Spec - horizontal panel with progress bar taking all the space in the middle - smalltalk

I want to create a row of three elements a label, a progressbar and a second label. To do this I've used this code:
(SpBoxLayout newLeftToRight
spacing: 15;
add: secondsPassed expand: false;
add: progressBar withConstraints: [ :constraints |
height: 10;
fill: false;
width: 280 ];
add: timeRemaining expand: false;
I've set the width constraint explicitly, but what I'd like to do is have it take up all the space between the two labels no matter how wide the row is.
So that it's width is flexible and the two labels are fixed.

basically, first and third are to be set as expand: false and second one as expand: true (which is the default).
For what you want, this should be enough:
(SpBoxLayout newLeftToRight
spacing: 15;
add: secondsPassed expand: false;
add: progressBar;
add: timeRemaining expand: false;
If you remove the width constraint there that should allow it to expand, since size is not fixed anymore. Also, take into account that in current implementation of SpBoxLayout, width and height cannot coexist, since they apply in different layout kinds:
width applies in horizontal (leftToRight) layouts
height applies in vertical (topToBottom) layouts.
Assuming you have the Gtk backend installed, this code:
presenter := SpPresenter new.
presenter application: (SpApplication new useBackend: #Gtk).
presenter layout: (SpBoxLayout newLeftToRight
borderWidth: 15;
spacing: 15;
add: (presenter newLabel label: 'One') expand: false;
add: (presenter newProgressBar fixedAt: 50 percent);
add: (presenter newLabel label: 'Two') expand: false;
presenter openWithSpec title: 'Example of Horizontal Layout'
Will produce this output:


Spec - how to change the color (or background color) of a presenter

I want to change the background color of a SpTextInputFieldPresenter
e.g. to provide a visual feedback of the input, I want to react to whenTextChangedDo: and change the background color of the field to show if the input is correct or wrong. I know this is not the best for everybody, but I still want to try it.
How can I do without hacking?
Spec previews the use of styles to change (up to a point) how a component looks.
Styles are added to an application (an instance of SpApplication or child of it) and can be used by any presenter that is part of the application.
Styles can be seen as CSS stylesheets, and in the case of Gtk they actually are CSS stylesheets, but in the case of Morphic backend they have a complete different implementation (you can see all properties you can define in the SpPropertyStyle hierarchy.
The following code will show how to
declare styles (in a scripting way, in a production scenario styles would be likely defined in a configuration for the application).
use them by adding or removing them.
app := SpApplication new.
"If using Morphic"
app addStyleSheetFromString: '.application [
.red [ Draw { #color: #red } ],
.green [ Draw { #color: #green } ]
"If using GTK (you need to choose one, both options are not possible at the same time)"
app useBackend: #Gtk.
app addCSSProviderFromString: '
.red { background-color: red }
.green { background-color: green }
presenter := SpPresenter new.
presenter application: app.
presenter layout: (SpBoxLayout newTopToBottom
add: (textPresenter := presenter newTextInput) expand: false;
addLast: (SpBoxLayout newLeftToRight
add: (presenter newButton
label: 'Red';
action: [ textPresenter removeStyle: 'green'; addStyle: 'red' ];
add: (presenter newButton
label: 'Green';
action: [ textPresenter removeStyle: 'red'; addStyle: 'green' ];
expand: false;
presenter asWindow
title: 'Example applying styles';
This will produce (with the Gtk3 backend) this output:

Cytoscape.js - create circular nodes with size

In cytoscape I'd like to create nodes that are circular, with the diameter depending on the node label (the label is centered in the node). I've set the following:
style: {
'shape': 'ellipse',
'width': 'label'
How do I get the height to depend on the width value? Setting 'height': 'label' sets the height to the height of the label.
If you can use a fixed-width font, then #BeerBaron's answer is best.
Alternatively, use the stylesheet you have in the OP:
style: {
'shape': 'ellipse',
'width': 'label',
'height': 'data(height)'
Update node heights as a step post-init, e.g.
cy.nodes().forEach(function( n ){ n.data('height', n.width()); });
You should probably preset data.height for each node to some default value at init to ease debugging (e.g. when you add new nodes later).
Depending on label lenght and font, you can set width and height in the javascript part that is appending nodes to the graph, and leave the rest of the style to the initialization of the engine.
For example:
group: 'nodes',
style: {
height: (10*label.lenght),
width: (10*label.lenght),

