How to Hash a Password with the Event Subscriber Typeorm - passwords

quick question:
I have searched through StackOverflow and havent seen a direct question like this, also google seems to not give a good answer.
I am using Nestjs and Typeorm and am attemtping to hash a password using the EventSubscriber().
Here is the Code:
export class UserSubscriber implements EntitySubscriberInterface<User> {
private iterations = Number(process.env.PASSWORD_ITERATIONS);
// eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/ban-types
public listenTo(): Function | string {
return User;
public afterLoad(
entity: User,
event?: LoadEvent<User>,
): Promise<any> | void {}
public beforeInsert(event: InsertEvent<User>): Promise<any> | void {
const { password } = event.entity;
const salt = crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex');
const hash = crypto
.pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, this.iterations, 32, 'sha512')
event.entity.password = [salt, hash].join('$');
I am attempting to hash the password beforeInsert, and then set it as the user's password. Pretty easy stuff. I just wanted to ensure that the way I did it here would be the best way. It works, but I am worried about resetting the event.entity.password like I am doing.
any feedback would be appreciated, and if this is not the place for this question please let me know and I will move it. :) thanks!

you can do it inside your Entity definition by using #BeforeInsert() hooks
export class JohnEntity {
hashPassword() {
const hashedPassword = hashMyPass(this.password);
this.password = hashedPassword;
#Column('text') password: string;
I write it down here and maybe it has errors. try to write it yourself.
it will work very well for hashing passwords or anything.


singleton object in react native

I'm new in react native.I want store multiple small small strings to common singleton object class and want to access it from singleton object for all component. Can anyone help me singleton object implementation for react native.
Component 1 -- Login button -- >> success --> need to store userID into singleton object.
Component 2 --> get stored userID from singleton object. How can i implement it.
Here is a simple way of doing it...
export default class CommonDataManager {
static myInstance = null;
_userID = "";
* #returns {CommonDataManager}
static getInstance() {
if (CommonDataManager.myInstance == null) {
CommonDataManager.myInstance = new CommonDataManager();
return this.myInstance;
getUserID() {
return this._userID;
setUserID(id) {
this._userID = id;
And here is how to use it...
import CommonDataManager from './CommonDataManager';
// When storing data.
let commonData = CommonDataManager.getInstance();
// When retrieving stored data.
let commonData = CommonDataManager.getInstance();
let userId = commonData.getUserID();
Hope this works out for you :)
I suggest making a static class that stores data using AsyncStorage.
You mentioned in a comment that you are already using AsyncStorage, but don't like spreading this functionality throughout your app. (i.e. try-catches all over the place, each component needing to check if a key is available, etc.) If this functionality were in a single class, it would clean up your code a lot.
Another bonus to this approach is that you could swap out the implementation pretty easily, for example, you could choose to use an in-memory object or AsyncStorage or whatever and you would only have to change this one file
NOTE: AsyncStorage is not a safe way to store sensitive information. See this question for more info on the security of AsyncStorage and alternatives.
That said, this is how I imagine a global data holder class might look:
export default class dataManager {
static storeKeyValue(key, value) {
// your choice of implementation:
// check if key is used
// wrap in try-catch
// etc.
static getValueForKey(key) {
// get the value out for the given key
// etc...
Then to use this class anywhere in your app, just import wherever it's needed like so:
import dataManager from 'path/to/dataManager.js';
// store value
dataManager.storeKeyValue('myKey', 'myValue');
// get value
const storedValue = dataManager.getValueForKey('myKey');
EDIT: Using Flux, Redux, or a similar technology is probably the preferred/suggested way to do this in most cases, but if you feel the Singleton pattern works best for your app then this is a good way to go. See You Might Not Need Redux
There is a workaround for this, react native packager require all the modules in the compilation phase for a generating a bundle , and after first require it generates an internal id for the module, which is from then on referenced in the whole run-time memory , so if we export an instance of a class from the file, that object will be referenced every-time whenever that file is imported .
Solution I :
class abc {
module.exports = new abc()
Solution II : I assume you want to get your strings which are static and wont change , so you can declare them as static and access them directly with class name
FYI :this works with webpack also.
I might be too late for this, but I might as well share my own implementation based on Yeshan Jay's answer.
export default class Data {
static instance = null;
_state = {};
static get inst() {
if (Data.instance == null) {
Data.instance = new Data();
return this.instance;
static get state() {
return Data.inst._state;
static set state(state) {
Data.inst._state = state;
static setState(state) {
Data.inst._state = {...Data.inst._state, ...state}
And here's how you use it. It's pretty much mimicking React Component's state behavior, so you should feel at home with little to no adjustment, without the need to frequently modify the Singleton to add new properties now and then.
import Data from './Data'
// change the whole singleton data
Data.state = { userId: "11231244", accessToken: "fa7sd87a8sdf7as" }
// change only a property
Data.setState ({ userId: "1231234" })
// get a single property directly
console.log("User Id: ", Data.state.userId)
// get a single property or more via object deconstruction
const { userId, property } = Data.state
console.log("User Id: ", userId)
TS Class Example:
export class SingletonClass
private static _instance: SingletonClass;
public anyMetod(_value:any):any
return _value;
public static getInstance(): SingletonClass
if (SingletonClass._instance == null)
SingletonClass._instance = new SingletonClass();
return this._instance;
throw new Error("Error: Instantiation failed: Use SingletonClass.getInstance() instead of new.");

How to do WaitAll with Akka.Net?

