hide a column in vue database using checkbox - vue.js

I made some code that hides a column by clicking on a checkbox and saves the changes to localstorage. The data is coming from a database so I have only 1 row line. My issue is when I refresh the page the header info is hiding itself which is good, but the rest of the lines are coming back. I would like to hide all of the column not just the header.
You can see on the image only the headers are not there after refreshing the page.
mounted() {
// "data-control-column" is a custom data attribute added to the html checkboxes
// when a check box changes loop through all, for any that are unchecked, add that checkbox's "data-control-column" value to our array
var states = [];
if(!$(this).is(':checked')) states.push($(this).data('control-column'));
// when we need to set the sate of the UI, loop through the checkboxes checking if their "data-control-column" are in the "states" array
// if so, hide the specified column and uncheck the box
function setSates(states){
if(!$.isArray( states )) states = JSON.parse(states); // if sates came from localstorage it will be a string, convert it to an array
var column =$(this).data('control-column');
if($.inArray( column, states ) == -1){
$(this).attr('checked', true);
$('#myTable td:nth-child('+column+'), #myTable th:nth-child('+column+')').show();
$(this).attr('checked', false);
$('#myTable td:nth-child('+column+'), #myTable th:nth-child('+column+')').hide();
localStorage.setItem('states', JSON.stringify(states));
// this will read and set the initial states when the page loads
setSates( localStorage.getItem('states') );
My database:
data() {
return {
hidePreLoader: true,
price: '',
purchase_price: '',
selling_price: '',
products: {},
tableOptions: {
tableName: 'products',
columns: [
title: 'lang.item_image',
key: 'image',
type: 'images',
source: '/uploads/products',
imagefield: 'imageURL',
sortable: false,
{title: 'lang.attribute_values', key: 'attribute_values', type: 'text', sortable: true},
{title: 'lang.quantity', key: 'test', type: 'text', sortable: true},
{title: 'lang.barcode', key: 'bar_code', type: 'text', sortable: true},
{title: 'lang.sku_2', key: 'sku_2', type: 'text', sortable: true},
{title: 'lang.sku_3', key: 'sku_3', type: 'text', sortable: true},
{title: 'lang.sku_4', key: 'sku_4', type: 'text', sortable: true},
{title: 'lang.selling_price', key: 'selling_price', type: 'text', sortable: true},
{title: 'lang.receiving_price', key: 'purchase_price', type: 'text', sortable: true},
formatting : ['selling_price','purchase_price'],
source: '/products/variantDetails/' + this.id,
and the checkbox:
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" data-control-column="1" class="opt" />{{ trans('lang.item_image') }}


Client side Sorting with server side Pagination in Quasar

I have a table displaying search results with server side Pagination but when I click the columns, there is no sorting taking place and the server displays the results again for any of the column arrow clicks. Is there any way I can limit the pagination to take place only for the page arrows in the footer and then sorting to take place for the displayed results when i click the columns?
:title="Patient result"
data() {
return {
filter: '',
columns: [
name: 'patientId',
required: true,
label: 'patientId',
align: 'left',
field: row => row.patientId,
format: val => `${val}`,
sortable: true,
name: 'lastname', align: 'center', label: 'lastname', field: 'lastname', sortable: true,
name: 'firstname', align: 'center', label: 'firstname', field: 'firstname', sortable: true,
name: 'dob', align: 'center', label: 'dob', field: 'dob', sortable: true,
page: 1,
rowsInPage: 25,
computed: {
serverPagination() {
return {
sortBy: this.paginationObject.sortBy,
descending: this.paginationObject.descending,
page: this.paginationObject.page,
rowsNumber: this.patientSearchResults.count,
rowsPerPage: this.paginationObject.rowsPerPage,
paginationObject: {
sortBy: 'name',
descending: false,
page: 1,
rowsPerPage: 25,
methods: {
request(props) {
this.$store.dispatch('patientSearch/setPaginationObject', props);
Use sort-method. You can write a custom function where you can pass the rows(Not all but according to pagination i.e. if the selected page is 1 the rows will be 0-5 from your array. Here I'm guessing the default visible rows will be 5.)
Check out this API reference - https://quasar.dev/vue-components/table
In QTable API, you will find the details about this method.

