Lots of warning messages in hive cli after removing jndiLookup Class - hive

After removing JndiLookupClass from the classpath under $HIVE_HOME/lib/log4j-core-2.6.2.jar we are getting multiple warnings when we open hive cli and also while running the queries.
PFA error lines.
2021-12-17 18:47:32,880 main WARN JNDI lookup class is not available because this JRE does not support JNDI. JNDI string lookups will not be available, continuing configuration. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.JndiLookup
We have tried commenting the line #appenders = console, DRFA in log4j2.properties file present under $HIVE_HOME/conf but still the issue is persisting.
There are no updates in the official documentation of hive.
Can someone help with the fix.
Is there any way to suppress the warning messages as it is hampering the output.


Proper way of avoiding deprecated code warning

I use CompUnit::PrecompilationStore::File in a module, which passes all my tests under Rakudo v2022.02 (on my local machine I have not yet upgraded Raku).
Under Rakudo v2022.06, zef test . in the module directory causes a deprecation error (see details below) (reported to me in an issue on the module's github repo).
Simply replacing File with FileSystem in the relevant line locally now causes errors under Rakudo v2022.02.
What is the best way of handling this situation in the Module?
Details of error
Pod::From::Cache] Saw 1 occurrence of deprecated code.
[Pod::From::Cache] ================================================================================
[Pod::From::Cache] Use of the 'CompUnit::PrecompilationStore::File' class seen at:
[Pod::From::Cache] /Users/coke/sandbox/raku-pod-from-cache/lib/Pod/From/Cache.rakumod (Pod::From::Cache), line 46
[Pod::From::Cache] Please use the 'CompUnit::PrecompilationStore::FileSystem' class instead.
[Pod::From::Cache] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[Pod::From::Cache] Please contact the author to have these occurrences of deprecated code
[Pod::From::Cache] adapted, so that this message will disappear!
Run your code with the RAKUDO_NO_DEPRECATIONS environment variable set.

Connection to flow server got closed. See the output for more information

I got this error message when using React Native on vscode. Is there a way to fix it?
[Error - 2:57:25 PM - MyRealmApp\.flowconfig] Error loading flow using option 'useNPMPackagedFlow'
Pkg flow-bin not found in c:\Users\ReactNativeProjects\MyRealmApp
[Error - 2:57:25 PM - MyRealmApp\.flowconfig] Error loading flow using option 'pathToFlow'
'flow' not found
[Info - 2:57:25 PM - MyRealmApp\.flowconfig] Falling back to bundled flow.
[Info - 2:57:27 PM - MyRealmApp\.flowconfig] Using flow 'c:\Users\.vscode\extensions\flowtype.flow-for-vscode-1.9.2\node_modules\flow-bin\flow-win64-v0.107.0\flow.exe' (v0.107.0)
.flowconfig:28 Unsupported option specified! (format.bracket_spacing)
[Error - 2:57:28 PM] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted.
Basically this issue was caused by not having installed the same version of flow-bin as declared in the .flowconfig of the projects.
Now what you have to do to fix that, is to maintain coherence in the current .flowconfig of the project in your VS Code.
How to do that?
You can just do the below thing and it will fix your issue. If you don't have a yarn, then use npm in place of yarn.
yarn global add flow-bin#version
npm run ios or npm run android
The above will help you fix the issue, but you will always have to check whether they are getting pointed to the same version. In order to fix it stably, you can do the following:
In your VS Code settings you need to point flow.pathToFlow to your workspace node_module:
// settings.json
"flow.pathToFlow": "${workspaceFolder}/node_modules/.bin/flow",
${workspaceFolder} is a special variable provided by VS Code and it always points to the current project folder. You can find it in the variables reference page of the official docs.
You can prefer to use the local Flow module because this way you can ensure that the installed version and the configured one in .flowconfig always match even when you switch projects.
There is an extra setting for that: flow.useNPMPackagedFlow, just set it to true and you are done (no need to change flow.pathToFlow)

IntelliJ issues error for 'false' value in yaml

Whenever in .yml file that I have a false property value I am getting a inspection error from IntelliJ. This happened only recently, I am using IntelliJ 2019.3.5
Invalid value 'false', must be one of off|on|true|true
Inspection info: Checks Spring Boot application .yaml configuration files. Highlights unresolved and deprecated configuration keys and invalid values.
The application runs fine but I'd like to know what causes this and if I should turn the inspection off.
Please always try the latest available product version before reporting bugs.
The issue seems to be fixed and not reproducible in the current IDE release.
The better place to report IntelliJ IDEA bugs would be YouTrack.