I have a hierarchy of actors in Akka.Net and am wondering whether I've chosen the right way to do something, or if there are better/simpler ways to achieve what I want.
My specific example is that I'm constructing a User actor in response to a user logging into the system, and when constructing this actor there are two pieces of data I need in order to complete the construction of the actor.
If this were regular .NET code I might have something like the following...
public Task<User> LoadUserAsync (string username)
IProfileService profileService = ...;
IMessageService messageService = ...;
var loadProfileTask = profileService.GetUserProfileAsync(username);
var loadMessagesTask = messageService.GetMessagesAsync(username);
Task.WaitAll(loadProfileTask, loadMessagesTask);
// Now construct the user from the result of both tasks
var user = new User
Profile = loadProfileTask.Result,
Messages = loadMessagesTask.Result
return Task.FromResult(user);
Here I use WaitAll to wait for the subordinate tasks to complete, and let them run concurrently.
My question is - if I wanted to do the same in Akka.Net, would the following be the most regular way to do this? Pictorially I've created the following...
When I create my User actor, I then construct a (temporary) User Loader Actor, whose job it is to get the full user details by calling to the Profile actor and the Messages actor. The leaf actors that get the data are as follows...
public class UserProfileLoader : ReceiveActor
public UserProfileLoader()
Receive<LoadUserRequest>(msg =>
// Load the user profile from somewhere
var profile = new UserProfile();
// And respond to the Sender
public class UserMessagesLoader : ReceiveActor
public UserMessagesLoader()
Receive<LoadUserRequest>(msg =>
// Load the messages from somewhere
var messages = new List<Message>();
// And respond to the Sender
It doesn't really matter where they get the data from for this discussion, but both simply respond to a request by returning some data.
Then I have the actor that coordinates the two data gathering actors...
public class UserLoaderActor : ReceiveActor
public UserLoaderActor()
Receive<LoadUserRequest>(msg => LoadProfileAndMessages(msg));
Receive<UserProfile>(msg =>
_profile = msg;
Receive<List<Message>>(msg =>
_messages = msg;
private void LoadProfileAndMessages(LoadUserRequest msg)
_originalSender = Sender;
private void FinishIfPossible()
if ((null != _messages) && (null != _profile))
_originalSender.Tell(new LoadUserResponse(_profile, _messages));
private IActorRef _originalSender;
private UserProfile _profile;
private List<Message> _messages;
This just creates the two subordinate actors, sends them a message to get cracking, and then waits for both to respond before sending back all the data that's been gathered to the original requestor.
So, does this seem like a reasonable way to coordinate two disparate responses, in order to combine them? Is there an easier way to do this than craft it up myself?
Thanks in advance for your responses!
Thanks folks, so I've now simplified the actor significantly into the following, based on both Roger and Jeff's suggestions...
public class TaskBasedUserLoader : ReceiveActor
public TaskBasedUserLoader()
Receive<LoadUserRequest>(msg => LoadProfileAndMessages(msg));
private void LoadProfileAndMessages(LoadUserRequest msg)
var originalSender = Sender;
var loadPreferences = this.LoadProfile(msg.UserId);
var loadMessages = this.LoadMessages(msg.UserId);
Task.WhenAll(loadPreferences, loadMessages)
.ContinueWith(t => new UserLoadedResponse(loadPreferences.Result, loadMessages.Result),
TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent & TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously)
private Task<UserProfile> LoadProfile(string userId)
return Task.FromResult(new UserProfile { UserId = userId });
private Task<List<Message>> LoadMessages(string userId)
return Task.FromResult(new List<Message>());
The LoadProfile and LoadMessages methods will ultimately call a repository to get the data, but for now I have a succinct way to do what I wanted.
Thanks again!
IMHO that's a valid process, as you fork action and then join it.
BTW you could use this.Self.GracefulStop(new TimeSpan(1)); instead of sending poison pill.
You could use a combination of Ask, WhenAll and PipeTo:
var task1 = actor1.Ask<Result1>(request1);
var task2 = actor2.Ask<Result2>(request2);
Task.WhenAll(task1, task2)
.ContinueWith(_ => new Result3(task1.Result, task2.Result))
Receive<Result3>(msg => { ... });