vue good table - 3 requests to the service

I use vue-good-table object to render table in Vue.js. I use paging and sorting serverside.
My code:
<vue-good-table v-if="authorizations"
enabled: true,
mode: 'pages',
nextLabel: 'następna',
prevLabel: 'poprzednia',
ofLabel: 'z',
pageLabel: 'strona',
rowsPerPageLabel: 'wierszy na stronie',
allLabel: 'wszystko',
dropdownAllowAll: false
enabled: true,
initialSortBy: {
field: 'id',
type: 'asc'
export default {
name: 'AuthoritiesAdministration',
components: {},
data() {
return {
totalRecords: 0,
serverParams: {
columnFilters: {},
sort: {
field: 'id',
type: 'asc'
page: 1,
perPage: 10
rows: [],
columns: [
label: 'ID',
field: 'id',
type: 'number',
tdClass: 'vue-good-table-col-100'
label: 'Data wystawienia',
field: 'issueDate',
formatFn: this.formatDate,
tdClass: 'vue-good-table-col-200',
label: 'Nazwa operatora',
field: 'operator',
sortable: true,
formatFn: this.formatOperatorName,
label: 'Login',
field: 'operator.login'
label: 'Spółka',
field: 'company.description',
type: 'text',
label: 'Data ważności',
field: 'endDate',
type: 'text',
formatFn: this.formatDate,
label: 'Akcje',
field: 'btn',
tdClass: 'vue-good-table-col-250',
sortable: false
methods: {
updateParams(newProps) {
this.serverParams = Object.assign({}, this.serverParams, newProps);
onPageChange(params) {
this.updateParams({page: params.currentPage});
onPerPageChange(params) {
perPage: params.currentPerPage
onSortChange(params) {
sort: {
type: params[0].type,
field: params[0].field
onColumnFilter(params) {
loadAuthorizations() {
getAllAuthorizationsLightWithPagination(this.$store.getters.loggedUser.token, this.serverParams).then(response => {
this.totalRecords = response.data.totalRecords;
this.rows = response.data.authorizations;
}).catch(err => {
this.$showError(err, true);
I have noticed that there are sent 3 requests to the server instead of 1: there are called methods like onPageChange, onPerPageChange and onSortChange but only the first time when my page is loaded. It is unnecessary. I have one method in "mounted" section where I load the first 10 results (sorting and paging by default). It's common, well-known problem with vue-good-table? Or maybe should I add an additional flag to not to invoke these 3 methods unnecessarily when the page is loaded?
Your onSortChange method is called at the table loading because you made a initialSortBy with specific values. To remove this calling juste remove
initialSortBy: {
field: 'id',
type: 'asc'
from you table configuration, but your sort will not be set, so I think this should be a legit function call.
The onPerPageChange and onPageChange are triggered by the config below
enabled: true,
just remove the colon before pagination-options to have a config like this
enabled: true,

Format output row data in Vue Good Table

I've built a Vue.js component. I have a vue-good-table, where it fetches data from the server. I need to format the output data. Now the data comes with numbers. For example: it's show number 1 as a value. Instead of "1" it has to be ITEM1, for 2 - ITEM2 and so on.
<script type="text/javascript">
import config from '../main.js'
import moment from 'moment'
export default {
components: {
return {
items: [],
columns: [
label: 'Number',
field: 'number',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Number'
label: 'Name',
field: 'name',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Name'
label: 'Validity Date',
field: 'validitydate',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'dd/mm/yyyy'
label: 'Authority',
field: 'authority',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Authority'
label: 'Status',
field: 'status',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Status'
label: 'Structure',
field: 'structure',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Structure'
label: 'Type',
field: 'type',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Type'
label: 'National',
field: 'isnational',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'National'
json_meta: [
"key": "charset",
"value": "utf-8"
methods: {
computed: {
formattedItems () {
if (!this.items || this.items.length === 0) return []
return this.items.map(item => {
return {
validitydate: item.validitydate === null ? null :
I need to do it for columns Authority, Status, Structure, Type and National.
For Authority: 1 - ITEM1, 2 - ITEM2, 3 - ITEM3
For Status: 1 - Status1, 2 - Status2, 3 - Status3
And so on.
I was wondering for using Map as a way to make it. However, I am not very sure how.
vue-good-table supports a column proprty called formatFn where you can format the data before it shows up on the column.
// in your columns
label: 'Authority',
field: 'authority',
type: 'String',
filterable: true,
placeholder: 'Authority',
formatFn: this.formatAuthority,
// in your methods
methods: {
formatAuthority(value) {
return `ITEM ${value}`;
you can see the documentation here:

how to put some value in to combobox dropdown list without adding it in to the store?

