vue 3 composition api, passing data and making it reactive - vue.js

In my component I have a simple select menu with two options ("all", and "Investment"). The idea here is to get an array of data from a composable, and display on screen each row of this data. If I select "all" in the menu it displays all rows, if I select "Investment" it will filter the data and display only those with == "usa".
Once I fetch the data and bring it into my component, if I console.log the data, it works fine. If I console.log the data after i filter it, I get an empty array.
I have then tried to hard code the data in my component and test the filter function, and it works fine. So the error comes from how I am getting my data and how I try to use it. I have tried to use different hooks such as onMounted, but was unsuccessfull.
Here is a minimalistic sample of my code.
Any suggestion or advice is more than welcome
The composable that fetches the data from my database looks like this:
import {ref} from 'vue'
import { projectFirestore } from '../firebase/config'
import { collection, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore";
const getActorDocs = () => {
const actorDocs = []
const error = ref(null)
const loadActors = async () => {
try {
const querySnapshot = await getDocs(collection(projectFirestore, "actors")); => {
} catch (err) {
error.value = err.message
return { actorDocs, error, loadActors}
export default getActorDocs
My component:
<div class="col-2">
<span class="lbl">MA</span>
<select v-model="selectedMA" class="form-select" >
<option value="all">all</option>
<option value="Investment">Investment</option>
<p v-for="obj in actorListTest2" :key="obj" :value="obj"> {{obj}} </p>
<script >
import {onMounted, onBeforeMount, ref} from 'vue'
import getActorDocs from '../../composables/getActorDocs'
export default {
const selectedMA = ref("Investment")
const error = ref(null)
const {actorDocs, loadActors} = getActorDocs()
var actorListTest1 = actorDocs
const actorListTest2 = ref([])
loadActors() // loads actors array into actorDocs
actorListTest2.value = actorListTest1
console.log(actorListTest1) // <----- prints correctly (see image below)
if(selectedMA.value === "all"){
actorListTest2.value = actorListTest1
actorListTest2.value = actorListTest1.filter(obj => {
return == selectedMA.value
console.log(actorListTest2.value) // <----- prints undefined !
return { error, selectedMA, actorListTest2}
This is the output of console.log(actorListTest1):
Then this is the output of console.log(actorListTest2) after filtering :

This is a known problem with console.log, it shouldn't be used to debug object values in real time.
actorDocs is not reactive and won't work correctly with asynchronous operations in Vue. Side effects are supposed to be done in lifecycle hooks, e.g.: mounted.
In current state getActorDocs isn't ready to be used with composition API because it's limited to follow promise control flow in order to avoid this race condition:
onMounted(async () => {
await loadActors();
A correct way to avoid this is to make actorDocs reactive array or a ref:
const actorDocs = reactive([]);
In case there's a need to access filtered value in side effect, e.g. console.log, this is done in a watcher
const actorListTest2 = computed(() => actorDocs.filter(...));
watch(actorListTest2, v => console.log(v));
onMounted(() => {