Custom OpenIdClient for Customer URL in MVC 4

I'm working with the default template for MVC 4 and trying to add my own openID provider for example to the list of openID logins and an openID box where the user can type in their openID information.
To add Google I just un-comment
as for other custom solutions you can do something like
OAuthWebSecurity.RegisterClient(new SteamClient(),"Steam",null);
The trouble I have is creating SteamClient (or a generic one) doesn't show anywhere to change the URL.
I think the reason I could not find the answer is that most people thought it was common sense. I prefer my sense to be uncommon.
public class OidCustomClient : OpenIdClient
public OidCustomClient() : base("Oid", "http://localhost:5004/") { }
Based on #Jeff's answer I created a class to handle Stack Exchange OpenID.
OAuthWebSecurity.RegisterClient(new StackExchangeOpenID());
public class StackExchangeOpenID : OpenIdClient
public StackExchangeOpenID()
: base("stackexchange", "")
protected override Dictionary<string, string> GetExtraData(IAuthenticationResponse response)
FetchResponse fetchResponse = response.GetExtension<FetchResponse>();
if (fetchResponse != null)
var extraData = new Dictionary<string, string>();
extraData.Add("email", fetchResponse.GetAttributeValue(WellKnownAttributes.Contact.Email));
extraData.Add("name", fetchResponse.GetAttributeValue(WellKnownAttributes.Name.FullName));
return extraData;
return null;
protected override void OnBeforeSendingAuthenticationRequest(IAuthenticationRequest request)
var fetchRequest = new FetchRequest();
Retrieving extra data:
var result = OAuthWebSecurity.VerifyAuthentication();

Generate test data in Raven DB

I am looking for a preferred and maintainable way of test data generation in Raven DB. Currently, our team does have a way to do it through .NET code. Example is provided.
However, i am looking for different options. Please share.
public void Execute()
using (var documentStore = new DocumentStore { ConnectionStringName = "RavenDb" })
documentStore.Conventions.DefaultQueryingConsistency = ConsistencyOptions.QueryYourWrites;
// Override the default key prefix generation strategy of Pascal case to lower case.
documentStore.Conventions.FindTypeTagName = type => DocumentConvention.DefaultTypeTagName(type).ToLower();
Edit: Raven-overflow is really helpful. Thanks for pointing out to the right place.
Try checking out RavenOverflow. In there, I've got a FakeData project that has fake data (both hardcoded AND randomly generated). This can then be used in either my Tests project or the Main Website :)
Here's some sample code...
if (isDataToBeSeeded)
public static void CreateSeedData(IDocumentStore documentStore)
using (IDocumentSession documentSession = documentStore.OpenSession())
// First, check to make sure we don't have any data.
var user = documentSession.Load<User>(1);
if (user != null)
// ooOooo! we have a user, so it's assumed we actually have some seeded data.
// We have no users, so it's assumed we therefore have no data at all.
// So let's fake some up :)
// Users.
ICollection<User> users = FakeUsers.CreateFakeUsers(50);
StoreFakeEntities(users, documentSession);
// Questions.
ICollection<Question> questions = FakeQuestions.CreateFakeQuestions(users.Select(x => x.Id).ToList());
StoreFakeEntities(questions, documentSession);
// Make sure all our indexes are not stale.
public static ICollection<Question> CreateFakeQuestions(IList<string> userIds, int numberOfFakeQuestions)
.... you get the idea .....

Using selenium with Dynamic values

I am working with Selenium RC.
I am giving the data manually to selenium.Like below
But, my doubt is is there any way to get the data dynamically? Here I am giving my Name directly into selenium.type();
Is there any way to retrieve username and password from other place like textfile or excel file?
Any help?
Short answer - YES.
Longer answer - You need to program it. So it is not possible using Selenium IDE, but you can use Selenium Webdriver. I am doing this in Java, so I will post you little snippets of my code, how do i do it.
1) I have special Java Class to hold the user information:
public class EUAUser {
private String username;
private String password;
private boolean isUsed
public EUAUser(String uname, String pwd){
this.username = uname;
this.password = pwd;
isUsed = false;
public String getPassword(){
return password;
public String getUsername(){
return username;
public void lockUser(){
isUsed = true;
2) Then I have UserPool to hold all users. So far because I need only 5 different users, I do it by quick and dirty approach:
public class UserPool {
private List<EUAUser> userList = new ArrayList<EUAUser>();
public UserPool(){
userList.add(new EUAUser("firstUser","a"));
userList.add(new EUAUser("MyUsername", "a"));
userList.add(new EUAUser("TestUser", "a"));
userList.add(new EUAUser("TSTUser2", "a"));
public EUAUser getNextUser() throws RuntimeException {
for(EUAUser user: userList){
if (!user.isUsed()){
return user;
throw new RuntimeException("No free user found.");
3) In tests I have something like this
UserPool pool = new UserPool();
EUAUser user = pool.getNextUser();
selenium.type("id=username", user.getUserName());
selenium.type("id=password", user.getPassword());"id=login");
The above code does
Add all known users to the UserPool
Retreive one free user from the pool
logs him into the app under username and password
In my case its really quick and dirty approach, but you can have list of users in file and load them into the UserPool using fileReader or something. Just giving you idea how you can do this ;)