Extjs4 changing each bar color in bar chart

I have a bar chart and i want each bar to render in different color. So i tried using thems,
sample code is:
extend : 'Ext.chart.theme.Base',
constructor : function(config){
colors : ['#9CC5C9','#D5544F','#D5544F','#5288DB']
and my chart code is:
var tc = Ext.create('Ext.chart.Chart',{
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
width: 500,
height: 300,
animate : true,
insetPadding : 20,
theme: 'FancyTheme',
But all the bar colors are changing to same color i.e, to '#9cc5c9' in above example.
But i want bars to render in differnt colors as mentioned in theme. One more thing i dont want to use render function to render coloirs.
So wat is the soln to get different colors. Can anyone help me out!!
Sorry, but using a renderer is the correct solution. The colors property is used for successive series in a chart, such as multiple areas in the same plot space.
I don't understand why you don't want to use a renderer, but here's all you would need to do:
renderer: function(sprite, record, attr, index, store) {
var colors = ['#9CC5C9','#D5544F','#D5544F','#5288DB'];
return Ext.apply(attr, {
fill: colors[index % colors.length]
You can also extend Ext.chart.series.Bar. For example:
Ext.define('Ext.chart.series.MyBar', {
extend: 'Ext.chart.series.Bar',
//type: 'mybar',
alias: 'series.mybar',
getPaths: function() {
var items = this.items,
i, iLen = items.length,
colors = this.colorArrayStyle,
colorsLength = colors && colors.length || 0;
for (var i = 0; i < iLen; ++i) {
items[i].attr.fill = colors[i % colorsLength];
Then in series you should use mybar instead of bar.

How to add marker(label) on flotr2 bar stack?

I use flotr2, I wrote a test here.
If I want to show label on each bar stack, should I use "marker" type? and how do I use it.
I am new to flotr2, could you give me an good study article or docs, so I can study it.
Sorry if this question is stupid, but I am frustrated of looking for the example.
Yup, you can use the 'markers' attribute. You can actually just place this fragment after the bars type (you can use both at once):
markers: {
show: true,
position: 'ct',
However, there is a small problem with this. Flotr2 doesn't respect the stacked positions for markers, so the marker labels will end up in the wrong position.
To get around this, create some dummy data sets which are the summation of the stacks, and move the 'bars' and 'markers' to be directly specified on the separate data sources. The bit after the data is listed is just the "default" mode for each data source.
There are many quite useful opts for markers. See the library source.
Flotr.addType('markers', {
options: {
show: false, // => setting to true will show markers, false will hide
lineWidth: 1, // => line width of the rectangle around the marker
color: '#000000', // => text color
fill: false, // => fill or not the marekers' rectangles
fillColor: "#FFFFFF", // => fill color
fillOpacity: 0.4, // => fill opacity
stroke: false, // => draw the rectangle around the markers
position: 'ct', // => the markers position (vertical align: b, m, t, horizontal align: l, c, r)
verticalMargin: 0, // => the margin between the point and the text.
labelFormatter: Flotr.defaultMarkerFormatter,
fontSize: Flotr.defaultOptions.fontSize,
stacked: false, // => true if markers should be stacked
stackingType: 'b', // => define staching behavior, (b- bars like, a - area like) (see Issue 125 for details)
horizontal: false // => true if markers should be horizontal (For now only in a case on horizontal stacked bars, stacks should be calculated horizontaly)

When scrolling my dataview vertically, after releasing thumb it automatically scrolls back to the top

I have a dataview and when scrolling it vertically, after releasing thumb it automatically scrolls back to the top. Whereas with a list it would stay where you release the thumb.
Is this something inherent within a dataview component that cannot be avoided or is there some kind of configuration parameter I can tweak?
My current definition:
informationdataview = new Ext.DataView({
id: 'informationdataview',
itemSelector: 'div.thumb-wrap',
tpl: informationtpl,
autoHeight: true,
layout: 'fit',
store: myapp.stores.information,
scroll: 'vertical'
And it's the only item inside an Ext.Panel.
Thanks for any help.
Adding this code to my app.js file solved my similar problem:
Ext.define('Override.util.PaintMonitor', {
override: 'Ext.util.PaintMonitor',
constructor: function (config) {
return new Ext.util.paintmonitor.CssAnimation(config);
Ext.define('Override.util.SizeMonitor', {
override: 'Ext.util.SizeMonitor',
constructor: function (config) {
var namespace = Ext.util.sizemonitor;
if (Ext.browser.is.Firefox) {
return new namespace.OverflowChange(config);
} else if (Ext.browser.is.WebKit || Ext.browser.is.IE11) {
return new namespace.Scroll(config);
} else {
return new namespace.Default(config);
I had the same problem, which was fixed by putting the layout value for main Panel to hbox. This is already covered in a separate question, here.
I am sure that, there is scroll view configuration mistake. Refer here for a better solution.
UIScrollView Controller not scrolling fully
I am also faced same issue i got the solution. U have set snapboundary for dataview (i.e) set top and bottom as 0, and sibling component should be docked top if u have any. Important thing make height: 100% not in pixels
items: [{
xtype: 'selectfield',
docked: 'top'
}, {
xtype: 'dataview',
width: '100%',
bottom: 0,
top: 0,