Nested useFetch in Nuxt 3

How do you accomplish nested fetching in Nuxt 3?
I have two API's. The second API has to be triggered based on a value returned in the first API.
I tried the code snippet below, but it does not work, since page.Id is null at the time it is called. And I know that the first API return valid data. So I guess the second API is triggered before the result is back from the first API.
<script setup>
const route = useRoute()
const { data: page } = await useFetch(`/api/page/${route.params.slug}`)
const { data: paragraphs } = await useFetch(`/api/page/${page.Id}/paragraphs`)
Obviously this is a simple attempt, since there is no check if the first API actually return any data. And it is not even waiting for a response.
In Nuxt2 I would have placed the second API call inside .then() but with this new Composition API setup i'm a bit clueless.
You could watch the page then run the API call when the page is available, you should paragraphs as a ref then assign the destructed data to it :
<script setup>
const paragraphs = ref()
const route = useRoute()
const { data: page } = await useFetch(`/api/page/${route.params.slug}`)
watch(page, (newPage)=>{
if (newPage.Id) {
paragraphs.value =
}, {
deep: true,
One solution is to avoid using await. Also, use references to hold the values. This will allow your UI and other logic to be reactive.
<script setup>
const route = useRoute()
const page = ref()
const paragraphs = ref()
useFetch(`/api/page/${route.params.slug}`).then(it=> {
page.value = it
useFetch(`/api/page/${page.value.Id}/paragraphs`).then(it2=> {
paragraphs.value = it2
You can set your 2nd useFetch to not immediately execute until the first one has value:
<script setup>
const route = useRoute()
const { data: page } = await useFetch(`/api/page/${route.params.slug}`)
const { data: paragraphs } = await useFetch(`/api/page/${page.value?.Id}/paragraphs`, {
// prevent the request from firing immediately
immediate: false,
// watch reactive sources to auto-refresh
watch: [page]
You can also omit the watch option there and manually execute the 2nd useFetch.
But for it to get the updates, pass a function that returns a url instead:
const { data: page } = await useFetch(`/api/page/${route.params.slug}`)
const { data: paragraphs, execute } = await useFetch(() => `/api/page/${page.value?.Id}/paragraphs`, {
immediate: false,
watch(page, (val) => {
if (val.Id === 69) {
You should never call composables inside hooks.
More useFetch options can be seen here.

At what point are props contents available (and are they reactive once they are)?

I pass data into a component via props:
<Comment :comment="currentCase.Comment" #comment="(c) => currentCase.Comment=c"></Comment>
currentCase is updated via a fetch call to an API during the setup of the component (the one that contains the line above)
The TS part of <Comment> is:
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Comment } from 'components/helpers'
import { ref, watch } from 'vue'
const props = defineProps<{comment: Comment}>()
const emit = defineEmits(['comment'])
const dateLastUpdated = ref<string>(props.comment?.DateLastUpdated as string)
const content = ref<string>(props.comment?.Content as string)
watch(content, () => emit('comment', {DateLastUpdated: dateLastUpdated, Content: content}))
... where Comment is defined in 'components/helpers' as
export class Comment {
DateLastUpdated?: string
Content?: string
public constructor(init?: Partial<Case>) {
Object.assign(this, init)
content is used in the template, but is empty when the component is rendered. I added a console.log() to check whether the props were known - and what is passed is undefined at that point:
▸ Proxy {comment: undefined}
When looking at the value of the props once the application is rendered, their content is correct:
"comment": {
"DateLastUpdated": "",
"Content": "comment 2 here"
My question: why is comment not updated when props are available (and when are their content available?)
I also tried to push the update later in the reactive cycle, but the result is the same:
const dateLastUpdated = ref<string>('')
const content = ref<string>('')
onMounted(() => {
dateLastUpdated.value = props.comment?.DateLastUpdated as string
content.value = props.comment?.Content as string
watch(content, () => emit('comment', {DateLastUpdated: dateLastUpdated, Content: content}))
Vue lifecycle creates component instances from parent to child, then mounts them in the opposite order. Prop value is expected to be available in a child if it's available at this time in a parent. If currentCase is set asynchronously in a parent, the value it's set to isn't available on component creation, it's a mistake to access it early.
This disables the reactivity:
content.value = props.comment?.Content as string
props.comment?.Content === undefined at the time when this code is evaluated, it's the same as writing:
content.value = undefined;
Even if it weren't undefined, content wouldn't react to comment changes any way, unless props.comment is explicitly watched.
If content is supposed to always react to props.comment changes, it should be computed ref instead:
const content = computed(() => props.comment?.Content as string);
Otherwise it should be a ref and a watcher:
const content = ref();
const unwatch = watchEffect(() => {
if (props.comment?.Content) {
content.value = props.comment.Content;

Vue composition api not working, data not set with the extracted data from the dabase

