doesn't save the message to failureMessage in the csv.
assertion_results_failure_message only affects CSV output
I cannot reproduce your issue using:
Latest JMeter 5.2.1
With the default Results File Configuration
Running JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode
If you cannot see custom assertion failure messages your setup violates at least one of the above 3 points.
Try adding assertions with your requests and you will find it in your results in case of assertions getting failed.
When my logging system outputs the source and line number in the proper format (, it appears in the output console like a link you can click on, taking you to the corresponding line number of that source code, which works great. Except my logging system prints like a stack trace, a series of source location on a single line, like this:
date/time - a logging statement - ( ( (
The thing is that IntelliJ only makes the first one a link. The remaining ones don't become clickable links.
Is there a way to configure IntelliJ to scan all source location for each line in the console output, and not just the first one for each line?
This feature is not available at the moment and the progress can be tracked at:
Highlight links with multiple ( per line in the output console
I've got a visual studio 'web performance test' to run from the command line. The plan is to create a scheduled task to run this. How do i trigger an email on failure? Either I wire that logic up in the test itself or it's external and dependent on return code but i don't think there is a return value - i.e. failure is shown in output text or by checking the saved results file.
You can use the /resultsfile:[ file name ] option with mstest.exe to create a ".trx" file. Its contents is XML and it contains a section similar to:
<ResultSummary outcome="Completed">
<Counters total="1" executed="1" passed="1" error="0" failed="0"
timeout="0" aborted="0" inconclusive="0" passedButRunAborted="0"
notRunnable="0" notExecuted="0" disconnected="0" warning="0"
completed="0" inProgress="0" pending="0" />
(Extra white space added for clarity).
It should be a simple matter to examine the TRX file after the run and send an email if anything failed.
This question is more out of curiosity than purpose. Can we change the output of Rspec command, where it shows dots and Fs. For example, here is an output from one of my projects:
Finished in 0.27137 seconds
8 examples, 4 failures
Can we get Pass Failed Pass Failed Pass Failed Pass Failed instead of .F.F.F.F
You indeed can, check out the rspec wiki or google 'rspec progressformatter' -- here's one that does something very close to what you want.
Color might help a bit - add the alias spec=spec --color --format specdoc to your ~/.bashrc file.