Icinga2 object ApiUser is unknown

I need help understanding an error why I'm seeing an error.
The feature api is already enabled with the correct ApiListener object, and Api logs are being updated in /var/lib/icinga2/api/log/current .
But I'm getting this error when I restart icinga2:
Error: Error while evaluating expression: The type 'ApiUser' is unknown: in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf: 1:0-1:20
I'm running version r2.3.10-1 of Icinga2 on Ubuntu.
Can someone explain what the problem is?
You are probably mixing the current snapshot packages with the released stable versions. The 'ApiUser' object is part of the upcoming Icinga 2 v2.4 release and only available in git master (and therefore snapshot packages as well as docs). The stable 2.3.x tree does not have that kind of configuration object type and therefore bails out with an error.
Remove that file or its content, you don't need it for 2.3.x.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.activemq.util.IdGenerator

I am trying to use ActiveMQ 5.10.0 with SoapUI 4.6 and Hermes 1.14. I get the error below when I try and add a queue. I presume Hermes can't find the type IdGenerator in any of the loaded jars. Which are:
Does anyone know where this class is defined? I looked for activemq-util.jar in the binary distribution but I did not find such a file.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.apache.activemq.util.IdGenerator
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.getClientIdGenerator(ActiveMQConnectionFactory.java:969)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.createActiveMQConnection(ActiveMQConnectionFactory.java:363)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.createActiveMQConnection(ActiveMQConnectionFactory.java:331)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.createActiveMQConnection(ActiveMQConnectionFactory.java:303)
at org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(ActiveMQConnectionFactory.java:260)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionManagerSupport.createConnection(ConnectionManagerSupport.java:147)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionManagerSupport.createConnection(ConnectionManagerSupport.java:92)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionSharedManager.reconnect(ConnectionSharedManager.java:81)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionSharedManager.connect(ConnectionSharedManager.java:91)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionSharedManager.getConnection(ConnectionSharedManager.java:104)
at hermes.impl.jms.ConnectionSharedManager.getObject(ConnectionSharedManager.java:142)
at hermes.impl.jms.ThreadLocalSessionManager.connect(ThreadLocalSessionManager.java:190)
at hermes.impl.jms.ThreadLocalSessionManager.getSession(ThreadLocalSessionManager.java:570)
at hermes.impl.jms.AbstractSessionManager.getDestination(AbstractSessionManager.java:460)
at hermes.impl.DefaultHermesImpl.getDestination(DefaultHermesImpl.java:367)
at hermes.browser.tasks.BrowseDestinationTask.invoke(BrowseDestinationTask.java:141)
at hermes.browser.tasks.TaskSupport.run(TaskSupport.java:175)
at hermes.browser.tasks.ThreadPool.run(ThreadPool.java:170)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
This is very old but in case anyone else is trying to get this spun up... don't use the built in HermesJMS that comes with SoapUI. Apparently there's a bug in it that doesn't play nice with ActiveMQ v5.8 and following [I tried 5.11 & 5.13 and had the issue. The cheating fix is to install the standalone [I had to get it from sourceforge].
The sourceforge jar is installed with [assuming version 1.14]: java -jar hermes-installer-1.14.jar
Once installed you can tie this version to soapui or launch it with the bat/sh file. I still had issues with ActiveMQ version 5.13 but version 5.11 worked for me.
The IdGenerator class is located in the activemq-client jar. Here is the result of a search in the source tree:
There's been no recent changes so I'd guess that the error is misleading and that it's actually some other missing dependency that's being loaded when the class is created. Is there more information in the log or a 'caused by exception' ?
For whom it may interest. This is kind of common issue I come accross from time to time. I call it jar version incompatibility. I was getting exception in title and other funny exceptions when using latest (but not actively developed) hermes 1.14 and currently latest Apache Active MQ 5.14. I've found out after a long struggle that it is fixed by using an older version of Active MQ - like 5.3.