Trying out the Vue 3 composition API to write some better code but I cant get it to work as I wanted to work. I cant get the values to update with the values from the DB.
// component part
<SomeChildComponent :value="settings"/>
// script part
import { ref, onMounted} from 'vue'
export default {
setup() {
let settings = ref({
active : 1,
update : 0,
// this wont change the values
const getSettingsValues = async () => {
const response = await axios.get('/api/settings')// works =;//undefined
settings.update.value = 1;//undefined (even with hardcoded value)
[and more]
return { settings };
You're misplacing the field value when you use the ref property, it should be :;
settings.value.update= 1

reactive object not updating on event emitted from watch

i'm building a complex form using this reactive obj
const formData = reactive({})
provide('formData', formData)
inside the form one of the components is rendered like this:
this is the ComboZone render function:
setup(props: any, { emit }) {
const { t } = useI18n()
const { getters } = useStore()
const municipalities = getters['registry/municipalities']
const _provinces = getters['registry/provinces']
const _regions = getters['registry/regions']
const municipality = useModelWrapper(props, emit, 'municipality_p')
const province = useModelWrapper(props, emit, 'province_p')
const region = useModelWrapper(props, emit, 'region_p')
const updateConnectedField = (key: string, collection: ComputedRef<any>) => {
if (collection.value && collection.value.length === 1) {
console.log(`update:${key} => ${collection.value[0].id}`)
emit(`update:${key}`, collection.value[0].id)
} else {
console.log(`update:${key} =>undefined`)
emit(`update:${key}`, undefined)
const provinces = computed(() => (municipality.value ? _provinces[municipality.value] : []))
const regions = computed(() => (province.value ? _regions[province.value] : []))
watch(municipality, () => updateConnectedField('province_p', provinces))
watch(province, () => updateConnectedField('region_p', regions))
return { t, municipality, province, region, municipalities, provinces, regions }
useModelWrapper :
import { computed, WritableComputedRef } from 'vue'
export default function useModelWrapper(props: any, emit: any, name = 'modelValue'): WritableComputedRef<any> {
return computed({
get: () => props[name],
set: (value) => {
console.log(`useModelWrapper update:${name} => ${value}`)
emit(`update:${name}`, value)
problem is that the events emitted from useModelWrapper update the formData in the parent template correctly, the events emitted from inside the watch function are delayed by one render....
Use watchEffect instead of watch
...with the caveat that I haven't tried to reproduce, my guess is that you're running into this issue because you're using watch which runs lazily.
The lazy nature is a result of deferring execution, which is likely why you're seeing it trigger on the next cycle.
Runs a function immediately while reactively tracking its dependencies and re-runs it whenever the dependencies are changed.
Compared to watchEffect, watch allows us to:
Perform the side effect lazily;
Be more specific about what state should trigger the watcher to re-run;
Access both the previous and current value of the watched state.
found a solution, watchEffect wasn't the way.
Looks like was an issue with multiple events of update in the same tick, worked for me handling the flush of the watch with { flush: 'post' } as option of the watch function.
Try to use the key: prop in components. I think it will solve the issue.

Vue Composition API reactivity doesn't work properly

I am using Vue2, Vuetify, Vue Composition API(#vue/composition-api)
The problem I faced is that composition api reactivity doesn't work properly.
Let me show you some code
---- companies.vue ----
import { useCompanies } from '#/use/companies'
export default {
setup: (_, props) => {
const {
} = useCompanies(context)
return {
---- #/use/companies.ts ----
import { ref } from '#vue/composition-api'
export const useCompanies = (context: any) => {
const { emit, root } = context
const companies = ref([])
const loadingCompanies = ref(false)
const getCompanies = async () => {
if (loadingCompanies.value) { return }
try {
loadingCompanies.value = true
companies.value = (await root.$repositories
// This log works properly. It logs company list once received
// But even after this async function is finished, companies and loadingCompanies are not updated automatically
} catch (err) {} finally {
loadingCompanies.value = false
return {
I tried with both ref and reactive.
But reactivity for whatever inside companies.vue doesn't work.
I resolved the issue.
The issue was that company variable instance was created in 2 places(one for create company dialog and one for table), so changes in one place(create company dialog) didn't affect to the other(table).