my bbox config :
xtype: 'combobox',
editable: false,
store: 'my.store',
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'id',
name: 'rule',
fieldLabel: 'Rule',
allowBlank: true
my model:
Ext.define('rule', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
idProperty: 'id',
fields: [
{name: 'id', type: 'int'},
{name: 'json', type: 'string'},
{name: 'json2', type: 'string'}
my store:
Ext.define('Et.store.odinkod.Rules', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
pageSize: 50,
proxy: {
headers: {'hash': 'hashnumber1'},
type: 'rest',
url: 'api/rule',
reader: {type: 'json', root: 'data'},
writer: {type: 'json', root: 'data'}
listeners: {
load: function() {
if(count == 0){
var instance = Ext.create('Et.model.rule', {
id: '',
accountHash: '',
name: 'Always',
json: '',
uiJson: '',
comment: ''
autoLoad: true,
autoSync: true,
model: 'rule'
so i want to see additional "name" field in the dpopbox without making new record
i can solve my problem if i do "add" method at the store. but thats bad way for me
You cannot use the normal way to add the new item to the store. It will sync with the DB because of your configs autoLoad: true, autoSync: true to the store.
You still can achieve your goal by directly handle the Element of the dropbox, even with the DOM of the dropbox (try Component.getEl().dom). However it is just work-around and is not recommended because the store may fire errors when loading/syncing and/or you will get the data duplicated when the dropbox re-render itself after any actions cause store load.

Setting the reader on a extjs store

I have a store on extjs4 that return a list of objects, and i want to set the reader property to be able to count the elements so i can use paging afterward.
For reference, the example that extjs use already comes with a count property(totalCount) and the type of object listed(topics), while mine dont have it, just the list.
for reference:
Also, in my code the grid doesnt recognize the limit of results per page, but the paging toolbar does:
var sm = Ext.create('Ext.selection.CheckboxModel');
Ext.define('Cliente', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [{
name: 'ID',
type: 'int'
}, {
name: 'Nome',
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'Email',
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'RazaoSocial',
type: 'string'
}, {
name: 'TipoDeCliente',
type: 'string'
idProperty: 'ID'
var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
pageSize: 3,
model: 'Cliente',
remoteSort: true,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: 'http://localhost:4904/Cliente/ObterClientes',
extraParams: {
nome: '',
tipopessoa: '',
email: '',
cpf: '',
estado: '',
cidade: '',
cep: ''
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'data'
simpleSortMode: true
sorters: [{
property: 'Email',
direction: 'DESC'
var pluginExpanded = true;
var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
width: 500,
height: 250,
title: 'Array Grid',
store: store,
selModel: sm,
loadMask: true,
viewConfig: {
id: 'gv',
trackOver: false,
stripeRows: false
columns: [{
id: 'gridid',
text: "ID",
dataIndex: 'ID',
hidden: true
}, {
text: 'Nome',
width: 150,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'Nome'
}, {
text: 'Tipo de Cliente',
width: 100,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'TipoDeCliente'
}, {
text: 'Email',
width: 150,
sortable: true,
dataIndex: 'Email'
bbar: Ext.create('Ext.PagingToolbar', {
store: store,
displayInfo: true,
displayMsg: 'Exibindo clientes {0} - {1} of {2}',
emptyMsg: "Nenhum cliente"
renderTo: 'clientes',
The store needs the total count to calculate the paging parameters and to show the total. Your server side implementation must change to add that count with your data.
Also load the data like this store.load(); instead of loadPage.
EDIT: you also have an extra comma here: renderTo: 'clientes', I would suggest running your code through JSLint.